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  3. NWA news and notes 9-13-2012


By Bill Behrens



BOOKINGS SITE www.sbibookings.com

BILL BEHRENS ON TWITTER https://twitter.com/WilliamBehrens



Classic NWA Wildside Episodes are now being posted at www.nwawildside.com.

Episode #95 taped in 2002 is online.

SHOW #95






NWA Wildside featured stars like Current TNA Heavyweight Champion, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (TNA/WCW), Ron Killings (WWE/TNA), Abyss (Justice) (TNA), Jimmy Rave (TNA), Amazing Red (TNA), Tony Mamaluke (WWE/WCW/TNA), Air Paris (WCW), Hotstuff Hernandez (TNA), David Young (TNA), Kenn Phoenix (Kenn Doane/Dykstra) (WWE), Luke Hawx (Altar Boy Luke) (WSX), Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) (WWE), Delirious (ROH), Mike Posey (WWE/TNA), “The Original Gangsta” New Jack (ECW/TNA) and many more.  NWA Wildside served a development promotion for WCW and featured stars like The Beast (Bob Sapp), David Flair, Tank Abbott, Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire, Elix Skipper, Jimmy Yang and many more.  Wrestling legends like Dusty Rhodes, Dory Funk, Jr., Terry Taylor, Larry Zbsyzko, James E Cornette, The Rock & Roll Express (Ricky & Robert), Abdullah The Butcher, and many more all appeared on NWA Wildside TV.

The NWA Wildside announce team featured Dan “The Dragon” Wilson, Steven Prazak, Scott Hudson, Steve Martin, Bill Behrens, Al Getz, Chris Cruise & others.

Classic NWA Wildside DVD’s are now available at www.sbibookings.com   .  Relive the excitement of one of the most talked about independent promotions in professional wrestling, NWA Wildside!

AllDVD’s may be purchased by using your PayPal account and using the “Send Money” option to showbis@aol.com. Each LAST RITES 2005, FREEDOM FIGHT 2004 or HARDCORE HELL 2005 PT 1 or 2DVDis only $10, shipping included!

And WILDSIDE TV episodes are available for $5 each or 3 for $10 on DVD with shipping included for free.

Write to Show Business, Inc at ShowBis@aol.com  for info on how to order by mail and on how to order any of the over 300 episodes of NWA Wildside TV, or write to PO Box 941787 Atlanta, GA 31141.

YOUTUBE CHANNEL – NWAWILDSIDE http://www.youtube.com/user/nwawildside

This week … a VERY special episode of IN THE ROOM on WEXP 1600 AM Philly and www.thebradyhicks.com, as Brady Hicks welcomes TNA stars AJ Styles (for the second time) and Crimson IN THE ROOM to talk all about the progress TNA has been making, as well as to hype up their appearances at Lockdown this past Sunday night in Nashville. In addition, Brady, Derrick, and Mr. Akbaz talk lots of Brock Lesnar, TNA Lockdown, WWE bringing up young stars to Smackdown, and so much more. Special thanks to TNA for allowing its talent to once again step IN THE ROOM … and to AJ and Crimson for being candid and outspoken. And thank you to the listeners … as always … for the support!

For a direct link to the show:


Using the destroyer, PATRICK BENTLEY as BENT def SLIM J, representing NWA Anarchy, at the TNA House Show in Gainesville, GA at the Georgia Mountains Center on 9-8-12 in the opening match.   This was a return match in the Mountains Center for both who last wrestled each other there in 2007 for NWA Anarchy



Congratulations to JOHN JOHNSON who was named BEST ANNOUNCER for 2011 in the Georgia Wrestling History Awards


ANARCHY eps  345 at www.nwaanarchy.net

SHOW #674-345









4236 Level Grove Rd.  Cornelia, GA


Sept 22

Oct 13

Oct 27 – Fright Night

Nov 10

Nov 24

Dec 8

Dec 22

Dec 29 – Christmas Chaos





September 8 NWA Anarchy Report from Cornelia, GA

From Larry Goodman:

NWA Anarchy taped two hours of television at the NWA Arena in Cornelia, GA on September 8, featuring a reunion of TNA’s Gunner making another return to the building from which his stardom was launched as Phil Shatter.

