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Courtesy of: http://www.onlineworldofwrestling.com/oww/radio/

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Nick, Aaron and Dave (?) all together.

Wrestling News and Discussions
– Nick is unsure of ROH’s move to Monday night television.
– Aaron loved the brawl from the most recent TNA iMpact, which involved most of the TNA roster! Nick mentions a brawl on Ring of Honor on HDNet.
– Is anyone watching Monday Night Raw? Nick hasn’t been viewing since the Guest Host angle started. His opinion is B-list celebrities can’t help save the rating. Nick thinks Stallone and Schwarzenegger are B-list stars now. WWE can only get celebrities who are past their prime. Nick compares how WWF had celebrities like Muhammed Ali, Alice Cooper and Mr. T part of the program, now WWE has Seth Green, Jeremy Piven and a past-his-prime Shaq. Nick goes off about Shaq’s career with the Miami Heat. Incorrectly, Nick says Freddie Prinze Jr. was on Friends. According to Nick, people want former wrestlers to guest host, rather than celebrities and athletes from other sports.

Hogan Watch
Brooke Hogan says Vince has reached out to her to join the Divas. Hogan may be doing a farewell tour.
– (Commercial Break)

More News and Discussions
– Savio Vega was fired because Dixie Carter wasn’t impressed with his work and would have fired him earlier if it wasn’t for Jeff Jarrett. Since Dutch Mantell and Vega work started working with the Knockouts, the quality has gone down.
– NJPW does not recognize their tag titles changing hands in TNA.
– Nick reviews an article written by Arnie Katz about the TNA Brawl, the current MEM vs. TNA Frontline, the Samoa Joe heel turn and other topics within the compnay.
– Nick and Aaron mention it’s been 10 years since Chris Jericho joined the WWF(E).
– Nick takes another shot at Ashley (OWW User “JHG”), mentioning her being an attention whore.
– Nick mentions Hard Justice is coming up soon
– (Commercial Break)
– Brutus Beefcake got KO’d by Bill Simmons in a boxing batch.
– Ricky Ortiz has been released by the WWE.
– Nick Bockwinkel has had heart surgery.
– Dr. Death Steve Williams has been going through chemo.

ROH Owner Cary Silkin Interview
– Nick asks about the move to Mondays right off the bat. Cary says the network has enough confidence to move them to 8 PM EST.
– Cary hopes this move will get more fans exposed to ROH.
– Discussions have taken place about adding a second hour to the show and a live Pay-Per-view.
– Brent Albright is going to take time off after surgery for a blood clot.
– The Briscoes have made a big impast since returning.
– Cary plugs appearances Bret Hart will be making for ROH.
– Nick commends ROH for their handling of Ric Flair‘s departure.
– Cary says goodbye.
– (Commercial Break)

Match of the Week
Runner Ups:
Legacy vs. Triple H (RAW)
Jeff Hardy vs. CM Punk with Matt Hardy as Special Enforcer (SmackDown!)
Tommy Dreamer vs. Christian in an Extreme Rules Match (ECW)
– Nick mentions Tommy Dreamer was injured when Christian hit him with a crutch.
World Elite & MEM vs. Beer Money & Team 3D (TNA Impact)

Match of the Week:
El Generico vs. Davey Richards (ROH)
-(Commercial Break)

Promoter of ISPW Tommy Fierro Interview
– Nick welcomes Tommy to the show.
– Tommy has been in the business for 16 years, and got into wrestling watching it with his grandfather. He also started listening to a wrestling talk show, and won a contest to be on the show. From there, Tommy started to learn the ins and outs of the business.
– Tommy eventually became a member of that same wrestling show (Who’s Slamming Who?).
– To further his love of the sport, Tommy began ordering NWA Pay-Per-Views with people from his neighborhood, but mostly watched the WWF.
– Tommy promoted his first wrestling show in 1995.
– Tommy held a Wrestlemania I Tribute Convention right before Wrestlemania XX, and had 18 wrestlers from WM I.
– In his opinion, Tommy says there are too many wrestling convention to the point of over-saturation.
– ISPW has been active since 1998.
– Tommy says ISPW is a combination of “Entertainment” wrestling and traditional wrestling.
– Nick asks what Tommy looks for in a wrestler. Tommy says he wants guys who look like wrestlers, and not guys “in a T-shirt and cutoff jeans”. He also wants someone who has a good work rate.
– Nick plugs “The War to Settle the Score”, a collaboration between ISPW and Pro-Wrestling NOAH talent.
– Nick asks about guys who think they are bigger than the company they work for. Tommy said he luckily hasn’t had to deal with anyone like that yet.
– Tommy Fierro says he doesn’t want ISPW to be part of NWA, even though he has worked with the NWA in the past.
– Tommy says he really misses the Territory Era, and would like the wrestling business to go back to that way of working.
– Nick plugs “The War to Settle the Score” again, and Tommy runs down the card for the show.
– Nick thanks Tommy for calling into the show.

More News and Discussions
– Nick mentions Hard Justice again. Dave “Kaveman” Kave is M.I.A. and Nick wonders where he is. The guys then rundown the card of Hard Justice. Aaron calls Team 3D a “walking batch of biscuits”.
– (Commercial Break)

This Week in Wrestling History
– August 10, 1989: Big Van Vader wins IWGP Title
– August 10, 1996: WCW Hog Wild held at The Sturgis Motorcycle Rally in Sturgis, South Dakota. This was the event where Hogan, Hall and Nash sprayed “nWo” on the WCW World Title.
– August 10, 1956: Fred Ottman a.k.a. Big Bubba the Belt Collector a.k.a. U.S. Steel a.k.a. Big Man Steel a.k.a. Tugboat Thomas a.k.a. Tugboat a.k.a. Tugboat Tyler a.k.a. Tugboat Tanna a.k.a Typhoon a.k.a. The Shockmaster is born
– August 10, 1964: Juan Rivera a.k.a. Savio Vega is born
– August 11, 1989: Jeff Jarrett and Matt Osborne win USWA Heavyweight Tag Titles
– August 11, 1953: Hulk Hogan is born
– August 12, 1972: The First Superbowl of Wrestling is held in Cleveland
– August 12, 1992: Chono defeats Rick Rude in a tournament to win the NWA Title in Japan
– August 13, 2000: WCW New Blood Rising held.
– August 13, 1949: Bob Backlund is born
– August 15, 1996: Clash of the Champions XXXIII is held in Denver, Colorado

Wrapping It Up
– Nick mentions upcoming guests, and signs-off.

OWW Radio wish to thank this week’s featured guests Cary Silkin and Tommy Fierro.

Download this special 1 hour episode from the following links
iTunes Podcast: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/
ClickWrestle: http://www.clickwrestle.com/podcasts/oww

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