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Ron Pritchard

Title History

Career Highlights


  • Ron Pritchard is now the Athletic Director of Surrey Garden Christian School in Gilbert, Arizona.Dale Pierce wrote: Ron Pritchard was a football star at Arizona State Univeristy, then played pro for the Oilers and the Bengals. In the late 1970s, Ron Pritchard became a born-again Christian and was outspoken in the faith for a while, before tapering off. He was never big on joining the varied Christian atheltic groups or the Christian wrestling promotions. Pritchard retired from wrestling around the same time as he did foottball, due to knee injuries. In 1981 he made a brief comeback at wrestling in Phoenix, then retired for good. Pritchard is dealt with at length in the Billy Graham autoboiography, “Tangled Ropes”. In this book it tells of how he offered a partial liver transplant to try to save Graham, but in examination it was found he had kidney cancer that needed operating on. By trying to save Graham’s life, he saved his own…

    Dave Meltzer wrote: Ron Pritchard has been friends with Superstar Billy Graham dating back to the 60s. Several years back, when Graham needed a liver transplant, Pritchard volunteered to be the donor. When getting checked out, they found a cancerous tumor so Pritchard could not be the donor, but his generosity may have saved his life by discovering the tumor early.



Trained By

Jerry Graham
Billy Graham
Tito Montez



April 9, 1947


Born: Antioch, California
Moved to Phoenix, Arizona





235 lbs

Finishing Move(s)

Favorite Move(s)

The Body Block

Notable Feuds

Billy Graham
Jerry Graham
Boris Malenko
Brute Bernard
Jody Arnold
The Comancharos