The show succeeded on the strength of the main events. The second hour main, featuring the reunion of Gunner and Murphy (Mikael Judas, hit a home run with the fans. It was the perfect way to balance the NWA Elite’s shenanigans in the first hour main. Several other matches were OK enough in the ring, but nothing else really resonated that strongly. There were no vignettes due to technical problems. What else is new?

Attendance at the NWA Arena was 85 — not as bad as it could have been given that they were running head to head with the TNA show in Gainesville just 20 miles away.

Heel color commentator, John Johnson introduced himself as the special guest ring announcer. Play by play man, Tim E. D said there was nothing special about Johnson and introduced an unnamed female (Lace) as the ring announcer for the evening. Lace had a rough night ahead of her.

(1) Joey Rhymer won a seven man mega rumble to become the number one contender for the Young Lion’s Championship (11 minutes). Blake Wilder and Bu Ku Dao, two Luke Hawx trainees from NWA Wildkat, did two minutes of choreography. Tommy Penirelli and partner CB Suave. The New Orleans guys teamed up against Penirelli and Gibson. Brandon Parker made Dao the first to go. The three heels eliminated Wilder just as Rhymer entered. He took a beating but survived until Vandal and Najasism evened up the sides. They’re going to need to put a skirt on Rhymer if he keeps throwing those sissy punches. Rhymer and Najasism eliminated Penirelli with a double dropkick. Vandal and Suave went out together. The final entrant, Andrew Pendleton III eliminated Najasism and it was down to Rhymer, Parker and AP3. Parker and AP3 rushed at Rhymer, who pulled the ropes down. Parker put on the brakes but AP3 shoved him over the top. The usually crafty AP3 charged again like a dimwit and Rhymer again pulled the ropes down to spill him out. The stealth push for the underdog teenager was cute for a while, but it has now jumped the shark.

Miss Rachael introduced her personal hero (and evil general manager) Jerry Palmer. Palmer said he was going to provide Rhymer with a top tier opponent and if he beat him, then Rhymer would be top tier. Leading to…

(2) Se7en (with Jeff G. Bailey) defeated Joey Rhymer in 2:30. Your child abuse special for the evening. Rhymer got in not one blow. Se7en crushed the kid with a powerslam but refused to allow the pin. Rhymer tried to claw his way out of the ring. Se7en would have none of that and put him away with a second powerslam.

The geek squad came out to tend to Rhymer, but AP3 pushed them out the way so he could add insult to injury…rather injury to injury…with the Stock Market Crash.

(3) Steven Walters defeated John Skyler in 9:32. Walters was fresh off a successful three month tour of Great Britain with All Star Wrestling. Skyler hasn’t been around much, but the Anarchy fans still hate him. This was a solid back and forth match, but one that had no storyline implications. Walters hit an enzuirgiri followed by a dragon suplex for a good near fall. Skyler was in a state of disbelief when Walters kicked out of Sliced Bread #2, so he went for it again. Walters slipped out of it. Skyler tried for another of his pet moves, the slingshot spear, but Walters blocked it and gave him a piledriver for a potent finish.

(4) Jacoby Boykins defeated Bu Ku Dao in 3:13. Little Dao was bouncing off of Boykins. Dao avoided a splash and that just pissed JB off. Boykins put Dao in the paper shredder with power move upon power move, using a spinning powerslam for the win. Boykins was livid when Lace twice announced him as the winner and pronounced his name wrong both times.

(5) Bobby Moore defeated Seth Delay in 7:23. Moore used a sleeper to wear Delay down. Moore nutted himself on Delay’s knees and it was comeback time. Delay’s top rope elbow drop missed, and Moore loaded his elbow pad. Moore went for the kill, but Delay ducked and rolled him up for a near fall. Shortly thereafter, Moore managed to get referee Ken Wallace turned around so he could put Delay’s lights out with the loaded elbow.

Postmatch – Moore sang the Barney song to Delay while stomping the crap out of him, then did the ugliest swivel hips spot in wrestling history.

