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SHOW #99






Multimedia section at www.nwawildside.com or http://twnworldwide.tv/nwawildside.html

NWA Wildside featured stars like Current TNA Heavyweight Champion, “The Phenomenal” AJ Styles (TNA/WCW), Ron Killings (WWE/TNA), Abyss (Justice) (TNA), Jimmy Rave (TNA), Amazing Red (TNA), Tony Mamaluke (WWE/WCW/TNA), Air Paris (WCW), Hotstuff Hernandez (TNA), David Young (TNA), Kenn Phoenix (Kenn Doane/Dykstra) (WWE), Luke Hawx (Altar Boy Luke) (WSX), Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne) (WWE), Delirious (ROH), Mike Posey (WWE/TNA), “The Original Gangsta” New Jack (ECW/TNA) and many more. NWA Wildside served a development promotion for WCW and featured stars like The Beast (Bob Sapp), David Flair, Tank Abbott, Shannon Moore, Shane Helms, Mark Jindrak, Sean O’Haire, Elix Skipper, Jimmy Yang and many more. Wrestling legends like Dusty Rhodes, Dory Funk, Jr., Terry Taylor, Larry Zbsyzko, James E Cornette, The Rock & Roll Express (Ricky & Robert), Abdullah The Butcher, and many more all appeared on NWA Wildside TV.

The NWA Wildside announce team featured Dan “The Dragon” Wilson, Steven Prazak, Scott Hudson, Steve Martin, Bill Behrens, Al Getz, Chris Cruise & others.

Classic NWA Wildside DVD’s are now available at www.sbibookings.com . Relive the excitement of one of the most talked about independent promotions in professional wrestling, NWA Wildside!

All DVD’s may be purchased by using your PayPal account and using the “Send Money” option to showbis@aol.com. Each LAST RITES 2005, FREEDOM FIGHT 2004 or HARDCORE HELL 2005 PT 1 or 2 DVD is only $10, shipping included!

And WILDSIDE TV episodes are available for $5 each or 3 for $10 on DVD with shipping included for free.

Write to Show Business, Inc at ShowBis@aol.com for info on how to order by mail and on how to order any of the over 300 episodes of NWA Wildside TV, or write to PO Box 941787 Atlanta, GA 31141.





ANARCHY TV at http://anarchy-wrestling.net/

ANARCHY TV online now!

SHOW # 678-359








4236 Level Grove Rd. Cornelia, GA


Jan 12

Jan 26

Feb 9

Feb 23

March 9

March 23

March 30 Hardcore Hell

December 29 Anarchy Wrestling Season’s Beatings Report

From Larry Goodman:

Anarchy Wrestling presented Season’s Beatings 2012, the 14th annual rendition of the major holiday wresting event in Cornelia, GA.

On paper, it was the most talent-laden lineup the company has presented all year long. Along with all the usual suspects, the show featured appearances by Anarchy alumnus Gunner, the in-ring return of Iceberg, Steven Walters, Corey Hollis, Mike Posey, JT Talent and Bryan Casanova.

Top to bottom, it was a totally solid show. All of major matches told compelling stories. Two new champions were crowned, and the main event was capped off by a surprise babyface turn. With that said, it didn’t have the blowaway match or transcendent moments that transforms a good show into something special.

Attendance at the Anarchy Arena was 160. The crowd was hot for all the things that mattered.

(1) Najasism defeated Corey Hollis in 7:45. Easily the most important match in Najasism’s brief Anarchy career, and he came through with a fine performance against a quality opponent. Hollis was a good choice for the job. He’s garnering votes for best technical wrestler in the annual GWH awards, and he’s small enough so a tiny guy like Naja could have a credible match with him. Stiff strikes abounded. Naja used a multiple variations on the double knee strike. The rolling thunder off the apron was especially cool. Hollis used a Pele and pumphandle gutbuster to good effect. The finish saw Hollis hit a superplex and try for a follow up, but Naja countered with the Iron Boot for the three count. Technically well done but not much heat because there was nothing at stake.

