IMPACT Wrestling 01 05 2023

IMPACT results for Thursday, January 5 are courtesy of

Masha Slamovich vs Taylor Wilde

Before they compete in a Four-Way #1 Contenders match at Hard To Kill, Masha Slamovich and Taylor Wilde go one-on-one! Another competitor in that match, Deonna Purrazzo, joins Matthew Rehwoldt and Tom Hannifan on commentary. Wilde chokes Slamovich on the ropes, then drives her face-first into the apron. Slamovich shuts down her momentum with a series of snap suplexes, including one into the corner turnbuckles. Both Knockouts are down following double clotheslines in the middle of the ring. Wilde quickens the pace, then hits a modified Codebreaker for two. Slamovich disrespects Purrazzo at ringside but that gives Wilde the opportunity to capitalize, rolling her up for three.

Taylor Wilde def Masha Slamovich

After the match, an enraged Slamovich assaults a member of security, delivering the Snow Plow on the outside.

Sami Callihan demands an answer from The Design – will they allow the “Death Machine” to join their ranks?

With both of their targets firmly set on the IMPACT World Title, Rich Swann challenges Steve Maclin to a Falls Count Anywhere in Atlanta match at Hard To Kill.

Black Taurus w/ Crazzy Steve vs Anthony Greene

“The Alternative” Anthony Greene makes his IMPACT debut as he battles the #1 Contender for the X-Division Title, Black Taurus! Greene hits a Hurricanrana but Taurus comes back with a powerslam. Greene dumps him over the top rope to the floor. Greene sends Taurus crashing into the steel ring post to gain control. Greene walks across the ropes, then soars towards Taurus and connects with a cutter. Taurus turns the tide with a headbutt, then quickens the pace with a series of Slingblades. Taurus hits a pop-up Samoan Drop, followed by Destination Hellhole to win.

Black Taurus w/ Crazzy Steve def Anthony Greene

As Greene is exiting the IMPACT Zone, he’s blindsided by X-Division Champion Trey Miguel who tags him with spray paint.

Kenny King invades Mike Bailey’s Montreal dojo and viciously attacks his students.

Mike Bailey is furious after observing King’s actions and challenges him to a Pit Fight. The ring will have no ropes and the only way to win is by knockout or submission.

Jonathan Gresham vs Ernest R. Anthony

Jonathan Gresham tunes up for his Hard To Kill match with Eddie Edwards as he locks up with Ernest R. Anthony tonight. Gresham puts his skillset on display in the early going, taking Anthony off his feet with a dropkick. Gresham counters a sunset flip attempt, then begins to target the ankle. Anthony can’t get anything going as Gresham continues to work on the leg. Gresham locks in a submission, then traps Anthony in a pinning predicament to score the three count.

Jonathan Gresham def Ernest R. Anthony

Gisele Shaw offers her services to help Tasha Steelz and Savannah Evans achieve their goal of defeating the Knockouts World Tag Team Champions, the Death Dollz.

Deaner agrees to accept Sami Callihan into the ranks of The Design but first, he must allow them to shave his head next week.

Josh Alexander is now the longest reigning IMPACT World Champion of all time at 257 days.

Moose is in the ring to address his upcoming Digital Media Title match against reigning champion Joe Hendry at Hard To Kill. Moose claims that Hendry acts like he owns the locker room after arriving in IMPACT Wrestling just a few months ago. Moose says that Hendry has never faced adversity, until now. Moose declares victory in their Digital Media Title match and vows to wipe the smile off of Hendry’s face. Moose doesn’t want to wait until Hard To Kill and calls out Hendry for a fight. Hendry appears on the stage and shows off the new entrance music he created for Moose, which pokes fun at his shortcomings.

Mickie James sits down for an emotional career retrospective as she prepares to challenge Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace in a Title vs Career match at Hard To Kill.

IMPACT Wrestling stars of the past and present pay tribute to Don West.

IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley vs Matt Cardona w/ Brian Myers

With the World Tag Team Title Four-Way Elimination match looming at Hard To Kill, Chris Sabin battles Matt Cardona for the first time ever! The fight spills to the outside where Sabin delivers a back body drop on the steel ramp. During the commercial break, Cardona trips up Sabin on the apron, then whips him into the steel ring post to gain control. Cardona connects with a hat trick of neckbreakers for two. Sabin tries to build momentum but Cardona shuts him down with a clothesline. Sabin hits a running boot, followed by a delayed running dropkick in the corner. Sabin counters the Reboot, then sends Cardona over the top rope to the floor. Sabin hits a tornado DDT but Myers distracts the referee from ringside. Shelley chases Myers into a boot from his partner. Sabin dives through the ropes, taking out both of the Major Players on the outside. Cardona puts the official in harm’s way, allowing him to capitalize with a suplex into the turnbuckles. Cardona hits back-to-back ReBoots but it’s not enough to keep Sabin down. Sabin puts him away the Cradle Shock for three.

IMPACT World Tag Team Champion Chris Sabin w/ Alex Shelley def Matt Cardona w/ Brian Myers

Two weeks ago, IMPACT Executive Vice President Scott D’Amore sent home both the IMPACT World Champion Josh Alexander and Bully Ray until their World Title match at Hard To Kill. But despite all of that, Bully Ray is here and calls out Alexander for a fight. D’Amore comes out instead and criticizes Bully for not following his instruction. D’Amore talks about rewriting his own story in professional wrestling and he wanted to give Bully that same opportunity. But unfortunately, Bully has proven once again that he cannot be trusted. D’Amore claims that Bully has alienated everyone in his life who ever had faith in him, unlike Alexander who is respected and adored by the locker room, the fans and his family. D’Amore says that he has cultivated the IMPACT locker room to do things the right way – but that doesn’t mean he has to. Tensions explode as D’Amore strikes Bully down to the mat. But then, The Good Hands blindside D’Amore and hold him back. Bully delivers a slickening powerbomb to the Executive Vice President of IMPACT Wrestling, then instructs Jason Hotch and John Skyler to get the tables. Bully powerbombs D’Amore through a table, then stands tall as IMPACT! goes off the air.