(6) Urban Assault Squad (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis with Jerry Palmer) defeated Slim J & Stryknyn in 11:40. Slim came out as a solo. UAS had him cornered when the returning Styrknyn came to his rescue for a big pop. Slim and Stryk put Nemesis in the torture chamber. They busted out the Hate Junkies boot party on Jackson, whose facial expressions are off the charts. He did this great jelly legs sell of a jawjacker that was one for the ages. UAS had Slim in a world of hurt. He hit Screwdriver on the Rocks on Nemesis and made the tag, but referee Brent Wiley conveniently missed it. The Elite have Wiley in their hip pocket. As Wiley was admonishing Stryk for getting in the ring, Jackson gave Slim an illegal 1031. Nemesis covered and Wiley turned around to make the three count.

Postmatch – Granny got in Palmer’s face. Palmer baited Granny until she slapped him. Palmer ran to the ramp with a look of shock on his face and his hat all cockeyed. The fans chanted “Granny” while the old lady stood on her chair with his arms raised. Fun stuff.

(7) Anthony Henry defeated Jacob Ashworth in 6:54. The big man was giving Henry a ferocious beating early on. But Henry out chopped Ashworth, landed a top rope double to the back and then hit a springboard tornado DDT for a two count. Ashworth went for the elevated full nelson face plant. Henry nicely reversed out of it and tried for his cloverleaf submission, but Ashworth fought it off. Ashworth hit the elevated full nelson but Henry kicked out. Henry ducked Ashworth’s latest finisher, the short arm clothesline, and rolled him up. The finish would have been more impactful if fans recognized that Ashworth was going for his finisher, but he’s on his third finishing move in as many months.

Johnson claimed Henry used tights and Ashworth was the real winner. Johnson said as Director of Talent Relations, he was extending an invitation to Ashworth to join his family. Bad timing if you ask me. Adding a guy that just lost does not bode well for Johnson’s stable. Ashworth accepted. Johnson brought out his future tag team champions, Penirelli and Suave, two of the losers in the jobber rumble. Johnson said Suave was a Hollywood star and would make his prime time television debut in “Steel Magnolias” on October 7 (Suave was an extra in the film). Johnson then brought out his crown jewel, Young Lion’s Champion Adrian Hawkins for a match that could only be won by submission.

(8) Adrian Hawkins (with Johnson & Ashworth & Penterelli & Suave) defeated Sergeant Socorro in a submission match at 7:30 to retain the Young Lion’s Championship. Socorro is another of Hawx’s guys from NWA Wildkat. Hawkins bailed out at the first hint of pressure. Hawkins then tossed Sarge out so Johnson’s dog pack could do their dirty work. Hawkins worked on Sarge’s leg to set up the sharpshooter. Sarge came back with a Samoan drop and locked in a crossface chickenwing, but Hawkins hooked the ropes with his foot. Moments later, Hawkins applied the sharpshooter and Sarge tapped. Yet another bad sign for Johnson’s stable — he picks the stipulation and his crown jewel still has a tough time beating a nobody.

Luke Hawx came out to help Socorro to the back.

(9) Mikael Adryan & Brodie Chase & Billy Buck & Gunner defeated Jagged Edge & Bo Newsom & Shaun Tempers & Jacoby Boykins (with Jeff G. Bailey) in 18:26. This was slated as a 6 man tag. Judas noted that Bailey had brought 4 men and said he had asked a friend of his to hang around for a few hours….out came Gunner to a response befitting a conquering hero. Buck capitalized on his opportunity to shine. Anarchy Heavyweight Champion Tempers wanted no part of number one contender Chase. Newsom took the beating in his place. Judas dared Jagged Edge to tag in. Judas gave Newsom the corner clothesline from hell. Poor Bo. Newsom was fortunate enough to see Buck’s superkick coming and scrambled for a tag. Edge and Judas squared off. A stalemate more or less. More will come of this in due time. Buck was the babyface in peril. Nobody on the Anarchy roster does it better. Gunner took the hot tag and cleaned house on Tempers, Newsom and Boykins. Jagged Edge stunned Gunner with a blow from behind, but got cut off by a high boot from Judas. Gunner and Judas sent Jagged Edge over the top rope with a hellacious double clothesline. It looked like Jagged cracked his jaw on the ring apron on the way down. Judas gave Tempers a wicked corner clothesline. Gunner then speared Tempers out of his boots. The champion was destroyed. Chase was summoned into the ring to apply the finishing touch – a butterfly DDT. Under penalty of death, Judas forced referee Wiley to make the three count.

