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  3. Wrestling Reality Update on Season 2

For all the fans who have e mailed us with questions, I hope this will answer most.Firstly, we are humbled by all the feedback we have gotten on season one. We were trying to put a product together that would please the wrestling fans and also those who normally don’t watch wrestling. We are currently airing in six countries on The Fight Network and are still distributing.

As for the second season, we are getting organised to shoot in the near future in the UK. Our focus for next season will be much more on the documentary and less on the wrestling matches. All matches will be taped however and shown in a separate format to be determined.

We also are planning to produce live wrestling events in Atlantic Canada and elsewhere after we shoot season two. Please stay tuned to www.wrestlingreality.com and www.newscott.com for details. Interested wrestlers or valets, please send a full resume and video link of a full match to kingmansmith@hotmail.com

Peter Smith
Executive producer, Wrestling Reality