Monday July 13, 2009
Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
WGN is read by industry power players, many top wrestlers and thousands of fans from all around the world.
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7/9 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Manila, Philippines: John Morrison over Shelton Benjamin; Mark Henry over Evan Bourne; Melina & Gail Kim over Michelle McCool & Alicia Fox; Great Khali over Ziggler; Tommy Dreamer over Christian and Jack Swagger; Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho; and CM Punk over Jeff Hardy.
The show took place in the Araneta Coliseum which is the historical site of the 1975 Thrilla In Manila between Muhammad Ali and Joe Frasier. We didn’t get a number but the arena was at around 60% capacity which would be just over 10,000. Jericho tried to heel the crowd before his match, but the more he talked trash the more the crowd cheered for him.
Steamboat was special ref for the match and Mysterio won with a 619.
7/10 Smackdown TV results from Bakersfield, CA: Kane over Jeff Hardy; Dolph Ziggler over John Morrison; Melina & Eve Torres over Layla & Michelle McCool; CM Punk vs. Great Khali was a no contest; and Rey Mysterio over Chris Jericho to retain the IC title.
Raw is live tonight from the Amway Arena in Orlando. Seth Green, best known for his role of Dr. Evil’s son in the Austin Powers movies, will be guest GM. His appearance is cross-promotion for Triple H appearing on the season premiere of Robot Chicken on 7/26. No matches announced at press time. The band Adelitas Way, who lends the opening music for Superstars, will appear on the show. John Cena & Triple H vs. Randy Orton & Big Show is advertised locally as a dark match.
We’re looking for reader reports from the show to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com as well as from the Smackdown/ECW tapings in Miami on Tuesday.
The Cyber Sunday PPV which changed to Annihilation then back to Cyber Sunday, has now changed to WWE Bragging Rights from Pittsburgh’s Mellon Arena on 10/25, according to WWE.com.
Candice Michelle did a live chat over the weekend at StarCam.com which was her first interview since being released by WWE. John Laurinaitis told her she was being let go due to cutbacks although she had sensed her time was up. She didn’t rule out going to TNA but is currently focusing on her own line of lingerie and bikinis. She blamed her collarbone injury, which pretty much killed her in ring career, on WWE saying it happened because she was exhausted coming out off a two-week overseas tour. She put over Mickie James, Kelly Kelly and Michelle McCool but didn’t have kind words for Maryse and Maria.
Brie Bella took part in a celebrity poker tournament at the Playboy Mansion on Saturday. The game was hosted by the Kardashian family to raise funds for the Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association.
Matt Hardy wrote on his Myspace that he starts rehab today following his recent abdominal surgery.
Mike Knox appears to be in the dog house. We’ve had conflicting stories on what that’s about but he hasn’t featured on TV for around 60 days.
There is a lot of controversy internally over the new Pretty Ricky prankster gimmick Ron Killings just debuted on Smackdown. I think they should start including the writing team in those Wellness Program drug tests.
WWE returns to Jacksonville, FL on 10/19 at the Veterans Memorial Arena for a live Raw taping. They also return to Madison Square Garden on
11/16 for a TV taping.
WWE are planning a Fan Axxess at Nokia Plaza for Summerslam on 8/22 in Los Angeles, the day before the PPV. Attractions include a ring set up with live matches, Q&A’s, autograph signings, a bungie trampoline and a dunk tank. It would be a lot cooler if the bungie hung over the drunk tank…
Newsweek at http://tinyurl.com/mpjfq6 has an article on Bonnie Hammer’s tenure at USA Network who takes credit for persuading Vince McMahon to hire soap-opera and comedy writers. “She’s just that smart,” McMahon is quoted as saying. Dear God!
The Divas give relationship advice at http://tinyurl.com/mx8ene.
Brian Fritz at http://tinyurl.com/lua7nm has a Q&A with Ted DiBiase Jr.
Jericho continues to destroy The Miz in their Twitter feud. This latest low blow from Y2J: “The sad thing is my big fat gut is in better shape than your bulbous doughy body. No wonder the office won’t let you win a match.”
7/10 house show results from Hamilton, Ontario: Eric Young over Suicide; Angelina Love over Taylor Wilde; Homicide over Consequences Creed; AJ Styles & Daniels over Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe; Jay Lethal over Sheik Abdul Bashir; and Beer Money over Team 3D.
