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Richard Bognar

Title History


  • FMW/WWA Martial Arts title;
  • FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team titles w/Gladiator (Mike Awesome);
  • CRMW International Heavyweight title (2);


Career Highlights


  • May 1991: Big Titan defeated Atsushi Onita for the Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling World Martial Arts title..
  • ~~~Lost the title 15 days later to Tarzan Goto..
  • Big Titan then formed a tag team with Gladiator and won the FMW Brass Knuckles Tag Team titles..
  • ~~~Big Titan & Gladiator defeated Atshushi Onita & Katsutoshi Niiyama in the tournament finals to win the titles..
  • ~~~Mr. Pogo & Hisakatsu Ooya took the titles away from them 4 months later..
  • Big Titan had a very brief stint in Extreme Championship Wrestling..
  • Rick Bognar’s biggest North American exposure took place in the WWF when he played the fake Razor Ramon in the Fake Outsiders..
  • ~~~Fans didn’t accept the new “Fake” Outsiders, so they were sent to the USWA..
  • ~~~The “Fake” Razor actually defeated the “Fake” Diesel in a “Loser Leaves Town” match..
  • Rick Bognar started wrestling as “The Free Spirit” Rick Titan after travelling back to Japan..
  • Big Titan was a memeber of New Japan’s version of the nWo Japan..
  • 2001: Rick Bognar retired as a result of a neck injury and is now out of wrestling all-together..
  • 2005: Rick Bognar & “Bad News” Allen Coage now run a wrestling school out of Calgary, Alberta, Canada..
  • Rick Bognar is currently the General Manager of Southport World Health Club, a company with 13 clubs in Alberta..
  • January 15, 2006: Rick Bognar & Allen Coage commentated on The Ultimate Wrestling Nation’s video pilot..
  • ~~~Bognar is working heel and Coage is working face because they are taping it for Lebanon. (National backgrounds, religion etc.)

    Rick Bognar wrote in and helped fill in his profile and had this to say: I am the General Manager of Southport World Health Club which is a big company now that has 13 clubs in Alberta. I really enjoy it. Fitness has always been and always will be a big part of my life. I was trained mostly by Mr. Hito a popular Japanese wrestler and Tokyo Joe Daigo. Both were with New Japan Pro wrestling for some time and were also part of Stampede Wrestling when it was still a big name. I practiced with Chris Jericho and Lance Storm as well as honed my skills on the road with my pals Mike Awesome and Sabu.


Rick Bognar wrote again (March 2010): I just wanted to update you on what I’ve been up to recently. I am at Sutton Can-West Real Estate now (been doing it for 3 years now after World Health Club) and I am teaching wrestling classes at Teofista Boxing Club. I teach Japanese style so that my students look like they are shooting. I have one student named Todd Davidson whom I am particularly proud of. One of my students who I trained with the help of Bad News Allen (God bless his soul) Raj Dhesi has gone to the W.W.E. developmental spots. Another student named Chris Flook went to O.V.W and finally Charlotte Webb has wrestled successfully in England, Mexico and the States. I am currently writing a book called “Wrestling with Consciousness” compiling memoirs and the path to a higher self. I also support Vance Nevada’s book on Western Canadian Wrestling.

Rick Bognar wrote again (June 2010): I’ve completed my book ‘Wrestling with Consciousness’ a story of a man’s inner struggle during and after his wrestling career and the transition from anger and aggression to more centered states in meditation. I have currently started the Speaking Circuit in Calgary and have recently spoken at the Internatlional Publisher’s Association of Calgary and at the Calgary Drop In Center on Overcoming Adversity. My website is www.razorricktitan.com


Trained By

Mr. Hito
Tokyo Joe Daigo




January 16, 1970


Calgary, Alberta, Canada





272 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

Exploder Suplex

Favorite Move(s)

Doctor Bomb

Notable Feuds

The Hart Foundation
