
Dear CAC membership, we received this letter from Tonya DuRoche.  She and her family are struggling with the medical issues of their son and daughter.  Please read her letter and if you would like to contribute to their family you can mail a personal check payable to the “Cauliflower Alley Club” to the address below:

Cauliflower Alley Club
383 HWY 00
Rolla, MO. 65401

Note – In the memo section of the check, please indicate the funds are for the DuRoche Family.
Note – 100% of your contribution will go directly to the DuRoche family (the club does NOT keep any of the money), and 100% of your contribution is tax deductible.  The CAC will mail you a letter acknowledging your payment.

Here is the letter we received:

Hello CAC,

My Mom Sandy Partlow was honored in 2013

My Dad, Killer Tim Brooks was awarded a few years back.

I am a child of generations of wrestlers just like Dwayne Johnson The Rock, My life has taken a different role than his & we share the same Birthday, May 19th. He and his Mother are both wonderful human beings and I had the honor of meeting his Mother in 2013 at the Award Convention when my Mom was being honored!

My Cousin Dick Murdoch was a wrestler as were both of my Great Uncles from Texas as was I for only a few short years.

I have a baby boy 9months old who has serious critical health issues. Please see the Emmett’s Abilities page connected.

He was recently hospitalized for 18 days for uncontrolled seizures, up to 50 or more PER DAY and after the 18 day hospital stay the new group of Epileptologists (Seizure specialists) have him nearly seizure free. He has a severe mid line cleft lip and palate, a GTube in his belly to get his food from, panhypopituitaryism and other things. Both my husband and I CANNOT work because this baby boy, a Gift From Heaven, keeps US BOTH HOPPING!!!

We used to do quite well for ourselves, at least mid income level and now we had to forgo working to take care of Emmett’s high level of needs.

We cannot make ends meet month to month. We have a 21 year old chevy suburban gas hog and all of Emmett and NOW our Daughter Ella’s specialists are 180 miles away round trip. Emmett has his health challenges and our beautiful 13 year old daughter was recently diagnosed with severe aggressive scoliosis, she needs all new clothes to fit over the back brace and we cannot afford that. Noth of my parents are on disability and both have helped us as much as they can.

The county doesn’t offer any rental assistance and we cannot live off of welfare and Emmett’s SSI. We cannot cheat the welfare system and earn cash under the table either because if you got caught they’d take away the healthcare and that is A LOT OF MONEY PER MONTH!

Please ask the board if there is any help that can be offered to our family, PLEASE! We have a GoFundMe site. We need some rent assistance and we need a newer more gas efficient vehicle.


I spent MANY Thursday nights at Memorial Hall in Kansas City watching all kinds of famous wrestlers come thru KC over the years and Wrestling is definitely a major part of the person that I am today.

Please see all attachments including Emmett and his Granny, Sandy Partlow and Emmett and his Sister, Ella and Please consider our family in great need for the benevolent fund!!!


Tonya DuRoche & Family
P.O. Box 21
722 Angle Ave
Sandstone, MN. 55072