7/11 house show results from Hamburg, NY: Eric Young over Consequences Creed; Taylor Wilde over Angelina Love; Daniels over Sheik Bashir; Beer Money over Team 3D; Homicide over Jay Lethal & Suicide in a three-way; and AJ Styles over Samoa Joe.
7/12 house show results from Syracuse, NY: Sheik Bashir over Consequences Creed; Taylor Wilde over Angelina Love; Homicide over Suicide; AJ Styles & Daniels over Kurt Angle & Samoa Joe; Jay Lethal over Eric Young; and Beer Money over Team 3D.
Hamilton drew 800 (the building claimed 1400), Hamburg drew 800 and Syracuse drew 300 (the building claimed 1000). They announced at all the shows that Homicide had won the X-Division title in a TV match that had not yet aired.
Hamburg had Kurt Angle run in during the main event but Mick Foley made a surprise appearance to make the save. Foley then led a birthday celebration for Dick “The Destroyer” Beyer who lives in Buffalo. He turned 78.
One of our readers who went to the show in Syracuse wrote: “The whole thing felt very bush league to me. I don’t even think TNA can compete with 2CW (the local Syracuse indy fed). 2CW ran the same building two years ago and outdrew TNA by at least a hundred fans. They didn’t have all the names that TNA has nor a national TV show but they still outdrew them.” For the most part the company does little advertising for house shows but over 90% of reader reports we receive are unanimously positive.
TNA next run on Friday in Johnson City, TN for a house show. The Victory Road PPV is Sunday at Universal Studios in Orlando.
Daniels hurt his knee over weekend. He said he was going to rest and expects to be good to go for the PPV.
Tara was working out with Rip Rogers and Rob Conway last week at the Ohio Valley Wrestling school to brush up on her ring skills.
Impact on Thursday night did a 1.2 rating, the same number as the previous week.
The Epics TV show didn’t run in the UK this past weekend. Star Trek aired in its place that was originally advertised as a best of Jeff Hardy show.
The latest Hermie’s Hotseat is up with The Motor City Machine Guns at http://tinyurl.com/mglcvb.
Joe Cowley of the Chicago Sun Times at http://tinyurl.com/ndy9w3 has a video with Consequences Creed training him for a grudge match with Dale Toleberg, the former Kiss Demon in WCW turned White Sox strength coach.
www.maineventradio.com did an interview with Kevin Nash. When asked if retirement was on the horizon he said that he didn’t know but will keep going until he can’t go any more: “I was pretty much crippled when I was 25; they told me I would walk with a limp for the rest of my life when I had destroyed my knee playing ball. I’ve still been able to do this physical of a job for 20 years. Everybody gives [Roddy] Piper credit because he’s got a bad hip – hell I’ve got a bad hip, bad back, bad knees, neck, everything.”
He talked about acting saying he is currently writing a screenplay for a romantic comedy that he plans to fund himself: “I’m probably going to have to produce, direct, do everything in this to keep the budget down.
It’s amazing what you can do nowadays with a camera crew of three guys and a couple of high-def cameras. I’ve seen some work on some indy films which had a $150,000 budget and made it look like a $5 million movie. If you’ve got four or five hats on and you’re not getting a pay check for any of them, that cuts it down a lot because you could get an actress that can carry me through a lot of it.”
On Vince Russo as head of the booking team, he talked about being a Russo fan since day one: “I think he writes smart TV and you have to pay attention. There’s a lot of nuisances that can make sense that kind of connect the dots if you don’t really pay close attention they don’t make sense to you. For me the show Damages on FX is one of the smartest written shows because you can’t be on the phone and watch that show. You have to commit yourself to watching the show – and you have to do that with us. If you’re going to criticize Russo and fast-forward or TiVo the show, you won’t get the nuisances and what he’s trying to accomplish. He doesn’t sit down and write a two-hour show and expect you not to watch the pre-tapes and say you don’t understand it and say the writing is bad. Try watching a movie with no sound. That’s the beauty of living in the United States or Canada – we have those rights to criticize. I don’t really care if you like my work, don’t like my work, like me, don’t like me; as long as you’re watching I’m happy.”