Postmatch, the winners shared a serving of the dreaded NWA Arena nachos in the ring. Gunner made a slow circuit around the ringside area to hobnob with the fans. He appeared to be enjoying every moment of it.



Leadership Shake Up at RPW

From Larry Goodman:

Jimmy Rave is out as the booker at NWA Rampage Pro Wrestling. RPW Owner Dr. Johnny Gayton has decided to go with Murder One as his booker and Ben Masters as his promoter.


Sept 23

Oct  7

Oct 28 Doctoberfest




PRESS RELEASE……Rampage Pro Wrestling Renaissance continues with a Super Sunday TV Spectacular on Sunday, September 23 at 3 pm at Johnny G’s Fun Center on Russell Parkway in Warner Robins, GA. The Main Event will feature a “Next Chance Over-the-top-rope Battle Royal” with the winner of the match getting the next title opportunity for the RPW belt of his choice. The Battle Royal participants will include;  JROD, CRU JONES, MURDER ONE, AJ STEELE, DOC GAYTON, COREY HOLLIS, KYLE MATTHEWS, HIT FOR HIRE BOBBY MOORE, ZANE DAWSON, “ADONIS” with Miss Allie, OFFICER CHRIS JACOBS, CHARLIE DREAMER, SHAWN BANKS, MARVELOUS MICHAEL STEVENS, ADORABLE ANTHONY ANDREWS and more!!

The RPW HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP will go up for grabs as the new champion, “BIG LG,” LUKE GALLOWS with Mgr. Charlie Cash returns to defend his coveted title and belt against the number one contender and former champion, MICAH TAYLOR.

The RPW TELEVISION TITLE will be contested between the champion MIKE POSEY and the challenger CHIP DAY.

There will be a special MEET AND GREET with The Living Legend MR. WRESTLING #2 at Johnny G’s from 2:00-3:00 pm the day of the event!

Tickets are Golden Circle Front Row seats $10 General Admission adults $8 and kids $5. Card Subject to Change! Come out and be a PART of the NEW RPW! Watch RAMPAGE PRO WRESTLING TV Saturdays on Fox 24 at 9 am, My41.2 at 10 am, and Cox 11 at Noon as well as Thursdays at 8 pm. Rampage Rewind can be seen on Cox 11 M W F at 5 pm and Fri and Sat at 11:30 pm. My41.2 TV Sundays at 12:30 pm.

You DO NOT want to miss this huge event!! This is the NEW RPW!!! Come out and be a PART of the action!!


Watch RPW TV each Saturday on Macon’s Fox 24 at 9:00AM and MY41.2 at 10AM and Cox Communications Cable 11 in Middle Georgia Thurs 8PM & Sat noon or anytime at www.rampageprowrestling.net , plus Rampage Rewind on Cox Communications Cable 11 M, W, & F 5PM Fri & Sat 11:30PM & My41 Sat noon and at  http://highspots.tv/category/video/free-videos/


WPLA-AM 1670 Fox Sports Saturday 10AM hosted by SAL RINAURO & MICHAEL STEVENS


NWA Rampage Website:


Rampage Pro Wrestling TV Taping 9-9-12

If you missed Rampage Pro Wrestling today then you missed another hot show that saw the return of Tracy Taylor and the Peach’s division as well as the return of one of Georgia’s top tag teams. It was a hot day, but inside Johnny G’s we had a full house for Rampage Pro Wrestling. Another big and lively crowd.

