Ricky rocked you. Now, prepare to get rolled with the other half of wrestling’s fabled Rock-n-Roll Express as Robert Gibson, joins for a rare uncut shoot interview that every fan will want to hear.
The Rock-n-Roll Express is arguably the greatest tag team in wrestling history. What isn’t arguable is the huge impact that the Rock-n-Roll Express had on tag team wrestling as we know it. Robert joins his partner, Ricky Morton, in speaking with about his storied career. From Mid-South to NWA to WWF to TNA, Gibson has been everywhere and fought everyone.
Now, just a few weeks prior to James Guttman’s live appearance at the LegendsMania fan convention ( on March 13th in Atlanta as host of the massive VIP question and answer session, one of those VIPs joins with many first-hand stories from his storied career. Hear from the man who blazed a tag team trail through the industry and continues to excite fans to this day. For a full list of topics from Robert’s rare shoot, head to:
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When you hear the name Robert Gibson, you naturally think of another former guest, Ricky Morton. Ricky and Robert were synonymous with tag team wrestling during the industry’s hottest time period. Gibson and Morton not only took out all the greatest teams of the 1980s, but continue on today. At a time when so many tags split up to pursue singles dreams, the Rock-n-Roll Express rolls on. Robert tells James Guttman that the duo may have set a record as a tandem and he attributes it all to chemistry.
“You know, me and Ricky now, I think we’re the longest tag team in history. Yeah, we’ve been going since ’82 together. But to be a good team, you just need to know the other guy’s moves. Hell, me and Ricky do shit we don’t even call (in the ring). We just go….Yeah. It’s like we know each other’s moves backwards.”
Robert talks about all his big moments in the Rock-n-Roll Express on From being trapped in his car by crazed fans to police outside his house for security to the reason why he and Ricky were split in 1990 and the matches they had against each other. It’s no secret that the Express were bona-fide superstars. Gibson joins many other superstars including The Koloffs, The High-Flyers, The Midnight Express, Jim Cornette, The Armstrong Family, Demolition, and many more at the upcoming LegendsMania fan convention in Atlanta, Georgia. James Guttman, making his first appearance of this kind, will host a massive question and answer session with fans at the event. Guttman speaks about the upcoming event and Robert speaks on the subject.
“It’s gonna be fun. Tell everyone to come out. It’s gonna be fun…Great, yeah. I’m really looking forward to it. I’m gonna get there early and I’m really looking forward to it. Like I said, I get to see you and everybody else. I get to take time to talk to everybody.”
Perhaps, though, the most recent and controversial topic that Robert Gibson addressed was his release from WWE in 2007. Working as a trainer in Ohio Valley Wrestling, Robert was there when newly signed CM Punk got into a disagreement with Hall of Famer Tony Atlas over the tape on his hands. The situation escalated and soon the two were having confrontations in front of everyone. In the end, Punk stayed with WWE. Atlas did too. It was Gibson who was let go for not calming the tensions, apparently. James pointed that out and asked about it. Robert speaks out about it on for one of the first times since he left the company.
“I don’t know. I thought the situation got handled pretty much by itself. I don’t know. Wrong place. Wrong time. I don’t know. Hell. What’s the word I’m looking for? It had nothing to do with me. “
JG says that sometimes in wrestling, you can get sucked into a situation just by being too near to it.
“I should have spoken up, but the situation got done without me saying anything.”
