CHIKARA: See Castagnoli/Hero season finale match for FREE!
Back in November, we tried to close out our year with the long-awaited face off between Claudio Castagnoli and Chris Hero, at our event called “Chapter 11.” But as fate would have it, that match did not happen. A few weeks later, we managed to deliver it at “Stephen Colbert > Bill O’Reilly,” at Penn State University. However, a lot of the great fans that deserved to see this match never did, simply because of the circumstances.
So, to make it up to you, we’re going to give you the chance to see the match for FREE. For one day only, we’re going to add the Castagnoli vs. Hero match to the CHIKARA Podcast-A-Go-Go iTunes feed. So, if you’re a subscriber to our regular, weekly podcast, on New Year’s Day, January 1st, you’re going to get a special surprise when you open up iTunes. You don’t have to do a thing.
If you are not yet a subscriber to CHIKARA Podcast-A-Go-Go, don’t sweat it! It’s easy, and it’s free. Just look up “wrestling” podcasts in the iTunes store, and you’ll find the Go-Go waiting for you there. Click the “subscribe” button, and the rest is history. Make sure you subscribe no later than New Year’s Day, and you’ll be able to enjoy this outstanding match up for FREE. And tell all your pals, too. The only way to watch this one for free is by subscribing to our mega-sweet, mega-free, weekly podcast.
Oh, yeah. We’re also doing that tournament thing again next year.
King of Trios 2008
2.29.2008 3.1.2008 3.2.2008
Friday night through Sunday afternoon
Live @ The New Alhambra (formerly ECW Arena)!
7 W. Ritner Street
in southern Philadelphia, PA!
Tickets go on sale 1.1.2008!
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