WWE Monday Night RAW 06 19 2017

WWE Monday Night RAW
June 19, 2017
Lafayette, Louisiana
Commentary: Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Booker T
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

Roman Reigns makes his SummerSlam announcement
Roman Reigns’ music hits, and he comes out to loud boos from the Evansville crowd. Reigns will be making an announcement about his plans for this year’s SummerSlam. Reigns stands in the ring, and the boos get louder. Faintly underneath is the sound of women and children screaming. Reigns just stands there and soaks it in. Reigns says some people may not like this, but some may love it. When it comes down to it, he cannot be beaten one on one. Ask Bray Wyatt. Ask Finn Bálor. Ask his little brother, Seth Rollins. Ask Braun Strowman. He put him out of commission. Let’s not forget, he main evented his third WrestleMania in a row… and that’s where he retired The Undertaker. There are loud boos for this. An “Undertaker” chant fires up. Reigns says he respects The Undertaker, and The Undertaker respects him because he beat him. After the Great Balls of Fire PPV, he doesn’t care who wins the championship match. It could be Brock Lesnar or the guy they call Joe. At SummerSlam, he’s the #1 Contender for the Universal Championship. Reigns asks if they would like to know why. Reigns says, “Because this is my yard, and I make the rules around here.”
Samoa Joe’s music hits, and he comes out to a nice reception. Joe says he couldn’t help but notice that Reigns seems to have forgotten his name. At first he was offended, but then he thought to himself that Reigns had to come out and make a case for his announcement. Joe noticed his name wasn’t on that list because Reigns has never beaten him. Joe wants to reintroduce him. Joe says, “My name is Samoa Joe. I am the true #1 Contender, and the next Universal Champion.” Reigns seems like he’s in deep thought. Reigns says he never thought in his whole life he’d agree with Paul Heyman, but what he said on last week’s RAW was true. He’ll never be Samoa Joe to him. He’ll always be “Just Joe.”
Joe all of a sudden head-butts him in the face and sends him flying out of the ring. Joe drives him into the barricade twice before putting him in the ring. Joe goes for the Coquina Clutch, but Reigns fights out and connects with a Superman Punch. Joe quickly rolls out of the ring and retreats.
The Hardy Boyz will be in action against Anderson and Gallows, next.
-Commercial Break-
Roman Reigns will take on Samoa Joe… tonight!

The Hardy Boyz vs. Anderson and Gallows
Matt Hardy locks up with Karl Anderson. Matt wrenches the arm and tags in Jeff Hardy. Jeff comes off the second rope with a sledge to the arm. Jeff works on the arm before driving him into the corner. Matt tags back in, and they whip Anderson into the corner before hitting a double-team suplex. Matt picks up a two count. Sheamus and Cesaro are seen watching backstage. Luke Gallows tags in, and he punches Matt down. Gallows hits a short-arm clothesline, but he misses an elbow drop. Jeff tags in. They send Gallows into the corner. Matt gives him a corner clothesline while Jeff knocks Anderson off the apron. They hit Poetry in Motion on Gallows for a two count. Gallows makes a comeback and tags in Anderson. Anderson uppercuts him in the corner and clubs him down. A “Hardy” chant fires up. Anderson whips him to his corner, but Jeff knocks Gallows off the apron. Jeff goes for Whisper in the Wind, but Anderson crotches him on the top rope. Jeff crashes down to the mat.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Gallows and Anderson working over Jeff. Anderson drops some knees for a two count. Anderson works on the arm after just working on the chest with knees. Jeff tries to tag Matt, but Anderson sends him to the corner. Jeff sidesteps an attack, and both men are down. Anderson grabs Jeff’s leg and goes for a back suplex, but Jeff flips through and knocks Gallows off the apron. Anderson quickly stops him from making a tag, but Jeff comes through with a modified donkey kick. Gallows quickly comes in and knocks Matt off the apron. Jeff soon comes back and wipes them both out with Whisper in the Wind.
