Host Alan Wojcik is joined by national contributor SCOTT HUDSON and possibly members of the Wild Talk Radio roster. Topics will include: Recaps of WWE’s Monday Night RAW, Friday Night SmackDown! with their implications on Summerslam, WWE’s developmental territory Florida Championship Wrestling, a TNA iMPACT recap including news on the new Hardcore Justice: the Last Stand PPV plus the news from around the Indy scene including Lucha Libre USA: Masked Warriors.


Online World of Wrestling radio is honored to have former Backseat Boyz member and current “Mr. Gay Philadelphia” JOHNNY KASHMERE who will talk about his late partner Trent Acid, his time on the Indy scene, his coming out and his new tag team Vanilla Man Candy with “Mr. Straight Philadelphia” Matt Walsh. Mr. Kashmere will also talk about this weekend’s Shane Shamrock Memorial Cup X. Log onto for event information.

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