WWE Monday Night RAW 09 11 2017

WWE RAW Results
September 11, 2017
Anaheim, California
Commentary: Michael Cole, Corey Graves and Booker T
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

The crowd is asked to stand for a moment of silence to pay tribute to all those souls that were lost on September 11, 2001. A few members of the audience shout random things in an effort to get over during this somber moment, so the audio was quickly muted – truly sad, pathetic actions from an audience that is quickly getting out of control. I’m ashamed to be lumped in as a fan of wrestling with these pitiful beings that can’t even shut up for a 9/11 tribute.

The RAW video plays to kick off the entertainment portion of the show. WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar will be on the show. We’ll also see Braun Strowman take on John Cena.

Roman Reigns vs. Jason Jordan

Jason Jordan faced John Cena last week in a losing effort. Reigns rubbed it in Cena’s face that he couldn’t easily put a rookie like Jordan away.

Jordan extends his hand for a shake, but Reigns declines. The bell rings, and they circle the ring before locking up. John Cena is watching backstage. They give a clean break. Reigns gets a waistlock applied, but Jordan quickly gets out and goes for a takedown. Reigns doesn’t go down and instead connects with a pair of right hands. Reigns drives him into the corner twice. Jordan tries to fight back, but Reigns again backs him up with a punch. Reigns starts clubbing him in the corner, but Jordan quickly counters before connecting with a belly-to-belly overhead suplex. Jordan drives some shoulders into Reigns’ midsection before punching away at him. Jordan puts him in the corner and stomps him down. Jordan whips him hard into the corner before whipping him sternum-first into the corner. Jordan charges, but Reigns explodes out of the corner with a clothesline. Reigns gets him in the corner and hits ten clubs before hitting the ropes for a big boot. Reigns goes for a Superman Punch, but Jordan counters into a crossface. Reigns gets to the bottom rope and gets out of the ring.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Jordan fighting up to his feet. Jordan tries to fight back, but Reigns head-butts him down. John Cena is still watching backstage. Reigns whips him hard into the corner before hitting a snap suplex. Reigns applies a chin lock, but Jordan fights up and elbows out. Jordan hits the ropes, but Reigns floors him with a Samoan Drop for a near fall. Reigns then goes back to the chin lock. Jordan eventually fights up and powers Reigns to the corner. Reigns tries to boot him back, but Jordan counters and hits another belly-to-belly overheard suplex. They both take some time to fight up, and Reigns goes for a Samoan Drop, but Jordan slides off and sends him into the corner before hitting a clothesline for a two count.

They get to their feet and trade punches before Jordan hits a pair of forearms and a dropkick for a near fall. Jordan powers him to the corner and goes for a belly-to-belly, but Reigns punches out. Jordan ducks a clothesline and hits a snap back suplex for a two count. Jordan waits for Reigns to get up and hits a running shoulder thrust. Jordan pulls the top of his singlet down before hitting a pair of northern lights suplexes for a near fall. Jordan quickly goes to the crossface, but Reigns gets to the bottom rope to break the hold. Reigns quickly elbows him back and avoids a shoulder thrust. Jordan hits the ring post shoulder-first and falls out of the ring. Reigns goes outside and hits Jordan with a Drive By Dropkick. Reigns gets him in the ring and connects with a Superman Punch. The boos pick up before Reigns connects with a Spear for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Roman Reigns

Roman Reigns gets to his feet and shakes hands with Jason Jordan. John Cena is still backstage observing all that’s going on in the ring. Charly Caruso walks up to him and asks for a comment on Reigns’ victory. Cena does have something to say, but he’ll say it to Reigns. Cena is coming out, next.

