June 16, 2007 – Owensboro, Kentucky – 7:00 P.M. Bell Time  Atlas DaBone defeated Nick Sinn – DaBone always enters the ring with charisma and has an enjoyable over-the-top gimmick.  His constant movement and theme music (Slick’s “Jive Soul Bro”) fit his persona. 

Vladimir Kozlov defeated ? — Kozlov’s in-ring ability seems to be gradually improving.  During the match, he executed an impressive belly-to-back suplex that catapulted his opponent to the diagonal corner.  The James Boys defeated The Major Brothers  – The Major Brothers have come to Owensboro twice and have been exceptionally over with the fans on both occasions.  However, this writer enjoys the entertainment value of The James Boys.  In one respect, they are reminiscent of The Fabulous Ones.  In another light, they bring back memories of The Midnight Express. 

ODB won Diva Musical Chairs There was a clear team of face divas and clear team of heel divas.  Fitting her persona, ODB sided with the heels.  After the face team contested her win, a five-on-five match was set. The Face Divas (including Smackdown’s Maryse) defeated The Heel Divas  Some of the other participants included: Beth Phoenix, Katie Lee, Melody, Roucka, and Roni Jonah.  Victoria (a face diva) is always embraced by the crowd here.  This writer finds it amusing that ODB always finds a way to highlight her breasts.  This writer isn’t mad at her. 

Jacob Duncan won a Royal Rumble to face the OVW Champion   – This over-the-top battle royal featured 25 OVW wrestlers.  Mike Mondo (Spirit Squad’s Mikey) was the first entrant.  Nick Nemeth (Spirit Squad’s Nicky) was the second entrant.  While Nick seems to have a new gimmick, this writer still loves to boo the both Mikey and Nicky. Some of the other participants included: Colt Cabana, Cody Runnels, Jake Hager, Chet The Jett, Steve Lewington, Paul Burchall, Antoni Polaski, Michael W. Kruel, Charles “The Hammer” Evans, and Jay Bradley.  Runnels lasted quite a while.  Cabana was entertaining, taking several breaks throughout the match to sit on top of the ropes and pose for pictures.   After Duncan won the match, he proceeded to go into the crowd to frighten the children in attendance.   Owensboro has been sold that Shawn Spears is the OVW Heavyweight Champion.  Unless things change, Jacob Duncan will face Shawn Spears for the gold during OVW’s next visit. This writer enjoys the old time heel feeling generated by Antoni Polaski.  This fellow comes complete with a tough-as-nails style, a cold stare, and mutton chops! 

By Shawn Taylor