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So…. Happy 1st Birthday WRESTLING-RADIO.COM!

This email has be somewhat of a loooong work in progress to be honest (hire me someone as a writer lol). As you can imagine a year online gives cause to thank a lot of people so bare with the fact i have decided to go back to being a young boy and setting things out in manageable chunks then again J.P. from The Irish Whip Radio Show does that (Watch out for more little jokes in this email lol). It will also make it easier for you to skip a part should you not wish to read hehe. I hope this is an entertaining but insightful read into what we have done over the past year with a rant or two.

Chapter 1 – The idea , The Creation …& iLLer!

The date is totally unclear as to when the idea for Wrestling-Radio.com come up but it was not long before its creation. iLLer, my wonderful and sometimes suffering partner – (not that Partner Joe!! PLEASE) along with myself put our brains out there to come up with something that not only would be interesting but be helpful for the wrestling community… and that it is.

At this time it would only be right for me to intercept the history to talk about my partner iLLer as he has been much of the foundations and leading light in the sites success. iLLer and i met way back in ’05 through wrestling a wrestling discussion forum known as TWI he kindly aided me in my interest for web design (which has somewhat slipped lol) – he went away for several long months to my upset as he was a great, intriguing and interesting forum member – little did i know at the time he was working very hard on projects to support and fund his career as a website developer/designer. So when he come back the following year in ’06 need i say i was excited. After offering support to many as he does best we got talking again and the idea sprung … Wrestling-Radio.com that is lol. iLLer throughout the full proper year i have known him has been a mentor, leader and guide for me not just professionally but in life as well believe or not i adopt many of his phrases and traits (haha) … i mean when did i ever use =p or “ya” before lol . We talk near on every night (i dread to count the hours) – we are not obsessed just insane. We are very different people in our own ways and that’s probably what makes us tick … he’s from USA I’m from the UK , He’s got a lot of web experience i don’t etc.. but the one thing we share is passion , understanding and the need to make a change in the “wrestling radio” and the general “wrestling community” ….and we can.

So not long after the purchasing of the domain (which happened to be a good purchase considering spammers take up most of the good ones) we were up and running uh oh ! what next!

Chapter 2 – The Work Begins

As most of you will understand being in the wrestling industry/wrestling web community when you have something you gotta make it work and push it to its full potential…. Simple hmm right lol . iLLer and I put our minds to the test and created many areas in which we targeted audiences such as news “dirt rags” – not entirely to my taste but an draw by any ones account. The news may i add contains a pop-up free and pleasurable experience when reading … tea and coffee is unfortunately notyet available=P – notice the ads we do place up are relevant and NOT annoying – Thanks to all the news sources we use. Other notable features include forums (see chapter 4) great columns and live chat!

….ooo damn i forgot about the the main feature the wrestling radio promotion how could that be (its not like some shows have not forgot about us) Silly me ! naughty me … yes with the “dig” outta the way i thank many of the shows who have or had accounts with us over the past year because without some of you Wrestling-Radio would not reach its initial original goals. My biggest thanks go out to Evan Ginzburgs Legends who has been great in keeping one of the best archives on our site, Wrestling Weekly for the outstanding commitment to us in advertising, using our news and just being there (Thanks Les & Doc) and finally how could i forget them well quiet easy really but Big Boogie and O.A.P- Old Age Pensioner o i mean Big Joe and J.P of The Irish Whip who gave me a break into all this and are always there for me … J.P . your my Internet Dad! – that’s thrown a spanner in the works for Internet strorylines – fuck the WWE illegitimate child.

So we have a site its not annoying (only if your Doc Young and are experience problems currently hehe Doc! ) but something was missing and that was the promotional aspect to which we are highly committed to…

Chapter 3 – AWA/forums , CZW/forums, Wretling Talent and Independent Promotions.