-Commercial Break-

John Cena and Roman Reigns meet in the ring

Roman Reigns is in the ring waiting, and John Cena’s music hits. The crowd “serenades” him by singing, “John Cena sucks” to the theme of his music. Cena gets in the ring and holds up a microphone. Cena says it’s not a nightstick for his tactical pants. Cena is excited about what he’s going to say. Last week, Reigns was upset that rookie almost beat Cena. Now the rookie, Jason Jordan, almost beat “the guy.” Cena tells him to explain, but keep it to one sentence like, “It’s my yard.” Reigns says he was out here having a great match, something Cena knows nothing about. Reigns says he’s had more great matches in two years than Cena has had in his entire career. Cena loves it. Reigns makes it easy for him. Cena does have to stay sharp – he just has to let Reigns talk. Reigns is burying himself. It’s not to say that Reigns isn’t good. Reigns has skill and ability, but he’s got his head so far up his own ass that he’s like a one-man human centipede. Reigns actually thinks he runs this place and is responsible for the crowd. No one has ever cut Reigns down to size. That’s why he’s here. Cena has been accused of spinning things, but he challenges himself to try anything. Reigns thinks he’s already made it, but the second you think that is the beginning of the end. Cena says Reigns will learn what real failure is all about. Cena gets in his face and says week after week he lets Reigns take shot after shot, but he fails and fails. That is not what THE guy does. THE guy steps up, stays sharp, and does his homework, which is something Reigns should have done before he brought his sorry ass out here. If Reigns really is THE guy, he’ll dust himself off, stand up, and show him something at No Mercy. Cena says Reigns doesn’t have it in him. No Mercy will be a cakewalk.

Cena goes to leave, but Reigns tells him to bring his “bitch ass” back in here. Reigns says usually a superstar calls out John Cena to make a name for themselves, but Cena came here to RAW to call him out. Reigns thinks it’s because he’s selling the tickets Cena hasn’t sold in five years. Cena says Reigns isn’t doing his job, but ticket sales are great, revenue is sky high, and WWE can make it without him. WWE doesn’t need Cena. Cena needs WWE because he can’t break into Hollywood. Reigns says if Cena needs help, he knows a guy (meaning his cousin The Rock). Reigns tells Cena to do his big talk, but it means nothing because he can’t back it up. Cena says when people push you over the line, you have to fight fire with fire. Cena says at No Mercy, Reigns can consider it like a drug test – he’s not getting past him! Cena then walks off while the crowd gasps.

John Cena will face Braun Strowman later tonight. We’ll also see Brock Lesnar. Sasha Banks is in action, next.

-Commercial Break-

Another beautiful commercial is shown for WWE’s campaign to stop pediatric cancer.

Emma vs. Sasha Banks

Last week, Nia Jax and Emma were entered into the RAW Women’s Championship Match at WWE No Mercy. Alexa Bliss is on commentary.

Emma fights her to the corner and punches, but Banks chops out and hits an arm drag. Banks lays her out across the middle rope and goes for some knees, but Emma moves and rolls her up for a two count. Banks blocks a kick and kicks the hamstring. Emma then clotheslines her down. Nia Jax’s music hits, and she comes out to the stage. She walks up to Bliss and tells her to move.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Banks trapped in a full nelson. Emma releases to cover her, but Banks kicks out. Emma slams her down for another two count. Emma punches away at her, but Banks comes back with a roll-up for a two count. Emma chops her, but she runs into an elbow. Banks takes her down and hits a pair of clotheslines and a dropkick. Emma reverses a whip, but Banks comes back with a head-scissor takeover. Emma boots her back and puts her in the tree of woe. Emma kicks her in the back a few times before splashing her in the corner for a two count. Banks eventually comes back with a Bank Statement out of nowhere for the win.

Winner by Submission: Sasha Banks

Video Package: Big Show vs. Braun Strowman in a Steel Cage Match

John Cena will face Braun Strowman in tonight’s main event. WWE Universal Champion Brock Lesnar will be out next.

