WWE Monday Night RAW 09 12 2016

WWE Monday Night RAW
Location: Baltimore, MD
Date: September 12, 2016

Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

A recap of last week’s RAW is shown. Kevin Owens was celebrating winning the WWE Universal Championship until Seth Rollins interrupted. Mick Foley booked Rollins to take on Owens for the title at Clash of Champions. Later in the night, Owens was confronted by Roman Reigns. Foley said for this week’s RAW, Owens would face Reigns. If Reigns wins, he’s entered into the championship match at Clash of Champions.

The RAW video plays, and we’re brought into the arena. The commentators welcome us to the show. Tonight’s main event will see Kevin Owens face Roman Reigns. If Reigns wins, he’s entered into the WWE Universal Championship match at Clash of Champions.

Mick Foley is already in the ring, and he welcomes the crowd to RAW. Foley says summer may be over, but things are just heating up on Mondays. The first-ever RAW exclusive PPV is coming up in two weeks. Tonight, we’ll find out whether Kevin Owens will defend his WWE Universal Championship against Seth Rollins or Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns. Reigns’ name is booed. Foley says their competition, Smackdown Live, had a tremendous event where they crowned the first ever Smackdown Live Women’s Champion (Foley congratulates his friend, Becky Lynch), but here on Monday night they offer the premier destination for the best in women’s wrestling today. Foley then introduces Charlotte to the ring.

RAW Women’s Champion Charlotte makes her way to the ring alongside Dana Brooke. Charlotte is in street clothes while Dana is dressed to compete. Replays are shown from last week of Charlotte losing to Bayley and then slapping Dana. Later in the night, Sasha Banks faked a retirement and said she was facing Charlotte for the title, despite WWE already announcing Bayley as challenging for the title. Charlotte says she needs to get something off her chest. She truly believes that after last week, an apology is in order. Dana says Charlotte doesn’t owe an apology to her. Charlotte says she’d never owe an apology to Dana. Dana owes her an apology. It was embarrassing to lose to Bayley, and it’s all Dana’s fault. She’s trying to get the records changed to Dana losing to Bayley since it was her fault. While she’s apologizing, Dana should apologize for thinking she can think for herself. She made a fool of herself last week when she tapped out to the Bank Statement. If she doesn’t apologize, their friendship and her mentorship are through. Dana apologizes to her. Foley says he has her out here to talk about Clash of Champions. The Women’s Championship will be on the line.

Sasha Banks’ music hits, and she makes her way out to the ring dressed to compete. Sasha says Charlotte is looking at the face of the Women’s Division and the one and only legit boss of the WWE. Sasha says Charlotte is also looking at the woman who will take the title back in two weeks at Clash of Champions. A light “Sasha” chant breaks out.

Bayley’s music hits, and she makes her way to the ring to a nice reception. Bayley says she would love to see Sasha compete for the championship tonight, and she pauses. Foley asks her what she wants to say. Bayley says she knows she’s the new girl, but last week, she beat Charlotte so maybe the person that deserves the title shot… is her! Sasha says they go way back, all the way to NXT. Bayley had her back at Battleground, but when it comes to the title, she has no friends. Bayley needs to get in the back of the line. Charlotte says the only unfinished business her and Sasha have is her continuing to give her the career ending beating she gave her at SummerSlam. Sasha suggests they finish this right now, and she throws her jacket at Charlotte. Charlotte says she’s the only champion in the ring, and Sasha doesn’t dictate when she defends her title.

Foley says Charlotte is right that Sasha doesn’t dictate title defenses, but Charlotte doesn’t dictate it either. He does. He’s the General Manager. Foley says Sasha was supposed to get her rematch at Clash of Champions in two weeks, but he’s having second thoughts. Charlotte says she should have Foley’s job. Dana says Sasha and Bayley should fight over who is worthy to face “The Queen,” but maybe another Best of 7 Series is in order. Charlotte says she didn’t ask Dana to speak, so if she speaks again, she’ll slap the taste out of her mouth. Foley says Charlotte will defend her title against the winner of a match between Sasha and Bayley. Charlotte blames Dana for this, and Dana slaps her down! Foley then adds Dana to the match, and its next.