Match 1: Tracy Taylor vs. Pandora

Winner: Taylor by pin fall (6:21). This was a rampage rewind exclusive. Taylor got the pin fall with an inside cradle. Pandora is a new face in R.P.W. and she didn’t care much for the Rampage faithful. The crowd was on fire for the entire match and solidly behind Tracy. A lot of welcome back chants.

Ringside interview with Dan Masters, Ben Masters, & the legendary Thunderbolt Patterson to start the taping. It is announced that wrestling legend Mr. Wrestling II will be at R.P.W. on September 23rd.

Match 2:

A.J. Steele w/ Dr. Johnny Gayton vs. Shawn Hunter

Winner: Steele by pin fall (2:42) A.J. got the pin fall victory in this quick match after showing a great amount of strength by hitting Hunter with a Steel City Bomb. A.J. called for Murder-1 many times during the match. Hunter is relatively new face in R.P.W., but he was known by many of the fans, but he was no much for the power of the dark city resident.

In-ring interview with Dan Masters & Cash Vault. Charlie Cash talked about his recent capturing of the R.P.W. heavyweight championship thanks to the big L.G., Luke Gallows. He says the T.V. title is next on his list.

Match 3:

Leon McMichaels vs. Micah Taylor

Winner: Taylor by submission (4:59). Taylor forced McMichaels to tap out with the

crossface. Taylor was dominate throughout the match and is out to show why he is the #1 contender for the R.P.W. heavyweight championship.

Match 4:

Charlie Dreamer vs. “Officer” Chris Jacobs

Winner: Jacobs by pin fall (4:08). Jacobs got the pin fall victory after a running knee lift. Jacobs is 2-0 after suffering a defeat to Murder-1 on Augst 12th. Dreamer is a new face in R.P.W. and his look reminded most of the fans of a certain “One man band” of the WWE.

Ringside interview with Dan Masters & Tracy Taylor. They talked about the Peach’s division.

Match 5: N.W.A. R.P.W. Tag Team Championship Match

(C) Cash Vault (“Hit for Hire” Bobby Moore & Zane Dawson w/ Charlie Cash) vs. Murder-1 & J-Rod.

Winners: Cash Vault by pin fall to retain (11:29). Cash Vault got the win after Zane Dawson hit J-Rod with a lariat while wearing the loaded elbow pad. The referee was distracted by a very irate Dr. Gayton while this was going on.

Ringside interview with Dan Masters & B.F.F. They talked about the upcoming tag team match with A.J. Steele & Dr. Gayton as well as the gifts they’ve received as of late.

Taping 2

Ringside with Dan Masters & Kyle Matthews. Matthews is disappointed that he can’t be heavyweight champion again because of the new weight limits, but he says he will beat Luke Gallows whether it’s for a belt or not. He also promises that he will hold a title again in R.P.W.

Match 1:

Steven Stiles vs. Micah Taylor

Winner: Taylor by submission (5:29). Another good win for Taylor on his way to challenging for the heavyweight title. Taylor forced Stiles to tap with the crossface.

Match 2:

“Wildchild” Joey Kidman & “The Real Deal” Jake Slater vs. Hot Like Lava (Shaun Banks & Cru Jones)

Winners: Hot Like Lava by pin fall (11:14).

Match 3: N.W.A. R.P.W. Television Championship Match

(C) Mike Posey vs. Corey Hollis w/ Chip Day

Winner: Posey by pin fall to retain (12:00). Posey got the pin fall victory with a roll up with a hand full of tights. Day was very vocal at ringside throughout the match and was none to pleased with Posey at the way he won the match.

Match 4:

B.F.F. (“Marvelous” Michael Stevens & “Adorable” Anthony Andrews) vs. Dr. Johnny Gayton & A.J. Steele

Winners: B.F.F. by count out (12:33). B.F.F got he count out victory after the referee went down and Murder-1 & J-Rod hit the ring and fought with Doc & A.J. to the back. B.F.F. then woke the ref up who counted Doc & A.J. out.

Post-match the mystery man who’s been delivering the B.F.F.’s gifts came to the ring and caught the attention of the B.F.F. The Exotic Ones (Simon Sermon & Tommy Too Much) then hit the ring and brutally attacked the B.F.F. Both Marv & Andrews ended up getting laid out with a boot. Sermon then kissed both Stevens & Andrews and called them the fake Exotic Ones as he was leaving.

