The newest member of the female independent wrestling organization SHIMMER is Davina Rose. She spoke with Robert “Krupy” Krupár from about various topics.

The Krupy:  How do you feel about making your debut for SHIMMER?

Davina Rose:  My SHIMMER debut was definitely the highlight of my career so far. I couldn’t have asked for more, especially wrestling against Mercedes Martinez in my first match there. I learned so much in such a short amount of time there. I love everything about the promotion and couldn’t have been happier being a part of the Serena Deeb/Portia Perez rivalry. I owe a big thanks to Serena for making that happen for me.

The Krupy:  Would you rather go to WWE, or TNA and why?

Davina Rose:  It’s hard to say because I love different things about each of those companies and would love to work for either one. WWE has been my dream since I was a kid but I’m really happy with the way TNA treats their women’s division. That’s a tough question! =)

The Krupy :  What is your opinion on the current decline of WWE Divas Division ? It´s just painful to watch.

Davina Rose:  It’s sad to me because it used to be so good, and I believe it still can be very good because there are a lot of talented women in the locker room but they just don’t give them the opportunity. I’m hoping it will pick up soon. Don’t give up on them!

Davina discussed a lot more topics with Krupy. If you would like to know how she got to wrestling business, about her favorite matches so far, wrestling idol in her childhood or how is day off like for her, here is the full link to the interview on Art of Wrestling CZ (