(2) Steven Walters and Todd Sexton went to a 10 minute draw. They broke out a spontaneous comedy routine and it worked. Walters kicked it off by donning ring announcer Bret Wolverton’s glasses. Sexton put on Pappa Buck’s glasses but he couldn’t see through those Coke bottles. Various articles of Georgia bulldog clothing and such were commandeered from the crowd and dressing room. Probably the best job Walters has done at Anarchy for connecting with the crowd as a singles wrestler. The referee was the ever returning Wes Grissom. This was a grappling match and a good one. Sadly, the Anarchy crowd has little appreciation for such things, and the building got really quiet. Sexton started going for submission and the match was just starting to heat up when the time limit ran out.

Postmatch, the combatants encouraged a five more minute chant, but the crowd wasn’t feeling it(although there was a chant) and a ref  (Brent Wiley) was sent out to say it wasn’t happening.

On the big screen, we saw GM Jerry Palmer and Attorney Jeff G. Bailey pumping up the Elite for the evening’s activities. Palmer said they needn’t worry about Iceberg in the main event. Bailey said they had ref Brent Wiley in their hip pocket for the First Blood match, and he wanted to see Shaun Tempers split Anarchy Champion Brodie Chase’s head like an overripe melon. Bailey said Miss Rachael would lead Bo Newsom to the TV title that was his all along, plus they had Jagged Edge as an insurance policy. Bailey pulled his new “Universal Soldier” Bryan Casanova aside and ran smack into Gunner, the original Universal Soldier. Gunner said he heard that Casanova also served honorably in the military and told him to remember that at the end of the night. Bailey counseled Casanova that Gunner was just trying to get in his head.

(3) Joey Rhymer & JT Talent defeated Andrew Pendleton III & Brandon Parker in 6:15. The heat was much better here. There’s no two ways about it, the crowd loves Rhymer, his shortcomings in the ring notwithstanding. He’s too small to get awawy with half ass strikes. Talent was back from the witness protection program. In actuality, he semi-retired and hasn’t been at Anarchy since a well-worked injury angle in match against his former partner AP3. Speaking of AP3, he took a horrific bump going over the top rope. He didn’t catch the rope going over and took a flat back bump on the hardwood floor from a good eight feet in the air. The thud when he hit was sick. I’m sure he’s hurting bigtime today. To his credit, Pendleton gutted out the match and was then quickly hustled to the back when it was over. Rhymer took the heat and the crowd was with him all the way. Talent hit the Bail Out on AP3 to set up a Rhymer frogplash for the pin.

(4) Billy Buck defeated Bo Newsom (with Miss Rachael) to win their best of five series 3-2 and become the new Anarchy Wrestling TV Champion in 12 minutes. The series came about after Buck beat Newsom for the title at Fright Night, but only after Anarchy owner Franklin Dove ordered five extra minutes. Bailed demanded that the belt be returned to Bo, but Dove said his Charlotte lawyers had come to a different decision. Prematch, Rachael reminded Buck that Bo was clever and quick, and he would need something up his sleeve to beat him. Bo used Rachael as a shield to get the upper hand. Buck kicked out the Bo’s grade AA spinebuster. Bo kicked out a hellacious superkick. Bo hit a superspinebuster and Buck kicked out again. Buck appeared to be dead weight, but possum was being played and he caught Bo with the figure four. Rachael with a well-timed eye rake to break it up. Bo tried to run, but Buck threw him back in and kicked Rachael when she tried to interfere (a nod to the finish of match #2 where she caused Buck to lose by count out). Buck kicked out of Bo’s vaunted small package. They were slugging it out midring when the big bang of Buck’s superkick ended it. The title change got a huge pop.