-Commercial Break-

Charlotte will be on commentary for the next match.

The winner faces Charlotte at Clash of Champions
Dana Brooke vs. Sasha Banks vs. Bayley

The bell rings, and Dana shoves Bayley and forearms Sasha. Dana kicks Bayley out of the ring and whips Sasha down. Dana chokes Sasha in the corner before kicking Bayley off the apron. Sasha blocks being put into the turnbuckle and puts Dana there. Sasha stomps her before choking her with her boot. Sasha then slaps her before hitting a snapmare for a two count. Dana quickly drops Sasha onto the apron and kicks her off. Bayley sneaks in and rolls Dana up for a two count. Bayley slams her off all four turnbuckles before Dana kicks her. Bayley slides off her shoulders and whips her to the corner before hitting a corner clothesline for a two count. Bayley hits the ropes and hits a running elbow. Bayley drops a knee for a two count. Bayley applies an arm bar before wrenching it. Dana punches her in the midsection a few times to get out. Dana wrenches the arm, but Bayley twists out and takes her down before reapplying the arm bar. Dana fights up, but Bayley takes her right back down. Dana fights up, but Bayley sends her into the ropes. Sasha then pulls Dana out of the ring.

Bayley and Sasha face off, but Dana runs in, so they give her a double-team hip toss. Bayley and Sasha stare at each other as we go to commercial.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Bayley trapped in a surfboard stretch applied by Dana. During the commercial, Dana took Sasha down on the apron and drover her back into the apron. Back to live action, Bayley fights up and gets out of the hold. Dana quickly forearms her down before lifting her up. Sasha comes in and rolls her up for a two count. Sasha punches away at Dana before holding her back in pain. Sasha lays Dana across the turnbuckles and goes for the double knee, but Bayley grabs her feet. Sasha then pulls Bayley into Dana. Both women are laid out across the turnbuckles, but Bayley avoids the double knees from Sasha whereas Dana cannot. Sasha picks up a two count on Dana. Bayley then catches Sasha with a cross-body block, but Dana breaks up the pin. Dana takes them both down with a double clothesline. Dana tries covering both, but they kick out. Dana then starts punching away at Sasha before putting her in the corner. Dana puts Bayley in the corner for good measure and shoulders her. Dana puts Bayley on the top rope and punches away at her. Dana goes for a superplex, but Sasha comes up and powerbombs Dana, who in turn superplexes Bayley. Sasha picks up a near fall on Dana.

Sasha hits a pair of running forearms and a dropkick on Dana. Sasha blocks a kick and kicks her in the head. Sasha goes for the Bank Statement, but Dana holds the ropes. Dana goes for the attack, but Sasha locks her in the Bank Statement. Dana nearly taps, but Bayley breaks up the submission. Bayley then catches Dana with Bayley-To-Belly. Sasha breaks up the pin and rolls up Bayley. Sasha’s shoulders are down as wells as Bayley’s, and the referee counts the pin.

Winner by Pinfall: Sasha Banks
Match Rating: * 3/4 

Sasha Banks’ arm is initially raised, and she is announced as the #1 Contender. Replays are shown, and the commentators embarrass themselves by not even calling attention to the blatant double pinfall.

Match #5 of the Best of 7 Series between Sheamus and Cesaro takes place tonight. Cesaro won in London, but Sheamus still holds a 3-1 lead. We’ll also see Kevin Owens face Roman Reigns. If Reigns wins, he’s added into the WWE Universal Championship match at Clash of Champions.

-Commercial Break-

Dana Brooke is walking backstage looking emotional before walking up to Charlotte. Dana apologizes to her. Charlotte tells her to shut up and get her bags. Dana takes her bags and walks off.

The Shining Stars are talking about Puerto Rico and investing in a timeshare with R-Truth. They talk about him being able to party with celebrities. Epico says if he makes a payment right now, they’ll guarantee the timeshare. Goldust walks up and interrupts the transaction before pulling R-Truth away. The Shining Stars turn and see Enzo and Big Cass. Big Cass says they look cheating con men. Epico says they beat them fair and square last week. Enzo says if you get the footage, they grabbed a handful of tights. Primo says they’re two honest businessmen trying to share Puerto Rico with the world. Enzo says they have some unfinished business and issues a challenge. Epico accepts his challenge and walks off.

