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Monday June 22, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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6/21 Raw house show results from Dubuque, IA: Santino Marella over The Brian Kendrick; The Miz over Goldust; Kofi Kingston over Matt Hardy and Shamus in a three-way; The Colons over The Legacy; Mickie James over Maryse in a non title match; Big Show over MVP; and John Cena over Randy Orton via DQ when Rhodes and DiBiase interfered. The Colons made the save to end the show. Aound 3000 in attendance.

6/21 Smackdown house show results from Kalamazoo, MI: R-Truth over Shelton Benjamin; Finley over Drew McIntyre; Great Khali over Dolph Ziggler; The Hart Dynasty over Cryme Tyme; Tommy Dreamer over Christian; Eve, Gail Kim & Melina over Layla, Natalya & Alicia Fox with Maria as guest referee; Natayla & Alicia Fox; Chris Jericho over John Morrison; and CM Punk over Edge and Jeff Hardy in a three-way.

Raw tonight is live and commercial free courtesy of Donald Trump at the sold out Resch Center in Green Bay. The main event is Randy Orton vs.
Triple H in a Last Man Standing match for the WWE title. Most of the roster including some developmental talent is coming in for the show.
Something significant is happening as the company postponed the Smackdown/ECW house show in Valparaiso, IN that was originally scheduled for tonight on five days notice. The Valpo Crusaders basketball team is having a press conference today with Coach Homer Drew to call out Vince McMahon for disrespecting the basketball universe. Just Kidding.

The Smackdown/ECW tapings is Tuesday at the Bradley Center in Milwaukee where they will start promoting the Night of the Champions PPV in Philadelphia. We’re looking for reports from both shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com with matches and any off camera notes.


The big news from the WWE-Donald Trump press conference in Green Bay that concluded just a few minutes ago at the airport is that everyone who bought a ticket for tonight’s show at the Resch Center will get a refund. The idea is that Trump is giving back to the fans with the free show to irk Mr. McMahon.

The story on Brian Blair’s Fathers Day arrest made today’s print edition of The St. Petersburg Times. Blair was released from jail this morning after the investigation was handed over to the Florida State Department of Children and Families. He faces two felony counts of child abuse.
Speaking outside the courthouse to Bay News 9, Blair said his arrest was just a huge misunderstanding. “I have over 7,000 hours mentoring children,” he said. “The last thing I’d ever do is hurt a kid. Sometimes the hardest kids to mentor are your own.” Blair made his name in the 80s as one half of the WWE tag team The Killer Bees, with Jim Brunzell.

The locker room gossip over the weekend was that with everyone at Raw they may be doing some trades between the brands as part of the storyline with Donald Trump.

As things stand, Jeff Hardy will work TV and The Bash this week before his contract expires. Hardy has been posting cryptic messages on his Twitter, such as, “One down..3 to go..week2week my friends…” alluding to the number of shows he has left to work. I wouldn’t be surprised if they work out a short-term extension with him.

In today’s print edition of Super Luchas magazine in Mexico there is a story on Dos Caras Jr. with a photo of him holding his WWE contract.

Cody Rhodes is nursing a minor neck injury but will be working through the pain.

There is a trailer up for The Marine 2 at http://tinyurl.com/luxtnj
starring Ted DiBiase. The movie goes straight to DVD this winter.

Smackdown airs from 11pm this Friday in the New York area due to the
Mets-Yankees game.

FOX Business posted their report on YouTube (http://tinyurl.com/n7mqdv)
talking about the Donald Trump ‘buys Raw’ press release. One of the
hosts said he never bought the release as real as he read that Vince
McMahon faked his own death when he blew himself up in his Limo.

No new movement on WWE acquiring the historical Mid-South/UFW tape
library, most of which is owned by Bill Watts’ ex wife Ene, following
their divorce. Both sides are still far apart in money, according to a
source close to the situation.

The Make-A-Wish website has a story on John Cena at

Rey Mysterio will be giving out a gong at the Premios Deportes Sports
Awards in Los Angeles on Thursday.

Ted DiBiase Jr. is signing autographs at 12:00 pm at Sanderson Ford,
6400 North 51st Ave, Glendale, AZ on Thursday.

Due to WWE postponing tonight’s Smackdown show in Valparaiso, the house
show in Bowling Green, OH has been moved to January of 2010. The
original date was 8/30 which is the new date for Valparaiso.


6/21 Slammiversary PPV results from Auburn Hills, MI: The British
Invasion over Eric Young & Rhino on the pre-show; Abyss & Taylor Wilde
over Raven & Daffney in a Monster’s Ball match; Angelina Love retained
the Knockouts title over Tara; Daniels over Shane Douglas in a loser
leaves TNA match; Sting over Matt Morgan; Beer Money won the tag titles
over Team 3D; Suicide retained the X-Division title in KOTM over Jay
Lethal, Consequences Creed, Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin; and Wanderlei
Silva won the TNA title in KOTM match over Mick Foley, Jeff Jarrett, AJ
and Samoa Joe.