(5) Seth Delay defeated Mike Posey in 10:15. The story here was Posey ongoing quest for a match against Dove. Posey said he would beat Delay and then get his match with Dove and make him tap. Delay took control as the crowd heaped the smurf and munchkin taunts on Posey. Delay’s knee went out on a leapfrog, and Posey pounced on it. Posey pulled ref Grissom into the path of Delay’s missile dropkick. Not the smartest thing to do, as Posey hit the Alabama Jam but Grissom was in no shape to make the three count. While Posey tried to revive Grissom, Delay pulled out his trusty brass knucks and it was lights out.  (Franklin Dove came  to the ring with a ref shirt on to mak4e the count)

Postmatch, Posey shoved Dove and Dove smacked him. Delay goaded Grissom and Dove joining him for a “sexy party” swivel hips dance. Ridiculous but fun. Delay also sold his knee when he climbed the ropes to play to the crowd.

Wolverton announced that Dove was ordering a rematch between Sexton and Walters for January 12. The authority figure stuff at Anarchy has gotten muddled of late. Palmer is the GM but Dove is making matches as he sees fit. Must be those Charlotte lawyers.

(6) Stryknyn defeated Anthony Henry and Jacoby Boykins and Bobby Moore in an elimination match to retain the Anarchy Young Lion’s Title in 16:30. An action packed affair. Every man was out for himself, which has been the long-running theme that set up the match. All involved were given ample opportunities to shine, and shine they did. Moore got knocked out on a double stomp by Henry, and didn’t remember anything about the match. It’s scary how well he did on autopilot. He never missed a beat. Moore pulled the ropes down to dump Boykins and he had a tough time getting back into the ring. A series of dives ensued with Boykins on the wrong end of all of them. Boykins finally reentered the match and ran wild with power moves. Boykins got Moore and Stryk on his shoulders. Henry connected with a missile dropkick, causing a double Samoan drop on Moore and Stryk, and all four were down. Everyone started going for big moves and submissions that were broken up. Why? Seems like you would want opponents eliminated. Moore nailed Boykins with the loaded elbow pad, and Stryk pinned Boykins with a spear at 12:30. Stryk speared Moore and Henry broke up the pin. Why? Moore caught Stryk with the loaded elbow. Henry clocked Moore with a knee strike. Henry had his choice and decided to pin Moore at 15 minutes. Henry tried for the cloverleaf. The first time, Stryk made the ropes. The second time, Stryk reversed it with an inside cradle. There’s no reason to take the belt off a babyface champion riding the wave of popularity that Stryk currently enjoys.

Henry was the picture of frustration. Let no good deed go unpunished. He could have eliminated Stryk and chose not to. Henry hemmed and hawed and ended up slapping Stryk’s hand rather than shaking it.

(7) Shaun Tempers (with Jeff G. Bailey) defeated Brodie Chase in a first blood match to regain the Anarchy Heavyweight Championship in 15:15. Tempers looked leaner than the last time I saw him. Referee Wiley was appropriately wearing black gloves. Logical match as they went for blood and little else, making liberal use of taped fists trying to bust the other guy open. Chase used a Dr. Pepper can. Tempers headbutted Chase with a baseball helmet (Tempers’ father is Sal Rende, a former minor league player, coach and manager) knocking them both silly. When Chase gave Tempers a drop toe hold onto a chair, Bailey started to freak but there was no blood. Tempers put Chase out with a sleeper and exposed one of the metal turnbuckles. Tempers tried to drive a wooden spike into Chase’s head, but Chase fended it off. In the end, Chase sent Tempers’ forehead into the exposed turnbuckle. Tempers rebounded into a collision with Chase, and they both went to the floor. Tempers was bleeding all over a white towel. Wiley, however, was on the other side of the ring focusing on Chase. Wiley conveniently turned his back, allowing Jagged Edge to run Chase’s head into the ringpost. Wiley spotted a dribble of blood on Chase’s head and called for the bell. The response to Chase as champion has been lukewarm at best, but fans were irate about the Elite screwing him out of the title.