Tom Philips is backstage with the WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens. Owens calls him “Tyler.” Owens asks if Philips wants him to say something controversial. Owens says maybe Seth Rollins is jealous because Triple H realized that he’s better than him. As for Roman Reigns, he doesn’t belong in the same ring with him. Mick Foley is just jealous he was never on the level of his mentor, Triple H. However, he’d never say any of those things. In two weeks, it won’t be a triple threat match because he’ll beat Roman Reigns and walk out of Clash of Champions as the WWE Universal Champion. Owens says, “Trust me,” and walks off.

Chris Jericho sneaks up on Philips with a sneer. Jericho says if Philips wasn’t such a hack journalist, he’d see the real story. It’s not that Foley put Owens in a match with Reigns. It’s that Foley pulled Owens from “The Highlight Reel,” leaving him without a guest. Jericho says he’s too smart for Foley and will have Kevin Owens’ ex-best friend Sami Zayn. Jericho asks Philips what Zayn is. Philips reluctantly starts to say “stupid idiot,” but Jericho cuts him off. Jericho says Zayn is a stupid idio… (points finger) IT.

Bo Dallas will be in action, next.

-Commercial Break-

Bo Dallas vs. Brandon Scott

Before the match, Dallas says a poem about how only he can Bo-lieve in Bo.

Michael Cole announces that the jobber’s name is Brandon Scott. The bell rings, and Dallas immediately starts punching away at him before kneeing away at him. Scott quickly gets away and sidesteps him to get him out of the ring. Scott dropkicks him, but Dallas quickly picks him up and slams him down. A “Let’s Go Jobber” chant fires up. Dallas gives him a trio of gut-busters before giving him a clothesline. Dallas taunts the crowd before giving him a rolling cutter for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Bo Dallas
Match Rating: 1/2 *

Coming up next, we’ll see Sami Zayn be a guest on Chris Jericho’s “Highlight Reel.”

-Commercial Break-

The Highlight Reel with special guest Sami Zayn

Chris Jericho makes his entrance to the ring. Jericho says, “Welcome to what was supposed to be the greatest edition ‘Highlight Reel’ in WWE history featuring a man who is so honorable and so inspirational that Tom Cruise will probably play him in the movie version of his life, although Brad Pitt could as well, he’s that handsome.” Jericho is talking about his best friend, brother, and the longest reigning Universal Champion in history, Kevin Owens, but instead that selfish SOB Mick Foley took him out to face Roman Reigns. Jericho says who can replace the guy at the top of the mountain, so he went in the opposite direction. His guest is as low as you can go, Sami Zayn.

Sami Zayn makes his entrance to a great reception. Zayn sarcastically thanks Jericho for the glowing introduction. Jericho asks if he wants him to sing, “Olé.” The crowd starts to, which angers Jericho. Jericho says the intro was fitting for a lowlife like Zayn. No wonder Owens dumped him as his best friend. Owens won’t even look at Zayn backstage. In fact, Zayn doesn’t even have his new number. Zayn asks what he’s doing here. Jericho wants to know what kind of man Zayn really is to blow his friendship with Owens. Owens is a good guy and the new champion. When he thinks of their friendship, the problem was Zayn. Zayn says he’s done with Owens and could care less. The only thing he cares about is the WWE Universal Championship, which he promises to possess one day. Since Jericho brought him up, he has some advice. If Jericho thinks Owens is his best friend and brother, then he’s really a stupid idiot. A “stupid idiot” chant breaks out as Jericho sneers. Jericho says Zayn is just like the crowd. He’s condescending and rude. Zayn is a taker whereas he’s a giver. Jericho gives people what they want, including the heathens here. Jericho gives them what they want and need. Zayn says The Gift Of Jericho sucks. The only gift Owens gave him was showing his true colors, which Owens will show Jericho one day. Owens only cares about himself.

