Action Jackson beat Nobe Bryant, Franco D’Angelo beat Wally Darkmon by disqualification, Brett Idol beat Robert Evans, Television Champion James Johnson beat Cruiserweight Champion Brandon Collins to win the Cruiserweight belt, Action Jackson & Mace Malone went to a double-countout with Mike Foxx & Colossus
The following was taped for airing in the Dallas-Fort Worth area on the Lone Star Channel, as well as worldwide distribution via SmartVideo and release on DVD, with Ring Announcer Travis Baxter and TV Commentators Rob Moore and Kody Kox. Referee for the night was Travis Trueborne.
Mike Foxx, surrounded by Colossus, Claudia and Katie Angel, gloated about making fools of everyone, especially Mace Malone and Action Jackson, with the addition of Angel to the Faithful. He then brought out Nobe Bryant, Angel’s former employer, and revealed that Bryant was in on it all along.
Jackson and Malone came out, and Foxx dared them to charge the ring. It took only a split-second hesitation before the two fan favorites ran in, and the brawl was on. Foxx and Colossus fought Malone towards the back, leaving Jackson and Bryant, and the referee called for the bell to start a match.
“The TEXAS LEGEND” ACTION JACKSON beat “The REAL DEAL” NOBE BRYANT –There was not much wrestling in this one, which ended with Jackson nailing the Big Booyah (Rock Bottom) on Bryant for the 1-2-3. As soon as the referee’s hand hit the mat for the third time, Jackson quickly bailed out of the ring and went to the back to help his protege and partner Malone.
PCW Owners Thomas & Chris Bussey and brother/assistant Steven Bussey came out for the contract signing for the Title vs. Title Match later in the night. They declared that they were sick and tired of having title matches ending in disqualifications and countouts. Thus, the match would have no DQ’s and no countouts, and there would be a definite, clear-cut winner. PCW World Cruiserweight Champion Brandon Collins came out, followed by PCW World Television Champion James Johnson. Using Steven’s back as an easel for the clipboard, both Collins and Johnson warily signed their names to the contract. The Busseys finished by saying that “bad things are gonna happen”
to both men.
“The BEAST” FRANCO D’ANGELO beat WALLY DARKMON by disqualification –Darkmon had the name of Canyon written on his stomach with a line through it, in reference to Canyon and the Busseys’ assault following last week’s Hardcore Hell Match. Darkmon tore into D’Angelo early, but the Dark Circle representative took over with his power. When the action spilled out onto the floor, D’Angelo broke a finger when he missed a charge towards Darkmon and hit the safety railing. Back in the ring, D’Angelo tried to hit Darkmon with Wally’s own cane, but the referee pulled it away. Moments later, Darkmon grabbed the cane and hit D’Angelo, causing the DQ. Darkmon, apparently consumed with Canyon, continued his attack on his larger opponent, attacking him with a chair and then laying it on top of him and coming off the top with a Warrior Stomp into the chair. Darkmon concluded by cradling the unconscious D’Angelo’s head in his arms and licking him.
BRETT IDOL (w/ Thomas, Chris, Steven & Larry Bussey) beat “The ESSENCE OF EXCELLENCE” ROBERT EVANS –As usual, the Busseys interjected themselves into the match at moments when it benefited their good friend Idol. Evans, though, momentarily got the advantage on the Busseys on the floor, making them run into each other when they were going for him. Back in the ring, though, when Evans went to bounce off the ropes, Thomas grabbed his foot. Idol took advantage and hit a Rocker Dropper on Evans and made the cover for the win.
TITLE VS. TITLE MATCH–WINNER GETS BOTH BELTS PCW World Television Champion “JIGGLE-O” JAMES JOHNSON beat PCW World Cruiserweight Champion “The EXPERT” BRANDON COLLINS to win the Cruiserweight belt –Both men were popular with the fans, but Johnson seemed to have a more vocal following. The action was fast and furious, with both men gaining momentary advantages. After a blinding succession of moves by both men, Johnson hit the O-Face (flying stunner) from a Wheelbarrow Suplex position to become a dual champion. Collins yanked both belts from Johnson, but, moments later, he draped them over Johnson’s shoulders and congratulated him in a display of good sportsmanship.
ACTION JACKSON & MACE MALONE and MIKE FOXX & “The ANGEL OF DEATH” COLOSSUS (w/ Katie Angel & “Angel Of Mercy” Claudia) went to a double-countout –Jackson came to the ring alone, suggesting that Malone had been injured at the hands of the Faithful earlier in the night. Foxx and the 7’2″ giant enjoyed the advantage until Malone came to the ring, his ribs taped. With the sides even, the battle went back-and-forth amongst all four men. The fight went to the floor and up the ramp, with Foxx calling off Colossus and leading him and the women to the back. Jackson and Malone realized too late that they were being counted out, and they failed to return to the ring before the 10-count. It was clear, though, that this war will continue.
PCW Full Throttle’s next show will be held on Saturday, September 15 at PCW Arena. Bell time is 8 p.m. Action Jackson takes on the Dark Circle’s Tim Storm, with more matches to be signed.
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Submitted by ROB MOORE, The Voice of PCW
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