Tuesday October 27, 2009
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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10/25 Bragging Rights PPV results from Pittsburgh, PA: The Miz over John Morrison in a non-title match; Melina, Kelly Kelly & Gail Kim over Michelle McCool, Beth Phoenix & Natalya; The Undertaker over CM Punk, Rey Mysterio, Batista in a four-way to retain the World title; John Cena
(6) over Randy Orton (5) in a 60-minute no DQ Iron Man match to capture the WWE title; and Team Smackdown (Chris Jericho, Kane, R-Truth, Fit Finlay & The Hart Dynasty) over Team Raw (Triple H, Shawn Michaels, Big Show, Mark Henry, Kofi Kingston, Jack Swagger & Cody Rhodes) to win a big tacky-looking silver trophy. Pre show dark was Christian over Paul Burchill.
10/26 Raw TV results from Buffalo, NY: Kofi Kingston over Chris Jericho; Santino & Melina over Chavo Guerrero & Jillian Hall; Mark Henry & MVP over Legacy; Evan Bourne over The Miz via CO in a non-title match; Sheamus over Jamie Noble; and Triple H over Big Show in a lumber jack match.
The Smackdown/ECW tapings are today in Rochester, NY with Bryan Kelly from FCW making his announce debut with Josh Matthews. Matt Striker and Todd Grisham are covering Smackdown while Jim Ross recovers from his Bells Palsy attack. Kelly is a 28-year-old Virginia native with that MTV look they like. He is a former producer and reporter covering traffic/sport for Channel 4 News in Jacksonville. FL and also has a background in radio.
ECW tonight on SyFy is headlined by Christian vs. Yoshi Tatsu.
WWE is paying for The Sandman to go to rehab right now as part of the mass letter offer to former talents. He had told people he was getting knee surgery.
Jim Ross’ MRI on his brain came back inconclusive. He said that his neurologist and radiologist have differing opinions on the initial test results. “I still remain confident that all these health issues will work out in due time,” Ross wrote in his blog. “The road just got a little bumpier, or so it seems, for now, but that’s when people roll up their sleeves and fight just a little harder.”
Raw with the NASCAR drivers, who clearly aren’t wrestling fans, did a
3.7 rating. Superstars last Thursday did a 0.9.
Undertaker vs. Big Show in a casket match is tentative for Survivor Series. Last night they announced a three-way of John Cena vs. Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels for the WWE title at the PPV.
WWE shot their Diva Halloween photos in Buffalo. Apparently some of the photos that aren’t making the cut are quite something.
The reason they stopped the clock for a few seconds during the Iron Man match at Bragging Rights was panic from the production truck over Orton busting open Cena hardway. Since the move to PG the directive is to show little or no blood much like they did in the early 1990s. Vince McMahon was flipping out at the gorilla position which is why they had trainers in the ring with towels and a glue gun to clean up the blood between falls.
WWE sent out a press release this week touting the economical benefits of hosting a Wrestlemania. This was aimed at major city officials around the country. The release noted Wrestlemania 25 generated $49.8 million for the greater Houston area, and $5.7 million in taxes for the local and state governments. They also noted 86 percent of out of state fans stayed in local Houston area hotels.
Out of the not so smart files…. ECW newcomer Savannah (Angela Fong) wrote on her Twitter that she and her travel buddies were caught speeding but they, “got pulled over by the coolest cop ever” and the cop let them go.
Sheamus moving over to Raw was something Triple H manipulated i.e. made Vince think it was his idea. Hunter noted in a recent interview that he sees Sheamus as a big star and put over his work ethic.
Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne host Raw next week in Worcester, MA.
We have another update on Mickie James coming soon.
CM Punk turned 31 on Monday.
10/25 house show results from Green Bay, WI: Alex Shelley over Shark Boy; Rhino over Kip James; ODB over Alissa Flash; Matt Morgan over Scott Steiner; Lethal Consequences over World Elite; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe.
The big news of the day is obviously Hulk Hogan signing with TNA. They have been in serious negotiations since August. Unlike the last time they announced Hogan coming in following an angle with Jeff Jarrett in Japan he has actually signed a contract this time. Eric Bischoff and his production company with Jason Hervey (of Wonder Years fame) are part of the deal, along with Spike TV who also have a vested interest. Ric Flair would presumably be part of the package as his agreement with Hogan is that he is involved in any Hogan project related to wrestling for the next three years.
Hogan said today at the press conference that he and Vince Russo can co-exist as long as Russo does his job and doesn’t cross him. That almost sounds like a threat. Dixie Carter talked about Hogan coming in as the missing piece of the puzzle to take them to the next level. Well, not sure it will be that.
Impact on Thursday is now built around Hogan’s debut, which is likely a taped interview and press conference footage.
Hogan had around 500 fans at his book signing today at Barnes & Noble in Manhattan. He was said to be very personable and taking time to talk to as many people as he could. Jimmy Hart was with him. There was another signing at Barnes & Noble in Lake Grove, NY and they had over 1,000 fans and sold out of books.
Another major TNA announcement is coming before the end of the year.
Diamond Dallas Page, 53, is telling friends he is returning to wrestling. Page is very good friends with Bischoff.
Kevin Nash is not currently booked for the next TV taping following his backstage outburst at the last taping when Chris Sabin suffered a stinger and they continued the match while he lay in the ring. There is a report elsewhere suggesting Nash is suspended, but it should be noted he has a clause in his TNA contract which doesn’t allow them to suspend him without pay.
Jay Lethal suffered a hamstring injury at the house Saturday night in Racine, WI. Not thought to be serious as he worked the next night in Green Bay.
Eric Young had successful throat surgery today and is now back at home recovering. He isn’t expected to miss any time.
Lisa Varon (Tara) wrote on her Twitter that she had two moles removed the other day and warned against the dangers of too much tanning.
Luna Vachon vs. Eric Simms at the Legends of the Ring convention this past weekend at http://tinyurl.com/yzn65no.
Paul Heyman and the former Mr. Kennedy, Ken Anderson, shot some footage for The Heyman Hustle at Times Square in NYC late Monday night.
Apparently they were mobbed in front of Planet Hollywood (45th and
Broadway) and brought traffic to a standstill. The Hustle has some new exclusive photos of Torrie Wilson online at http://tinyurl.com/yzb3fso.
Brock Lesnar vs. Shane Carwin originally scheduled for UFC 106 in Las Vegas has been pushed back to January 2, 2010 due to Lesnar coming down with a bad case of flu which has left him unable to train.
Ultimo Guerrero was hospitalized following a match at Arena Mexico on Friday night. He went into convulsions after taking a powerbomb from Jon Anderson and doesn’t remember what happened. He spent the night at Hospital Obregon in Mexico City for evaluations and was discharged the next morning.
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