Jericho says that’s the jealousy coming out of Zayn. Zayn is jealous that Owens is the longest reigning Universal Champion in WWE history whereas he’s just Sami Zayn. Zayn asks if there’s any shred of the old Chris Jericho. Jericho was the inspiration for him and Owens. Guys like Dean Malenko and Eddie Guerrero inspired them. Zayn spent his entire adult life traveling the world to wind up here like Jericho. Jericho is a six-time World Champion and the first-ever Undisputed Champion, but now he’s relegated to being Kevin Owens’ bitch! The crowd reacts nicely to that as Jericho looks troubled. Jericho says he got a text from Owens before he came out. Jericho goes to show him, but instead slaps him down. Jericho then drops him with a Codebreaker. Jericho stares down at the fallen Zayn. Jericho then walks off with a smirk.

Tonight’s main event will see Kevin Owens take on Roman Reigns. If Reigns wins, he’s entered into the title match at Clash of Champions. Coming up next, we’ll see Cesaro take on Sheamus in Match #5 of a Best of 7 Series. Sheamus leads the series 3-1.

-Commercial Break-

Footage is shown of Cesaro defeating Sheamus last week in London. A pre-taped promo is shown with Sheamus. Sheamus isn’t worried about the loss. He’s up 3-1 and could win 3 more if he needed to. All he needs is one more win, and he’ll send Swiss Miss back to the Alps and get a championship opportunity.

Match #5 – Best of 7 Series Cesaro (1-3) vs. Sheamus (3-1)

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before locking up. Sheamus quickly forearms him in the injured back. Cesaro holds his back in pain, as Sheamus taunts him. Cesaro punches and uppercuts Sheamus before sending him into the ropes, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Sheamus taunts the crowd before eating a clothesline from Cesaro. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer, but Sheamus powers him to the corner before uppercutting him. Sheamus kicks him before sending him to the opposite corner for a shoulder to the midsection. Sheamus sends him back to the original corner and nails him with a shoulder block. Sheamus repeats the move one more time before Cesaro uppercuts him down. Cesaro goes for the Sharpshooter, but Sheamus gets out of the ring. Cesaro kicks Sheamus back before leaping off the apron with a seated senton! Cesaro then takes him down again with a running uppercut at ringside. Cesaro gets him in the ring and picks up a two count.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Cesaro trapped in an over-the-shoulder rack. Cesaro fights out, but he runs into a knee to the midsection. Cesaro rolls to the apron to catch his breath. Sheamus grabs him and forearms him in the lower back a few times. Sheamus is really targeting the injured lower back. Cesaro punches him back, but Sheamus grabs him. Sheamus tries to put him into the ring post, but Cesaro blocks it and bounces him off the turnbuckle a few times. Cesaro goes to the top rope, but Sheamus cuts him off. Cesaro head-butts him off the second rope and punches him back. Cesaro kicks him away and connects with a cross-body block for a near fall. Cesaro clutches his lower back in agony. Sheamus kicks and punches him, but Cesaro comes back with punches of his own. Cesaro punches away at him in the corner before sending him to the opposite corner. Sheamus catches him charging and gives him a rolling senton for a near fall. Sheamus goes for the Irish Cloverleaf, but Cesaro counters with a roll-up for a near fall.

Cesaro immediately follows up with a springboard twisting uppercut for a near fall. Cesaro goes for the Neutralizer, but his lower back is too hurt. Sheamus goes for White Noise, but Cesaro gets out and applies a Sharpshooter. Sheamus quickly gets to the bottom rope. Sheamus elbows him back, but Cesaro quickly takes him down for the Cesaro Swing. Cesaro’s back gives out. Sheamus rolls him up and grabs the tights for a near fall. Sheamus immediately drops him with an Irish Curse Backbreaker, but Cesaro again kicks out. Sheamus goes for the Celtic Cross, but Cesaro slides off. Cesaro rolls him up and gets a foot on the ropes for leverage to pick up the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Cesaro
Match Rating: **

Cesaro celebrates his big win. Cesaro is still down to Sheamus 3-2. Sheamus is livid in the ring.

