Ivelisse Vélez was recently the NXT Diva with the name Sofia Cortez and she was getting rave reviews of her work. But then she was released by WWE. She spoke with Robert “Krupy” Krupár from www.artofwrestling.cz about various topics.

The Krupy: Who is your dream opponent?

Ivelisse: Trish. I feel like it would have a bit of personal value as well since she was very supportive with me in WWE Tough Enough 2011 and that meant ALOT to me. I also remember her saying she wanted to wrestle me so that means alot too.

The Krupy: What is a day off like for Ivelisse Vélez? Do you have any hobbies?

Ivelisse: There are no days off for Ivelisse.  It’s always go go go…. but in the rare occasions when there is, I like going to the movies or going out, oh or of course the beach!

Ivelisse discussed a couple of more topics with Krupy. If you would like to know what she hates the most in wrestling, who is her secret idol and more, here is the full link to the interview on Art of Wrestling CZ.

Check out the interview here:  http://www.artofwrestling.cz/exclusive-interview-with-ivelisse-velez/