Ensuring there is no stone unturned in the life and career of The Iron Sheik, the Hall of Famer has taken the YouShoot oath.  Today Kayfabe Commentaries, producers of the popular and irreverent “YouShoot” series, has announced that submissions for The Iron Sheik’s edition of the show have commenced and will continue for the month of November.
The Iron Sheik rose to mainstream popularity several years ago thanks to his appearances on the Howard Stern Radio Show, among other comedy shows and venues, including the Ring Roasts series.  Sheiky’s wind-up, profanity-laced tirades on everything and everyone that has crossed him in the wrestling business have become legend.  Now, he’s agreed to answer your questions.  Start winding, guys.

Lord knows there is plenty to ask about.  Sheik’s storied antics outside the ring sometimes steals the spotlight from his history in the business.  Well now is the time for him to answer all of your videos and emails.  Submissions are being taken at www.kayfabecommentaries.com.