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Shawn Stasiak Interview

Recap By Bob Colling

Shawn Stasiak was the guest on the In Your Head show hosted by Jack, One Inch Biceps and Barbie Richards at http://www.inyourheadonline.com .

Shawn no longer wants to be called any of his other nicknames from his career… simply Shawn Stasiak
He currently has a new documentary out called “Determined”. The reception has been very good. You can pick it up at www.musculargalore.com

He says he still has a few good years left in him regarding wrestling, perhaps one last run in him.
A caller asks about Shawn’s playing time in Boise State. At the time Boise State was in the Big Sky from his tenure in 93-97.
Shawn was grown up as a Christian and still does the “crossing”. His Buddha friends have tried to convert him to no avail.
Shawn is a big fan of old school wrestling and even recently bought a Roddy Piper DVD.
Shawn has never bought a DVD to see a father, but rather to see old school wrestling.
Shawn tells a story about a man named Stan (same name as his father) saying that the man had footage of his family.
A caller asks about the storyline with Stacy Keibler pregnant angle. Shawn doesn’t know the answer to that storyline either.
Shawn understands that people have gimmicks throughout their career, but he will forever be just Shawn Stasiak the second generation wrestler.
For a run in WWE to work, he would need help from them to help him succeed. He would do anything to get the job done.
He believes he has at least 4-5 solid years left in the ring. Shawn would go to TNA or WWE.
He wants people to remember him to be the aggressive wrestler, not the funny character that he was in the past.
“If your not going to try and be the best, why waste your time?”
A caller asks how it was to work with Curt Henning (Mr. Perfect). Shawn says it was a honor to work him Mr. Henning. “He was one of the best workers.”
A caller asks if it was a big deal working on the last Nitro. Shawn says it was at the time. Even though the show wasn’t as good as it was in the past.

Shawn plugs in his new documentary video that has more than just training and wrestling tips/stories Available at www.musculargalore.com
Look out for www.shawnstasiak.com in the coming months
He has a myspace.. www.mysapce.com/shawnstasiak
Bookshawnstasiak@yahoo.com for booking purposes.
You can listen to the full-length interview at http://www.inyourheadonline.com and new episodes Wednesdays at 8 PM EST, next week with Kevin Kleinrock.

Thanks to Bob Colling of www.angrymarks.com for this recap.