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Tuesday April 28, 2009
by Mike Aldren

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4/27 Raw PPV results from Bridgeport, CT: Kofi Kingston over The Brian Kendrick; Matt Hardy over Goldust; Randy Orton vs. MVP was a no contest, Carlito & Primo Colon over Jamie Noble & Chavo Guerrero, and Batista over Big Show via count out.

The big news from is that Batista faces Orton for the WWE title at Judgment Day. It looks like Cena vs. Show will also be added. Not a bad show but when Mickie James gets the biggest pop of the night you know that everything isn’t quite clicking. They did a good job establishing the draft picks — Kendrick, Hardy, MVP and The Miz — and it seems there will be little or no crossover between the brands. The only exception will be Carlito & Primo who can defend the unified tag titles on ECW and Smackdown. They almost went an entire show sticking to the draft but then Josh Matthews popped up as a backstage interviewer.

Kendrick-Kingston had a very good match for the time allowed. I hope they don’t get lost in the shuffle.

Matt Hardy with a cast on his arm appears to be doing the Cowboy Bob Orton deal. He was told not to wrestle for at least 4 weeks after breaking his metacarpal at Backlash. He didn’t really wrestle last night but I guess he’s going to do whatever it takes to stay on television.

MVP-Orton was okay, and MVP was really getting over with the crowd until Super Shane ran in and morphed into The Sandman. Shane vs. Orton was announced for next week’s show.

Interesting segment with The Miz calling out Cena, who apparently is a coward. I really can’t believe they scripted a line which totally buried Cena for his movies. He didn’t show so it’s Miz 1 Cena 0.

Cena did eventually show up during the main event. He staggered out on the entrance ramp like a drunk man selling the spotlight stunt from Backlash. All the women and children in the crowd cheered while the guys booed. Show climbed out of the ring and was distracted long enough to lose the No. 1 contendership to Batista as the show went off the air.

WWE returns to Madison Square Garden tonight for a Smackdown/ECW taping.
The main event is a scramble match with Chris Jericho, Jeff Hardy, John Morrison and Rey Mysterio to decide who will face Edge for the World title at Judgment Day. They also have MVP w/ Sherri Shepherd vs. Dolph Ziggler for the U.S. title. We’re looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com


Some notes from Raw. The dark match was Cryme Tyme over William Regal &
Dolph Ziggler. For Superstars they taped Ted DiBiase vs. Carlito. The
post-Raw dark match was Batista & Shane McMahon over Edge & Randy Orton.

Raw on USA averaged 5.3 million viewers last night. We will have a final
number tomorrow.

Tommy Dreamer wrote a WWE.com blog today promising to do something
special tonight at MSG. This is likely the last time he wrestles in the

Hall of Famer William “The Refrigerator” Perry has been upgraded to fair
condition after he was hospitalized last week due to complications from
Guillain-Barre Syndrome.

Former referee Tim White was backstage visiting at Backlash… The guys
who caught Edge in the crowd at the show were Bob Evans, Guy Alexander,
BK Jordan and Mike Bennett from the Eastern Pro Wrestling group in

The plan for Jerry Lawler at the 2/6 Smackdown tapings in Memphis is to
referee a dark cage match with Jeff Hardy & Rey Mysterio vs. Edge &
Chris Jericho.

Sheamus O’Shaunessy from FCW is booked on house shows in May. With his
Irish roots and Hornswoggle gone to Raw an obvious feud/pairing would be
with Finlay.

There is a new blond in developmental called Carly. No idea yet who she

There is a house show listed on 6/6 in Pensacola, FL with all three
brands. The top advertised matches are John Cena, Triple H & CM Punk vs.
Randy Orton, Edge & Chris Jericho; Christian vs. Jack Swagger; and MVP
vs. Matt Hardy.

The promotional posted for the 6/7 Extreme Rules PPV features Rey
Mysterio at http://tinyurl.com/dfx6xp

Mark Henry is doing an autograph signing tomorrow for OVW before their
TV taping in Louisville.

WWE CFO dumped some of his free stock yesterday for $31,988.56.

Mickey Rourke on the Jericho punch that supposedly broke his hand at
Wrestlemania: “I’m all healed up now. I kept my hand open when I punched
so I wouldn’t hurt him.” He told the New York Daily News that he and
Jericho “went out for drinks” after the match. Not a worker after all.