Afterward, Chase found the bloody towel under the ring and showed it to the crowd. The fans chanted for Franklin to do something.

Wolverton called new TV Champion Buck out to do the raffle drawing. I was hoping some dastardly heel would attack Buck to set up his next program. Oh well.

(8) Team Anarchy (Gunner & Iceberg & Azrael & Slim J with Reverend Dan Wilson) defeated The Elite (Shadow Jackson & Nemesis & Bryan Casanova & Geter with Jerry Palmer & Jeff G. Bailey) in 23 minutes. It goes without saying that Gunner has the look and ability of a bonafide major league star. It’s mind boggling that Impact put him on the bench in the prime of his career. He’s sporting a beard now, and it’s a good look for him. Much to Palmer’s dismay, Iceberg made a surprise return as the leader of Team Anarchy back in November. Palmer asked Iceberg to tell these idiot fans what side he’s really on. (Berg threatened Palmer with the “weapon of mass destruction, veggie peeler)  Team Anarchy answered by clearing the ring. Some nice stuff between Slim and Casanova early with Casanova acting as solid base for J’s flying. Casanova took a physical beating from Slim and Izzy, then took a verbal beating from Bailey for his poor performance. Elite got lengthy heat on J with UAS (Jackson & Nemesis) doing the dirty work. If GWH had an award for most entertaining heel of the year, Jackson would get my vote hands down. His facial expressions, selling, and psychology are off the charts, and this match was his best yet. Shadow vowed to make J tap out and applied a bear hug. J made the hot tag to Azrael and they busted out the double teams on Casanova. The mammoth Geter broke up the party and decimated everyone on Team Anarchy except Berg. Geter killed J dead with his sitout piledriver. It was a scary situation, because J got injured taking the move and had to be carried out on a backboard. Dee Byers lost control of the match. Iceberg and Geter battled to the back. With everyone else battling on the outside, Gunner pinned Nemesis with a powerbomb. Good match and the postmatch was better…

Postmatch, Jagged Edge attacked Gunner, Jackson used Palmer’s ax handle on him and they held Gunner up for Casanova to apply the finishing touch. Casanova hesitated…and decked Jagged Edge. The Elite retreated. Jagged Edge got in Casanova’s face. Casanove decked him again.

Gunner got on the mic and did everything humanly possible to position Casanova as Anarchy’s big league star of the future. He said Casanova served his country was a man that knew what was right. Gunner recalled how he and Truitt Fields got out of the Marines in 2006 and were chomping at the bit to be part of Anarchy. Gunner said he soon wanted be part of the Elite, and it took him four years to realize what Casanova already knew — “I was already elite and so are you. I see a lot of who I was inside you…a man that wants a contract…tonight, I can say my friend, you are the Universal Soldier.”




Sunday, January 6 3PM

Sunday, January 20 3PM

Rampage Pro Wrestling 2013

Sunday, January 6, Johnny G’s Fun Center

Warner Robins, GA


RPW Heavyweight Championship

Champion “BLACKLIST” A.J. Steele vs Challenger (former champion) MICAH TAYLOR


RPW Tag Team Championship

Champions BLACKOUT Murder One and Kory Chavis

Vs Challengers (former champions) “Last of a Dying Breed” Corey Hollis and Chip Day with Miss Allie


RPW Television Championship

Champion KYLE MATTHEWS vs Mike Cruz vs The Revloution Shane Marx



“Hit for Hire” Bobby Moore, ADONIS, Zac Edwards, Chris Jacobs, The BFFS,

Wildchild Joey Kidman, Jake Slater, Francisco Ciatso, Simon Sez, Sylar Cross

Tickets: $8 Adults ***$5 Kids 12 and under ***Kids under 3 FREE

Doors open at 2:30 p.m.!!




