

1/3 of the reunited Triple X, former TNA X-Division Champion, & former ROH World Heavyweight Champion, Senshi/Low-Ki, was the special guest on this past week’s live edition of Monday Night Mayhem (08/08/07), which can be heard in streaming audio every week (hosted by The Big Mosh & Blade, and heard LIVE at 8PM ET/7PM CT every Monday night) exclusively on The Monday Night Mayhem Radio Network (,,,, www.Showdown,net, &

Members of’s ON-DEMAND 360 section now get exclusive access to “The Best Of Candice Michelle” broadband video featuring WWE Women’s Champion & former Mayhem guest, Candice, in all of her hottest & most revealing moments from outside of the WWE. Log onto the front page of for more information. For $4.95, you cannot go wrong fans!

Ki’s first-ever appearance on The Mayhem can now be heard for FREE in Real Audio.

Here are some of the highlights from the interview provided by Mayhem listener, Daniel1991, & The Mayhem’s co-host, The Big Mosh.
Before joining The Angry Hero, Blade, & Mosh, Senshi was at the Midway video game studios, working on the upcoming TNA iMPACT video game (with voiceovers & more). In comparison to the other games out there, Senshi went on to tell The Mayhem Crew that Midway is focusing on the actual game play for the ultimate gaming experience.

Mosh asked Ki about the mainstream publicity that TNA has received from the past week, from their signing of the controversial (and suspended) NFL star, Adam “Packman” Jones. Senshi said that he never followed the issues that Jones had in the National Football League, but said that “if he is carrying that” mainstream status, then it “can only be positive for TNA.” Blade also mentioned that any TNA fan cannot & should not complain about this, because if the fans want TNA to get bigger, then they need publicity such as this to be successful.
There have been some rumors circulating the internet about former WWE superstars coming into the fold with Total Nonstop Action Wrestling — such as Rikishi & A-Train/Giant Bernard, along with the recent additions of “The Punisher” Andrew Martin (Test) & Matt Morgan. Senshi thinks that it is very important to integrate some of those names from the past to get some name recognition for TNA for newer fans who are tuning into their program, with a very good example of this being Sting — the publicity that bringing him into the company gave to their current roster. Ki also believes that it’s essential that if TNA is going to bring in those names to do it sooner vs. later to get more fans following their own brand.

Moving on to the rumor of TNA scrapping the X-Division Championship. Blade asked Senshi for his takes on that, especially with Ki being a former holder of that title. Senshi’s reply: “That’s TNA choice.” He is a wrestler, does not need a division, and wants to wrestle both Samoa Joe & Kurt Angle in the future. Ki went on to say that he is in TNA to make money & also put some respect back into professional wrestling.

The Mayhem Crew then asked Senshi about the return of Triple X (Ki, “Primetime” Elix Skipper, “The Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels). What happened to the rule that Triple X could not reform? Senshi was quick to correct Mosh, Blade, & Hero, saying that he was not in TNA back when the rule was made, but that it does feel great to be back with two of the top guys in TNA. As a group, they are more accomplished than Team 3-D & The Steiner Brothers, and are also looking to go after both tag team gold & singles gold.

It was announced on this past week’s edition of iMPACT that Triple X will face The Motor City Machine Guns (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin) & The LAX (“The Notorious 187” Homicide & Hernandez).

Hero then mentioned about the Ring Of Honor show in Chicago, IL “Punk: The Last Chapter” DVD, when Low Ki teamed up with Homicide to face Jay Lethal & Samoa Joe and also mentioned his double stomp on Lethal off the bleachers — with the crowd chanting “you killed Lethal,” After thanking The Angry Hero for the compliment, Hero then asked Senshi where he came up with the maneuver. Ki aid that he has been outweighed by a lot of his opponents throughout his entire career, and he found the best way to get the leg up on his competition was by using his whole body as a weapon. It has been very effective to say the least.

Mosh asked Senshi’s opinion about how wrestling has evolved over the past five years both stateside & overseas in Japan. Ki said that Japanese wrestling has became more popular because of the big events that they held, plus the availability of the product has increased. The product here in the U.S. has a natural progression, but the sport is still more respected overseas.

With regards to Konnan & his wanting to be released from Total Nonstop Action Wrestling, Senshi said that the issues between both parties should stay between TNA & Konnan, and that it should be no one else’s concern. Ki also wished to clear the air (in case anyone might report otherwise): he is still a member of TNA and has a working relationship with the company.

