Tuesday March 31, 2009
by Mike Alren

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Please send any news tips or show reports to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com Wrestling Globe by Mike Aldren: mike@wrestlingglobe.com



3/30 Raw TV results from Dallas, TX: Face Divas over heel Divas; Chris Jericho over Jerry Lawler; Rey Mysterio over JBL in a non title match; Big Show over John Cena; and Kane won a Money in the Bank Battle Royal.


Smackdown announcer Tazz is done with WWE. His contract expired and no new deal was worked out. We should have a lot more on this either tonight or tomorrow.

ECW Preview: Mark Henry & Kane vs. Christian & Finlay and Nikki Bella vs. Brie Bella. Both matches were very short so expect a lot of filler tonight.

For those keeping score Rosa Mendez and ECW’s Tiffany made their official in ring debuts last night in the tag match on Raw.

The Chris Jericho vs. Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka and Ricky Steamboat will be now be an elimination match.

The pre show dark match at Raw was Cryme Tyme over William Regal & Dolph Ziggler.

The ESPN:60 piece on WWE will now air on 4/14. The original purpose of the story was to be a promotional tie in with Wrestlemania but scheduling didn’t allow. They taped most of the footage at the recent Raw house show in Los Angeles as well as an interview down in Florida with Hulk Hogan. The story is also expected to get some play on Sports Center.

Slam Wrestling at http://tinyurl.com/c6lnwx talked to Bill Watts. He said Jim Ross was the only person he would want to induct him: “Jim would be the only one that I could put there because of all of the things he and I went through together. I hired him out of college and he came up through the ranks, so it had to be Jim Ross.”

Matt Hardy and Layla will be appearing at Houston’s Children Festival on
4/4 in Downtown Houston, TX.

Batista will be appearing at the FCW house show on 4/10 at the Civic Center in Palmetto, FL. You can call 941-722-3244 for more info.

Smackdown this past Friday on MyNet did a 2.0 rating.

WWE at http://www.toppschipz.com/wwe/index.asp has a new chipz game from Topps.

John Cena in an interview with MTV shot down rumors he was going to play Captain America in the upcoming movie. “If you guys are listening over at Marvel, that is a pretty cool rumor,” he said.

Another interview with Cena in the Dallas Morning News at http://tinyurl.com/dbetvs

WWE sent out an online survey at http://tinyurl.com/cgzrmv via their mailing list asking fans about 12 Rounds.


TNA have some house shows this weekend. They run Friday at the Civic
Center in Thibodaux, LA, and Saturday at the Lakefront Arena in New

The TV tapings continue today at Universal Orlando, FL. We’re looking
for reader reports from the tapings to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com

Hermie Sadler drove the TNA truck in NASCAR’s Kroger 250 race on Monday
finishing the race in 19th position.

Dixie Carter is said to be a big proponent of Brutus Magnus. There is
talk of putting together a new British heel faction with Magnus as the
leader. Doug Williams’ name has come up in creative meetings. They have
used him on pay per appearance in the past and also on their recent
overseas tours.


Former WWE Diva Lisa Varon aka Victoria said she wants to face Gina
Carano (7-0-0) in her MMA debut. Good luck. Carano is undefeated so far
in MMA. She trains with Xtreme Couture and also played the character
Crush on American Gladiators.

The Orange County Register has a story on Diamond Dallas Page’s yoga
classes at http://tinyurl.com/cyyc7t

Several wrestlers have put their names on wine to raise money for Afa’s
Samoan Family Foundation. The charity is aimed at keeping kids off the
streets and away from drugs. You can check out the Iron Sheik’s Camel
Clutch Cabernet and Scott Hall’s Razors Edge Pinot Noir at

Ring of Honor are giving away tickets for the next set of HDNet taping
the weekend of 4/10 at the Arena in Philadelphia, PA. You need to send
your name and full mailing address to ROHTickets@aol.com.

Sonjay Dutt returns to ROH at the 5/8 and 5/9 shows in Boston and
Edison, NJ.

Bugsy McGraw has been added to the NWA Legends fanfest in August at the
Hilton University Place Hotel, Charlotte, NC. More info at

There is a story on Brock Lesnar in the latest Air Tran in-flight

On this day in wrestling history:

* 1968 – Born – Naoya Ogawa
* 1984 – Billy Jack defeated Kendo Nagasaki for the Florida Heavyweight
* 1985 – The inaugural Wrestlemania takes place at Madison Square Garden
* 1985 – Iron Sheik & Nikolai Volkoff defeated Barry Windham & Mike
Rotundo for the WWF tag titles
* 1985 – Wendi Richter defeated Lelani Kai for the WWF Women’s title
* 1989 – Sting defeated Mike Rotundo for the NWA Television title
* 1994 – The Quebecers defeated Men on a Mission for the WWF tag titles
* 1996 – Wrestlemania XII takesa place from Arrowhead Pond in Anaheim,
* 1996 – Shawn Michaels defeated Bret Hart for the WWF title
* 1996 – The Bodydonnas defeated The Godwins for the WWF tag titles
* 2000 – The Artist defeated Billy Kidman for the WCW Cruiserweight
* 2003 – Kane & Rob Van Dam defeated Lance Storm & Val Venis for the WWE
tag titles

WG Diva of the Day — Velvet Sky — http://tinyurl.com/cc3qre



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