-Commercial Break-

Brock Lesnar appears with Paul Heyman

Brock Lesnar’s music hits, and the WWE Universal Champion makes his way to the ring to a tremendous pop alongside Paul Heyman. “Ladies and gentlemen, my name is Paul Heyman, and I am the advocate for the reigning, defending, undisputed Universal Champion, Brock Lesnar.” Heyman’s job this evening is to sell them on something that is already sold. On September 24 at the Staples Center on a PPV known as No Mercy, his client will defend the championship against the most worthy challenger in ages, Braun Strowman. For the first time since Lesnar faced The Undertaker at WrestleMania, he is the underdog. One reason why is Strowman powerslammed Lesnar through two tables and dumped a third on top of him. The next night, Strowman laid waste to Lesnar. Lesnar will face an individual that is bigger than him and more powerful than him. Heyman has a question: is Strowman badder than the baddest dude on the planet? Strowman will have to be all three: bigger, stronger, and badder than Brock Lesnar. You can’t just win the title from him. You have to rip the title away from The Beast and Conqueror. You have to take what belongs to Lesnar.

This reminds him of Lesnar in 2002 when “The Next Big Thing” beat, victimized, and conquered The Rock, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair, Rob Van Dam, and The Undertaker. Tonight, Strowman will try to beat, victimize, and conquer John Cena. Can Strowman “monster-handle” John Cena? That brings him back to his original question. Can Strowman cross the border of the safety of sports entertainment into the hostile ground known as “Suplex City.” Not to ruin the box office appeal, but when they used to lock his client in the “Brock-tagon,” they would ask him if he’s ready. Lesnar is ready. Heyman gives Strowman the opportunity to come down and fight.

Braun Strowman’s music hits, and he comes out to a big reception. Strowman gets in the ring, elbows out of a German Suplex, and viciously punches and kicks Lesnar down in the corner. Strowman goes for a powerslam, but Lesnar slides off, shoves him into the corner, and hits a German Suplex, but Strowman immediately pops up! The crowd loudly chants, “Holy Sh*t!” Strowman gives him a chokeslam before laying him out with a powerslam! Strowman stands tall over Lesnar. Strowman picks up the championship and looks at it. Strowman holds it up while placing a foot on Lesnar’s chest! Strowman puts the title on top of him and poses before leaving the ring. Lesnar is bleeding from the mouth.

John Cena will face Braun Strowman in tonight’s main event. We’ll also see Enzo Amore on Miz TV. Coming up next, we’ll hear from Bray Wyatt.

-Commercial Break-

The commentators send condolences to those suffering from the effects of Hurricanes Harvey and Floyd.

Goldust vs. Bray Wyatt

Bray Wyatt says he used to think Goldust was bizarre and different. Now he thinks Goldust is just afraid to take the paint off and show the world the man that lives underneath. This man has so many scars and pains that he wishes the paint would dry for good. Goldust’s pain is just like Finn Bálor’s. The paint is a weapon to protect them. As for Goldust, all he can do is run.

The bell rings, and Goldust punches away at him before big booting him down. Wyatt rolls out of the ring to recover, so Goldust goes outside and clotheslines him down. Goldust gets him in the ring and kicks him. Wyatt quickly comes back with a clothesline before punching away at him. Goldust rolls out of the way of a senton splash before sending him to the outside. Goldust then hits a rolling senton off the apron! Goldust punches him before putting him in the ring. Wyatt hits him and sends him into the ring post. Wyatt pulls him into the ring, and Goldust gets a jackknife pin for a two count. Wyatt quickly lays him out with a flying body block before hitting Sister Abigail for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Bray Wyatt

Wyatt takes a towel and kneels by Goldust before wiping his face paint off. Wyatt screams that Goldust is just a man like Finn Bálor. Bálor’s music hits, and he runs down to get Wyatt away.

Charly Caruso is backstage with Sheamus and Cesaro. She asks about facing Gallows and Anderson tonight. Does this help them prepare for Rollins and Ambrose? Sheamus says Gallows and Anderson are more of a challenge than Rollins and Ambrose. Cesaro says at least Gallows and Anderson are a team. Sheamus says it’s easy to be a team when everything is going your way. Cesaro says at their core, Rollins and Ambrose are selfish. It’s their instincts. When they rip them apart, they’ll prove that they don’t just set the bar. They are The Bar.

-Commercial Break-

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are on commentary for the next match.