Mick Foley is backstage when Seth Rollins walks in. The crowd pops big for him. Rollins has a bone to pick with him. Rollins thought Foley was coming around on him by preventing his suspension and giving him a title match. Rollins asks why Roman Reigns has an opportunity. Foley says Reigns was just as wronged as Rollins. Rollins says there is no comparison between the two. Look at Reigns’ stuff compared to his. Rollins says he’s not worried about Reigns because he beats him every time. Rollins wants to get his hands on Owens and the title with no distractions. If Foley won’t do anything, maybe they should ask Stephanie. Foley says Stephanie is in Singapore. Stephanie has nothing to do with Triple H’s interference. Rollins says that’s ridiculous. Rollins says he’ll take matters into his own hands. Foley shouts at him to not question his integrity. Foley asks him to say he will not interfere in the match with Owens and Reigns. Rollins says he won’t question his integrity, but if he continues to support Stephanie like that, then he’s just a fool. Rollins walks off as Foley looks conflicted.

-Commercial Break-

The commentators announce that Chris Jericho will face Sami Zayn in two weeks at Clash of Champions.

Alicia Fox vs. Nia Jax

Replays are shown of the backstage confrontation between Nia Jax and Alicia Fox. Nia shoved her down after Alicia went crazy. Tom Philips is backstage with Nia Jax. Nia says Alicia can act all crazy, but she’s just going to beat the crap out of her until she can’t get up or she gives up.

The bell rings, and Nia quickly shoves her down. Nia powers her into the corner and gives her some shoulder thrusts to the midsection. Alicia elbows her back before going to the top rope. Nia quickly shoves her off the top rope to the floor. Alicia boots her in the face as she comes outside and jumps on her back. Nia backs her into the ring post and slings her by the hair into the barricade a few times before throwing her down. Nia then spears her through the barricade, and this match is over!

No Contest
Match Rating: 1/2 *

Trainers run down to the ringside area to check on Alicia Fox. Nia Jax just coldly walks off on her.

-Commercial Break-

The New Day makes their way to the ring to a nice reception. Big E is holding some wrestling boots and pours Booty O’s into a bowl out of them. Xavier Woods holds up the microphone and soaks in the cheers. Woods says last week on RAW, Gallows and Anderson tried their hands at entertainment. Woods says entertainment is their thing. Woods warns them not to touch their things. If anyone missed it, Gallows and Anderson brought out “The Old Day.” It’s time to watch. Psych! They burned that footage because it was horrible. Kofi Kingston says Gallows and Anderson wasted 5:37 of everyone’s time. Woods says you could have listened to any song on the “Hamilton” soundtrack during that time. Kingston says they could watch some Ravens clips. Big E says it was so bad, he wished he had Obi Wan Kenobi to warn him about it. Woods apologizes for Gallows and Anderson wasting their time. That will never happen again under one condition: as long as they are their WWE World Tag Team Champions.

Luke Gallows and Karl Anderson make their entrance and walk down to the ring. Anderson says they’re pandering to a stupid crowd like Baltimore and talk about Booty O’s and wear unicorn horns, yet they’re the ones wasting people’s times. Gallows says they’ll rip the horns off their heads, beat them unconscious with them, and take the WWE Tag Team Titles.

Coming up next, it’s a SummerSlam rematch. Anderson and Gallows will take on Kingston and Woods.

