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  5. AEW Rampage 06 28 2024 & AEW Collision 06 29 2024

AEW Rampage 06 28 2024 & AEW Collision 06 29 2024

  • Two On One Handicap Match:
    Orange Cassidy defeats The Outrunners (Truth Magnum & Turbo Floyd) (6:04).
  • Tag Team Match: Gabe Kidd & Roderick Strong (w/Matt Taven & Mike Bennett) defeat The Infantry (Carlie Bravo & Shawn Dean) (w/Trish Adora) (6:26).
  • AEW TNT Title Forbidden Door Qualifying Match: El Phantasmo defeats AR Fox (5:25).
  • Singles Match: Shingo Takagi defeats Dalton Castle (7:55).
  • Singles Match: Queen Aminata defeats Skye Blue (9:46).

AEW Collision Results
June 29, 2024 (Taped 6/26)
Key Bank Center in Buffalo, New York
Results by: Jerome Wilen of Wrestleview.com

We go right to the arena with Excalibur and Nigel McGuinness welcoming us to the show.

The music of Orange Cassidy hits as he makes his way out to the entrance area. The music of Tomohiro Ishii is up next. Both men make their way down to the ring, as we wait their challengers.

The music for TMDZ is next as Robbie Eagles and Shane Haste are our next and make their way down to the ring.

Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii vs. Robbie Eagles and Shane Haste

The bell rings as Cassidy and Haste wants Cassidy’s pockets checked. Cassidy tries for a shoulder block on Haste. Haste pulls the arm of Cassidy. Haste sends Cassidy to the ropes as he ducks a swing. Ishii is tagged in. Haste tries to take down Ishii with a shoulder block. Ishii finally drops Haste. Cassidy and Ishii double team Haste. Ishii has Haste in the corner and chops him. Cassidy is tagged in. He goes to the top rope. Eagles is tagged in. Eagles runs the ropes as Cassidy is taken down by Eagles, but Cassidy comes back with an arm drag…I HAD AN UNEXPECTED BRIEF ISSUE AND MISSED PART OF THE MATCH AFTER THIS.

We go to picture in picture as Cassidy is on the floor.

Picture-In-Picture: Haste works on Cassidy on the floor and then sends him back in the ring. Eagles is tagged in and he works on Cassidy. Haste is tagged in and nails Cassidy with a big elbow, sending him to the mat. Haste covers Cassidy, but he kicks out at two. Haste twists the leg of Cassidy as the ref checks on Cassidy. Cassidy grabs the bottom rope to break the hold. Haste kicks Cassidy in the back. Haste then scoops up Cassidy and slams him to the mat. Eagles is tagged in. He hits Cassidy with lefts and rights.

Back from picture-in-picture: Haste is tagged back as Cassidy tries to get to the corner to make the tag, but Haste grabs the ankle of Cassidy. Cassidy kicks Haste and makes the tag to Ishii. Ishii sends Eagles out of the ring. Ishii slams Haste on the mat and covers him for only a two count. Ishii and Cassidy double team Haste in the corner with chops and rights. Eagles comes in, only to be met with a right hand by Cassidy and Ishii. Cassidy drops Haste and covers him for only a two count. Cassidy takes off his elbow pad and goes for an orange punch, but Haste counters with a falcon arrow and then covers Cassidy for only a two count. Eagles is tagged in. Cassidy picks up Eagles and slams him. Eagles recovers and slams Cassidy and covers him for only a two count. Haste is dropped by a huge lariat by Ishii. Eagles attempts to pin Cassidy, but he kicks out…Cassidy then picks up Eagles and drops him with a beach break to get the win.

Winners by pinfall: Orange Cassidy and Tomohiro Ishii vs. Robbie Eagles and Shane Haste

We go to a vignette that is a tease for the return of Hangman Page.


Back from the break, We go backstage with Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith. They talk about how great Buffalo is. Jericho then says when you tape someone’s wrist, you need to tape three times. Jericho then says a learning tree moment, take training tape from the trainers that way you don’t have to pay for it later. Keith looks around at takes the tape.

Can this stupid gimmick end, please.

The music of Stephanie Vaquer hits next as she makes her way to the ring. Lady Frost is out next. The music of Mercedes Mone’ hits as the TBS Champion makes her way down to the ring, with what looks to watch the match up between Vaquer and Frost.

Stephanie Vaquer vs. Lady Frost

The bell rings as we are underway, with CEO chants. Stephanie picks up Frost and drops her, but Frost comes back with an armbar. Stephanie takes down Frost and has her in a head lock. Frost crawls to the ropes to break the hold. Stephanie is on the apron as Frost kicks her. She drops to the floor as Frost leaps from the steel steps, dropping Stephanie. Frost is up on the apron as Stephanie kicks Frost in the face and then turns to Mone’ as we go to picture in picture.