Anderson and Gallows vs. Sheamus and Cesaro

While Sheamus and Cesaro are making their entrance, they jaw-jack at Rollins and Ambrose. A brawl breaks out. Anderson and Gallows help Sheamus and Cesaro clear it up. They then start brawling. Referees come out to regain order. Agents also come out to separate the teams. This match apparently isn’t happening.

Enzo Amore will be on Miz TV. The main event will be John Cena vs. Braun Strowman.

-Commercial Break-

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose are backstage with Kurt Angle demanding a match with both teams tonight. Angle won’t put them in a position like that, but he’ll let the match happen if they find two partners. Ambrose says they will if they have to go to Disney and get Mickey Mouse and Batman. Angle says it has to be real people, but does think Batman would be a good partner.

Asuka is coming soon to RAW.

Nia Jax is watching backstage and looks unimpressed. Alexa Bliss cannot believe Asuka is coming to RAW. This should be their show. No Mercy should be the two of them in a match. Jax says they’re not best friends and says she spoke to Kurt Angle. She’ll face Bliss one-on-one next week.

Elias will be out, next.

-Commercial Break-

Elias is in the ring and wants to know who wants to walk with him. The crowd gives a big pop. Elias says this song is for all of them. Elias then proceeds to rip Anaheim by saying the best thing to do around here is pack your bags and leave. The crowd immediately begins booing him. Kalisto interrupts to absolutely no reaction.

Elias vs. Kalisto

Kalisto kicks away at the legs before Elias strikes him. Kalisto boots him back and comes off the top rope with a cross-body. Kalisto pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring before hitting a summersault senton. Kalisto gets him in the ring, but Elias rolls back out. Elias then drives the arm off the apron. Elias soon clotheslines him down and applies an arm bar. Apparently John Cena vs. Braun Strowman is next. Elias continues working the arm before Kalisto comes back, taking him down with a tornado DDT for a two count. Kalisto tries to rip his t-shirt off, but it doesn’t work. Elias counters a hurricanrana into a vicious powerbomb. Elias stomps away at him before hitting Drift Away for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Elias

Footage is shown of Braun Strowman destroying Brock Lesnar. Strowman will face John Cena, next.

-Commercial Break-

John Cena vs. Braun Strowman

The bell rings, and Cena charges him, but Strowman immediately shoves him down and out of the ring. Cena looks stunned. Cena gets back in the ring and tries to size Strowman up. Cena ducks a clothesline and avoids a splash. Cena ducks another move and hooks a side headlock on, but Strowman whips him off and clotheslines him down. Roman Reigns is watching backstage. Strowman avalanches Cena in the corner before head-butting him. Strowman sends him into the ropes and shoulder blocks him down before stomping him. Cena pulls himself up on Strowman. Strowman sends him into the ropes, but Cena ducks and hits a dropkick. Strowman comes back with a dropkick of his own! Strowman taunts the crowd while Cena pulls himself up in the corner. Strowman avalanches him a second time. Strowman pushes him down by the arm twice. Cena finally gets up and fights back before going for an Attitude Adjustment, but Strowman fights him off and takes him down. Strowman forearms him down and stands over him. Strowman goes for an avalanche, but Cena boots him. Cena goes for a running cross-body, but Strowman counters with a fall-away slam.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Strowman still picking Cena apart. During the commercial, Strowman sent him into the steel steps. Cena pulls the top rope down to get him out of the ring. Strowman fights him at ringside, but Cena quickly sends him into the ring post. Cena gets him in the ring and goes for the AA, but he collapses under the weight. Strowman picks up a two count. Strowman charges, but hits the ring post shoulder-first when Cena moves. Cena hits a back suplex and goes for the 5 Knuckle Shuffle, but Strowman pops up and hits a spinebuster for a near fall. Roman Reigns is still watching backstage. Cena sidesteps an avalanche and connects with the AA, but Strowman quickly rolls out of the ring! Cena rolls out of the ring and runs around ringside only for Strowman to take him down with a set of steel steps to the face. Strowman gets the bottom half of the steps in the ring. For whatever reason, the referee hasn’t called for a disqualification. Strowman scoops Cena up and powerslam him onto the steps. The referee finally calls for the bell.

