[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
[Birthdays & Anniversaries] Manny Fernandez (54), Triple H (39), and Shannon Moore (29) celebrated birthday’s today. Today in Memoriam: Sam Bass (41, 1976), Pepe Lopez (39, 1976), Frank Hester (37, 1976), Kasavubu (26, 1982), Gordon Solie (71, 2000), Bertha Faye (40, 2001), and Tug Wilson (91, 2003). .. [reported by Rich Tate of www.GeorgiaWrestlingHistory.com]
[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Wesna vs. Bubbles vs. Jade vs. Skye.
[ChickFight] ChickFight returns to Ipswich on Sunday, August 3 at The Caribbean Centre in Ipswich (UK)! Featuring Jetta vs. Eden Black: ONE LAST ROUND + Cheerleader Melissa vs. Wesna VI” – Check out www.ChickFight.tv for more information on this event!
[YouTube] A message from Holly Hearse, the new host of ChickFight.TV on MavTV – check it out at http://youtube.com/watch?v=VgjE5K6DzLM
[Indy Results] July 27, 2008–Ultimate Championship Wrestling in Berwick, Nova Scotia at Berwick Arena: Sidewinder beat Cinder, Shockwave the Robot (hilarious gimmick) beat Hot Shot Haggerty, Honky Tonk Man couldn’t wrestle due to an accident the previous night in Charlottetown where he nearly cut off his index finger (so to make the fans happy he sang the “I’m the Honky Tonk Man” song), Trash Canyon beat ???????, Julian Moore beat Kowboy Mike Hughes w/21st Century Fox by DQ, Julian Moore & Portia Perez beat Mike Hughes & 21st Century Fox in a mixed tag team match.. [reported by Brad Dykens]
[Ring of Honor] ROH “Respect Is Earned II” will debut on pay-per-view on August 1st on iN DEMAND, The DISH Network and TVN cable systems.
[Book News] Tito Santana’s anticipated new biography, “Tito Santana’s Tales from the WWF” has been released! For more information, please visit the official website of Sports Publishing
[Book News] James Guttman’s second book, “Shoot First…Ask Questions Later,” is now available for pre-order on Amazon.com – Guttman’s previous book, “World Wrestling Insanity,” is based on his website by the same name (www.WorldWrestlingInsanity.com)
[Book News] A spirited discussion has begun on the Wrestling Classics Message Board about Bruno Lauer’s new autobiography, “Wrestling With The Truth.” To check out what people are saying about the book, Click Here.
[OWW News] My Interview with Tito Santana has been posted on the Wrestling Observer, WrestlingFigs.com, Wrestle-Complex.com and WrestleView.com.
[Indy Event] Insanity Pro Wrestling presents “REIGN OF THE INSANE” 7th Anniversary Show on Saturday, August 2, 2008 at the Fountain Square Salvation Army Community Center in Indianapolis, Indiana – featuring an 8 Man Tag Team Tables Elimination Match, a Ladder Match, a Last Man Standing Match, and a Texas Bullrope Match – Visit us online at www.insanityprowrestling.com
[Indy Event] Pro Wrestling Renaissance returns to the Delaware County Fairgrounds in Muncie, Indiana on August 23, 2008 featuring Former WWE and current ROH and OVW star TANK TOLAND – for more information, go to www.renwrestling.com
[Autograph Signing] WWE Hall of Famer Greg “The Hammer” Valentine will be having an Autograph Signing on Saturday Aug 2 2008 for 3 hours from 12pm to 3pm at the Richwood Flea Market in Walton, KY. For more info go to www.richwoodfleamarket.com
[Radio] Recent guests on Evan Ginzburg’s Legends Radio include Lacey Von Erich, Larry Zbyszko, Gene Kiniski, Gary Michael Cappetta, Judo Gene LeBell, Les Thatcher, and Nicole Bass – to listen to any of these great shows, check out www.wrestling-radio.com and click Legend’s Radio.
[BLOG] Jim Ross updated his blog at http://www.jrsbarbq.com/blog with some very interesting comments.
[Article] Jamie Noble: From Small Town to Big Time [reported by Mike Informer]
[Article] John Saboor takes job with WWE [reported by Mike Informer]
[Article] WWE(R) Rated PG [reported by Mike Informer]
[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!