Mosh asked about the new contract for Spike TV (which is up for renewal this fall) & the possibility of TNA moving to another network, such as FOX. Senshi said that he is not involved with the negotiations with the company & whatever network they are on, but said that whatever network they are going to be on in the last part of 2007 & beyond is integral, as they have to have an outlet for the public/the fans to see the TNA product. If they are going have a chance to compete with the WWE on all fronts, then they need those outlets to continue & grow a larger market for their own product.

To close his Mayhem appearance, Senshi plugged the IWA Mid-South & Anarchy Championship Wrestling (a co-promoted show) on August 19th in San Antonio, TX, where it will be him teaming up with The LAX’s Hernandez, his return to IWA Mid-South in Chicago, IL on August 25th, & the Jersey All-Pro Wrestling’s ten-year anniversary event this October.
All of this & more can be found in this 30-minute interview on The Mayhem: including more of Ki’s uncensored thoughts on CM Punk’s WWE career, Colt Cabana signing with World Wrestling Entertainment, the TNA locker room, & comparing the “old-school” X-Division with that of today. Maybe more words than “The Warrior” has spoken in his entire career, but audio eloqeuence at its finest, thanks to Senshi.
*Tune in to Spike TV tonight, beginning at 10:30PM ET/9:30PM CT, for “The Road To Hard Justice,” followed immediately by an encore presentation of TNA iMPACT at 11PM ET/10PM CT. And call your local cable or satellite provider for this Sunday night’s Hard Justice Pay-Per-View — featuring the controversial Adam “Pacman” Jones, as well as Kurt Angle vs. “The Samoan Submission Machine” Samoa Joe, with all titles on the line! Log onto for all of the last-minute details!

*In addition, this past week’s special Wednesday night edition of The Mayhem featured an exclusive interview with former NWA World Heavyweight Champion & WWE superstar, “Rugged” Ronnie Garvin, who gave his thoughts/takes on his time in the NWA/WWE (including working with “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair & Greg “The Hammer” Valentine), being drug tested in his time in the World Wrestling Federation, whether or not he has been offered a WWE Legends contract, “The Legend Killer” Randy Orton using his Garvin Stomp today, & whether or not he thinks “The Nature Boy” Ric Flair should retire at WrestleMania 24. Continue to keep your web browsers pointed to for all of the coverage of this weekend’s NWA Legends Fan Fest from Charlotte, NC.

The Mayhem was also live in attendance this past Monday @ The HSBC Arena in Buffalo, NY. “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” has all of the fallout from WWE’s Monday Night RAW. What lies ahead for the company, as they head into the hallowed halls of Madison Square Garden this upcoming week? “The Road To SummerSlam” goes through Monday Night Mayhem, and we have you covered on the events of this past week with a “birds-eye” perspective.
August 8th Monday Night Mayhem (streaming audio):
August 8th Monday Night Mayhem (podcast):

*All new & old Mayhem listeners can still check out the archived programs/shows of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio” (including the voice of Monday Night RAW himself/WWE Hall Of Famer Jim Ross, new WWE Women’s Champion Candice Michelle, TNA President Dixie Carter, WWE Hall Of Famer/former WWE Champion The Iron Sheik, Howard Stern’s very own Gary The Retard, The Four Horsemen’s Tully Blanchard & J.J. Dillon, “The Notorious 187” Homicide, Danny Doring’s first post-WWE interview, “The Wildman” Marc Mero, Diana Hart Smith, “The Mouth Of The South” Jimmy Hart, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, the legendary voice of the Mid-Atlantic territory, Bob Caudle, the official Monday Night Mayhem WrestleMania 23 Countdown Special from Detroit’s Hilton Garden Inn, the “Sensational” Sherri Martel Tribute Special w/Sherri’s son, Jared, & the official Monday Night Mayhem WWE Draft Night Special)…now available on,,, &

“The Summer Of Mayhem 2007” is approaching its conclusion, in addition to only two more shows left for The Mayhem’s very own Angry Hero, so make sure you tune in this Monday night (beginning at 8PM ET/7PM CT), as The Big Mosh, Blade, & the good Hero are back for another all-new edition of “Your Home Of Wrestling Radio,” Monday Night Mayhem…presented by our fine sponsors/advertisers: Ticket Relief, Sweet Sunshine Sauces, The Monster Factory, Kayfabe Commentaries, Pro Wrestling Unplugged, B. Brown Videos, Sharp Labs, & Pierced Clothing.