-Commercial Break-

Kofi Kingston and Xavier Woods w/ Big E vs. Anderson and Gallows

Xavier Woods will start against Karl Anderson. The bell rings, and Anderson quickly kicks and punches him to the corner. Anderson sends him to the corner, but Woods slingshots over him, ducks some clotheslines, and dropkicks him down for a one count. Woods wrenches the arm and elbows away at him. Kofi Kingston is tagged in, and he hits a running kick on Anderson. Kingston drops an elbow before Woods drops a second rope elbow. Kingston goes to the top rope before hitting a leaping stomp for a near fall. Kingston applies an overhead wristlock, but Anderson fights up and gets him in his corner. Anderson punches him before tagging in Luke Gallows. Gallows takes him down with a shoulder block before going for a back suplex, but Kingston flips through and boots him. Kingston then takes him down with a springboard forearm for a two count. Gallows quickly comes back by throwing him over the top rope. Anderson is tagged in, and he gets off the apron to punch away at Kingston and stomp him. Gallows is tagged in, and Anderson puts Kingston in the ring. Gallows then big boots Kingston down. Gallows drops a trio of elbows for a one count. Gallows applies a chin lock, but Kingston fights up and punches him. Kingston hits the ropes, but Gallows viciously clotheslines him down. Anderson tags back in, and he digs his forearm into his face. Anderson dropkicks him in the corner before applying a chin lock. Kingston punches out and goes for a tag, but Anderson cuts him off. Kingston escapes and tries to tag Woods, but Anderson connects with a Double A Spinebuster for a two count. Gallows is tagged back in, and he punches away at Kingston before kicking him in the head to knock him off the apron. Woods and Big E shout encouragement to Kingston. Kingston makes it back into the ring at seven. Gallows quickly goes back on the attack before tagging in Anderson. Anderson uses Gallows’ knee to hit an inverted atomic drop. Anderson steps on the throat before dropping a knee for a near fall. Anderson puts him in the corner before tagging Gallows back in. Gallows connects with a body slam before going to the second rope. Gallows goes for a diving elbow drop, but Kingston moves.

Woods and Anderson are tagged in. Woods connects with a pair of clotheslines before sliding through the legs and punching him. Woods puts him into the ropes and dropkicks him. Woods knees Gallows in the head and knocks him out of the ring. Woods drops Anderson with the Honor Roll for a near fall. Anderson punches Woods, but Woods comes back with a punch for good measure. They trade forearms with Woods coming out on top. Woods hits the ropes, but Anderson uppercuts him. Anderson sends him into the ropes, but Woods slides to the floor. Woods kicks him in the head and connects with a DDT as he enters the ring. Woods goes to the top rope, walks on the ropes, and connects with a diving elbow, but Gallows breaks it up. Kingston goes for a springboard, but Gallows kicks him out of mid-air. Woods kicks Gallows, but Anderson comes from behind with a running knee. They drop Woods with the Magic Killer for the win.

Winners by Pinfall: Anderson and Gallows
Match Rating: * 1/2 

Roman Reigns is walking backstage, and the crowd boos him. Tom Philips walks up to Reigns and asks him what’s going through his mind. Reigns says he’s just thinking about getting to Clash of Champions and winning the WWE Universal Championship. The only way he can do that is by kicking KO’s ass.

-Commercial Break-

The Cruiserweights debut next Monday on RAW.

Jinder Mahal makes his way to the ring. Mahal talks about feeling hate and rage from everyone before talking in his native tongue. Mahal says he’s going to let it all go. He’s trekked the Himalayas and been to the monasteries. Mahal says he’s found inner peace. Peace is more than just a word. It’s a way of life. Peace is the gift that he wants to share with everyone in the WWE Universe. Jack Swagger then interrupts the promo.

Jinder Mahal vs. Jack Swagger

The bell rings, and Mahal gets on his knees before putting his hands up. Mahal then attacks him with forearms and takes him down. Mahal chokes him on the bottom rope and forearms him. Mahal chokes him on the ropes again before dropping a trio of knees. Mahal punches away at him before Swagger gets out of the ring. Mahal follows him out, and Swagger elbows him in the head. Swagger punches away at him at ringside and bounces him off the apron. Swagger puts him in the ring, and Mahal kicks him as he enters the ring. Mahal drops him with a high knee lift for a two count. Mahal dropkicks him in the back of the head for a two count. Mahal applies a chin lock, but Swagger eventually fights up. Swagger shoves him into the ropes and takes him down with a back body drop. Swagger avoids an avalanche and connects with a pair of corner clotheslines before taking him down with a waistlock slam. Swagger hits the ropes a few times before elbowing Mahal. Swagger boots him down and goes for a Swagger Bomb, but Mahal gets his legs up. Mahal connects with a neckbreaker for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Jinder Mahal
Match Rating: 1/2 *

Enzo Amore is walking backstage with Big Cass. He’ll face Epico, next.

