NWS Results From Double-Shot Weekend 2/6-2/7 In Middletown & Edison, NJ: Two Near-Capacity Crowds See TNA Star Jay Lethal, WWE Alums Bushwacker Luke & The Honky-Tonk Man & The Patriot & Sal Sincere & LOTS Of Surprises

After a successful end of January, wrestling’s best kept secret, National Wrestling Superstars continued its winning ways with its third consecutive double-shot weekend on Friday night February 6th at the Middletown VFW Hall in the Port Monmouth Section of Middletown, NJ, and on Saturday night February 7th at the St. Matthew’s School Gym in Edison, NJ. NWS also continued its tradition of being the best pro wrestling draw in the tri-state area, as near-capacity crowds filled the venues both nights.

In addition to the announced wrestlers, there were two special dignitaries in attendance at both shows: The Greatest WWE Intercontinental Champion of All Time (just ask him), the Honky-Tonk Man, and former WWE & WCW star “America’s Hero” The Patriot. They joined former WWE & WCW tag-team champion Bushwacker Luke and current TNA star “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal along with the other fine talent in the NWS locker room.
What follows are the reports:

Friday 2/6 – Middletown, NJ:

Before the opening contest, Jay Lethal came to the ring and NWS officials told him that over the past several weeks, two wrestlers had=2 0proven themselves to be worthy of a match against him, Mike “Don’t Call Me G.Q.” Quest and Nicky Oceans. NWS asked Jay to pick his opponent for the evening. NWS went a step further and said that whichever opponent he choose, should they beat him, they would get a match on Saturday in Edison and should they again beat Jay Lethal, they would get a shot on the TNA Wrestling show in March. The crowed chanted “Oceans, Oceans” and in fact, Jay Lethal choose Nicky Oceans as the one worthy of the chance of a lifetime. Then NWS promoters told Quest that he too had a match and it would be part of the opening contest.

NWS Jersey Shore Champion Mike Quest defeated NWS Cruiserweight champion JD Smoothie & everyone’s favorite pet Nikko The Monkey Man in a Three-Way Elimination Match. Smoothie and Quest brought their talent and their egos to the ring each claiming that they had the most important belt in the NWS. Unfortunately, this spelled bad news for Nikko as he was quickly eliminated and it came down to the two champions. At the end, Quest survived a tough battle from Smooth for the win.

Michael Reigns & Antonio Malave defeated Soul Assassin #1 & “Outlaw” Shane O’Brien. The larger of the two Soul Assassins showed power and finesse under his green mask and showed both Malave and Reigns a good wrestling lesson but O’Brien spent too much time arguing with the fa ns and the referee and let his partner do a good part of the work. Once he tagged in, he too was a house of fire and it looked like the team had victory well within reach until Malave and Reigns caught their opponents with a surprise double pin for the win.

“Jumping” Joey Janella & Mikey Pacifica fought to a ten-minute time limit draw. NWS officials had a surprise for Janella. They spotted his mom in attendance and just like Marcus Alexander Bagwell who had his mom Judy by his side, Janella had his mother at ringside cheering for her #1 star (no not Pacifica). This may have been more of a distraction as Pacifica almost had the match won on several occasions, but after 10 minutes, the time expired and the match was called a draw.

The “Evil vs. Evil” Baghdad Bullies showdown with Saddam Insane & Prince CamelToe (with King Ran-sid Akhbar Idu Stinq) vs. Evil T.N.T & Hasheem “Chemical” Ali (with Moehoward Gottheheaves al-Getz) ended up a no-contest. The referee, Kenny Edwards knew this was going to be trouble and decided if the two teams wanted to tear each other apart, then why should he get in the way and for nearly 10 minutes the teams tried tearing each other apart. Then Evil TNT decided to get the referee into the match and knocked him unconscious. When security helped him to the back, another referee, Mike “Quick Count” Dillon came to the ring and was met with the same fate and was thrown through the ropes and onto the floor. With no referee left, NWS officials were about to call this match a no-contest when former WWE & WCW star “America’s Hero” The Patriot emerged from the locker room area with a referee shirt on and took control of the match. After nearly 10 minutes, the Bullies all looked at each other and decided to once again join forces and it became a 6 on 1 beatdown on The Patriot. Security tried to help but was met with a chokeslam from the Evil TNT. Then out came The Rogue, former ECW star Balls Mahoney, and former WWE star Bushwacker Luke, who sent the Bullies scurrying, but not before The Patriot caught the bald-headed Evil TNT with a chair (leaving a knot the size of a golf ball on back of his head) and Balls Mahoney used the same chair on Saddam Insane, busting him open and sent blood flowing (much to the delight of the fans). When the Bullies turned and ran, The Patriot demanded a match immediately and said that if he didn’t get it, he would never wrestle for the NWS again. Commissioner Gino Moore announced that because of injuries sustained by both TNT and Insane, that would be impossible on that night, however when NWS returned to the Middletown area in May, he had authorized an eight-man tag match between The Four Evil Baghdad Bullies and their managers against The Patriot, The Rogue, The Zombie and Balls Mahoney.