Match 5: Adonis w/ Miss Aliie vs. Kyle Matthews

Winner: Adonis by pin fall after a spinebuster (11:47). Kyle had the match won after a Slurpee Kick, but Allie distracted referee Dustin Robinson. The crowd was none to pleased with Allie’s distraction.

Rampage Pro Wrestling returns to Johnny G’s on September 23rd with a Next Chance Battle Royal where the winner will receive a title shot as well as an appearance by Mr. Wrestling II. Also R.P.W. is holding a very special benefit show for Mrs. Lynn Helms on Thursday October 18th. Bell time is 7:30 P.M.




ProSouth Wrestling

627 Southern Avenue

Piedmont, AL 36272

Tickets are $6 and free for children under 5. Doors open at 6:00 and bell time is at 7:00. For more information, call (256) 447-3825.

ProSouth Heavyweight Champion: Ace Haven

ProSouth All-Out Champion: D2daC

ProSouth Tag Team Champions:  De La Vega & Erik Jones

NWA ProSouth Pulse 9/9/2012

More Uprising fallout on the road to the Battle Rumble!

The second attempt at a Mayoral Debate, this time moderated by Mike Posey was unsuccessful. Mike Posey, who was clearly biased to Stupid, ultimately attacked Jed Johnson! As the two-on-one beatdown started, Tyler Gage hit the ring and challenged Stupid to a rematch! Commissioner Terry Batey came to the ring and announced Posey vs Jed for later, and Gage vs Stupid now, with the added stipulation that if Stupid lost, he would be #1 in the Rumble!

“Future Classic” Tyler Gage pinned Stupid (w/Tweety) with the spinebuster for the win! Stupid will now be #1 in the 2012 Battle Rumble!

Dakota Outlaw was victorious over Crash Test Dummy, winning with the katahajime!

Jed Johnson defeated the returning Mike Posey even with Stupid running in to assist Posey! A Sliced Jed off Stupid onto Mike Posey gave Jed the victory!

All-Out Champion D2daC defended his title for the second time against “The Prodigy” Daniel Alexander! Even with Dakota Outlaw ringside and DA’s trusty chair, D2daC was able to land the Superman Splash for the victory and retained the All-Out Title!

“The Last Hero” Ace Haven (w/Amy Haven) defended his ProSouth Championship against former champion Kyle Matthews in our main event! After both men matched each other with submission holds and counters, N-Justice attacked Matthews and Haven for the Double Disqualification! Terry Batey came to the ringside and decided that Haven & Matthews would team up to take on N-Justice!

N-Justice lost to Ace Haven & Kyle Matthews after Haven pinned Brandon Collum! The night wasn’t over as Daniel Alexander and Dakota Outlaw attacked Matthews & Haven! N-Justice members Big Tomb & Daniel Alexander joined in the beatdown! Attempted saves by D2daC, Tyler Gage, and Jed Johnson all failed! Total Justice, Jed Johnson, and Ace Haven were all left laying by the newly united EPIC Alliance and N-Justice!



#1: Stupid (w/Tweety)

Lamar Phillips

Brandon Collum

Crash Test Dummy


Steven Michaels

“The Prodigy” Daniel Alexander

Dakota Outlaw

Jed Johnson

De La Vega

Erik Jones


Lamar Phillips

Big Tomb

#20: “Future Classic” Tyler Gage

With five more confirmed names adding to our previous ten, the total now rises to fifteen! With only five spots left, who will be added?

Action Wrestling





Les Thatcher Seminar – Saturday, October 13 at 9:00am at Deep Southern Championship Wrestling LLC




Latest episode at:  http://www.youtube.com/alternativepro

APW has live events each Friday at the Cherry Street Gym in Royston, GA 8PM Belltime.