Brian Lawler, son of Jerry “The King” Lawler, was jailed today in Jackson, TN for failing to comply with court orders to go to rehab stemming from his 6/26 arrest for public intoxication. Lawler had plead guilty and agreed to 30 days rehab at an in-patient treatment center instead of 30 days in jail.
Police in Mexico now are looking for what they suspect are two drag queens in relation to the deaths of midget wrestlers Parkita and Espectrito II. Cops believe that the queens have now assumed their male identities and gone into hiding. This story just keeps getting weirder and weirder.
We have no new update on Vampiro other than he is still in the hospital with a severe back injury. We should have new information later this week.
Umaga was okay following a blood circulation problem after he arrived in Puerto Rico for the WWC Anniversary show. We have a detailed report on that show in today’s mailbag.
Ken Anderson missed his flight out of San Juan on Sunday and is stranded in Puerto Rico until Tuesday. There is a video of Anderson doing his gimmick at http://tinyurl.com/mtd6fs during an autograph signing on Saturday.
Brock Lesnar defeated Frank Mir in the second round of their UFC fight via TKO on Saturday. Everyone in pro wrestling is still talking about this fight and how his promo afterwards was the best promo of his career. Some of the mainstream press, those who largely don’t understand the pro wrestling or MMA game, are talking like Lesnar’s actions were worse than Mike Tyon biting Holyfield’s ear off. Just some crazy articles out there.
There were a few people from the wrestling world in Las Vegas for the show, including Matt Morgan and Al Snow. There were also many wrestlers putting over Lesnar’s victory on Twitter as some sort of victory for pro wrestling, which is funny given how Lesnar grew to despise the business and now in all his interviews espouses how WWE made him miserable.
Paul Heyman’s reaction to Lesnar’s victory including some great observations at http://tinyurl.com/lftx97.
Big Brother 11 which premiered this past week on CBS features a professional bodybuilder turned wanabe pro wrestler called Jesse Godderz.
Indy promoter Dennis Richardson of Covington, VA was recently sentenced on two misdemeanor counts of obtaining money under false pretence.
Richardson was sentenced to120 days in jail, suspended, and assessed
$1,622.94 costs. He was ordered to pay $3,000 restitution. The court took a third charge of obtaining money under false pretence under advisement.
The Chicago Tribune at http://tinyurl.com/nmb5f5 covered Hulk Hogan Appreciation Day with comments from Hogan on injuries, a return to the ring, his reality show and more. The story said the event drew 400 fans each paying $99. From what we were told Hogan’s fee was around $25,000 or a percentage of the gate, which ever was higher.
Hogan is promoted for a UK signing in January 2010 in Manchester at www.wrestleslamuk.com.
Ric Flair was added to the upcoming NWA Legends fanfest in Charlotte completing a reunion of The Four Horsemen with Arn and Ole Anderson, Tully Blanchard and JJ Dillon. Flair had originally said he couldn’t make the fanfest due a booking in Egypt. For more info go to www.nwalegends.com.
Flair drew over 1200 fans for a Mid-Atlantic Championship Wrestling show in Anderson, SC on Saturday. He signed autographs and cut a promo in the ring before the show which also featured Chris Hamrick, Bobby Eaton, Richie Steamboat (Ricky Steamboat’s son) and Buff Bagwell. The next show is Rutherfordton, NC in September. More info at www.midatlanticwrestling.com.
David Arquette, who Vince Russo once booked as WCW champion, will be living in a Plexiglas box in front of Madison Square Garden this coming Tuesday and Wednesday as part of a charity fundraiser for Feeding America.
www.clubwwi.com has a new audio interview with Bill Dannenhauer who played the Evad character in WCW.
The Minot, ND Daily News at http://tinyurl.com/ladc9g has a story on the Honky Tonk Man. He talks about breaking into the business by training in a barn with Jerry Lawler and some of his other relatives: “There was no wrestling certificate nonsense in those days, but when your trainer decided you were ready, you turned pro. If you went to the Vern Gagne’s wrestling school in Minneapolis, or the Stu Hart school up in Calgary, you were a shoo-in to get a booking, but if you didn’t it was very tough to get in the business.”
Eric Bischoff relocated from Arizona to Wyoming this past weekend because he says the state is more business friendly.
Brooke Hogan is interviewed at http://tinyurl.com/nyd7pc. She talked about Hulk being less protective over her since she turned 21.