Over the past year we have been a promotional base for many Independent Promotions and talent (which continues to grow monthly) the likes of Casey Kage, Ty Prattis, Justin White , Kevin Matthews and many more young up and coming talent have all have sort some kind of promotion from us… some more then others but that’s fine its what they want that matters. Things went up a level and i contact Dale R. Gange Director of AWA – expecting nothing back…. just for the sheer fact we was fairly new and hell this is a long running promotion after all. Then the email comes from Dale – INTERESTED! to say i was gobbed smacked would be an understatement but i was. From then on myself and Dale worked to sponsor each other through our respected sites and we also set up the AWA Official forum in which members can keep up to date on AWA goings on ….(a little controversial at the moment i must say). Dale is a true professional in my opinion i have never asked him why he accepted the offer in working with us nor do i expect him to tell me but i would like to think he saw potential in us and a future. My thoughts are with the AWA in the ongoing legal battle which has aroused with WWE …. not to go into other peoples business too much i would simply like to say i like WWE … but i like AWA … can’t they both exists? i think yes. ….good luck Dale.

From traditional AWA to ULTRAVIOLENT CZW ! – Much like AWA i expected nothing back. For a while i received nothing … almost forgetting i had emailed then…. Drew contacted me … a great guy who is always working which shows his commitment to the max. Drew Gulak in case you don’t know is webmaster and professional wrestler for CZW. Now unlike AWA’s forum CZW’s announcement of joining Wrestling-Radio’s Forum was not as well received and in traditional CZW style shit hit the fan … or should that be fans hit the fan? either way it was somewhat interesting …. a fan forum retaliated in shock that CZW had brought about its OWN forums … could this be because they never choose them? or could it be a way to show hate towards CZW Management ? who knows but one thing i do know is it certainly was not “Grand Management Plan” – hell had i known shit would hit fans i might have run a million miles away from offering forums to CZW … but we never and it worked out fine – fans have a great choice of a CZW fan forum or the official forums and we have no problem in us both existing . My thanks go out to Draw, Maven B, fans and the CZW Promotion as a whole for the past few months and here’s to the upcoming future plans.

Finally for this section i would like to send out my thanks to all the AWA Exclusives who joined us. A very special THANK YOU to Linda from AWA Hawwii Championship Wrestling – who has been one of the best people i have worked with over the past year… a credit to the AWA and her promotion.

Chapter 4 – The Wrestling Pit Forums no wait …. there called something else?!

TWP, Wrestling-Radio Forums , AWA/CZW Forums , Wrestling Weekly/The Irish Whip Forums … so many names for one forum but each serve a purpose… to me they will always be The Wresting Pit Forums (TWP) which happen to come a year before Wrestling-Radio.com in October 2005. Nobody can dispute the fact that the forums are the hub of our community … its where iLLer and I can put rules up and ban people for our own pleasure , its where Chris and Woody can battle out who is better Manchester United or Liverpool United hell make it just Ireland and England no!!! or should it be WWE or TNA … worth watching =p . Its where WrestlingExpert can be slightly insane at times and continue to fuel speculation that he is from planet zog… Its Where Gore and Kenny can be the voice of reasoning among the community. Add a splash of Andrew127, captain jack sparrow, and Dingo and you have a very misfitted forum … lol and wait there just the originals!? thanks also have to go out to the hundreds of other members ( Chris2038win- new but a big poster) who make the forums a success from the AWA/CZW forums to WW/TIW forums and the efed forum – we are a community!

Chapter 5 – A look into my mind , my thoughts and hopes. WARNING I RANT – SKIP IF YOU WANT THE FINAL THANKS

So as the chapters draw to an end – but not the email lets go into my mind (hmph *JOY* i hear- i could get interesting now – i’m gonna rant so if your in wrestling radio/ Internet community crack open a beer) What am i thinking? well i am just thinking this really could have been made into a book and sold (maybe one day)… ha no really i am thinking what a great year it has been online and how far i have come mentally (i was insane) and professionally … to me i have achieved a very big goal in my life and that is to have a site and work with people … not to mention in the wrestling industry. We all have them dreams of becoming a wrestler and heading for the WWE much like many of you reading this email are achieving but we don’t always realise our true dreams until we are given a taste… i have been lucky enough to get that chance and i like it. I found this past year the one rewarding thing i do daily , weekly , monthly is help people … help people promote an event , run a forum , general advice, management etc… and with iLLer that is what our collective dream is …to help the wrestling community …. on the Internet its a mess from radio to news sites (i hear Les Thatcher now … “the industry on TV is a mess too” ha) ….