Picture-In-Picture: Stephanie and Frost are back in the ring as Stephanie sends Frost to the turnbuckle and then knees her in the face. Stephanie picks up Frost and then drops her in a headlock with her knees. Stephanie covers Frost for only a two count. Frost attempts to fight back, but Stephanie nails her with a headbutt.


Back from the full break, Stephanie has Frost is a headlock, driving her face and head to the ring. Stephanie picks up Frost, but she escapes and drops Stephanie with a lariat. Frost then kicks Stephanie, sending her to the mat and then hits her with a cannonball. Frost is up on the ropes and comes down with a big crossbody and covers Stephanie. Frost covers Stephanie, but she kicks out at two. Stephanie drops Frost with a DDT and covers her, but Frost kicks out at two. Frost kicks Stephanie and then drop kicks her in the back. Stephanie then comes back with headbutts on Frost in the corner. Stephanie then drops Frost with a dragon screw on the right leg of Frost. Stephanie then picks up Frost and drivers her down hard to the mat and covers her to get the pin.

Winner by pinfall: Stephanie Vaquer

After the match, Mone’ enters the ring and raises the TBS Title at Vaquer, who leaves the ring. From behind Zeuxis drops Mone’, but she comes back and drops Zeuxis. Stephanie enters the ring and picks up Mone’ and slams her hard on ther back, leaving her lying in the ring. Vaquer grabs the TBS Title and jaws at Mone’

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Lucha Bros, who say they have something at Forbidden Door that you have never seen before…

Back from the break, Serna Deeb’s music hits as this was the first match taped before Dynamite on Wednesday night. Deeb makes her way to the ring.

Kelly Maden is already in the ring.

Serena Deeb vs. Kelly Maden

The bell rings as the match begins. Deeb has Maden in the corner and chops her. Maden sends Deeb to the corner. Deeb is on the apron and grabs Maden and hits her with a neckbreaker on the ropes. Deeb comes back with a big lariat, dropping Maden. Deeb picks up Maden and drops her face first, then covers her for the win.

Winner by pinfall: Sarena Deeb

After the match, Deeb says she fell short in her quest to become AEW Women’s World Champion…she then says this AEW, where the best wrestler. She says she is the best. She then asked for someone to wrestle that is on her level. Riho’s music hits, as she makes her way out to a nice ovation. Riho walks to the ring, waving to the fans. Riho enters the ring and looks to accept the challenge by Deeb. We get a Riho chant. Deeb smiles and then walks out of the ring to boos.

We go backstage with Chris Jericho…someone walks out of the bathroom and he asks if he washed his hands as germs spread easy.


We are back from the break as we go in the back area with Chris Jericho, Big Bill and Bryan Keith, giving us a history of a Zamboni. Keith tells Jericho he needs to ride it. Samoa Joe, Hook and Shibata attack Jericho, Bill and Keith as the action spills into the arena and then the ring. Joe nails Jericho in the corner. As Hook and Shibata work on Bill, Jeff Cobb enters the rig and picks up Hook and tosses him across the ring. Joe and Cobb duke it out, but Cobb picks up Joe and drops him hard to the mat, as we get a holy s— chant. Jericho jaws at Joe who is down holding his head. Bill then jaws at Hook, who is also holding the back of his head. Jericho waves on as Jericho pulls off his shirt and puts it on Joe.

We go to a video package featuring the match up between Orange Cassidy and Zack Saber, Jr, who will square off at Forbidden Door.

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to Orange Cassidy. He says his world is falling apart…Saber enters in and says he respects Cassidy and that he is one of the best wrestlers in the world. Cassidy tells Saber he is waiting a year to pin him with his hands in his pockets.

The music of Hechicero is next, as the CMLL star makes his way to the ring. Kevin Blackwood is already in the ring.

Hechicero vs. Kevin Blackwood

The bell rings as both men lock up. Hechicero takes down Blackwood. Blackwood grabs Hechicero, but he counters and grabs the leg of Blackwood. Hechicero works on the leg of Blackwood, twisting the ankle. Hechicero then grabs the arm of Blackwood, but he fights back. Hechicero comes back and kicks Blackwood. Hechicero then picks up Blackwood and drops him to the mat. Hechicero then picks up Blackwood and spins him around, before dropping him to the mat. Hechicero then grabs the arm of Blackwood and bends it, as Blackwood verbally gives up.