Nick Hogan at http://tinyurl.com/mwzwjm was snapped by paps a few days ago leaving Gold’s Gym in Venice Beach with his girlfriend and a whole lot of muscle milk.
JBL ran with the bulls this past weekend in Pamplona, Spain. He escaped without injury at the event where people have died in the past.
Tito Santana, The Sandman and Armando Estrada are now taking bookings through www.wrestlebookings.com.
Greg Oliver at http://tinyurl.com/lbhzom has a story on the funeral of Waldo Von Erich which took place this morning in Elmira, Ontario.
Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Debra Mashall at http://www.diva-dirt.com/divaoftheday/
Please send any mailbag letters or questions to
From Manuel Gonzalez:
WWC held their July 11 event at the Ruben Rodriguez Coliseum at Bayamon.
Reports have a little more than 8000 fans attending the show, as the
building was about 80% and capacity reported is about 13000. Show opened
with singer Manolo Mongil singing the United States National Anthem.
Puerto Rican Typical Music singer Victoria Sanabria sang the Puerto
Rican National Anthem. Hector Moyano was introduced. Moyano was Hugo
Savinovich’s partner when Savinovich worked as TV producer and TV shows
host. Axel Cruz and Willie Urbina hugged to a great cheer by fans. They
worked as a TV team for rival IWA. Carlos Cabrera was the next ring
announcer in. Puertorrican comedian Herbert Cruz was next. He came in
imitating Hugo Savinovich. Wizard came in and ran him away. Alejandro
Rodil was next and he eventually introduced the first event of the
1-Carlitos become the Junior Heavyweight Champion when he pinned Angel
on the X Match. Other participants of that match was Chicky Starr (who
had one of the loudest cheers of the night), Hiram Tua and Tommy Diablo.
Ricky Reyes and Johnny Styles also worked the match . At a moment of the
match Chicky Starr jumped to the outside part of the ring t be catched
by the other competitors. Late Starr was attacked by Diablo with a
chairshot and was carried out of competition. Carlitos did some great
aereal moves, jumping from the lights rail over 12 feet above the ring.
They showed on the screens the Pesadilla – Ray Gonzalez Saga
Luz Nereida Velez, who is the WAPA-TV News Female Anchor was welcomed.
Her husband, Benjamin Casillas, is the owner of the Dream Team Store at
San Patricio Plaza Mall at Guaynabo. She was booed.
2-Idol Stevens retained the Puerto Rican Title when he defeated Shane
The Glamour Boy, applying a DDT on a chair. Referee didn’t saw when Idol
applied the DDT on the chair.
Boxing Champion Juan Manuel Lopez was next. He praised Felix ‘Tito’
Trinidad and wanted the best for him in the match he have to referee,
the main event of the hair vs. mask match between Ray Gonzalez and La
3-In the match between the NWA ladies, Tracy Brooks defeated ODB. Final
took place when ODB went to get hi smetal bottle to attack Brooks, but
when she was about to hit her, referee Stacey Colón hold her arm with
the bootle and took it from her. In the other hand, Brooks took some
water on her mouth and spitted it into ODB face, so there Brooks applied
a DDT to score the victory
4-Bronco defeated Crazy Rudy. Rudy was about to use his barbedwired bat
against Bronco, but Bronco’s valet La Bella Carmen interfered and
distracted Rudy. That allowed some time so Bronco extracted and used a
knux to knock Rudy to get the pinfall victory.
5-Umaga defeated Mr. Kennedy with the spike. Before the match Kennedy
dis his microphone work. Both wrestlers were cheered and fans were into
the match.
Carlito came in and talked about his WWE situation against his brother
Primo Colon. He said he came here to work and ear his money, playing
heel. He said that he want to prove Puerto Rico he is the best and want
to do that match that was booked before he teached Eddie who the man of
the family is. He said that anyway, he wants to prove that they were the
best team in Puerto Rico lately and will join his brother to prove that.
6-BJ defeated Steve Corino to become the Universal champion. After the
match ended and BJ was celebrating his win, then appeared former WWC
Universal champion Noriega. Noriaga came from under the ring, where he
was hiding during the match. Noriega attacked BJ and extracted the old
Universal title (he left the promotion last year on August 24 without
dropping the title) and told the fans that the real Universal champion
has returned.