Remember, not only can you hear Robert Gibson’s brand new exclusive shoot on, but you can hear over 200 more including: (in alphabetical order) Sivi Afi , Aaron Aguliera, Skandar Akbar, Brent Albright, Ole Anderson, Road Warrior Animal, Tony “T.L. Hopper” Anthony, Buff Bagwell, Doug Basham, Paul Bearer, Giant Bernard, Big Daddy V, Eric Bischoff, Steve Blackman, Brian Blair, Tully Blanchard, Nick Bockwinkel, “The Boogeyman” Marty Wright, Bad News Brown, D-Lo Brown, “Jumping” Jim Brunzell, Mike “Simon Dean” Bucci, Bull Buchanan, Lance Cade , Christian, John Cena Sr., Chaz “Headbanger Mosh” , Bryan “Adam Bomb” Clark, Rob Conway, Jim Cornette, Justin Credible, D-Ray 3000, Scott D’Amore , Christopher Daniels, Shawn Daivari, Dangerous Danny Davis, Dawn Marie, Damian Demento, Colin Delaney, Brother Devon, Demolition Ax, Demolition Smash, Bill DeMott, Ted DiBiase, J.J. Dillon, Nick “Eugene” Dinsmore, Disco Inferno, Spike Dudley, Hacksaw Jim Duggan , Kenny Dykstra, Bobby Eaton, Paul Ellering, Armando Estrada,, Manny Fernandez , Francine, Mr. Fuji, Dory Funk Jr.., Terry Funk, Ronnie Garvin ,Jackie Gayda, Glacier, Sylvain Grenier, Tod Gordon, Zach Gowen, Juventud Guerrera, Chalie Haas, Chris Harris , Bruce Hart , Jimmy Hart, Diva Search’s Jessica Hatch, Dave Hebner, Earl Hebner, Bobby “The Brain” Heenan, Jon Heidenreich, Christy Hemme, Hillbilly Jim, Molly Holly , The Honky Tonk Man, Tim Horner , Scotty 2 Hotty, Sam Houston, Mr. Hughes, The Iron Sheik, Ivory, B.G. James, Jazz, Ahmed Johnson, Judge Jeff Jones, Orlando Jordan, Kamala, Kid Kash, Kevin Kelly, Pat “Simon Diamond” Kenney, Ron Killings, Cpl. Kirschner, Kizarny, Kevin Kleinrock, Brian Knobbs, Ivan Koloff, Nikita Koloff,, Bobby Lashley, Bruno “Harvey Wippleman” Lauer, Jerry “The King” Lawler, “The Total Package” Lex Luger, Buschwhacker Luke, Rodney Mack, Magnum T.A. , Balls Mahoney, Rick Martel, Clarence Mason , “Masterpiece” Chris Masters, Robbie McAllister, Rory McAllister, Matt Morgan, Ernest Miller, Missing Link, Father James Mitchell, Mo From Men on a Mission , Sean Mooney, Ricky Morton, Trevor Murdoch, Kevin Nash, Nidia, Nunzio, One Man Gang, Sonny Onoo, Paul “Mr. Wonderful” Orndorff, Oscar From Men on a Mission , Fred “Typhoon/Tugboat/Shockmaster” Ottman, Pierre-Carl Ouellet, Outback Jack, Diamond Dallas Page, Ken Patera, Nick Patrick, Jim Powers, Tom Prichard, Harley Race, Baron Von Raschke, “The Yeti” Ron Reis , Rhino, Dustin Rhodes, Tommy Rich, Rikishi, Paul Roma, “Super Hero in Training” Rosie, Jacques Rougeau, Terri Runnels, Lance Russell, Samoa Joe, Bruno Sammartino, Samu, Tito Santana, Dan “The Beast” Severn, Ron Simmons, Elix Skipper, Slick, Tracey Smothers, Al Snow, Sim “Deuce” Snuka, Dennis Stamp, George “The Animal” Steele, Rick Steiner, Scott Steiner, Idol Stevens, The Stro, AJ Styles, Dave “Evad” Sullivan, Kevin Sullivan, Dave Taylor, Sylvester Terkay, ECW’s Tiffany, Too Cold Scorpio, Greg “The Hammer” Valentine, Jimmy Valiant, Johnny Valiant, Jesse “The Body” Ventura, Sid Vicious, Vito, Nikolai Volkoff, Koko B. Ware, Erik Watts, Steve “Dr. Death” Williams, David Young, Mae Young , Larry Zybszko, and More.
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