TNA star “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal defeated NWS Tag-Team Champion Nic ky Oceans. Oceans thanked the fans for the support but then proceeded to tell them he didn’t need their support, that obviously Jay recognized talent and of course it had to be him as the wrestler of choice. The fans immediately turned on Oceans and for nearly 20 minutes, both Lethal and Oceans traded move for move, much to the delight of the fans. After 20 minutes Oceans threw Lethal out of the ring and while referee Mike “Quick Count” Dillon was checking on Lethal, Mike Quest snuck back into the ring and hit Oceans with his title belt. The TNA star then went to the top rope and hit his patented elbow on Oceans for the win. He didn’t know that Quest was involved so since he cheated Oceans out of a chance to win, Lethal said he would fight both of them in Edison on Saturday night with the winner getting his chance for glory on TNA television.

In the Main Event, former WWE star Bushwacker Luke & The Rogue defeated former WWE star Sal Sincere & Corey Havoc. (Note: If you’ve never been to an NWS event with Sal Sincere, you owe it to yourself to get a copy of an NWS DVD, available at www.3countpromotions.com, to see the bantering between Sincere and NWS commissioner Gino Moore. It is priceless.) Once the match got started, Sincere and Havoc used their cheating20ways on Luke and The Rogue for nearly 12 minutes of the match (mixing in a few choice words with Gino Moore). Then Luke and the Rogue started a comeback and Luke gave Sincere the nastiest stink face that Sal complained was worse than his breath (insert your own comment here). After another 10 minutes, Luke used the Rogue’s head as a battering ram and scored a pinfall on Corey Havoc.

Saturday 2/7 – Edison, NJ:

In a pre-show Dark Match, Brooke Carter & Miss April defeated The Beatdown Betties (Roxxie Cotton & Annie Social) to become the *NEW* Womens Superstars Uncensored (WSU) Tag-Team Champions. The Betties, who had been having internal dissension as of late in WSU, were originally scheduled to face Kylie Pierce & Lea Morrison, but at the last minute the match was changed and Brooke & April, teaming together for the very first time, were the opponents. The two rising star challengers befuddled the champions from the opening bell, and a crescent kick from April on Annie sealed the deal for the new champions. (This will certainly change things at WSU’s next big show in March – see www.wsuwrestling.com for details.)

Jumping Joey Janella and Nikko The Monkey Man fought to a ten minute time-limit draw. For the second night in a row, Janella wrestled another nonstop high-flying match with another of NWS’20popular high-fliers. Nikko actually had Janella down after a 6-1-9 and a moonsault, but the bell sounded the time-limit before the three-count could be made. NWS management promised a rematch between the two at a later date.

Rookies Jack Spade & Romano Gualano won what is best described as an upset victory over NWS Cruiserweight Champion J.D. Smoothie & Soul Assassin #1. Spade and Gualano surprised their more veteran opponents from the get-go, and it was the greener of the two rookies Gualano who hit a flying clothesline on Smoothie and rolled him up for the three-count. Smoothie and The Assassin attacked Spade & Gualano after the match was over and the two teams fought to the back. Smoothie vowed revenge and demanded.

In a match for the WSU Championship, champion Angel Orsini retained her title against challenger Kylie Pierce. Pierce was still sore that the no-show of her tag-team partner Lea Morrison put her out of the WSU Tag-Team Title Match, but was more than happy to set her sights on the WSU Championship. Her sight was the only contact she would have with the belt, however, as Angel pretty much dominated her challenger, and after a lariat clothesline (“the lasso from El Paso”) and a facebuster legsweep, she pinned Pierce to retain the title.

