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PWO, Pro Wrestling Ohio, is a new and exciting professional wrestling promotion based in northeast Ohio. PWO showcases the top names from the area and beyond with a weekly television broadcast on the official television home of the Cleveland Indians, Sports Time Ohio.

Sports Time Ohio is available in over 4 million homes on cable television throughout Ohio and into parts of Western Pennsylvania. Sports Time Ohio is also available NATIONWIDE to satellite dish subscribers of both DirecTV and Dish Network. If you are a dish subscriber and do not have Sports Time Ohio on your line-up and want to be part of the PWO experience, call your satellite provider today and request Sports Time Ohio be added to your line-up! For more information on PWO TV’s availability, visit www.pwowrestling.com

For those of you who missed the opportunity to see the very first episode of PWO TV, you have one final chance to catch it! PWO will air a very special encore presentation of the debut broadcast on the following dates & times:

Saturday night, November 10: 2:00 am
Sunday night, November 11: 10:00pm

PWO returns with an ALL NEW episode of PWO TV the week of November 17!

OFFICIAL RESULTS FOR PWO Ep. 1; Original Airdate: November 3, 2007

Pro Wrestling Ohio’s debut episode on Sports Time Ohio gave wrestling fans everything they could have hoped for, and then some. Not only was there solid action in the ring, but lots of suprises, and an ending that left us wanting more. Joe Dombrowski and Jamie Scott called the action from inside The Lakewood Masonic Temple.

V-2 (Virus & Virus Grande) vs. The Cut Throat Crew-
PWO management could not have chosen a better match to start it’s first episode. “Bloody” Morty Rackem and “Ruthless” Rufio Rapier, together known as “The Cut Throat Crew,” took on the new tandem of Virus and Virus Grande, V-2. We all remember Virus from the tag team “Q and A.” We here at PWO did not even know a Virus “Grande” existed until recently. Combine that this was also the first we have seen of the two pirates on STO, it made for an interesting bout.

The match started out with “The Cut Throat Crew” firmly in control. Both Rackem and Rapier worked together well, executing a nice series of double team manuevers on “V-2.” But with Virus cheap veteran tactics, along with the help of the mysterious Virus Grande, it didn’t take long for the two to take control. Virus was doing well, until Rackem avoided a moonsault attempt. He followed that up with an enzuguri, and made the tag.

“The Cut Throat Crew” were cleaning house. At one point, Rapier threw Grande to the concrete floor, and executed a perfect suicide dive. Back on the inside, Morty Rackem connected with “The Roll of the Dice” on the original Virus. Rapier was cut off by Virus Grande suddenly, and pushed into the steel ring pole on the outside. This gave Grande just enough time to shake the ropes, crotching Rackem, who was attempting an arial manuever. Virus made the pinfall, Grande held the legs, and the ref didn’t see it, counting the three. V-2 steals the first win in PWO history. But the pirates were not going to take this loss lightly…

Hobo Joe attacked!-
He’s never been known as the cleanest, the best looking, or the nicest smelling on Sports Time Ohio. Hobo Joe was scheduled for in ring competion. Unfortunatly, whatever match PWO management had set up never took place. This was due to the appearance of Aaron Mcguire, agent of the massive Cronus.


That was the scream that echoed throughout the Masonic Temple from Mcguire, as Cronus hopped the barricade and delivered a powerful kick to the face of Hobo. “Homeless Joe gets a spot on National TV?!” Mcguire didn’t think that spot was deserving, nor did Cronus. The 6′ 2″, 285 pound monster threw Hobo Joe up on his shoulders with ease, and hit him with his signature manuever, the F-5. As quickly as the two arrived, they vanished through the curtain just as fast. The PWO fans in attendance realized that Cronus certainly is going to be a force to be reckoned with.

Gregory Iron vs. Johnny Gargano-
Johnny Gargano proved that he is indeed one of the most self centered, uncaring individuals on the PWO roster. On August 5th, 2007, Gregory Iron was hit with mutiple suplexes and a powerbomb inside a wrestling ring. These actions gave Iron a sezuire, a concussion, and hemmoraging from the brain. “If Greg would of went to sleep that night, he would have died,” said Gargano in a pre-match promo.”So why didn’t you just go to sleep?!” “The Unique One” stated that the return of Iron would be a short one, and that by the end of tonights match, Gregory Iron would end up back in the hospital. Add to the fact that Johnny was to be accompanied by his partner in crime, Josh Prohibition, and the odds weren’t good.