40 minutes intermission. During that time, they had to change the ring
mat becuase BJ vomited it while he was attacked by Noriega.
The Hugo Savinovich Ceremony started. Abel Durant and Carlos Cabrera
were in to do the ceremony to honor Hugo’s career in Puerto Rico, that
started on 1976 for a pomotion named Universal Promotions, owned by
Arturo Mendoza. He joined WWC on April 1978 as a manager and he managed
all the heels that came to Puerto Rico during the 1978-1983 era. He
turned face in 1984 and basically left the ring action to work as the TV
show producer, as well the TV show host (both for the spanish language
show, as well the english language TV show that aired here in Puerto
Rico on Channel 13, as well local channels on Virgin Islands, Trinidad &
Tobago, Barbados and other Caribbean islands that WWC usually toured on
the early 80’s era.
Carlos Colon and membes of the Wrestling Commission of the Recreational
and Sports Department of the Puerto Rico Commenwealth came in. They did
some speech and then gave Hugo a commemorative plaque for that ocassion.
A very emotive moment of the show.
Hugo Savinovich welcomed sacral music singer Abraham, who sang a
beautiful song.
Hugo Savinovich announced that he have reached a deal with WWC and will
be producing their upcoming two anniversary events (37 & 38).
On a very emotional moment of the show, Hugo Savinovich welcomed Joe Don
Smith, who is actually battling stomach cancer and pray for his health.
7-On a match to prove who the best tag team in Puerto Rico is, Thunder &
Lightning defeated Carlito and Primo Colon. First came Thunder &
Lightning, and later Carlito. Eddie Colon was angry as he expected some
music to be played for him, so he eventually came out without music.
During the match, averytime Carlito tagged Eddie with tag at his chest,
not his hands. There was a moment of the match where Carlito and Primo
had problems and Carlito ended doing the back stabber to Primo, moment
that Thunder & Lightning surprised Carlito and applied him their double
chokeslam move to win the match and prove that they are the best team in
Puerto Rico. Isaac Rosario, former WWC 1970’s and 1980’s enhancement
wrestler, who was the teacher of all 4 wrestlers, was the special
referee of the match. Rosario, at the first moments of the match was
booed because he can’t laid on th mat to do the counts, but he improved
that some minutes later into the match. By the way, Rosario is a
dyalisis patient with renal and heart problems, having underwent heart
surgery soime years ago. Well, after match ended, an angry Eddie did the
backstabber to Carlito as well.
Former Boxing Champion Felix ‘Tito’ Trinidad came in to referee the
night’s main event.
Next win as La Pesadilla, who came in all dressed on white.
Next was Ray Gonzalez. Building noise was too high that you can’t hear
the person who was next to you. The loudest cheer of the show.
8-Ray Gonzalez defeated La Pesadilla. First moment of the action, before
the match started, saw referee taking Pesadilla’s Security crew out of
the ring area. After more than 20 minutes of action, there was a moment
of tension when doing his job as referee, Tito Trinidad accidentally
hits Ray Gonzalez when he tried to take Gonzalez out of the ropes as he
was counting Ray to stop his attack against La Pesilla, who was on a
ring corner. On that moment La Pesadilla covered Ray, but the referee
did a not wanted do the count so he ended doing it. He counted 3, but
noted that Ray Gonzalez’s foot was on the rope, so he said count reached
two due to the situation and ordered the match to continue. That makes
Pesadilla angry and then he slapped Tito Trinidad, who responded back
with a pair of heavy punches to the head, knocking Pesadilla, so there
Ray covered Pesadila to win the match, save his hair and have the right
to unmask Pesadilla.
La Pesadillas was finally unmasked. He was revealed as Orlando Colón.
Orlando tried to hide his face from the fans, and even fans at ringside
wasn’t sure if really La Pesadilla who unmasked was Orlando due to the
fact of Pesadilla hiding his face.
An email fron a reader at the Bret Hart book signing today in Edinburgh,
I got there dead early, so early that i was second in line to get my
book signed. Bret was about 20 mins late, due to the fact that he had
been signing copies of his book in Glasgow. Apparently 1000 fans showed
up and half got turned away, incluing someone i know. A big crowd here
in Edinburgh too. although not as many as Glasgow. When i saw him, i was
pretty nervous meeting him. But I shook his hand and got a photo taken.
