
Welcome to The Armpit wrestling quiz for the week of September 5, 2016. 

Congratulations to Kevin Owens on his WWE Universal Title win.  Unfortunately it was tainted by HHH’s involvement, but let’s hope the storyline plays out in a way that benefits all parties.  While Owens wasn’t put over clean, I do think he’ll carry himself well as a world champ because he’s dreamed of this his whole life.

On that note, this week’s quiz is called “Famous Outside Interferences.”  This week will focus on the ‘80s, and next week we’ll do the ‘90s.

Congratulations to last week’s winner: Richard Welsh from Peterborough, Ontario, Canada (hometown of Bobby Roode) for the GLORIOUS victory!  You can follow Richard on Facebook and Twitter at @richardleaf20.

Last week’s answers:

-Shane Douglas was the first Extreme Championship Wrestling champion.  Douglas came into his own that year on the mic, showing such poise and conviction that he even got ECW fans to chant “Flair is dead!” When Paul Heyman was asked about those chants in an interview, he said, “(Our fans) are pissed at him.  They see him as Hulk Hogan’s job boy.”

-“Nature Boy” Buddy Rogers was the first WWWF champion, and a couple weeks later lost it to Bruno Sammartino in very quick fashion.  Speaking of Rogers, there’s a great feel-good story involving him in The Armpit’s “Backstage Fights” section that took place long after he was retired, and it will make you smile with pride as a wrestling fan.

-The new title that Chris Jericho won in 2001 (only to keep it warm for HHH at WM18) was called the WWF Undisputed Championship.  It’s something he still boasts about in promos today.

-The brand new WWE World Heavyweight Championship was awarded to HHH in 2002… with no match.  It was just handed to him.  And in 2016, even though Owens won the Universal Title, it was HHH who laid out both guys for him.  Some things never change.

-WCW renamed the NWA title to the WCW International Title.  Pro wrestling historically comes up with the stupidest ideas when promoters lose lawsuits.

This week’s questions:

  1.  Modern WWE fans may remember the infamous evil twin Hebner finish in what is still the most watched wrestling match in American history.  For those who saw it live on NBC, you’ll remember how hot wrestling was at the time and how much impact this match had.  The finish led to Hulk Hogan losing the WWF title to Andre the Giant (my local sports page even had a story on it).  Whom did Andre immediately hand the title over to?
  1. Just as HHH interfered so that Kevin Owens could win the Universal title, Hulk Hogan interfered so that Randy Savage could win the WWF title at WrestleMania 4.  It did lead to a storyline that would play out over the next year, but still I recall being a kid and wishing Savage had won the title on his own merits.  How did Hogan interfere in that match?
  1. Later that year, Hogan and Savage teamed up as the Mega Powers to take on Andre the Giant and Ted DiBiase at SummerSlam ’88.  The hook to sell the show was DiBiase had paid off special referee Jesse Ventura, and the question was whether or not Jesse would accept the bribe and fix the match in DiBiase’s favor.  But Hogan and Savage had a secret weapon that Millionaire Ted was simply not equipped to compete with.  Who interfered in the finish to that match, and how?
  1. Long before any of that happened, down in Texas a simple outside interference finish completely turned around an entire territory.  On Christmas Day in 1982, Kerry Von Erich battled Ric Flair in a steel cage.  The finish sparked the infamous Freebirds vs Von Erichs feud, which any longtime wrestling fan has fond memories of for its ridiculously heated matches, Michael Hayes’ legendary promos, and sellout crowds.  In that Flair match, which Freebird member slammed the cage door on Kerry’s head?
  1. One of Ric Flair’s more memorable promos was at the end of the NWA Great American Bash ’89, one of the all-time great PPVs in WCW/NWA history.  Flair looked like Christmas, all covered in red blood and green mist, promising not to stop until he wore Terry Funk’s “Texas ass out.”  While Flair won the match against Funk on his own, the outside interference occurred after the match and led to a wild brawl that spilled out of the ring.  Not including Gary Hart (Funk’s manager), which two men came to the ring after the match?

These quizzes are just for fun, but if you’d like to play along, please email your answers to  After a few days, we’ll declare a winner by randomly selecting a number between 1 and 300.  For example, if we draw #100, the 100th person to email us will be chosen.  If that person’s answers are correct, he/she wins.  If not, we’ll draw another number until that person has all the correct answers.  The winner will have his/her name announced here next week, along with anything he/she would like to plug/promote (assuming it’s not X-rated or illegal).  It could be your blog, Twitter handle, Facebook page, or anything else you’d like us to mention.  Or it could just be your name, if you simply want the recognition.

Answers will be posted next week.  Have fun and good luck.

The Armpit
@ArmpitWP (Facebook/Twitter)

This week’s stories: Daniel Bryan pulls a Kaepernick and sits out the SmackDown national anthem.  Also complete coverage of the Bo Dallas airport arrest, plus two new backstage fight stories involving Sheamus, Sin Cara, Santino Marella, and a group of wrestling fans in a parking lot brawl.