The twenty year old prodigy started off dominating Iron, trying to kick him in the head from the start. After taking light of him, Iron quickly school boyed Gargano for a near fall. But Iron made the mistake of trying for his diving clothesline into a facebuster one too many times, as on the second attempt, Josh Prohibition grabbed Iron by the foot. This led to a ugly lung blower to the back of Iron, and put Gargano back in the driver seat. The multiple chops and all around malicious double team assault from Gargano and Probo seemed to be wearing the kid with cerebral paulsy down. After a fifth attempt at a shoulder tackle, Gregory rolled out, leaving Johnny’s shoulder to collide with the unforgiving steel post. The two fired shots back and forth, and Iron hit a quick back elbow and knee to the face. But the comeback was stopped by a back kick to the gut of Iron. Gargano then hoisted up Gargano for a powerbomb, the same manuever that nearly costed Iron his life. With seemingly nothing left, Iron hit Gargano with three shots to the face, and delivered a code red to Gargano. Gregory Iron kept Gargano down for a three count, and the upset nobody expected, except maybe Iron himself, occured. Gregory Iron defeated Johnny Gargano.

Prohibition and Gargano chased Iron to the back, visciously attacking him. That is until Matt Cross made the save, with steel chair in hand.

“Dude, where’s our car?!”-
Later on in the evening, “The Cut Throat Crew” seized the opportuity to avenge the lost they suffered at the hands of “V-2.” As Virus and Virus Grande quietly slept in their lockerroom, Rackem and Rapier snuck in, covering them with a pirate flag. Using his trusty sword, Rufio grabbed the keys to V-2’s ride, and took off. Virus and Virus Grande quickly realized what occured, and chased after the pirates. But they were too late, as the last image they saw was that of “The Cut Throat Crew” riding away in V-2’s brand new mini-van. It is safe to say the fued these two teams has only just begun.

“M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross vs. “Fabulous” John McChesney-
Matt Cross and John McChesney were set to square off in what could of possibly been one of the best matches to come out of the Ohio area in quite sometime. McChesney has worked in TNA and WWE on several occasions, and Matt Cross starred on MTV’s “Wrestling Society X.” Needless to say, this had all the makings to be an instant classic. The match started quickly, with neither man getting a clear cut advantage. Dombrowski and Scott were enthralled by the confrontation, as were the fans in attendance. Unfortunatly, after roughly five minutes, we would not get a clear cut conclusion. Johnny Gargano and Josh Prohibition stormed the ring, hammering away on both McChesney and Matt Cross. The referee had no other choice but to throw the match out, ruling it a no-contest.

“M-Dogg” and McChesney were obviously furious, and wanted desperately to get their hands on Probo and Gargano. McChesney even went as far as saying he wanted them right there tonight! That was not in the cards, however, as the show was out of time. As the cocky Prohibition and Gargano fled, Matt Cross and John McChesney stood out around the ringside area, pacing among themselves. The show came to a close with chants of “LET THEM FIGHT! LET THEM FIGHT!” from the crowd.

It was a shame the main event for the first edition of PWO on STO had to end the way it did. McChesney and Cross were anxious to compete amongst each other, but now they are focused on getting their chance at Josh Prohibition and Johnny Gargano. Will PWO management grant them that chance? There is only one way to find out, and that’s by checking out the brand new episode of Pro Wrestling Ohio when it debuts on November 17th.

For more information on Pro Wrestling Ohio and PWO TV, please visit www.pwowrestling.com



Pro Wrestling Ohio is proud to announce this week the official launching of our website, PWOWrestling.com. While our technical team is still working on the creation and production of content to be added to the online home of PWO, the site already features numerous features sure to interest any fan or potential fan of PWO. Full results from our debut broadcast of PWO TV is posted with a blow-by-blow recap of all the action and incidents occurring in PWO’s historic first hour. An interactive message board is up and running where you the fans can let your voices be heard on what you think of PWO TV and live events. Plus complete channel listings for Sports Time Ohio for the entire over 4 million home radius it reaches via cable television, up-to-date news & articles and so much more! Check out PWOwrestling.com today!


Pro Wrestling Ohio airs the most action-packed sixty minutes in wrestling each and every week on the official television home of the Cleveland Indians, Sports Time Ohio! Sports Time Ohio is available in over 4 million homes on cable television throughout Ohio and into parts of Western Pennsylvania. Sports Time Ohio is also available NATIONWIDE to satellite dish subscribers of both DirecTV and Dish Network. If you are a dish subscriber and do not have Sports Time Ohio on your line-up and want to be part of the PWO experience, call your satellite provider today and request Sports Time Ohio be added to your line-up! For more information on PWO TV’s availability, visit www.pwowrestling.com

For those of you who missed the opportunity to see the very first episode of PWO TV, you have one final chance to catch it! Don’t miss out on your chance to get in on the ground for, to be part of Pro Wrestling Ohio from its very inception! PWO will air a very special encore presentation of the debut broadcast on the following dates & times:

Saturday night, November 10: 2:00 am
Sunday night, November 11: 10:00pm

PWO returns with an ALL NEW episode of PWO TV the week of November 17!