Winner by pinfall: Hechicero

We go backstage with Lexy Nair talking to the Patriarchy. Christian Cage says that his eyes are on the Trios championships. Cage says that he has carried AEW on his shoulders for the last year…He says that the titles will look great on his shoulders. Jay White and the Gunns come in and ask Cage if he has apologized to his family for the words I quit. White then insults Momma Wayne a Killswitch. Funny stuff from White.

The music of Daniel Garcia is next, as he comes out to the ring wearing a Buffalo Bred tank top. This is a battle of Buffalo according to Bobby Cruise. Daddy Magic is on commentary for this match.

The Butcher is out next, wearing Buffalo Bills trunks. He gets a fairly good ovation from his home town.

Daniel Garcia vs. The Butcher

The bell rings as both men stare down each other. Both men lock up as Butcher sends Garcia to the mat. Both men lock up again, as Butcher sends Garcia to the corner. We get a clean break. Both men lock up agin and go to the corner. We have a test of strength. Butcher pushes Garcia to the corner and kicks him in the mid-section. Garcia then fires back on Butcher with kicks of his own, followed by a big knee…Butcher comes back with a big cross body on Garcia, dropping him to the mat. Garcia goes to the floor. Butcher sends Garcia into the barricade. Garcia fires back and hammers Butcher with elbows to the back of the neck…Garcia puts Butcher in a chair and charges at him, connecting with a boot…Garcia goes again, charging at Butcher, but he picks up Garica and drops him back first on the barricade, as we go to picture in picture.

Picture-In-Picture: The action is back in the ring. Garcia is in the corner as Butcher nails Garcia, dropping him to the mat. Butcher covers Garcia for only a two count. Butcher then drops Garcia with a big lariat. Garcia crawls to the ropes as Butcher poses in the ring…Garcia is up and fires back, but Butcher picks him up and slams him down.

Back from picture-in-picture, we get this is awesome chants. Butcher slaps Garcia and then picks him up with a half nelson, into a back breaker. Butcher covers Garcia, but he kicks out at two. Garcia’a mom is shown at ringside, looking on. Butcher hits Garcia, but he is fired up and kicks Butcher in the mid-section. Garcia then drops Butcher with a neck breaker. Garcia has Butcher in the corner and nails him with rights. Garcia charges at Butcher, but he counters with a kick…Garcia then comes back and picks up Butcher and drops him on his back, to get the pin.

Winner by pinfall: Daniel Garcia

After the match, Garcia is on the barricade, celebrating with the fans. Garcia goes back in the ring as Butcher and Garcia exchange words. Both men show a sign of respect and hug and leave the ring together.

We go to the back with Lexy Nair talking to Will Ospreay about the weigh-in later tonight. Lexy asks if things are personal. Don Callis and his family come in…he tells Will he can make it happen like he did with Kenny Omega. Will says he wants to do it on his own. Rush then enters the picture as we go to a commercial break.


Back from the break, Lexy Nair is with Jack Perry. Lexy asks about the ladder match, then Perry says he never agreed to team up tonight. Christopher Daniels then enters in and says if he doesn’t wrestle tonight, he will be forced to take him out of the match at Forbidden Door.

The music of Hikaru Shida hits as she makes her way to the ring with a kendo stick. The music of Deonna Purrazzo is next as she comes out and makes her way to the ring.

Owen Hart Foundation Women’s Quarterfinal: Hikaru Shida vs. Deonna Purrazzo

The bell rings as we are underway…both women lock up, but we get a break. Another lock up as Shida has Deonna in an armbar, but she counters it. Deonna takes down Shida to the mat. We get a clean break. Both women lock up for a test of strength. Shida puts Deonna in a side headlock, but Purrazzo backs up Shida to the corner for the break. Both women exchange strikes. Shida then kicks Purrazzo across the jaw, dropping her to her knees. Shida then hits rights on Deonna, who rolls the floor. Shida then climbs the middle rope and dives on Purrazzo…Deonna is on the apron as Shida attempts to kicks Deonna, but she moves and then kicks Shida in the arm and follows up with a pump kick, as we go to picture in picture.

Picture-In-Picture: The action is back in the ring. Deonna grabs the arm of Shida and has it locked up as the ref checks on Shida. Shida attempts to get out of the hold, but Deonna holds on…we get a break as Deonna kicks the arm of Shida. Deonna kicks Shida, who fires back, but its not enough.


Back from the break, Shida nails Purrazzo with big elbows…Shida drops Deonna with a big lariat. Shida then nails Deonna with a running knee…Shida covers Deonna, but she kicks out at two. Purrazzo then drops Shida with a leg sweep. Shida swings at Purrazzo, who grabs the arm of Shida and bends her arm back…Shida makes it to the bottom rope to break the hold…Shida comes back and hits Purrazzo in the face and then drops her with a falcon arrow. Shida covers Deonna, but she kicks out. Shida then comes back with a big kick on Purrazzo and covers her for the pin to advance.