Matt is tagged in, and he clotheslines Anderson before knocking Gallows off the apron. Matt punches Anderson down and knocks Gallows back to the floor. Matt bounces Anderson off all three turnbuckles before clotheslining him in the corner. Matt goes for a bulldog, but Anderson pushes him off. Matt boots him back and hits an elbow off the second rope. Matt hits a Side Effect, but Gallows breaks up the pin. Gallows quickly knocks Jeff out of the ring, and Matt clotheslines him out of the ring. Anderson rolls Matt up with the tights for a two count. Outside the ring, Gallows boots Jeff down on the floor. Gallows grabs Matt’s leg, and Anderson takes him out. Gallows tags in, and they hit the Boot of Doom for a near fall! Jeff then clotheslines Anderson on the floor. Gallows goes for a powerslam, but Matt slides off. Gallows superkicks him back, and Jeff blind tags in. Matt hits Gallows with the Twist of Fate. Jeff then goes to the top rope for a Swanton Bomb to pick up the win.
Winners by Pinfall: The Hardy Boyz
The Hardy Boyz celebrate their win by getting the crowd clapping and chanting “DELETE.”
Roman Reigns will take on Samoa Joe in tonight’s main event.
-Commercial Break-
It’s time for another Shattered Dreams Production. Goldust says he’s ready for his closeup. Hollywood – the glitz, the glamour. The brightest stars and the biggest stage. A city where dreams come true, but what about the other side, the side they don’t want you to see? Dreams get shattered like glass. He’s been there, but he pieced himself back together. Now, he’ll be flying into the City of Angels on wings made of gold. Next week, he wants to formally invite R-Truth to the debut of his latest motion picture, “The Shattered Truth.” You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll never forget the name of… Goldust. The Golden Age… is back.

Elias Samson sings a song to Evansville
Elias Samson is in the ring strumming his guitar. The crowd boos him. Samson greets the crowd, and he has a question for everyone in the crowd: who wants to walk with Elias? When he was 15, his father gave him a guitar and said he could tell the stories of the world with it. His father didn’t realize he’d drift into the god forsaken town of Evansville. Samson tells them to relax and open their minds to his music, which will cleanse their filthy souls. Samson starts to strum, but he stops to tune it. Samson asks for complete silence while he tunes the guitar.
Finn Bálor’s music hits, and he comes out to a nice reception. Corey Graves once again is burying Samson’s musical ability. Bálor gets in the ring after a long entrance and stands face-to-face with Samson. Samson holds his guitar over his shoulder and slowly backs up before leaving the ring. Bálor’s music hits. Bálor will be in action, next.
-Commercial Break-

Finn Bálor vs. Bo Dallas
Bo Dallas quickly attacks Bálor and punches him down in the corner. The referee backs him up. The bell hasn’t rung yet. The referee checks on Bálor and asks if he’s ok to fight. Bálor takes off his ring jacket and agrees to start the match.
The bell rings, and Dallas punches away at him in the corner. Dallas then hits a short-arm clothesline. Dallas chokes him on the bottom rope and clubs away at him. Dallas sends him into the barricade and knees him in the face. Dallas puts him in the ring for a two count. Dallas applies a neck cravat, but Bálor fights up. Bálor boots him back, but Dallas comes back with an uppercut. Bálor then lays him out with a Pelé kick. Bálor gets to his feet and punches away at him. Bálor clubs him in the back and stomps away at him. Bálor clotheslines him out of the ring, goes to the apron, and wipes him out with a running kick to the face. Bálor then sends him head over heels into the barricade three times before putting him in the ring. Bálor connects with a Sling Blade before dropkicking him into the corner. Bálor goes to the top rope and catches him with the Coup de Grâce for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Finn Bálor
Corey Graves gets a message in his headset and walks off. The commentators then segue way to the WWE 2K18 trailer.
We’ll hear from Seth Rollins, next.
-Commercial Break-
Michael Cole and Booker T talk about the controversy stemming from the Women’s Money in the Bank Ladder Match.
