Title History
Career Highlights
- Jack grew up on vintage wrestling in the late 1960’s in St Louis Missouri watching guys like Pat O’Connor, Dick the Bruiser and Bill Miller (AKA Crimson knight).
- Jack got is break with Championship Wrestling from Florida in the spring of 1986 after working in outlaw organizations, Danny Miller from the Tampa office brought Jack in to the business.
- 1986-88: Jack Towers main-evented under a hood as the Shock Troops in Orlando, Florida.
- 1988: While wrestling in WWE partnered with Brady Boone against the Hart foundation in Ft Myers Florida.
- “Outlaw” Jack Towers was especially known for his ability to take on the microphone, giving arrogant and outrageous promos.
- Jack moved on to Stunt work for TV and movies with BENROS productions. You can see some of his work if you Google frontier land stuntman 1992.