Wrestling Radio Industry/Biz Rant.

but it is … Wrestling Radio was first and foremost a hobby not a business where the need to create an online screw job is needed… soon you will see a few shows with Wrestling-Radio.com in some form, for lack of a better term some of them seem fucked up with things.The Wrestling Radio Industry is not about ego and money grabbing unless of course the product has established itself to a respectable level in the community. Wrestling Radio is not about DRAMA … what is it about Ben? i hear people shouting at me – and yes i will hack a few people off in this email and no i will not apologies because i have earned some credibility to speak up. OK where was i … ah Wrestling Radio first and foremost comes down to the management, you can have shit on a stick and make it look good with the right management but lack there of management is not good there needs to be a line sometimes and it is crossed too often. RESPECT …hosts don’t come on to be apart of other peoples drama … countless times have i heard about no respect producers OR hosts not enjoying their hobby anymore….. Now this section is not about shit all over the Wrestling Radio Biz and run off … its about waking people up … maybe you have been having problems you cant face up to or are just stuck and you have not seen that your shows, your management, your people need help…..fine we understand…. maybe we can help …. i am not going to run off people if you want my advice ask for it … same goes with iLLer we are not saying come on down this is The Jerry Springer Show but we are extending our hand a little to make this wrestling radio thing a more enjoyable place – it hit its original goals and unfortunately got greedy and now has lost what it truly was meant to be.

Wrestling-Radio.com now offers FREE LIVE SHOW Hosting for your show- click here

Wrestling Site Community Rant.

I know what i say now will not mean a thing especially to some site… But the wrestling community online is becoming stale – We have great sites don’t get me wrong but we have some awful ones as well – i don’t name sites you should be able to work things out yourself … if not shame on you. Well the biggest problem that needs to get sorted and the only one i want to address is the ad filled pages … if i want buzz beep from a mosquito in my ear i will take myself down to a mosquito farm … if i wanna shoot a duck to win a laptop o no sorry a pop up virus i will run down to the fair. We do not need this as a wrestling community … I’m not saying Wrestling-Radio.com will never acquire a non wrestling related advert because we will one day no doubt but we will never ram them down peoples throat so just getting on the site is like a task in itself – I will stop there … why? because i have said enough on the topic again this just all comes down to money …. not even worthwhile money and that’s the reason my words wont be worth the pixels there wrote on.

My hopes are for change . – Simple . I am not the mahatma ghandi the Wrestling Internet i am just simply a concerned.
Final Thanks to (all not in the article) :

* All the people in the Wrestling Radio Biz – Managements, Hosts … advertisers etc…
* Kayfabe Commentaries– Sean – for a great DVD with Kevin Sullivan and competition giveaway!
* Online World of Wrestling – Brad – THANKS FOR EVERYTHING!!!! KEEP UP THE WORK
* Gerweck – Steve – NEWS IS A BOOM!
* WrestleView – Adam Martin – ALWAYS WILLING TO HELP
* Yeti – I know your working hard keep it up! — that sounds a bit you know … SHUT IT J.P. lol
* RiotRadioNetwork – Rick – Nice to have you on board.
* Canadian Wrestling Revolution
* Brew City Wrestling
* AWA Sanctioned Promotions
* Johnathan Clark – Audio Advertising – Jonathanclarke2005@hotmail.com
* Wrestling Autism/Niko
* Column Writers for Wrestling-Radio.com
* HollyWood’s Gimmicks
* New Alhambra Arena/ Web Team
* ALL other Sponsors

Please feel free to visit all the parts of this email that have been linked because they are well worth the time to explore.

Ending & Future Plans…..

Future plans are BIG! … From here on out think these three things #1, big , respect.
Contacting, Sponsorship and Web Design!

> If you want to become a Wrestling-Radio.com Partner & Sponsor then please email ben@wrestling-radio.com
> If you have an idea for Wrestling-Radio.com PLEASE LET US KNOW! – ben@wrestling-radio.com
> If you are looking for Web Design …. iLLer can provide … please gain a quoat/idea at http://www.xtremewebsitedesign.com/
> If you are fed up of the “if you” then email ben@wrestling-radio.com and rant lol
> JOB’s with Wrestling-Radio.com
> BEN KERIN: add me on: AOL AIM: rawbenk ~ Windows Live Messenger: wweisben@hotmail.com
> Our Myspace


Apologies for bad spelling , punctuation etc.. – not my Strong point.


Ben Kerin (Director) & iLLer (Lead Web Developer)
WRESTLING-RADIO.COM – Redefining The Internet Wrestling World