The big news was the swerve of Joe helping Kurt Angle win the TNA title
thus joining the Main Event Mafia. I assume Taz will be involved when he
comes in. Logic and past storylines go out of the window on this one
unless they do a deal where Angle and Joe break off from the Mafia and
form a new faction. Elsewhere on the show, Beer Money won the tag titles
after interference from The British Invasion, and Suicide retained the
X-Division title, in by far the best matches of the night. Monster’s
Ball was also decent but not in the same league as the other two.

Impact for the next month is taped this coming Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday at Universal in Orlando. We’re looking for reader reports from
the tapings to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com. The matches being taped on
Tuesday for Thursday’s show includes Abyss vs. Kevin Nash, and Taylor
Wilde vs. Daffney in a thumb tacks match. I gave up months ago trying to
understand the logic of giving away pointless gimmick matches on free


No new major injuries coming out of the PPV last night, which after
watching the main event, is a miracle. Shane Douglas suffered an ankle
injury early in his match with Daniels, which obviously had an impact on
their bout. Sarah Stock was backstage as was Petey Williams, Scott
D’Amore and Jimmy Rave, who were visiting. Stock is expected to make her
TV debut as Sarita in the next few weeks.

AJ Styles vs. Kurt Angle for the title is expected to be a new program
for at least the next couple of months.

www.feelthepain.net interviewed Angle. Nothing new. He says he wants to
work with X-Division guys to help elevate them. He also talked about
doing MMA, which he has talked about for years, but never will, and
really needs to stop talking about it.

Nick Cvjetkovich, the former Sinn, former Kizarny, is meeting with
officials this week, presumably about coming in. He previously worked in
TNA from 2003 to 2005.

Traci Brooks and ODB will be representing TNA in a match at the WWC
Anniversary show in Puerto Rico on 7/11. The Colons and other WWE talent
are also working that show.

Taz is relaunching his FTW clothing line at www.tazftwgear.com, and he
also answers more questions from fans at http://tinyurl.com/krevzc.

‘Tweet of the Day’ goes to Awesome Kong: “Just finished a financial
meeting with my awesome banking team at Suntrust bank. They’re gonna
make sure I don’t end up like Randy the Ram.” Follow at
http://twitter.com/awesomekong and us at


The Iron Sheik was hanging out with The Jonas Brothers and Lady Gaga at
the Much Music Awards last night in Toronto. He didn’t punch Perez
Hilton in the face.

The Slam Wrestling website at http://tinyurl.com/lm7mzx has a story with
Ted DiBiase Sr. and Dory Funk Jr. talking about Misawa.

70s and 80s wrestler Iron Mike Sharpe has a role in an upcoming movie
called Cartel. Its remake of the 1993 Italian film, La Scorta, about
four guards hired to protect a high-profile attorney, who’s trying a
case against the mafia. Oscar winner Sean Penn was originally cast in
the lead role but has just pulled out of the project.

Dragon Gate USA at www.DGUSA.tv is asking its fans to book the 9/6 show
in Chicago.

The Wrestling Museum & Institute in Waterloo, IA is holding a golf
tournament the weekend of 7/10 with Nick Bockwinkel and Baron Von
Raschke among those scheduled to attend.

Sean Waltman vs. Jerry Lynn headlined before 500 fans for First
Wrestling on Friday night in Minneapolis. Waltman claimed after the
match that he thought Lynn was the best wrestler he had ever been in the
ring with. Not a knock on Lynn, but I don’t believe he really believes
that. TNA’s Daffney and Arya Daivari (younger brother of Sheik Bashir)
also worked the show.

Michael Lohan, father of Lindsay Lohan, knocked down Jonny Fairplay of
Survivor/TNA fame, three times to win the Celebrity Boxing Welterweight
title this past weekend at the Philadelphia Airport Ramada in Essington.
Lohan will be defending the title in August in Atlantic City.

Best wishes to Tennessee-based indy wrestler Chris O’Neal who will be
out for over a year to undergo reconstructive knee surgery. O’ Neal
popped his knee out during a match in April.

Warrior p/k/a Ultimate Warrior, the former Jim Hellwig posted a new blog
about recently turning 50 at www.ultimatewarrior.com/blog/. Weird as

Hulk Hogan‘s Celebrity Championship Wrestling premieres in Australia at
6:30 pm on Fox8 on 7/25.

Contary to reports elsewhere Ric Flair does have a contract with Ring of
Honor for autograph appearances.

Renowned travel expert Peter Greenberg had a blurb in his blog about a
bar owned by the brother of Bill Goldberg in Aspen. He wrote: “For its
small size, Aspen has more cultural activities and venues per capita
than most larger cities. One place locals frequent is Belly Up
(www.bellyupaspen.com), an upscale music venue with ample food and
drinks. Located just off the Cooper Avenue Mall and Durant, Belly Up
brings an eclectic mix of world renowned performers, emerging acts, and
local musicians. Owned by local Bill Goldberg, Belly Up is clean, cool,
and casual, and it even hosts music for those under 21, with a special
‘no drinking’ stamp.”

Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Lilian Garcia at



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