AEW Dynamite 09 14 2022

AEW Dynamite Results
September 14, 2022
Albany, New York (MVP Arena)
Results by: Chris Gerics of

It’s Wednesday night, you know what that means!

Dynamite kicks off with the commentators welcoming us to the MVP Arena! We’re starting off hot!!

AEW Tournament of Champions Semi-Final Match: Jon Moxley vs. Sammy Guevara

Wild Thing hits! Jon Moxley makes his way out from the crowd as they go nuts as Tony, Excalibur and William Regal heap praise upon both competitors. The crowd is going nuts and Moxley looks absolutely pumped up as he raises three fingers to the camera.

“The epitome of sports entertainers.” Sammy Guevara comes out and the crowd is none to pleased. Sammy is outfitted in a Macho Man-esque Pink and Yellow combo as Moxley pounds the corner in anticipation. Sammy is also on his own tonight with no Tay Melo.

Both men start off trash talking and Sammy immediately bails. Both men lock up and Moxley gains control with a side headlock and wrist lock for a one count. Test of strength in the corner, and Sammy comes back with a flurry of forearms and boots to Moxley in the corner. Moxley explodes out the corner and Sammy FLIES from a lariat. Chop battle ensuing now and it looks like Mox has the upper hand and even lays down in the ring mocking Sammy’s chops. Moxley with an Irish whip that is reversed and Sammy comes back with a Tope Con Hiro and a flipping senton! Sammy then throws Moxley into the steps and starts stomping a mudhole in Moxley’s face, and Sammy then hits a front facing curb stomp into the stairs!

–Commercial Break–

Back from commercial, Sammy has Moxley on the apron looking for a piledriver but Moxley reverses into the Dirty Deeds on the apron!! Sammy looks completely out of it, glazed eyes and all. Bryce Remsberg counting Sammy and he’s in at 7. Mox with a series of lariats in the corner now and has Sammy up top and rakes his back and then bites him! MASSIVE Butterfly Suplex off the top rope!!! Mox goes for an armbar but Sammy counters into a Boston Crab to no luck. Sammy with a quick enziguiri and a springboard double rope cutter!!! 1….2….NO!! Kickout by Moxley at 2! Sammy looking for the GTH but Moxley counters into the bulldog choke! Sammy tries to escape but now Moxley pounds away with the hammer and anvil elbows; Mox off the ropes into a Spanish Fly! 1….2…kickout! Sammy now headed up to the top for a high risk move but Moxley catches him and hits a huge avalanche German suplex! Both men down now; as Tay and Anna Jay stomp their way down to the ring. Anna throws her jacket in the ring and Tay sneaks in and low blows Mox! Sammy small package! 1…2…NO!!!! Kickout! Everyone is stunned at ringside! Sammy misses a Swanton and Mox with a crucifix/seatbelt like pin for a two count! Sammy with elbow shots now and Mox comes back with some heavy strikes; but Sammy counters with a knee! Moxley is spun around, Sammy has him up; but Moxley avoids the GTH and hits the Death Rider!!! 1…2…3!!!

WINNER: Jon Moxley

We attempt cut to the back where apparently MJF has a microphone as we go to commercial.

–Commercial Break–

MJF’s music hits and the crowd goes nuts and he immediately yells to cut the music and for Albany to keep their fat mouths shut. MJF does not look happy. Seven days he hasn’t slept since he and Mox laid eyes on each other and it’s because he saw the look of a man who has no fear and how much that pisses him off! He says he isn’t the same kid as before because he isn’t playing a character now Jon; you are. Walking around all tough, big bad Moxley; you’re as bad as these people! MJF says he read his book and loved the part about childhood; educated, poor white trash scumbag from the sticks! He mentions how Moxley got his bike stolen and was bullied, and says it forced him to make a front and it’s why the morons of Albany chant your name! He says Moxley is the same poor, scared little boy from the slums of Cincinnati and now he can drown his sorrows in alcohol like a worthless drunk! He gives credit for Moxley for going through rehab but “my brain is far more dangerous than your disease. Bad things happen when you get in MJF’s way, so Moxley take that vacation, skip Arthur Ashe, because you can’t win my title!” He keeps laying in to Moxley saying “Your demons said they would take it all away, and if you don’t tread lightly you’ll find out I am that demon and I am a demon you can’t slay.”