Kurt Angle is talking on the phone backstage when Corey Graves walks in. Graves says it’s too bad Angle didn’t have a good Father’s Day. Graves got the same text he did and has a plan. Graves stops when Enzo and Cass walk in. Angle asks why Enzo sent a tweet to Conor McGregor. Big Cass can’t believe Angle wants to talk about a tweet. They’ve been getting attacked week after week. Enzo holds The Revival responsible. Big Cass says he thought it might be Enzo at first, but now he knows it’s The Big Show. Angle promises to have the answer by the end of the night. They walk off. Graves then talks strategy as the segment ends.

Seth Rollins addresses being on the cover of WWE 2K18
Seth Rollins makes his entrance to a nice reception. Rollins says today was kind of an awesome day. He grew up playing video games. For him, sports games were his “jam.” Today, he has the honor and the privilege to join his favorite players like Michael Jordan and Peyton Manning as a cover athlete on a game. The crowd gives him a nice hand. It almost didn’t happen. He was given an offer, which he accepted and bought in. It was awesome. He won championships and made a lot of money (a random “You deserve it” chant fires up), but he didn’t have the support. The fans gave him a second chance. That allowed him to give himself a second chance. No material possession is worth that. The reaction is dying down. Rollins says this is “our” cover. The tag line is “Be Like No One.” Life is about defining who you are. Everyone makes mistakes, but that doesn’t have to define who we are today, tomorrow, and in the future. Rollins wants to make a promise.
Bray Wyatt appears on the screen. Wyatt says Rollins is contradicting himself. From one side of his mouth, he speaks about how he’s grown as an individual, but from the other side he only talks about material possessions. Rollins claims he’s become his own man, yet he shills this corporate banner. Wyatt can feel the struggle in Rollins’ soul. Rollins is still conforming only now he’s conforming to what the people want him to be. Rollins can wear the clothes of a good, honest man, but they both know that Rollins is not that man. Wyatt snickers. Rollins says Wyatt is right. Rollins is not that man. He’s THE man. Rollins has been around some of the most egotistical men in this business, but Wyatt is taking it to another level. Life doesn’t work that way. Rollins has had an exciting couple of years, but the people who know him know that he was more excited than anything to be in the ring with an alleged god. Gods only exist in your mind. Maybe in Wyatt’s world, he’s a god. In Rollins’ world, Wyatt is a coward. Wyatt says Rollins thinks he’s safe, but he warned him. Anyone that is to take his name in vain is to be punished. Wyatt warned him. Now it’s time to make a sacrifice. Wyatt holds up the lantern and says, “I’m here.”
Wyatt makes his entrance. Once he gets to ringside, Rollins lays him out with a cross-body block from the top rope. Rollins celebrates and backs up the ramp. Wyatt sits at ringside and laughs.
Kurt Angle will crack the case on who has been attacking Enzo and Cass. Tonight’s main event will see Roman Reigns take on Samoa Joe.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown of what Seth Rollins just did to Bray Wyatt.
Charly Caruso is backstage with Finn Bálor. She asks what’s next for him. Bálor says things at Extreme Rules didn’t go as planned, but he has to look forward. When he looks forward, he sees the Universal Title. She asks for a prediction for tonight’s main event. Few people know Samoa Joe like him. From experience, when the Coquina Clutch is locked in, it’s lights out. All of a sudden, Elias Samson viciously attacks him from behind and warns him never to upstage him again. D-Von Dudley (a backstage producer now) runs him off.
Cruiserweight Match

Akira Tozawa vs. TJP
Before the bell rings, Titus O’Neil comes out. O’Neil asks what’s going on. They can’t have a match of this magnitude without the proper hype. How can you have the proper hype without the proper brand? O’Neil gets in the ring and does the ring announcing. There is dead silence in the arena for this.
The bell rings, and Tozawa applies a side headlock. Tozawa lets out his war cry. TJP twists out and applies a neck vice. Tozawa whips him off, but misses TJP. Tozawa then rolls him up for a two count. Tozawa quickly goes to an arm drag. TJP gets out with a head-scissor for a two count. TJP gets him in the corner and punches him. TJP sends him to the opposite corner, but Tozawa slingshots over him. TJP comes back with a sunset flip, but Tozawa gets out and kicks him. Tozawa tries for a senton splash, but TJP gets his knees up.
