Jeff Hardy 3

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The Wrestling Observer Newsletter noted this week that one person within WWE says there have been a lot of Jeff Hardy mentions going around lately.

LordsofPain noted recently how Hardy was one of the potential returns that WWE polled fans on. It’s also worth noting that The Hardys were mentioned on RAW during the segment with Edge, Christian and The Dudley Boyz. It could be said that it would have been awkward for those two teams to talk about their history without mentioning The Hardys but that hasn’t stopped WWE before.

It was also noted by The Observer that the public Hardy mentions were previously not encouraged in WWE. While Hardy is currently signed to TNA, it was speculated that a WWE return could happen as TNA needs to greatly reduce their costs due to the TV situation and the two highest paid performers are believed to be Hardy and Kurt Angle, who announced that he’s taking time off and won’t be re-signing at the end of this year.

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