Ken Hollis

Title History

Career Highlights


  • John Hollis (son of Ken Hollis) wrote: I was born in 1944, my father was about 30 then, and only wrestled in Winnie Texas when I was maybe 6 yrs old. He won over a young man half his age with a body slam, but never went back. Ken wrestled in Ontario, Toledo, San Francisco, and many other states, like OH, TX, LA, CA. We have his scrapbook. He had the ears to prove he was a wrestler and I remember he being very strong in his 50’s . He always put hay on the top of the load with a pitchfork for us when we hauled hay.. If you have any pictures or information about Ken Hollis please contact


J. Michael Kenyon wrote: Do not be confused by the existence of TWO grapplers using the name Ken Hollis, one from the 1920s-’30s (aka Teddy Waters) and the other from the 1960s (well known in Tennessee and Texas — in addition to many other American precincts — and perhaps the inspiration for the popular song lyric … “All my ex’s live in Texas and Texas is the place I’d dearly love to be, but all my ex’s live in Texas and that’s why I hang my hat in Tennessee”).

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. — The Springfield Leader said today that Tony Bernardi of Little Rock, Ark., manager of the wrestling syndicate which furnishes talent for mat cards in Missouri, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas and Kansas, in Joplin today admitted that Ken Hollis and Teddy Waters are one and the same wrestler. . . . . Secretary Ben J. Harrison of the Missouri athletic commission, who is investigating the use of two names by one contestant, said Waters, or Hollis, would be allowed to appear on a card at Joplin tonight and could fill contracts for matches already agreed upon, but that the commission probably would suspend him when it is satisfied they are the same person.

John Hollis (son of Ken Hollis) wrote: Ken got in trouble for working as Teddy Waters one time when teddy could not make the match.


Trained By



1904 or 1907





Finishing Move(s)

Favorite Move(s)

Notable Feuds