MJF talks about Stokely’s group and how they helped him. He referred to them as a faction on retainer. They are called the Firm now. Out comes Hathaway flanked by Page, Morrissey and the like. Stokely with a mic now, saying he flew from Orlando to New York to meet MJF, saying he wanted to quit before Stokely decided “It’s time you get what you want.” He built this retainer as an insurance policy for MJF and admits that he isn’t a publicist or a manager or no damn assistant. He’s a friend, just a friend with some connections. Everything has been a hustle and a con since Double or Nothing; Stokely says “The blackest berries have the sweetest juice”, basically saying the more gossip you have the more power you have. He gives Morrissey a hug and he looks none to pleased. He goes through dapping up all the guys in the ring and singles out Lee Moriarty and says he should challenge for the Pure Championship. An Ass Boys chant breaks out as he gets to the Gunn Club. Ethan Page gets a favorable reaction from the crowd; he says he wants to represent Canada and win the All Atlantic Championship and bring it home to a great nation like Canada. He ends the promo saying “Either you run with us or run from us.”

Video package about an open challenge from Jungle Boy and it’s accepted by Jay Lethal! Sonjay is going nuts here!

Open Challenge: Jungle Boy vs. Jay Lethal

Both men begin with a lockup into the corner and Lethal pats him on the head and Jungle Boy slaps the hell out of him! Both with a series of elbows and counters, then hits a top rope arm drag and dropkick! Lethal goes for a figure four that is countered into a pin, and Jungle boy with a pin of his own for quick one counts. Lethal to the outside now and as Jungle Boy hits the ropes Satnam Singh steps in front of Lethal to block. Jungle up top now but Lethal slides back in and stops the attack. Lethal with a sickening backbreaker on the turnbuckle!!!

–Commercial Break–

Back from the break sees Lethal in control with a whip in the corner and Jungle Boy crumbles. Lethal is definitely targeting that injured back but Jungle Boy comes back with an explosive clothesline as both men are down. Both men on their knees as they exchange forearms, chops and various strikes as they get back to their feet; flying elbow by Jungle Boy! Looking for a suplex but his back gives out! Lethal going for the Lethal Injection but countered by a huge lariat into a brainbuster!! 1…2…Kickout! Both men up top and Lethal with a huge Russian Leg Sweep from the middle turnbuckle! 1…2…NO! Jungle Boy just gets his shoulder up. Lethal again goes for Lethal Injection but counters into a Killswitch, but Lethal shakes him off into a Lethal Combination and hits a tope right after! Lethal back in and up top now and a massive elbow drop! 1…2…NO!!!! Massive kick out by Jungle Boy, and immediately gets the Snare Trap! Lethal struggling as Sonjay gets up on the apron; Lethal counters with a roll-up into a figure four but Jungle Boy turns it around into the Snare Trap again! Lethal taps out!!!!!

WINNER: Jungle Boy

Hype video with Action Bronson and HOOK training; Hook says “Next week, be ready.”

Alex Marvez in the back with a Luigi Primo and immediately gets kicked by Ethan Page! Guess who sneaks in but Danhausen! He says let’s start with the jester on Rampage! Danhausen says “Yes, lets get that jester.” Looks like it’s Page/Danhausen Friday!

–Commercial Break–

Video package about Darby Allin participating in the Nitro Circus on what appears to be a Motor-Trike, but it cuts to Matt Hardy telling him he needs to raise the bar even more. He’s an OG member of Team Extreme and Darby may be one of his best rivals and partners, but he wants to get back to the top so he challenges him to a match on Rampage!

Powerhouse Hobbs vs. Matt DiMartino

Hobbs immediately in the corner with a lariat, hits a massive spinebuster and it’s over.