On the special rebroadcast of the debut episode you will see the following…

“M-Dogg 20” Matt Cross vs. “Fabulous” John McChesney
Two of the fastest rising stars in independent wrestling today will meet one-on-one for the glory and recognition of being named the victor in Pro Wrestling Ohio’s first ever main event. One athlete, Matt Cross, has been a staple of professional wrestling in the Cleveland area for years, and after his pay-per-view debut with Ring of Honor just weeks ago, arguably the biggest star it has produced in the modern era. M-Dogg is a physical marvel, a former professional gymnast, who brings a level of agility, balance, and quickness seen nowhere else in professional wrestling. He’s been dubbed the “Innovator of Aerial Insanity”, for not only using, but perfecting, countless high-risk death-defying offensive moves. His rival John McChesney has also been on a meteoric rise, throughout the tri-state area and beyond. The Fabulous One has captured championship gold throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, and New York, and has made his mark nationally in memorable appearances on WWE Raw, Smackdown, and TNA Impact. M-Dogg 20 and John McChesney will meet one-on-one on PWO’s debut broadcast November 3!

V Squared vs. Cut Throat Crew
The excitement and unpredictability doesn’t stop with the main event, as two of the area’s brightest, fastest, and most breathtaking tag teams will be on display against one another. One team features an established commodity and a wildcard: Former tag champion Virus and his conspicuous tag partner: Virus Grande? Virus Grande is a change from Virus‘ usual Q&A partner Unknown, currently out nursing an injury, but will these two masked marvels be on the same page for their PWO debut? On the other side of the ring, very unorthodox and very unusual, but also very talented… The Cut Throat Crew. Their name really says it all, as these athletes bring a very cutthroat, ruthless, and also very exciting style to the ring. Their intensity and mindset is an attitude not seen since the days of angry bloodthirsty pirates patrolling the high seas. The Cut Throat Crew have used that pirate-esque lifestyle as the basis for their careers, and it’s led to nothing but success. Will this gang of thieves be successful in their PWO debut or will V Squared put an end to their swashbuckling ways?

Johnny Gargano vs. Gregory Iron
On August 5, 2007, Gregory Iron, the most inspirational athlete in Ohio, an athlete who has persevered through personal hardship and physical deformity in the form of cerebral palsy to press on, grow stronger, and follow his dream of being a pro wrestler, almost saw his career and life itself come to an abrupt and ugly end. A severe concussion following a brutal in-ring beating left Iron with bleeding in the brain and a future filled with uncertainty. For over two months, Gregory Iron recovered, trained, and balked at the doctors who told him he had no choice but to retire. PWO’s debut broadcast is Gregory Iron’s grand return to center stage, to do the one thing he’s dedicated his life to achieve… however, his return match pits him against one of the most selfish, thoughtless, and most talented men on the roster, a very dangerous combination. That man is Johnny Gargano. A 20-year-old prodigy who has already accomplished more than most athletes twice his senior, Gargano will no doubt do anything it takes to make his mark and become noticed in PWO, at the expense of Gregory Iron’s well-being, career, or potentially his life. Will Gargano use Iron to make the ultimate statement or can Gregory Iron prove that that which does not kill you only makes you stronger?

PLUS: The PWO debut of the unorthodox Hobo Joe, plus an appearance from Josh Prohibition, and more! Remember, the action gets underway at two special times: PWO hits the airwaves this Saturday late-night at 2:00 am. However, for those that may not prefer the late-night hour, the show will be rebroadcasted this Sunday night at 10:00 pm. That’s two great opportunities to witness the launch of the most action-packed 60 minutes on television today!


If you are a subscriber to DirecTV or Dish Network and do NOT have Sports Time Ohio on your satellite package, and you would like to be a part of the PWO experience, call your satellite provider NOW and request that Sports Time Ohio be added to your channel line-up! To find out if Sports Time Ohio is already available in your market, please follow the following link: http://www.sportstimeohio.com/affiliates.php


The official online home of Pro Wrestling Ohio is www.pwowrestling.com. Pro Wrestling Ohio’s official home on MySpace is www.myspace.com/prowrestlingohio. Be sure to stay posted to both sites for breaking news as it develops!


Questions and comments on this press release, or requests for information on having your news site added to the list of recipients of this release, should be directed to iwcmc_dombrowski@yahoo.com