Neville’s music hits, and the King of the Cruiserweights comes out to commentary. Neville says he’s not here to talk to Michael Cole; he’s here to get his eyes on Akira Tozawa.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see TJP slam Tozawa down. TJP hits a slingshot senton for a two count. TJP sends him into the ropes, but Tozawa holds on and kicks him. TJP springboards off the ropes to take him down and kips up before picking up a two count. TJP steps on his face and digs his forearms into him. TJP applies a chin lock. O’Neil roots on Tozawa from ringside. Tozawa fights out and flips through a back suplex. TJP elbows him back, but Tozawa comes back with a running boot to the face. Tozawa goes to the top rope and leaps, but TJP gets out of the ring. Tozawa then annihilates him with a suicide dive. Tozawa gets him in the ring, and TJP tries to beg him off. TJP pulls him into the turnbuckles and hits a double chickenwing gutbuster for a near fall. TJP tries for a Detonation Kick, but Tozawa gets out and hits a kick. Tozawa lays him out with a snap back suplex before going to the top rope for a senton splash for the win.
Winner by Pinfall: Akira Tozawa
O’Neil congratulates Tozawa on his win. O’Neil announces that himself and Apollo Crews will face Sheamus and Cesaro tonight. O’Neil says Tozawa is close to signing with the Titus Brand. Once he does, Tozawa will be the next Cruiserweight Champion. Neville stands on the commentary table and screams that he’s heard enough. O’Neil needs to watch his tongue. As for Tozawa, he was warned to tread carefully. If he continues to disrespect the King of the Cruiserweights, he will be annihilated. O’Neil says he doesn’t see a proud king – he sees a scared little boy. Neville’s level will be annihilated by the power of Tozawa. O’Neil’s music hits to end the segment.
Tonight’s main event is Roman Reigns taking on Samoa Joe. Kurt Angle is seen talking with The Revival backstage.
-Commercial Break-
R-Truth accepts Goldust’s invitation. It’s going down in LA. If Goldust wants his name in lights, he’ll smash them all. If Goldust wants to be the brightest star in the sky, he’ll bring him crashing down to earth. There will be no movie premiere. It’ll just be the hand of truth slapping him in the face. Next week, Goldust will get got.
Bo Dallas is seething backstage when Curtis Axel checks on him. Axel tries to pump him up. The Miz walks up to them and says Dallas hasn’t been looking too hot lately. They should both blame themselves. The Bo Dallas on The Marine 5 set would slap this Bo in the face. As for the Ax-man… he’s doing nothing. Axel can hit him, but Miz will continue being the Intercontinental Champion. They should join him and be his entourage. They’ll become the stars they were meant to be. Miz tells them to think about it.
Charly Caruso is backstage with Samoa Joe. She asks how he’s preparing for Roman Reigns. Joe says she’s asking the wrong question. The question is how is Reigns preparing for him? Footage is shown of Joe defeating Roman Reigns four months ago on RAW. Reigns needs to realize who he’s dealing with. Tonight, Reigns will leave here as a broken man. Reigns needs to be careful what he asks for. He’s going to teach Reigns his name and to respect it.
Roman Reigns’ music hits, and he makes his way to the ring. He faces Samoa Joe, next.
-Commercial Break-

Roman Reigns vs. Samoa Joe
The bell rings, and they circle the ring. They lock up, and Joe backs him to the corner. They circle the ring again and lock up. Reigns applies a side headlock, but Joe whips him off. Reigns goes for a shoulder block, but Joe doesn’t go down. Joe tries for a shoulder block, but Reigns stays standing. Joe tells him to learn his name and shoves him. Reigns punches him, but Joe comes back with a knee. Reigns quickly comes back with a shoulder block. Reigns charges, but Joe rolls out of the ring looking frustrated. Joe takes his time before getting back in the ring. There is definitely a buzz in the crowd for the match. Joe jabs away at Reigns and punches him down in the corner. Joe forearms him, but Reigns fights back. Reigns gets him in the corner, but he has a whip to the corner reversed. Joe splashes him and connects with a quick overhead kick. Joe tries for the Coquina Clutch, but Reigns quickly escapes the ring. Joe stares at him and talks a little trash from the ring. Reigns takes his time before getting in the ring. They wildly punch each other before Joe knees him and head-butts him down. Joe yells at him, “What’s my name?” Joe continues to strike him and talk trash. Joe chops him before hitting the ropes. Reigns quickly takes him down with a Samoan Drop. Reigns rolls out of the ring and tries for a Drive By Dropkick, but Joe moves. Joe kicks him in the ribs and drives his back into the ring post. Joe follows up with a senton splash on the floor.
