WWE SmackDown 04 15 2011

SmackDown April 15th, 2011

Announcers: Booker T & Josh Mathews & Michael Cole

Location: Albany, New York


Alberto Del Rio + Theodore Long

Alberto said tonight wasn’t about him, it’s about Edge. Alberto said when Edge announced his retirement; the entire locker room lost a hero. Alberto said when he thinks about Edge he thinks about respect. Alberto said Edge held more championships than anybody. Alberto said he can’t imagine how Edge feels. Alberto said this was his life. Alberto said he never wanted to win the title like this. Alberto said since Edge is surrendering the title and he’s the #1 contender, Edge should come out and present him the title. Theodore Long came down to the ring. Teddy said it won’t be going like that. Teddy said no one will be presenting him the title. Teddy said Alberto earned the right to compete for the world title at Extreme Rules. Teddy said there will be a battle royal tonight to decide who faces Alberto at Extreme Rules for the title. Alberto said he should be the champion right now. Alberto said this was a conspiracy. Alberto said he never liked Teddy. Alberto said he was glad he hurt Edge. Alberto said he’s glad he forced Edge to retire. Alberto said it was his destiny to end up like a cripple. Teddy said it’s Alberto’s destiny to shut up.


Ezekiel Jackson w/ Wade Barrett & Justin Gabriel & Heath Slater defeated Kofi Kingston

During the match Ezekiel threw Kofi over the announce table onto The Corre, who were on commentary. Ezekiel won with a urinage. Ezekiel said after the match that after the battle royal the three of them and everyone in the WWE will know why he is the personification of domination.


Michelle McCool & Layla El

This happened earlier this week at couple’s therapy. Michelle asked why they were there. Layla said they used to be best friends. Michelle and Layla argued and barely noticed the doctor. Michelle said all Layla did was lose matches since she got injured. Michelle said the moment she got hurt Lay-Cool became uncool. Michelle said if she wanted them to be equals she should grow 3 feet and get better in the ring. Michelle left.


Cody Rhodes + Rey Mysterio

Cody said after he defeated Rey at WM in what he thought was the biggest night of his life, he expected to feel good but instead feels nothing. Cody said it’s not enough and tonight he’s competing in the battle royal for a chance to compete for the world title at Extreme Rules. Cody wondered if winning the title would erase his disfigurement. Cody said everybody knows that Rey is a father. Cody said countless nights Rey has tucked his children into bed and assured them that there are no monsters. Cody said he’s not stopping until he makes Rey a monster. Cody said he won’t stop until his kids are horrified at the sight of his face like Cody is at the sight of his own. Rey attacked Cody. Rey hit Cody in the balls with the 619 and Cody ran.


Rey Mysterio defeated Drew McIntyre

Rey won with the 619 splash combo.


World Heavyweight champion Edge

Edge walked past a bunch of people clapping backstage and Kane shook his hand. Edge came down to the ring. Edge said for those who may of missed it, he is being forced to retire. Edge said it’s made him open his eyes to everything and soak everything up. Edge said it’s like he’s seeing everything again for the very first time. Edge said he’s been involved in some of the insane matches of the WWE. Edge said some of the most insane moments, whether it was creating TLC, whether it was 20 foot super spears, diving into flaming tables, EC matches or HITC matches with Undertaker. Edge said no matter what, as soon as he came down the ramp and heard the crowd feeding him energy it gave him goose bumps and he has to do it one more time. Edge did his entrance again. Edge said that tired him out. Edge said since he announced his retirement the outpouring from everyone in the WWE has been insane. Edge said a lot of people are sad that his career is forced to an end but everyone is happy and positive about the face that the WWE caught this before he had that ladder match and could have paralyzed himself. Edge said he’s happy about the fact that he gets to wear one of his two suits. Edge said he bought it for 100 bucks. Edge said he’s happy that he got to come to Albany. Edge said Albany holds a special place for him because it’s where he won his very first WWE championship. Edge said he was in Albany when he came up with the name Edge. Edge said his mom was there tonight. Edge said she instilled the strength in him to come that far. Edge said he didn’t want things to get all corny but this world heavyweight championship meant everything to him. Edge said it’s not just his, everyone holds a piece of it. Edge said it’s time for him to relinquish the championship. Edge said he wants to thank all of them because it’s been one hell of a career. Edge put down the title and left.


Edge & Rosa Mendes + Alberto Del Rio

Rosa told Edge they were going to miss him so much. Alberto came up behind him. Alberto put out his hand but Edge walked away.


Kelly Kelly defeated Layla El w/Michelle McCool

Kelly rolled up Layla for the 3. Michelle got in the ring after the match and glared at Layla. Layla grabbed Michelle’s hand but she pushed her away.


Christian won

The final 7 were Kane, Chris Masters, Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel, Jack Swagger, Rey Mysterio and Christian. Justin and Wade eliminated Kane. Wade eliminated Chris and was eliminated right after by Justin Gabriel. Rey threw out Justin. Michael Cole took a 619 protecting Swagger. Rey got distracted and was thrown out by Jack. Alberto tried to eliminate Christian but Christian kicked him away and eliminated Jack Swagger to win. After the match Edge came down to the ring and hugged Christian. Christian said this was emotional. Christian said some of them may not remember this, but for the benefit of those with flash photography, he and Edge would pose for 5 seconds only. Everyone came out and clapped for Edge. Big Show came down to the ring and hugged Edge. Chavo and Rey followed. Triple H came down to the ring and hugged Edge. Edge said he wasn’t prepared for all of that. Edge said that was the ultimate show of respect. Edge said that’s the most important thing. Edge said he loves all those guys. Edge said Kane is one of his closest friends. Edge said he can thank everyone. Edge thanked the writers, the people who do catering, and the guys who set up the ring. Edge thanked Vince because he was the only one who thought at the end of the day that he could carry the championship. Edge said he didn’t want to thank Booker because he’d have to do the Edgerooni. Edge thanked Vickie Guerrero, Lita, and Christian. Edge said this is all him and Christian wanted to do. Edge said Christian has always been there for him and he’s really excited to see where he goes from here. Edge said he lived his dream. Edge said he has no complaints. Edge said he’s going to be off the radar for a while but you haven’t seen the last of him.