[Submit News] Readers are encouraged to submit news for the “OWW Daily News & Notes” page to oww@onlineworldofwrestling.com. Compile the important aspects of your news item or upcoming event into one small paragraph, and the chances that I will use it are almost 100%. Thank you for your support and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

[ClickWrestle Download of the Day] Wesna vs. McChif vs. Melissa.

[WWE Event] WWE.com are reporting that WWE Raw will be heading to New Zealand on July 3, 2009 for one show at Vector Arena in Auckland. Tickets for the event go on sale on October 17 from TicketMaster. Keep an eye on www.nzpwi.co.nz for more details!

[ROH PPV] ROH “New Horizons” will premiere on pay-per-view on September 26th. It will be offered at an affordable price on iN DEMAND, The DISH Network, TVN cable systems and in Canada on Bell ExpressVU and Viewer’s Choice Pay-Per-View starting on Sept. 26th. Check out a preview here: http://www.rohwrestling.com/news/article.aspx?id=2285

[SHIMMER] Nykk of The SHIMMER Forum has posted his newest SHIMMER-trons (short video clips of the SHIMMER roster members set to their entrance music). Click Here for Nicole Matthews..

[SHIMMER] Canadian female wrestler DANYAH was recently profiled in a NEWS segment. Check out the news segment profiling Danyah on YouTube at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1_6WbeNtI6k

[Book News] Bruno Lauer, known professionally as Downtown Bruno or Harvey Wippleman (WWF), has published his hilariously entertaining biography, entitled “Wrestling with the Truth” though Scott Teal’s Crowbar Press (www.crowbarpress.com). The book was launched at this year’s Cauliflower Ally Club reunion but will be available to the public through 1wrestlinglegends.com – I had the honor of being one of the proof readers for this book and I am thrilled to endorse the book and proclaim that Bruno’s story will open your eyes to the world of pro-wrestling and make you laugh out loud.

[Misc News] In traveling to Japan it is helpful if you have a beginning knowledge of the language and culture. Learning basic Japanese language courtesies is fun. Now on Dory Funk’s website there is a special section (http://www.dory-funk.com) covering the basic language and courtesies you should be familiar with if you are traveling to Japan or communicating with Japanese friends here in America.

[Radio] The 9/1 edition of Monday Night Mayhem (www.mondaynightmayhem.com) included a WWE Unforgiven PPV Preview (w/Scott Hudson, Jim Molineaux, & Graham Cawthon), plus an 2008 NFL Preview (w/Ken Palmer), and an exclusive interview with Sycho Sid Vicious .. To listen to the interview, go to http://www.mondaynightmayhemarchives.com/waxfiles/090108.wax

[Radio] There is a huge Killer Kowalski Tribute show on Wrestling-radio.com right now featuring interviews with JJ Dillon, George “The Animal” Steel, Frankie Kazarian and Ivan Koloff. Listen to the show at: WRESTLING-RADIO.COM & False Count Radio.. [reported by Ben Kerin]

[Radio] Jonathan Clarke interviews Florida-based Indy Diva “Vyper” at http://www.sendspace.com/file/0w6gpx

[Indy Event] WrestleReality presents The Diamond and Steel 4th Anniversary on Saturday, September 27, 2008 at the Flyers Skate Zone in Voorhees, New Jersey. Featuring Diamond Dallas Page, Savio Vega, Bushwhacker Luke, Sandman, Nikolai Volkoff, George Frankinstein and all the stars of Pro Wrestling Unplugged and Devastation Wrestling.

[WSU DVD’s] Women Superstars Uncensored announced their latest releases; 8/22 “Us vs Them” and 8/23 “Another Brick in the Wall” through the DOI website. These DVDs will retail for $12.95 each, but you can get both DVDs for only $25 (This sale will expire on 9/7)! To order directly visit: http://www.declarationofindependents.net/doi/pages/wsuaugustsale.html

[Indy Event] Pat Tanaka, Idol Stevens, Jamie Dundee and Flash Flanagan will be appearing at the XCW Midwest event in New Albany, Indiana on October 7th, 2008. Go to http://myspace.com/xcwwrestlingmidwest for info about XCW Midwest.. [reported by Devin Cutting]

[Canadian Event] The IWS proudly presents: Un F’N Sanctioned, Main Event is FANS BRING THE WEAPONS! Saturday, September 27th, at the beautiful, downtown Medley, 1170 St-Denis, near the Berri-UQAM Metro. Montreal, Quebec, CANADA. Doors open at 7:30 PM, show starts at 9 PM. VIP tickets are $25, Regular tickets are $20. VIP ticket holders admitted first. No reserved seating. Tickets can be purchased online at http://www.ticketpro.ca or in person at the Medley box office. 18+. Card and times subject to change. For more information go to www.syndicatewrestling.com or e-mail Llakor@hotmail.com

[Fan Convention] Turnbuckle Promotions Inc. presents “A Night to Remember, Reunion of the Superstars” at the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel in Langhorne, Pennsylvania on September 27th: Scheduled to appear: Wildfire Tommy Rich, Tracy Smothers, Elisabeth (from WWE Tough Enough), Joy Giovanni (former WWE Diva), Midejah (WCW), Kristal Marshall, Dawn Marie, Rocky Johnson, Bobby Lashley, Lance Storm, the Steiner Brothers, Leticia Cline, and “so much more”.. go to www.turnbucklepromtions.com for all the details!!!!

[Fan Convention] Lance Storm will be making a rare Convention type autograph appearance as part of the “A NIGHT TO REMEMBER, REUNION OF SUPERSTARS” event put on by Turnbuckle Promotions. The event takes place September 27th at the Sheraton Bucks County Hotel in Langhorne, Pennsylvania. For more information about this event, and who else will be appearing check out their website at: www.TurnbucklePromotions.com

[OWW Support] If anybody out there has been wondering how they can help keep Online World of Wrestling alive through some kind of donation, we have a pay pal account set up under the email address vns_oww@yahoo.com. For more information click our Donations page. Another easy way to support OWW is to simply click the Ad banners once in a while. Every banner destination is safe, as it is monitored by the Google Adsense system so you don’t have to worry about being taken to malicious websites. Please do your part and click the banners! Thank you!!