Winner by Disqualification: John Cena

Strowman stands on the steps and poses for the crowd.

Charly Caruso asks Roman Reigns for a comment. Reigns says the monster didn’t show him mercy and neither will he.

Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose need to find two guys to team with them to face Sheamus, Cesaro, Gallows, and Anderson. Coming up next, Enzo Amore will be on Miz TV.

-Commercial Break-

Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins ask a pair of random stagehands to be their partners, but they quickly reconsider. They then come across Jamie Noble and Dean Malenko, but they’re dressed in suits. The Hardy Boyz walk up to them. Matt Hardy says it’s positively wonderful to see them. Rollins asks what they’re doing tonight, and Matt just chomps his teeth a few times.

Miz TV with special guest Enzo Amore

The Miz, Maryse, and The Miztourage make their way to the ring. The Miz says he and his wife have special news to announce to the crowd. They figured the best place to announce their news is in the place they met in front of the crowd. Maryse says they’re having a baby! The crowd gives them a great round of applause, and the crowd starts chanting, “YES!” They kiss in the ring. Miz says he pledges to be there for their child from day one, unlike how Kurt Angle isn’t there for them. Miz prepared a speech for this little miracle.

Enzo Amore interrupts the speech and goes through the usual shtick. Miz is furious over Enzo interrupting a deeply personal moment between him and his wife. Enzo wants to celebrate with them. Miz says Enzo doesn’t think. When he came from NXT to RAW, he and Cass were the next big thing. Everyone loved them, but look at Enzo now. Enzo thinks he knows everything. That’s why he’s kicked off WWE tour buses and the locker room. People hate Enzo, and that’s coming from him. Miz has been in his shoes. He’s rubbed people the wrong way in WWE. Unlike Enzo, he regrouped and rebranded and earned respect. Enzo should be asking for his advice and learning. Enzo interrupted him during the most sacred moment of his entire life. Enzo has so much talent, but he makes mistake after mistake. Miz is sick of it. Now Enzo thinks he can hang with Neville. All Enzo cares about is hanging with third rate rappers. Enzo thinks he can hang with Cruiserweights that can do aerial moves and dazzle the WWE Universe. The 7-foot meal ticket is gone, and Enzo is a con artist with catchphrases.

Enzo says if he wants to get real, he’s the realest guy in the room. There are some boos. Enzo says they’ve been in similar situations, but they have nothing in common. Miz made enemies by copying guys. Enzo is an original, and Miz isn’t. Miz is a carbon copy of other people. Enzo is going on to No Mercy to become the Cruiserweight Champion by beating Neville. Then he’ll come to RAW and beat The Miz because he’s a paper champion. The crowd vehemently disagrees. Miz says if Enzo was championship material, his best friend wouldn’t have abandoned him. Enzo says he may not have a lot of friends, but he only needs two things to fight Miz right here and now. Enzo holds up his fists. Miz says he’ll show him how to walk, talk, and act like a champion. Miz is going to dedicate his victory to his unborn child. Enzo says he’ll apologize to the baby when it’s born, but there’s only one way to describe Miz: S-A-W-F-T!

-Commercial Break-

The Miz vs. Enzo Amore

The bell rings, and they lock up. Miz powers him to the corner, but Enzo ducks a right hand. Enzo keeps getting away from Miz. Enzo grabs a microphone and says Miz’ wrestling is going straight to DVD. Enzo gets in the ring, and Miz grabs the ankle. Enzo kicks him away. Miz avoids a baseball slide and clotheslines him down. Miz grabs a microphone and asks how Enzo is doing before bouncing him off the apron a bunch of times. Miz puts him in the ring and goes to the top rope. Miz starts talking from the top rope until Enzo crotches him up there. Enzo takes the microphone back and says Miz has stolen from everyone else. Enzo says Miz shouldn’t be asking, “How you doin’?” He should be asking, “Who’s the daddy?” Miz viciously attacks him and throws him outside for The Miztourage to viciously attack. The referee calls for the bell.