WINNER: Powerhouse Hobbs

Hobbs with a microphone after as the crowd chants “We want Ricky!” Hobbs says at All Out he defeated Ricky Starks; he says Ricky is tough and he spent 21 months grinding but it only took him 4 minutes to beat him but whose counting? Now that’s over it is time to open a new chapter in the book of Hobbs and it starts tonight. Ricky Starks makes his way through the crowd! Ricky evades security and gets in the ring and clocks Hobbs with the microphone! Hobbs bails as they play Ricky’s music as he poses in the ring.

We cut to a promo package of Death Triangle (specifically Lucha Bros) challenging Swerve in our Glory for the AEW Tag Team Championships as we cut to that now!

AEW World Tag Team Championship Match: Lucha Brothers (Rey Fenix and Penta El Zero M) vs. Swerve in Our Glory (Keith Lee and Swerve Strickland)

Lucha Bros. come out to a great ovation! They look absolutely pumped up!! Swerve in Our Glory come out to a spattering of boos; but their swagger in undeniable as both teams are getting the crowd pumped up!

Penta with a face wash to start and a series of counters until Swerve handstands and gets kicked in the ribs. Fenix quickly tags in and a somersault dropkick, then Penta flips Fenix onto Swerve for a two count! Fenix and Swerve balancing on the top rope but Swerve hits a springboard hurricanrana! Keith Lee tagged in and a single overhand chop knocks Fenix over as we go to commercial!

–Commercial Break–


Keith Lee catches Fenix with a huge backbreaker! Swerve up top as Fenix is on Lee’s shoulders. Thrust Kick from Penta to Lee and a springboard Spanish Fly and Penta with a DESTROYER ON KEITH LEE!!! HOLY SMOKES!! 1…2…NO!!!!! That was a 2.9 count. Fenix up top now but gets pushed off by Swerve and Penta walks into the Big Bang Catastrophe! 1…2….3!



Max Caster says “Swerve if you ever interrupt again I’ll beat your ass. Keep nut hugging the famous people you know, roll Keith Lee to Grand Slam and then the Acclaimed can be the new tag team champions!” Bowens says “we gonna beat your Drake and Josh looking asses now SCISSOR ME DADDY ASS!”

Alex Marvez in the back with PAC and asks about the bump in the road with the Lucha Bros. loss but PAC tells him to mind his business and gets laid out by Orange Cassidy! OC says “Double double champion huh? Not for long.”

–Commercial Break–

Women’s Tag Team Match: Serena Deeb and Dr. Britt Baker vs. Toni Storm and Athena

Baker and Hayter haven’t spoken since All Out, which doesn’t bode well for the doctor it would seem. Athena and Storm both receive warm welcomes from the crowd and Storm looks determined and focused.

Match starts off with Deeb and Storm doing some basic mat wrestling as they’re fighting for control and it comes to a quick stalemate. Deeb has Storm in the corner now and hits a series of chops but Toni comes back with some of her own! Athena tagged in now with a jumping splash over the top rope to Deeb and hits a dropkick then a front handspring elbow in the corner! Athena with a modified jawbreaker now as she’s on fire! Athena heads up top but Baker distracts and Deeb takes out the knee as we head to commercial.

–Commercial Break–

Back from break and Athena hits a big enziguiri on Deeb as Baker and Storm both tag in! Storm with a dropkick and big uppercut in the corner, goes for the hip attack but Rebel blocks her. Storm umps off Deeb now into a DDT to Baker! Both women back in as Baker avoids a clothesline and hits a sling blade! Deeb and Athena tag back in and exchange heavy forearms as Athena springboards but Deeb counters into an armbar! Athena blocks and counters a powerbomb into a Meteora! Storm gets tagged in and a cross body is reversed into a single leg crab! Debb drags Storm to the middle and Athena with a massive kick as Deeb keeps it locked on. Baker with a massive superkick from Baker to Storm. Deeb jackknifes Storm 1…2…kickout! Baker and Athena on the outside as Baker throws her hard into the steps. Deeb and Storm back at it as Deeb as her set up for Detox but Storm counters as Britt now has a chair as Deeb throws her head first directly in the chair as Rebel distracted the ref! Storm is out cold! 1…2…3!