-Commercial Break-
We come back from the break to see Joe drop an elbow on Reigns. Joe circles him and stomps him. Joe takes his time before applying a chin lock. Reigns fights up, but Joe knees him in the midsection and head-butts him down. Joe tries for a senton splash, but Reigns rolls out of the way. Joe charges, but Reigns moves. Reigns hits a pair of clotheslines before having a whip reversed on him. Joe avoids a leaping clothesline, but Reigns turns around and feeds him a big boot for a near fall. Joe stumbles to the corner. Reigns clubs him ten times in the corner before connecting with a leaping clothesline. Reigns sets up for a Superman Punch, but Joe quickly leaves the ring. Reigns sneaks outside and lays him out with a Drive By Dropkick. Reigns gets him in the ring and tries for a Superman Punch, but Joe counters into an inverted atomic drop, a big boot, and a senton splash for a near fall. Joe is not happy with this. Joe tries for a uranage, but Reigns elbows out. Reigns counters with an arm drag and connects with a Superman Punch for a near fall. Reigns sets up for a Spear, but Joe kicks him in the face, sends him into the ropes, and connects with a uranage for a near fall! Joe cannot believe it.
Joe tries for a Coquina Clutch, but Reigns fights it and backs him into the corner. Reigns connects with a Spear and covers, but Joe gets his foot on the bottom rope! Joe then rolls out of the ring to recover. A “This is awesome” chant fires up. The referee is counting Joe out, but he gets back in at the count of nine. Reigns cannot believe he got back in the ring.
All of a sudden, a high pitched siren is heard. It’s the sound of an ambulance backing up. It’s shown on the titantron. Reigns looks confused. Braun Strowman pops out of the back, and there is a massive pop as he screams in triumph. Reigns is stunned. Joe all of a sudden blindsides him with the Coquina Clutch and locks it in! The referee calls the match!
Winner by Knockout: Samoa Joe
Braun Strowman’s music hits, and he power walks down to the ring. Strowman gets into the ring and is wildly staring at Reigns. Strowman stands over Reigns and shakes his head. Strowman says, “Roman, you seem to have forgotten I’M NOT FINISHED WITH YOU!” Strowman picks him up and slams him down with a reverse chokeslam. Strowman then triumphantly raises his arms up. Strowman picks up the microphone once again. The crowd lightly chants, “One more time!” Strowman says if Reigns thinks he’s man enough, then he’ll see him at the Great Balls Of Fire PPV in an Ambulance Match!
Coming up next, we’ll see an episode of Miz TV with Maryse as the special guest.
-Commercial Break-
Replays are shown of what just happened between Roman Reigns and Braun Strowman. During the break, Reigns accepted Strowman’s challenge.

Miz TV with special guest Maryse
The Miz makes his entrance. Footage is shown from two weeks ago of Miz being paranoid and ruining his own championship celebration, including a grandfather clock bought by Maryse, angering her. Miz was worried Dean Ambrose was in the box. They then show footage of the truly terrible tag match with the bear last week.