Winner by Disqualification: Enzo Amore

They annihilate Enzo at ringside before putting him back in the ring. Miz then hits a deliberate Skull Crushing Finale before inviting Maryse into the ring. The crowd gives them a nice hand.

The 8-Man Tag Team Match is next.

-Commercial Break-

Next week on RAW, Nia Jax will face Alexa Bliss in a non-title match.

Enzo Amore is walking backstage trying to catch his breath. He’s in a lot of pain. Neville comes up to him and starts laughing before walking off.

Anderson, Gallows, Sheamus, and Cesaro vs. Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and The Hardy Boyz

A big brawl breaks out before the match begins, but it’s quickly calmed down. Jeff Hardy starts against Cesaro. Jeff splashes him before bouncing him in the corner. Jeff hits an inverted atomic drop before hitting a double leg drop to the midsection. Matt Hardy is tagged in, and they hit a double-team fist drop/splash for a two count. Cesaro quickly uppercuts Matt and tags in Sheamus. Sheamus clubs away at Matt before going for a powerslam. Matt slides off and goes for a Twist of Fate, but Sheamus gets out. Matt then clotheslines Sheamus out of the ring before throwing Cesaro out as well. Jeff then jumps off Matt’s back to hit a wild plancha onto Sheamus and Cesaro. A loud “DELETE” chant picks up.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Dean Ambrose fight it out against Luke Gallows. Gallows sends him to the apron. Ambrose elbows Cesaro before Gallows big boots him off the apron. Gallows gets Ambrose into the ring, kicks him in the head, and picks up a two count. Gallows punches away at him in the corner. Sheamus tags in before tagging in Cesaro. They kick Ambrose before Sheamus tags back in for a double clothesline. Sheamus and Cesaro pose before Sheamus picks up a two count. Ambrose fights up, but Sheamus turns him inside out with a knee to the midsection. Anderson tags in, and he hits 3D II with Gallows for a near fall. Anderson applies a chin lock, but Ambrose fights up. Anderson stops him from making a tag. Cesaro tags in and head-butts Ambrose for a two count. Cesaro then applies a chin lock. Ambrose fights up, and they trade punches. Ambrose gets him with a backslide pin for a two count. Sheamus tags in and goes for White Noise, but he tags in Cesaro to make it a super White Noise. Cesaro covers. Matt comes in to make the save, but he trips. Ambrose is down for three, so the referee just stops counting. That will be on Botchamania. Gallows and Anderson throw Matt into the barricade. Anderson comes in, but Ambrose takes him down for a two count. Ambrose then hits him with a swinging neckbreaker. Gallows tags in and knocks Jeff off the apron. Anderson and Gallows go for Magic Killer, but Ambrose fights up and hits Gallows with a Lunatic Lariat. Sheamus tags in, and Ambrose rolls him up for a two count. Ambrose then sidesteps him in the corner. Cesaro tags in, but Ambrose gives him a back body drop over the top rope.

Rollins and Anderson tag in. Rollins dropkicks Gallows off the apron before hitting Anderson with a blockbuster. Rollins forearms him back and jumps over him before hitting Gallows with a suicide dive. Rollins kicks Anderson and hits a springboard clothesline. Rollins superkicks Anderson, but Gallows breaks it up. Jeff hits Gallows with Twist of Fate, and Matt hits a second one. The Hardy Boyz invite Sheamus and Cesaro into the ring, but they decline. Rollins knees Anderson in the face. Ambrose follows up with Dirty Deeds. Rollins covers for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and The Hardy Boyz


Quick Match Results

* Roman Reigns def. Jason Jordan
* Sasha Banks def. Emma via Submission
* Bray Wyatt def. Goldust
* Elias def. Kalisto
* John Cena def. Braun Strowman via DQ
* Enzo Amore def. The Miz via DQ (non-title)
* Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and The Hardy Boyz def. Anderson, Gallows, Sheamus, and Cesaro

E-Mail – MikeyT817@gmail.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV

Thanks for reading!