WINNERS: Dr. Britt Baker and Serena Deeb

Athena attacks both women after but eats a superkick from Baker and gets SPIKED with a stomp. Jamie Hayter runs down and steals the chair, but hits Storm! She doesn’t go after Baker but she does leave the ring screaming at Baker.

Video package with Josh Woods, Tony Nese and Mark Sterling hyping up the ROH TV Title match between Woods and Samoa Joe on Rampage. The commentators hype up Rampage and next week’s Grand Slam Dynamite!

AEW Tournament of Champions Semi-Final: Chris Jericho vs. Bryan Danielson

Judas hits as the crowd sings along! Jericho comes out looking like JAS Jericho, no Lionheart or anything this week. This crowd is in love with Jericho, it’s Jeri-Cruise levels of excitement. Danielson’s music hits and he cones out of the heel tunnel! He comes out to a huge applause from the crowd as we are under way!

Bryan starts with a bunch of chops and roundhouse kicks! Already beating the hell out of Jericho! Whipped into the corner and running dropkick by Bryan! More chops from both men now as they jostle for position. Bryan with another running dropkick in the corner! Headbutt from Bryan as we cut to the back as we see Daniel Garcia watching on. Jericho tossed out now as Bryan hits a dropkick to the outside then a running knee off the apron onto Jericho! On the outside as Bryan hammerlocks Jericho into the post, and he’s up to the top now as he hits a dropkick on Jericho; Bryan up top again with a massive diving heabutt to the back of Jericho! 1…2…Kickout! Series of knees to the ribs of Jericho by Bryan and now Bryan manipulating the hand and joints.

Bryan with the Yes kicks as Jericho is on his knees; Jericho ducks a head kick and Jericho hits a release German Suplex on Bryan, then hits the Triangle Dropkick as he knocks Bryan to the outside. Now Jericho hits a Triangle Body Press to the outside as he gloats to the crowd. Both men back in the ring now and Jericho is slapping Bryan but Bryan is back to his feet and pacing. Bryan is pissed and they’re both fired up with massive chops! Machine gun chops from Bryan, but Jericho with some of his own then Bryan whipped in the corner and counters with a moonsault; then bounces off the ropes and meets Jericho in the middle with a double cross body! Both men down as we go to commercial.

–Commercial Break–

Back from the break and Bryan is up top now but Jericho crotches him and sets him up and hits a hurricanrana! Bryan avoids the Judas Effect, and hits a bridging German for a two count! Bryan transitions into the Cattle Mutilation! Jericho turns out of it, but Bryan keeps control and hits the hammer and anvil elbows but Jericho catches one of the elbows and hits hammer and anvil shots of his own! Bryan is just simply shaking them off like some demon; then hits a huge chop, and one from Jericho and again from Bryan; now kicks and chops by Bryan but a Codebreaker by Jericho but Danielson comes back and hits the Buisaiku Knee!! Both men are up now as Jericho is on the apron. Both men with a volley of shots and Jericho suplexes Bryan to the outside and Bryan landed hard on his ankle!

Doctor Sampson is checking in on him but Jericho pushes him off and rips off the kick pad and is just punching the foot of Bryan! Now he wraps the leg multiple times around the post and then locks in a figure four around the ring post! Danielson is basically on one foot; as Jericho hits him with a chop block back in the ring, followed up by a knee breaker. Jericho goes for another one but on one leg Bryan fights him off; Bryan hops to attack Jericho and falls directly into the Walls of Jericho! Bryan is dead center of the ring, but Jericho transitions into a single leg to the injured ankle of Bryan. The crowd is cheering Bryan on and he’s digging and crawling to the ropes! He drags him back into a figure four but Bryan reverses into a rollup! 1…2…NO! Dragon Screw now by Jericho into the Figure Four! Bryan tries to and successfully reverses the pressure as they both take pot shots at each other. Bryan transitions into the Labelle Lock! Jericho hammered across the face as Bryan wrenches back and digs his fingers into Jericho’s face. Jericho has nowhere to go! Jericho taps out!!!!!

WINNER: Bryan Danielson

Jon Moxley comes down the tunnel and gets into the ring as Regal looks on. Both men are chatting and surveying the crowd as they lock eyes and shake hands as a sign of respect as the show goes off the air.