NWS Heavyweight Champion Danny Demanto (with manager former WWE star Sal Sincere & “spiritual advisor” Prince Babu Iam Smarta retain ed his title against challenger & former champion Vicious Vinny (with Brooke Carter & St. Matthew’s mascot Matty The Leprechaun). Demanto & Vinny are scheduled to face off for the title in a steel cage in Bloomfield, NJ in two weeks; this match had been signed months ago. NWS Commissioner Moore sent Prince Babu to the back, saying that Demanto’s contract didn’t include a “spiritual advisor” (wheras Matty The Leprechaun was allowed to stay because he was the school mascot and had a right to be anywhere on school grounds). Demanto & Vinny tore into each other with contined raw hatred for each other. After nearly ten minutes of brawling back and forth, Vinny brought a wooden board & two chairs into the ring, and proceeded to superplex Demanto through it. Vinny went for a second superplex, and it looked like Vinny would be heading into the steel cage match as champion, when Sal Sincere pushed Vinny off the top rope. This was enough for Demanto to hit Vinny with a flying splash and pin him 1-2-3 to retain his title. Sal came into the ring to attack Vinny and Brooke Carter further, and the attack was joined by Prince Babu & J.D. Smoothie. It looked like Vinny might not make it to Bloomfield, when out of the back came TNA star Jay Lethal, former WWE tag-team star Bushwacker Luke, and the former ECW Zombie, who chased Demanto and his cronies out of the ring. NWS Commissioner Moore announced that The Zombie & Bushwacker Luke would face Sal Sincere & Prince Babu in on of the two main event matches later in the night.

In another WSU challenge match, Princess Jana defeated Trixie Lynn by submission. The veteran brawler Jana had her hands full with rising star Trixie as Trixie claimed that nobody was going to stand in her way and that she was the future of womens’ wrestling. But the whiley veteran Jana managed to slap a reverse crossface hold on Trixie, who despite trying to hold on, tapped out to the delight of the fans who were solidly behind Jana..

In the first of the two main event matches, a Triple Threat Match, TNA star “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal defeated NWS Jersey Shore Champion Mike “G.Q.” Quest & NWS Tag-Team Champion Nicky Oceans. As was set the previous night, it was announced that if either NWS wrestler could defeat Lethal, he would get an opportunity to wrestle at a TNA Impact taping in March. The three Jersey veterans put on a nealy ten-minute exhibition of high-impact moves, both Quest and Oceans proving they could go toe-to-toe with the TNA cruiserweight star. Both Oceans and Quest went after each other at various parts of the match because Quest was upset that he wasn’t given the opportunity the previous night. Both wrestlers had Lethal in trouble on several occasions (including at one point where Oceans had Lethal hung in the corner for the tree of woe, but Quest went after Oceans allowing Letal to get his legs unhooked). At the end Lethal had the edge that night, and after Ocean’s attempt to hit Quest with a moonsault was blocked, Lethal hit Quest with his famous flying elbow drop and pinned him 1-2-3.

In the other of the two main event matches, former WWE tag-team star Bushwacker Luke & the former ECW Zombie defeated former WWE star Sal Sincere & Prince Babu Iam Smarta. After another night of berating the fans and Commissioner Gino Moore, Sal Sincere decided to finally get into the ring as he and his partner spent a lot of time on the microphone and arguing with the fans (keeping security on their toes to protect everyone). The unorthodox style (and that is an understatement) of Bushwacker Luke & The Zombie kept Sal and Prince Babu off the guard most of the match as at one point, Sal and The Prince tried to leave the building, only to be warned by Commissioner Gino Moore that if they did, they would be fined and suspended. Once back in the ring, it was action all over the place with NWS Senior referee Kenny Edwards letting both teams get away with a little rule bending. After about 8 minutes, Edwards got knocked when a reversed avalanche attempt sent Sal crashing into him in the corner. Mike “Quick Count” Dillon replaced him as referee, but he too was taken out when Prince Babu missed a clothesline on Luke and smashed into Dillon. Luke and The Zombie combined to hit Prince Babu with a Bushwacker-style Battering Ram finisher, but there was no referee to make the count, when=2 0out of the back came mascot Matty The Leprechaun, who turned out to be guest St. Matthew’s referee Darren Venture, who counted 1-2-3 for Bushwacker Luke & The Zombie.

NWS returns to action with yet another double shot weekend on Friday night February 20th at the Union, NJ Elks Lodge, with former WWE RAW TV star “The Masterpiece” Chris Masters, and on Satuday night February 21st at the Bloomfield, NJ High School Gym, featuring not only an encore appearance by Chris Masters, but the much anticipated Steel Cage Match between Danny Demanto and Vicious Vinny.

Follow NWS on the Web at www.nwswrestling.com.