From Larry Goodman:

Cru Jones and Shaun Banks are no longer associated with Rampage Pro Wrestling. According to a source familiar with the situation, Jones was released and Banks quit the promotion.

Hot Like Lava is not listed in the announced talent lineup for the January 6 RPW TV Taping.

As the RPW Heavyweight Champion, Jones was scheduled to face AJ Steele at the the Winter Wars taping on December 16. Banks subbed for Jones and dropped the title to Steele.


Watch RPW TV each Saturday on Macon’s Fox 24 at 9:00AM and MY41.2 at 10AM and Cox Communications Cable 11 in Middle Georgia Thurs 8PM & Sat noon or anytime at www.rampageprowrestling.net , plus Rampage Rewind on Cox Communications Cable 11 M, W, & F 5PM Fri & Sat 11:30PM & My41 Sat noon and at http://highspots.tv/category/video/free-videos/



ProSouth Wrestling

627 Southern Avenue

Piedmont, AL 36272

Tickets are $6 and free for children under 5. Doors open at 6:00 and bell time is at 7:00. For more information, call (256) 447-3825.


ProSouth Champion: “The Last Hero” Ace Haven (since 5/04/2012)

All-Out Champion: Jed Johnson (since 10/26/2012)

Tag Team Champions: De La Vega & Wrestling Star Najasism (since 11/02/2012)

#1 – Big Tomb (destroyed Ace Haven, Brandon Collum & Daniel Alexander all in one night)

#2 – Steven Michaels (victorious in the final chapter of a 3 year rivalry)

#3 – Red Rayne (path of destruction earns him the #3 spot)

#4 – Tyler Gage (won via submission in his official return match)

#5 – Kyle Matthews (inactivity causes him to drop a few spots)

ProSouth Pulse 12/21/2012 – Pick Your Poison: Last Day on Earth

1 – Stupid (w/Tweety) defeated D2daC

2 – Jed Johnson retained the All-Out Title by defeating “Hustler” Ric Rogers

3 – Big Tomb defeated “The Prodigy” Daniel Alexander to stay #1 contender

4 – Steven Michaels defeated “The Reality”James Hardy

5 – “The Last Hero”Ace Haven (w/Amy) retained the ProSouth Title by defeating “Future Classic” Tyler Gage

NWA Atlanta Wrestling




Deep Southern Championship Wrestling was created in March of? of 2010 and started running shows once a month in Ellijay, Ga. We started out in a place known as Gilmer Golf and games. Our first show drew a crowd of 35 or 40 people. DSCW didn’t get discouraged though we kept giving good quality matches at a fair price and got our crowds up to 150 or more. We had to move to gyms and civic centers to support our fan base, drawing close to 600 on some of our big shows.

http://youtu.be/vWKPRAqVpI4 Taking the Bump: A story of semi-pro wrestling



Latest episode at: http://www.youtube.com/alternativepro

APW has live events each Friday at the Cherry Street Gym in Royston, GA 8PM Belltime.

APW TAG CHAMPS: 2 DUDES( Jamie Cruz and Chris Spectra)





Platinum Championship Wrestling Rankings: Champion—Shane Marx; 1—Supernatural; 2—De La Vega; 3—Sylar Cross; 4—Mason; 5—Fred Yehi; 6—Chip Day; 7—Dynomite Soul; 8—Brian Blaze; 9—Najasism; 10—Matt Von Reaper;



Empire Pro Wrestling will be at the Empire Arena in Rossville, GA on December 29th. Matches to be added. Tickets are $5. Doors open at 7:00 and bell time is at 8:00.


The Championship Wrestling Alliance, based in the Tri-Cities area of Northeast TN, has presented top quality wrestling events for the last 7 years. Their television show, Championship Wrestling TV has aired consecutively in their home market for over 6 years. The show’s current timeslot is at Noon on Saturdays on Tri-Cities CW 4. The show is posted online at ChampionshipWrestlingTV.com every week and has been available in the past in national syndication via AMG-TV.