The Miz is in the ring. In the center of the ring is a big red box. On each side is a bear with a placards saying “I’m sorry” and “Please forgive me.” The Miz introduces his beautiful, gorgeous, sexy wife, Maryse. Maryse makes her way to the ring looking none too pleased. Miz holds the ropes open for her. Miz says he checked the bears out before they started. Miz gives her a glass of champagne and goes for a kiss, but she turns away. Miz says he was wrong to destroy the grandfather clock. Miz apologizes for that. Miz also apologizes for knocking her off the apron last week. Miz says sorry is not good enough. That’s why he got her this gift. He wrapped it himself. Miz gets the crowd to chant, “Open it.” She tears the paper off and reveals a grandfather clock. Miz says he fixed it himself in between time sleeping on the couch. Miz says their relationship is perfect. Dean Ambrose is trying to come between them. They have what Ambrose wants. They have a great relationship and the Intercontinental Championship. Maryse is his heart, soul, and life. Miz says he loves her so much and apologizes once again. Miz says he’ll never put her in harm’s way. She said this clock is timeless like him, but she was wrong. It’s timeless like them. Miz asks for forgiveness. Maryse goes to kiss him, but she stops when Dean Ambrose’s music hits.
Dean Ambrose comes out to the arena looking confused. Ambrose gets in the ring, and Miz pushes Maryse in his way. Champagne goes in her face, and she looks furious. Miz tries to apologize, but she’s not having it. Miz tries to charge Ambrose, but he sidesteps him and he takes out the clock instead. Miz says he didn’t mean to do that. She shoves him and runs off looking very upset. Miz charges Ambrose. Ambrose goes for Dirty Deeds, but Miz gets out of it. Ambrose then clotheslines him over the top rope. The bears then assault Ambrose. The bears are revealed to be Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel. They double-team Ambrose while Miz gets in the ring. Miz then boots Ambrose in the face. Miz then connects with a Skull Crushing Finale.
Kurt Angle is talking with Big Show backstage. He’ll reveal who has been attacking Enzo and Cass later tonight.
-Commercial Break-
Brock Lesnar returns next week at RAW from Los Angeles.
Titus O’Neill and Apollo Crews vs. Sheamus and Cesaro
Apollo Crews will start against Cesaro. They lock up, and Cesaro applies a side headlock. Cesaro gets whipped off, but he shoulder blocks him down. Cesaro hits the ropes, but Crews dropkicks him down. Crews wrenches the arm, but Cesaro clubs him. Cesaro uppercuts him and tags in Sheamus. The Hardy Boyz are watching backstage. Sheamus hits a rolling senton for a two count. Sheamus clubs away at the chest and works the arm. Cesaro tags in, and they stomp Crews down in the corner. Cesaro applies a chin lock, but Crews fights up. Sheamus tags in, but Crews hits a jawbreaker. Cesaro tags in, and Crews gives him an enzuigiri. O’Neil makes a “hot tag” and goes wild on Cesaro before throwing him across the ring. O’Neil avalanches him in the corner. Sheamus blind tags in. Sheamus snaps him off the top rope and goes for a diving clothesline. O’Neil moves. Crews tags in and hits a standing moonsault on Sheamus, but Cesaro breaks it up. Sheamus soon sends him into the ropes for Cesaro to uppercut. They hit a double-team White Noise for the win.
Winners by Pinfall: Sheamus and Cesaro
Kurt Angle will show who has been attacking Enzo and Cass later tonight. Coming up next, they’ll play a video for Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe.
-Commercial Break-
Video Package: Brock Lesnar vs. Samoa Joe
Footage is shown of Alexa Bliss walking out on her team last week. Banks submitted Emma to pick up the win.
Sasha Banks vs. Nia Jax
Alexa Bliss makes her entrance. She’ll be on commentary for this match, next. It’s 10:50 PM EST going to commercial with the big reveal of who is attacking Enzo and Cass still to come. 15 minutes of show left with the traditional 5 minute overrun.
-Commercial Break-
We join the match in progress. Jax is throwing Banks around. Banks boots her back and sidesteps a slow motion shoulder attempt. Banks comes off the top rope with double knees. Emma comes out to commentary to confront Bliss. Bliss shoves her and runs off. Emma chases her into the ring. Bliss stands behind Jax. Jax looks confused before throwing Bliss in front of her. Emma accidentally kicks Jax. The bell is called.
