
Sunday May 10, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news and analysis direct to your mailbox. WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.

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5/8 Raw house show results from Erie, PA: Kofi Kingston over Chavo Guerrero; Sheamus O’ Shaunessy over Jamie Noble; The Miz over Festus; Matt Hardy over Goldust; MVP over William Regal; Carlito & Primo over Legacy; Maryse over Mickie James; and John Cena & Batista over Randy Orton & Big Show.

The 5/9 Raw show in Youngstown drew around 6,000 with the same matches and results except Guerrero and Festus switched.

5/9 Smackdown house show results from Grand Rapids, MI: Evan Bourne over Tyson Kidd; Vladimir Kozlov over Finlay; John Morrison over Shelton Benjamin; Gail Kim & Eve Torres over Natalya & Layla; CM Punk over Umaga via DQ; Christian & Tommy Dreamer over Jack Swagger & Mark Henry; Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho; and Edge over Jeff Hardy.

The show drew just over 5,000. Match of the night was said to be Mysterio-Jericho. Mysterio’s mask came off during a turnbuckle spot and he had to borrow another mask from a young kid sitting at ringside.
After the match the kid who lost his mask was in tears because Mysterio forgot about him and went back to the locker room. The crowd started chanting “get his mask” until someone from security got his mask back to him.

The Raw crew run today at the WesBanco Arena in Wheeling, WV, and the Smackdown crew run the Coliseum in Fort Wayne, IN.

Raw TV is Monday from the Nationwide Arena in Columbus, and there is also a Smackdown show at Roberts Stadium in Evansville. The Smackdown/ECW TV taping is Tuesday from Wright State University in Dayton.

We’re looking for reports from all these shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com


On the house show runs this weekend, Howard Finkel is announcing the Raw shows and Angela Fong (http://tinyurl.com/o34lcw) from developmental is announcing the Smackdown shows. She is the regular ring announcer in FCW. There has been talk of bringing her up to the main roster as a manager for Cryme Tyme.

Candice Michelle dropped the green flag and presented the winners trophy at yesterday’s NASCAR race in Darlington, SC. She was at the event on behalf of GoDaddy.com who were sponsoring the race.

A Mother’s Day message from “Mamma Marella” at http://tinyurl.com/p7re8f

William Regal turns 41 today.


An awesome (no pun intended, but hey, if Scott Steiner can ride a
Pogo…) picture of Awesome Kong as you have never seen her before at http://tinyurl.com/qcujre

Mick Foley talks about the new Epics TV show in the UK at http://tinyurl.com/olvmhd


Mike Mooneyham at http://tinyurl.com/o2njj9 has a great piece looking at
the career of Danny Hodge.

Brock Lesnar, and his wife Rena (Sable), attended the Elton John/Bill
Joel concert at Xcel Center in St. Paul, MN on 5/5. We have it on good
authority that Lesnar was rocking out to I’m still Standing. The couple
is expecting their first child in June. Both have daughters from
previous relationships.

Karl Stern of www.karlstern.com attended a Southeastern Wrestling show
on Friday in Alabama. He reported a near riot. The group put on a
retirement ceremony for promoter Mike Jackson drawing 250 locals. They
did an angle where two masked Mexican heels attacked Jackson during the
ceremony which resulted in someone pulling a knife, and an elderly man
leaving the building and returning from his truck with an axe to get
revenge on the heels. During the mayhem one women called 911 on her cell
phone to ask for an ambulance to make sure that Jackson was okay after
his worked beatdown. Karl told us: “It was the most surreal thing I’ve
ever seen in my life… It’s like we had been transported back in time
and everything was real again.”

The former Kizarny talks about his WWE release at

Dwayne Johnson was a guest last night at the White House Correspondent’s
Dinner. We have a picture up at http://twitter.com/wrestlingglobe

Paul London no showed the WrestleFest convention yesterday in Newark,
CA. He sent a text message to promoter Kirk White during the event
saying: “Would it mess up your convention if I no-show this weekend?”
and then switched his cell phone off. London is earning a bad rep of
late for pulling out of bookings at the last minute. There is a review
up on the event, which was headlined by Bret Hart, at

Upon hearing about his antics yesterday, IWC promoter Norm Connors out
of Pittsburgh pulled London from his upcoming events. Connors said:
“This makes the third weekend in a row where London has canceled out of
bookings, and IWC Officials were no longer willing to take a chance.” We
asked London to comment on his situation but he didn’t return a message.

The New York Times at http://tinyurl.com/p4rw8x has a big story on Lucha
Libre and AAA.

Tito Santana turns 56 today.

WG Diva of the Day — Melina — http://tinyurl.com/owdqzf


Please send any feedback, news tips, live event info or interview recaps
to: you2us@wrestlingglobe.com

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