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Paul Graham

Title History


Career Highlights


  • Paul Graham was the president of the Australian IFBB bodybuilding federation for years..
  • ~~~He also did a strongman act in clubs for years doing fun things like;
  • ~~~~~lifting a horse off the ground by attaching a harness to it & climbing up a couple of ladders;
  • ~~~~~hanging himself & wrestling crocodiles, the usual stuff..
  • Arnold Schwarzenneger was best man at Paul Graham’s wedding..

    Former pro-wrestling Earl Black wrote: Paul Graham was an Australian wrestler and bodybuilder. He was a good con man. I watched him at work in New Zealand when I was his minder for the battle of the bands. He got an airline to put up the prize, air tickets to London and work for the band. Then he got coca cola to provide huge fridges for all the coke he would sell. He advertised in the papers (on tick), and got 50 bands in each of four main cities in NZ. Each band had to sell 50 tickets at a pound each to enter the battle, which went on from midday till midnight in Wellington, Auckland, Dunedin, and Christchurch. Television gave him free airtime and interviews, so he decided to promote wrestling too. I went on TV with him one night to promote the coming wrestling matches, but the interviewer side tracked him by talking about bodybuilding, and he completely forgot to mention the wrestling. The matches were a great success, anyway. He made a fortune from the wrestling, and the first three battle of the bands. The airline company must have smelt a rat, as they pulled out before the final battle in Dunedin, so there was no prize. Paul quickly found a mark to buy the promotion, sold all the coke and the fridges, took all the money, and left the mark to pay for the prize. When I got back to Sydney, he had opened a gym at Bondi. He was sleeping in a flat above the gym, with three great Danes on top of him. He would awake now and then, and curse the dogs for “stealing my air.” Paul took over the Mr. Universe contests in Australia, using his usual tactics..



Trained By







Finishing Move(s)

Favorite Move(s)

Notable Feuds
