Sunset Flip Presents
Watch Glory by Honor Because…..

By Jim Boy Star

Anyone that has been listening to the Sunset Flip wrestling Show ( knows that I am excited about the upcoming Glory by Honor card this Saturday September 11, 2010.
I am going to take this column, not to go over the matches, but to go over why you should watch this event. A full match rundown will be this week’s segment on Mark Jabroni’s Ringrust Show on Friday morning. Take a listen and for more info go to

So here we go. Reasons to order this internet PPV. You can order it at
Innovative Moves: While WWE is trying to sell a clothesline as a finisher, Ring of Honor will showcase innovative moves, some in which you may not have ever seen before in pro wrestling. The matches, will be awesome, simply because there are not that many weak links in Ring of Honor as opposed to the “other 2” promotions.
It is a NYC crowd. With all the talk of Tyler Black going to WWE, expect the NYC fans to make some not-so-nice chants towards Tyler, which I personally cannot wait for. A New York City crowd full of hardcore wrestling fans will just make for some great viewing.
No Unfunny Wrestling Nonsense: Ring of Honor is a straight up WRESTLING promotion. They pride themselves on their in ring product. You will not see a stupid makes-you-embarassed guest host segment, not will you see wrestlers over the age of 50 trying to have a great match when they know they cannot.
Blood: Folks, there will be blood! One match in particular make me think that blood will be used, but you can listen to that on Friday.
Stiff Shots: You want hard hitting? You want exciting? You want moves that make you say “Wow! There guys are awesome!” then September 11th is the day for you. Every once in awhile you get a “chop fest” of two guys chopping the hell out of each other.
Surprises: Since this a PPV, there is a bigger chance than any other show, to have a surprise appearance. I believe the last time they were on PPV, we saw the return of Christopher Daniels. Who knows what will happen on September 11th?
I truly believe that if you are not watching this show, you have a broken leg, a family member died, or your computer got smashed (but you can go to an internet cafe!). This PPV has the potential to be a the PPV of the year in my opinion.
Check out the latest show from Sunset Flip Wrestling Show. It’s the beginning of the September of Stephanie.
Plus we look at NXT Season 3 on the hotness scale. Have a great week everyone.

Jim Boy Star

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