-Commercial Break-

Jack Swagger is walking backstage when Tom Philips stops him. Philips mentions that his RAW contract is expiring soon. Swagger just breathes into the microphone and walks off.

Enzo and Big Cass make their way to the ring. Enzo does his usual shtick as the crowd chants along. The crowd sings to Enzo. Enzo says he’s not sweating Epico. When Epico comes down to the ring, he’ll punch him and give him a dirt nap. Epico will soil himself, which will allow him to plant some hibiscus flowers. Enzo will then ask him, “How you doin?” Big Cass says there’s only one word to describe The Shining Stars: S-A-W-F-T!

Enzo Amore w/ Big Cass vs. Epico w/ Primo

Epico kicks him at the sound of the bell and sends him into the ropes. Enzo takes him down with a head-scissor takeover. Enzo punches him before Epico pulls him into the turnbuckle. Epico then whips him hard into the corner. Epico connects with a back suplex, a German Suplex, and a delayed vertical suplex for a two count. Enzo flips through a back suplex and falls down. Enzo boots him in the face, but Epico comes back with a roll-up for a two count. Enzo hits a modified jawbreaker before punching away at him. Enzo hits some jabs and DDTs him. Enzo goes to the top rope and does a dab before Primo distracts him. Big Cass then big boots Primo. Epico then takes Big Cass out with a suicide dive. Enzo then takes Epico out with a cross-body block to the floor. Enzo gets in the ring and goes for a suplex into the ring, but Primo grabs Enzo’s feet. Epico lands on top of Enzo and picks up the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Epico
Match Rating: * 1/4

Kevin Owens will face Roman Reigns, next.

-Commercial Break-

Kevin Owens is walking backstage when he bumps into Seth Rollins. Owens reminds him what Mick Foley said. Rollins says he wants to wish him luck and how he would love for him to beat Reigns to keep it one-on-one. Since Triple H is too much of a coward to show up, he’d love to tear his golden boy to pieces and take the title back. Owens says his laugh is annoying, and he doesn’t need luck. Besides, Rollins should want Reigns in the match so he can do all the work and Rollins sneaks in. Rollins has always had someone else doing his work for him from The Shield to Jon Stewart. Owens says he’s just jealous of his dealings with Triple H. Owens says he’s better than him. Owens says Rollins has accomplished nothing since his return. Rollins lost at Battleground and lost to Finn Bálor with one arm. Owens won it in his first chance. “Redesign, Rebuild, Reclaim” should be “Redesign, Rebuilt, Replaced.” Mick Foley walks up and tells Owens to get out to the ring. Foley warns Rollins not to interfere or there will be consequences.

Roman Reigns and Kevin Owens make their respective entrances. This match is next.

-Commercial Break-

If Roman Reigns wins, he’s added to the title match at Clash of Champions
Roman Reigns vs. Kevin Owens

The bell rings, and Owens immediately gets out of the ring. Reigns follows him outside and punches him down. Reigns throws him into the barricade and punches him. Reigns puts him back into the ring. Owens stomps away at Reigns as he enters. Owens head-butts him and drives him into the corner. Owens punches him before sending him into the ropes for a back elbow to pick up a one count. Owens shouts that it was a three count. Owens continues to attack him and steps on his hair before pulling his arms up. Owens punches him and taunts him about being “the guy.” Reigns comes back with some right hands, which are met with loud boos. Owens reverses a whip, but he lowers his head and eats a kick. Reigns goes for a high kick to the face, but Owens gets out of the ring to avoid it. Reigns then takes him out with a slingshot dropkick. Reigns goes outside and whips him into the barricade. Owens comes back by throwing him into the barricade and clubbing him. Owens gets in the ring and grabs Reigns as he enters. Reigns punches him and sends him into the corner. Owens gives him a back elbow and takes him down with a clothesline to the back of the head. Owens then gives him a senton splash for a two count. Owens kicks him in the back before applying a chin lock. Owens holds it on for a while before Reigns starts fighting up. Reigns then gets out with a back suplex. Owens gets to his feet, and Reigns drops him with a pair of clotheslines. Owens reverses a whip, and Reigns connects with a leaping clothesline. Reigns clotheslines him in the corner and hits a short-arm clothesline. Reigns sets up for a Superman Punch, but Owens rolls out of the ring. Reigns follows him outside and leaps off the steps, but Owens kicks him in the midsection. Owens then sends him into the ring post.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Reigns trapped in another chin lock. Owens really digs it in and won’t let Reigns up. Reigns eventually fights up and punches out. Reigns sends him into the corner and goes for a running shoulder, but Owens moves. Reigns hits the ring post shoulder-first. Owens goes outside, pulls Reigns out, and sends him shoulder-first into the barricade before whipping him into the steel steps. Owens celebrates, and Seth Rollins runs down the ramp and attacks him! The referee calls for the bell! Owens wins by disqualification!