Bobby Lashley vs. Bob Sapp is officially signed for 6/27 at the
Mississippi Gulf Coast Coliseum in Biloxi, MS. In an interview with
fighthype.com, Sapp said: “It says a lot about Bobby … that he wants
to be recognized and he wants to show people that he has power and
ability and that he can learn fast. I’m really shocked that he chose to
fight me. A lot of wrestlers get guys to the ground in an MMA fight and
think that’s it… Once I hit him with a few shots, he’s going to
realize this is the real deal.”

Danny Bonaduce on his radio show said his CCW deal expires in October so
there is a good chance he will do more with TNA.

Taz at http://tinyurl.com/dyle9y answered more questions from fans.


More on the Reid Fliehr drug bust. The Mecklenburg County PD did a
traffic stop with Fliehr in the drivers seat at 2:48pm on Sunday. He was
charged with felony possession of heroin (since it was in a car he was
driving, it’s technically under his control, and therefore means that he
might as well have had it tucked down his sock), a misdemeanor for
another unspecified drug possession, driving while impaired, and driving
with a revoked license. Total bonds were $15,000. He is likely facing
jail time as he was previously arrested on 3/4 for DWI and was also
arrested in June of 2007 for assault and battery. The story has got
little play in Charlotte although it made the Observer. TMZ.com also ran
a piece.

Linda Hogan has filed papers in Pinellas County, FL claiming she needs
an extra $8,000 a month so she can relocate to California. Apparently
she is in “imminent danger of becoming a victim” after Hulk’s comments
about OJ Simpson in Rolling Stone. She also asked for $24,000 in
advanced rent and security deposits.

ESPN E:60 is doing a piece on steroids tonight. No idea if pro wrestling
will be covered.

Today the seventh anniversary of the death of Lou Thesz who (depending
on your age) is considered the greatest wrestler of all time. He held
the NWA title six times for over 10 years — 3,749 days total — longer
than anyone in history. He is also credited with inventing a number of
moves including the belly to back waistlock suplex (later known as the
German suplex due to it’s association with Karl Gotch), and the STF.

Torrie Wilson will earn around $70,000 for appearing on NBC’s I’m a
Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here. The winner of the show gets $100,000
for a charity of their choice.

Brock Lesnar (I’ve never seem him so happy) like a kid on Christmas
morning hunting Bucks at http://tinyurl.com/coqu9m

A correction from yesterday. Kaluka Maiava who was drafted to the
Cleveland Browns is not related to Dwayne Johnson. From Jim Varsallone:
“Actually Kaluka Maiava, the kid from USC, is not related to The Rock…
Rock’s grandfather High Chief Peter Maivia and Kaluka’s relative (Neff
Maiava) were good friends – like blood brothers – but not really
related. Maivia and Maiava were billed as cousins for wrestling

There is a sneak preview of Brooke Hogan‘s new music video at

Ric Flair is a guest today on a show called Busted Open which airs on
Sirius Ch. 127… HD Net sent out a release yesterday hyping Flair’s 5/2
appearance as “Ambassador” on the ROH show.

NWA Charlotte was shut down by the Fire Dept. during a show on 4/25.

From Larry Goodman: According to Jay Joyce of NWA Charlotte, numerous
personnel from both the fire and police departments descended on the
building shortly after the 8pm bell time. The promotion was informed by
the fire department that they were responding to a complaint. The first
action taken was to prevent any more fans from entering the building.
Joyce said there were over 800 people inside but everyone had a seat.
The fire department then determined that the building lacked the
necessary central fire alarm and fire suppression system (sprinklers).
The fire department did allow five matches to be completed before
shutting down the show including the advertised main event, Raven vs.
Lodi… Promoter JD Costello got in the ring to explain what was
happening and the crowd disbursed in an orderly fashion. Joyce said
despite the problems, the show was very well received by those in
attendance. Costello was in meeting with Charlotte officials today to
start the process of determining exactly what modifications to the
building would be required to meet code for a public gatherings facility
versus a warehouse space. The building is zoned I, which gives it the
flexibility to serve as either one. Joyce said NWA Charlotte went
through the process of obtaining a business license and were inspected
by the police department, but somehow, the fire department was never
involved in the process. The building has no established capacity for
the number of people allowed inside.

2 Cold Scorpio has been aded to Dragon Gate’s U.S. debut on 7/25 in

WG Diva of the Day — Serena Neeb — http://tinyurl.com/dl33f4