The NWA Smoky Mountain Event Center is Now Online at http://youtu.be/8QOkrRZCwAw

Check it out now at www.NWASmokyMountain.com

Saturday, January 12, 2013 – House Party 2013

Kingsport, TN at the Civic Auditorium

Bell Time – 8:00 PM

NWA Smoky Mountain News – 12/17/12

– Before we get into the news today, We want to take this time to thank our great fans for making 2012 the greatest year in the history of our promotion. As a way to show our appreciation, All 2012 DVDs are Buy 1, Get 1 FREE now through Midnight on Jan. 2… Check out the selection here.

– Johnny Knieval has made his choice… On Saturday, January 12 at the Kingsport Civic Auditorium, it will be Knieval vs. Owens II for the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title!

Chase Owens has risen to be the hottest young star in the sport, largely due to his performances at the Kingsport Civic Auditorium… But Kingsport, TN is Knieval’s Hometown and this is his 1st Singles Main Event in the city’s most legendary wrestling venue!

– Knieval’s decision to face Chase Owens, has put his partner, Josh Crawford in a tight spot… Crawford had already signed on for a Re-Match against the Illuminati (Tony Givens & Chris Richards) for the NWA Tennessee Tag Team Titles on January 12 at House Party. NWA Smoky Mountain Commissioner, John Moorehouse gave Crawford the option to postpone the match until another date when Knieval would be available, or to choose another partner to compete against Givens & Richards at House Party… Crawford refused to wait and has selected Daniel Mulligan as his partner for January 12.

But that’s not the end of the story in the tag team situation… Air America (Skylar Kruze & Gavin Darring) contacted the office over the weekend and asked Commissioner Moorehouse for a re-match against The Illuminati on January 12… Air America defeated the Givens & Richards on Christmas Night by disqualification and have every right to another match with the champions.

Today, Commissioner Moorehouse made the official decision that on January 12 in Kingsport, TN; The Illuminati will defend the NWA Tennessee Tag Team Titles against both Air America and the team of Crawford & Mulligan in a 3 Way Elimination Match!

– A New Year brings New Contenders and a New Contenders Ring! For those of you not familiar with the Contenders Ring click here to read about the rules of the Contenders Ring

3 Contenders Ring Matches have been signed for House Party 2012:

Coming off the biggest win of his career this past weekend on NWA Smoky Mountain TV against Steve Corino, Jeff Connelly is on a mission to win gold in NWA Smoky Mountain in 2013… In order to do that, he must step into the Contenders Ring by defeating a man he is no stranger with, Alex Avgerinos! While Avgerinos is new to NWA Smoky Mountain, he is not new to Connelly as they have battle several times in the Carolinas.

It has been several months since we have seen “The Party Boy” Keith Knox in an NWA Smoky Mountain ring… The Party Boy is back and he is refocused on reclaiming the NWA Smoky Mountain Title. On January 12 in Kingsport, TN he will face another man who is on a mission to unseat Jason Kincaid, “The Center of Attention” Alyx Winters… What will happen when these 2 veteran heavyweights face off with a spot in The Contenders Ring on the Line!

“The Reaper” Matt Conard has made a huge impression in NWA Smoky Mountain in 2012. He hopes to make 2013 event bigger, by putting gold around his waist. His path to The Contenders Ring leads him to the NWA Hall of Famer and Pro Wrestling Legend, Ricky Morton… Morton was at ringside with his protege, Chase Owens, when Conard came within seconds of winning in the NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title in October. So Morton knows 1st hand what a dangerous competitor Conard is.But “The Legend” is looking for one last run with NWA gold, but he has to get through Conard to get that chance.

– NWA House Party 2013 on Saturday, January 12 is shaping up to be one of the best NWA Smoky Mountain card’s ever… Advance Tickets for that event are now on sale for that event here.