Rollins continues to wildly punch away at him. Mick Foley makes his way out to the stage as referees separate Rollins and Owens. Foley gets in his face and screams that they’re going to have a talk. Foley says the match is not going to end like that and calls for the match to be restarted.

The bell rings, and Owens sends Reigns into the steps once again. Owens puts Reigns in the ring and goes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Reigns holds the ropes. They start trading punches and forearms before Owens knees away at him. Owens hits the ropes, but Reigns follows and turns him inside out with a clothesline. Reigns starts clubbing away at him in the corner. Reigns hits the ropes and goes for a big boot, but Owens ducks it. Reigns blocks a superkick and connects with a Samoan Drop for a two count. Reigns starts punching and stomping Owens down in the corner. Reigns puts Owens on the top rope and goes for a superplex, but Owens punches and bites him to get out of it. Owens sets up for a Frog Splash, but Reigns pops up and punches him. Reigns goes for a superplex, but Owens counters with a swinging fisherman’s superplex for a near fall. Owens quickly goes to the top rope and connects with a Frog Splash for a near fall!

The crowd is really buzzing for this match. Owens kicks him in the ribs and shoves him. Reigns starts to get fired up. Reigns starts punching back, but Owens superkicks him down. Owens mocks Reigns’ spear taunt and goes for the cannonball, but Reigns moves. Reigns slowly gets to his feet and starts pumping himself up. Owens kicks him in the face as he goes for a spear, but Reigns responds with a Superman Punch for a near fall. Owens gets out of the ring to recover, so Reigns hits him with a Drive-By Dropkick. Reigns puts Owens in the ring, and Owens kicks him as he comes in before dropping him with a superkick. Owens catches him with a cannonball before connecting with a second one. Owens sends him into the ropes for a Pop-up Powerbomb, but Reigns gets out, rolls him up, lifts him up, and connects with a sit-out powerbomb for a two count. All of a sudden Rusev runs down and gets on the apron! Reigns quickly drops him with a Superman Punch. Owens then sends Reigns into the ropes and gives him a Pop-up Powerbomb for the win!

Winner by Pinfall: Kevin Owens
Match Rating: *** 1/2

Roman Reigns will not get a shot at the WWE Universal Championship at Clash of Champions! The match remains a singles match between champion Kevin Owens taking on Seth Rollins.

Rusev gets in the ring and looks livid. Rusev waits for Reigns to get up and drops him with a big kick. Rusev punches away at Reigns, who is out cold. Lana is holding the United States Championship and watching from the stage. Rusev stomps Reigns’ spine and applies the Accolade. Rusev finally lets go and stands over the fallen Reigns.

Quick Match Results

* Sasha Banks def. Dana Brooke and Bayley
* Bo Dallas def. Brandon Scott
* Cesaro def. Sheamus in Match #5 of a Best of 7 Series
* Alicia Fox NC Nia Jax
* Anderson and Gallows def. Xavier Woods and Kofi Kingston (non-title)
* Jinder Mahal def. Jack Swagger
* Epico def. Enzo Amore
* Kevin Owens def. Roman Reigns (non-title)

E-Mail – MikeyT817@gmail.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV

Source: www.wrestleview.com