Winner by Disqualification: Nia Jax
Banks jumps on Jax’s back and punches. Bliss pulls her off and slams her. Bliss and Emma then double-team Banks. Mickie James and Dana Brooke run down to make the save. Jax cleans house on the faces before slamming Banks. Jax trips while heading into the ropes. Bayley’s music hits, and she runs down to a weak reaction. Bayley cleans house and takes Bliss down. Jax slams her into the corner and shoulders her. Mickie and Dana try to help, but Jax takes them out. Finally, Bayley gives Jax a bulldog. Mickie and Dana then dropkick Jax out of the ring. They rush to a commercial break. It’s 10:57 PM EST.
-Commercial Break-
Kurt Angle reveals who’s been attacking Enzo and Cass
Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring, and the General Manager of RAW receives the respectful chants of “You suck” to his theme song. Angle says it’s time to get down to business. For the past month, someone or multiple people have been attacking Enzo and Cass. Angle will not allow this show to devolve into an environment unsafe for the entertainers… or wrestlers. Angle asks Enzo and Cass to come out.
Enzo and Cass make their way to the ring. Enzo goes through his usual shtick before getting in the ring. Big Cass says when they figure out who’s been attacking them, they will find them and prove there is only one word to describe them: S-A-W-F-T. Angle has been talking to suspects all night long. Angle first brings out The Revival. The Revival comes out to silence. Angle tells them to hold on. The next suspect is someone he’s known for a very long time: The Big Show. The Big Show makes his way to the ring, and Big Cass has his eyes locked on him in anger. Angle wants to get to the point and rule out a few of them. Big Cass said when he got hit from behind, it felt like a powerful punch to the back of the head. Angle asks if Big Show did it. Big Show is incredulous over the accusation. Big Show says they’re both SAWFT. If he’s going to attack them, he’ll come right at them. Big Show warns Cass he’ll give him more than he can handle. As far as Angle, he’s angry over being accused and says he perhaps doesn’t need to be on this show anymore.
Big Cass said that proves that Big Show attacked them. When he was evaluated, the medical staff said there was a lump the size of a baseball on his head. Moving on to The Revival… Scott Dawson makes the case for why they didn’t. Angle rules them out as well.
Corey Graves says he can clear this up. Graves says Big Cass lied about having a lump on the back of his head because the medical staff never evaluated him. Cass says the EMTs evaluated him. Graves said he wasn’t medically cleared to compete, but he still came out. Big Cass says he said he’d never leave Enzo alone. Graves shows some security camera footage of Cass backstage last week arranging pipes and a table before laying down like he was attacked. Graves says that was the same position he was found in. Graves says no one ever attacked Cass. Enzo turns and looks at Big Cass. Graves says that Big Cass attacked Enzo.
Enzo is confused. Big Cass says, “You’re damn right I did it!” Cass asks if Enzo has anytime what it’s like to team with him. Enzo just runs his mouth all the time. Enzo even ran his mouth to Conor McGregor. Big Cass has wanted to slap him in the head and knock him out many times, but he felt bad for him. No one backstage likes him and he felt bad about that. Cass put up with his crap every single day until he snapped. It felt good to attack him from behind. He could have snapped Enzo’s neck like a twig, but he didn’t because he wanted to watch him suffer for all the crap Enzo put him through in Tampa and on RAW. When things got hot and looked like he did it, he cooled it down. Cass wanted to see if he was smart enough to realize if he was smart enough to realize what was going on around him. Cass wondered if he’s dumber than he looks, but he’s even dumber. Enzo is dead weight holding him down. Enzo should be rising to the top of the WWE. Enzo is the reason he’s never been a champion. Cass is the star, the future, and where the money is. Enzo’s mouth just writes checks his ass can’t cash because Big Cass has always been behind him. Well, not for long because they’re through! Big Cass then big boots Enzo down while the crowd boos. Angle steps between them. Big Cass leaves the ring. Angle checks on Enzo as the show ends.

Quick Match Results
* The Hardy Boyz def. Anderson and Gallows
* Finn Bálor def. Bo Dallas
* Akira Tozawa def. TJP
* Samoa Joe def. Roman Reigns via KO
* Sheamus and Cesaro def. Titus O’Neil and Apollo Crews (non-title)
* Nia Jax def. Sasha Banks via DQ
E-Mail – MikeyT817@gmail.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV
Thanks for reading!