Winner by pinfall: Hikurua Shida

After the match, Purrazzo attacks Shida from behind and stomps on her. Purrazzo picks up the kendo stick…Thunder Rosa’s music hits as she runs to the ring to make the save, causing Purrazzo to escape the ring.

We go to a vignette with an emotional Jeff Jarrett talking about the Owen Hart Tournament. We hear from Karen Jarrett, Jay Lethal, Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh.


Back from the break, AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm walks along glass, cutting a another great promo ahead of her match at Forbidden Door.

Reach for the sky boys! ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe is out first…Dante Martin is out next. Lio Rush comes out last. All three men make their way to the ring.

Konosule Takeshita is out first. El Phantasmo is out next. Finally, Jack Perry comes out, not looking happy. He walks to the ring by himself, tossing a water bottle at the fans.

Don Callis is on commentary for this match.

Trios Match: Jack Perry, El Phantasmo and Konosuke Takeshita vs. ROH World Champion Mark Briscoe, Dante’ Martin and Lio Rush

Perry and Rush will start off. Perry then tags in Takeshita. Takeshita pushes Lio, who comes back with a diving cross body, but Takeshita catches him. Takeshita then kicks Lio. Takeshita then tags in El Phantasmo. Lio sends Phantasmo to the mat with a big kick. Dante is tagged in…Mark Briscoe is in as all three triple team El Phantasmo. Dante is tagged in as he drops El Phantasmo. Lio is tagged in and drives El Phantasmo down to the mat. Dante is tagged in, but then quick tags Lio in El Phantasomo rocks the head of Dante. El Phantasmo sends Dante into Lio. Perry then drops to the apron to avoid a tag. Lio hits him with a running drop kick as we go to picture in picture.

Picture-In-Picture: Takeshita is in and works on Dante, applying a big boot to his throat. El Phantasmo is tagged in as he nails Dante. El Phantasmo picks up Dante and drops him on the mat. Takeshita is in and picks up Dante, dropping him on his back hard to the mat. Takeshita tags in El Phantasmo…

Back from picture-in-picture: Takeshita and El Phantasmo double team Dante, but he takes out both Takeshita and El Phantasmo…Dante makes the tag to Mark Briscoe…he chops El Phantasmo. Mark drops El Phantasmo and covers him, but Jack Perry comes in to stop the pin. El Phantasmo sends Briscoe to the floor with a big thrust kick. Lio Rush runs the ropes and takes down Takeshita…Dante then leaps over the ropes and takes out El Phantasmo on the floor. El Phantasmo is back in the ring as Dante comes off the top with a big cross body. He makes the cover, but Perry breaks it up…Takeshita drops Rush with a big German suplex. Takeshita has Dante up on the ropes, but Dante counters dropping Takeshita…Dante is up on the top rope, but Perry pushes him…Dante pushes Perry. Takeshita picks up Dante and drops him with a blue thunder powerbomb and then kicks him to get the win.

After the match, Perry hits Takeshita from behind with the TNT Title. Rush then sends Perry to the floor as El Phantasmo sends Takeshita out of the ring. Dante and Rush fight over the the TNT Title. Mark Briscoe sets up a ladder as everyone are on the floor…Mark tosses the TNT Title and then leaps off the ladder, crashing into everyone on the floor!

The action of this match was hard to keep up at times, as it was all over the place at times.

The commentary team run down the card for Forbidden Door.

Weigh-In between Will Ospreay and Swerve Strickland

Prince Nana hosts the official weigh-in for. He introduces the challenger first. The music of the International Champion hits as he makes his way out and stands on the scale. Nana announces that Ospreay weighs in at 220 pounds.

Nana now introduces Swerve Strickland, who comes out. Swerve steps on the scale, as Nana announces Swerve weighs in at 230 pounds. Nana asks both men to stand next to scale for official photos. Both men jaw at each other. Both men turn to the camera and pose for photos. Nana asks Ospreay if he has a final words. Ospreay says that he will usher in a new era with the best wrestler in the world…he says he is on another level…Swerve is asked about final words…Swerve says its on him…Swerve says he is on another level. He calls Will a bum and then says he offers his wife…Will pie faces Swerve as both men fight. It is broken up…as Swerve turns his back, Ospreay nails Swerve with a massive hidden blade, dropping Swerve, who is out. Ospreay holds up both belts and then jaws at Nana….the show goes off the air.

This final segment was some great old school booking. Overall, this was a good show tonight.