APE Results 9-7-12

Wade Adams def David Coleman by pinfall in 5:47

Kameron Kade came to the ring next. He didn’t really give an explanation as to why he turned on Shadow Jackson a few weeks ago? He just said that Jackson was nothing but a low-life criminal and a thug, and that he was better than Jackson. He also pointed out that he had a temporary restraining order on Jackson, so he couldn’t touch him. Next he was interrupted by the NWA North Ga Champ “King” Seth Delay, and his servant James Blvd. Seth first began to talk to Blvd, saying how his actions of late, have been unpleasant, and that he may not get the bday present that he had bought him(Blvds’ bday is this friday).Then he turned his attention to Kade, telling Kade that if he wanted to make a name for himself, that he should face Delay, tonight. Kade said that he had no problem facing Delay, on one condition, he put the North Ga Championship on the line, Delay accepted and the match was set. Blvd was fixing to leave, and Delay told him that he had an opponent for Blvd, newcomer Josh Powers came to the ring.

Josh Powers def. James Blvd by pinfall in 5:44

Post match, while Blvd was laid out from the match, Delay said that he was going to give Blvd his present anyways, he had a box in his hand, revealing that it was a long black dress. He told Blvd that he was going to wear it this Friday for his bday.

Scott Mayson def. Eli Evans by pinfall in 8:13

Anthony Henry def. Gavin Cross by pinfall in 2:53

Post match, Anthony began to say that he was getting tired of the competition in APW. He called out anybody in the back that thought they could last with him atleast 5 minutes…”The Encore” Kevin Blue came to the ring, and accepted the challenge.

Anthony Henry def. “The Encore” Kevin Blue by submission with 1 second remaining in the challenge.

NWA North Ga Championship

Kameron Kade def. “King” Seth Delay to become the new NWA North Ga Champion!

Brandon Parker, Yasir Akbar and Jacoby Boykins def. Just 2 Dudes(Jamie Cruz and Chris Spectra) and NWA Southern States Champion Stryknyn

Ty Cobb Street Fight

Jeremy Vain def. JT Talent by pinfall in 31:14


New NWA Main Event TV EPS #16 THE LONELIEST NUMBER SINCE THE NUMBER ONE at http://www.nwame.com&http://www.blip.tv/file/4113227




MID-AMERICA TV CHAMPION: Vacant (last held by Tommy Mercer)

MID-AMERICA TAGTEAMCHAMPIONS: Vacant (last held by Jeff Daniels & Steve O)


NWA Main Event Wrestling, Inc.

Thursday Sept 13, 2012 8 PM Belltime

1056 E. Trinity Lane @ Gallatin Rd.

Nashville, TN 37216

Main Event

Psycho Medic -vs- J. P. Magnum

“Surprise Opponent” -s- Se7en w/Prince Omar Al Kazan

Lee Condry -s- Larry Cooter

Kaden Sade -vs- Nerdy White Boy

Matt Madison -vs- Dirty white Boy

Lightening Bolt Kid -vs- Shawn Fatal

$8 Ringside $5 General Admission Kids 5 & Under Free with paid adult.

Best concessin Stand in Nashville.

Card subject to Change.

Main Event Wrestling, Inc.

Saturday Oct. 6, 2012 8 PM Belltime

Expo Center

Westmoreland, Tn.

Main Event

Explosive Tag team Match – Falls count anywhere is Westmoreland!

“Elements of Wrestling” Matt Madison & Kaden Sade -vs- “Expendables” Larry Cooter & Shawn Fatal

Johnny Richards -vs- Vic the Bruiser w/Prince Omar Al Kazan

Psycho Medic -vs- Apollo

Lincoln Mosley -vs- Chad Stallings

David Knox -vs- Michael Kaden

$10.00 Ringside $8 General Admission Kids r & Under Free with paid adult.

Card subject to change.

Thursdays 8 PM Belltime.

Arena and TV Studios

1056 E. Trinity Lane at Gallatin Rd. Nashville, TN 37216.

Main Event – http://www.nwame.com

Main Event Television can also be seen on the internet at www.nwame.com

Main Event Wrestling School:   We still have a few spots open and if you are interested in joining the NWA Main Event Wrestling School.  You can get in touch with us through our web site http://www.nwame.com