He thanked me for coming.
An 1980s AWA rib story from Marty Jannetty:
Nick Bockwinkel was the AWA champion, and he was a favorite rib target
of Shawn and I. Now, I liked Nick, but he took himself so seriously that
he was an easy target to rib.
“Marvey”, he said, every time we ribbed him. It was like his personal
catchphrase. “Oh, marvey, that’s just marvey, guys. You’re messing with
the wrong guy. I’m the big buck here. I’m the world champion.” That
would make us only want to rib him more.
Now, the interview days were very long and boring. We’d have to get to
the studio at 12 and sit around there for six hours, waiting our turn to
do a series of two minute interviews that would be inserted into local
programming to promote house shows. There was never any food provided. I
could never understand that one.
One day, Nick was being really irritating, so I decided to pull what
would be the ultimate rib on him. Nick’s most prized possession was his
world title belt. He never let it out of his sight. It really meant a
lot to him that he was AWA world champion. On this particular day, he
uncharacteristically left the belt in the lockeroom and went off
somewhere else. So, I had Shawn stand watch for me, and I took the belt,
went out a side door, and threw it on the roof of the studio. I figured
Nick (and Greg [Gagne]) wouldn’t find the belt so fast there. Turns out
that they didn’t find it for three months. I threw it up on the roof
during the winter and it stayed there until the spring when a
maintenance guy had to go onto the roof. He found the belt, which from
the cold Minnesota winter was rusted.
Greg called a meeting with all the wrestlers and held up the rusty title
belt. “I want answers,” he yelled. “Who is responsible?” As he is saying
this, bits of the belt were falling off. All the wrestlers were
laughing, and Greg never did figure out who pulled the prank.
Anyway, let’s go back to when they first realized that the belt was
missing. They needed it for a TV interview, and Nick and Greg were
frantically looking for it. Greg knew someone had hidden it, but no one
was saying anything. He gets madder and madder as time progressed. For
the next couple of weeks, Nick had no belt at the shows. They’d announce
the title belt was “lost in transit.”
The Gagnes didn’t want to spend any money, so they didn’t replace the
belt right away. When they finally did, the replacement looked just
awful, like a wide belt buckle with some metal tacked on to it. It
didn’t matter to Nick, though. He had a belt. He was so happy. However,
at the first show he had the belt, he made the mistake of leaving it
unattended. Buddy Rose took it and threw it against a wall, causing it
to just fall apart.
Nick came strolling into the room a few minutes later and saw all this
metal on floor. It takes him about thirty seconds to realize that this
metal debris is his belt. Of course, he goes to where he left the belt
and it’s gone.
“Marvey, just marvey, “ he said. “That’s my damn belt on the floor back
there, isn’t it? So, you guys want to play games, then I’ll play games
back.” He stormed out of the room.
Since Curt Hennig was the biggest ribber of the roster, Nick assumed
Curt had destroyed the belt. So Nick ribbed Curt back. Big mistake.
Curt, Shawn and I were driving out of Green Bay in a blizzard after a
show. We see Nick passing us on the road in his Cadillac, and Curt tells
us to look over at Nick’s car. Curt had put a lock through the passenger
side door handle and it was banging on the paint. He had put a lock
around the emblem on the front hood, and that was banging away. I looked
over at Nick and realized that a lock was on his glasses and hanging
over the bridge of his nose.
Funk’s Corner – Dory Funk Jr. vs Terry Funk Single Match, One and Only
One of the most common questions I am asked by wrestling fans is, “Did
you ever face your brother, Terry Funk in a wrestling match.”
It happened twice. In our early days in the Amarillo Territory, Terry’s
tag team partner was Wahoo McDaniel and I was teaming with Ricky Romero.
We met on opposite tag teams in Amarillo, Texas the year after Terry
broke in the wrestling business in 1966.
April 30th 1981 in Japan, Terry and I won our way to the finals of a
tournament for the All Japan Pro Wrestling International Championship.
Terry and I faced each other in the finals of that tournament. The match
was video taped and broadcast nation wide by Nippon Television Network.
Dory Funk Jr. vs Terry Funk from Japan is now on our website at
Professional wrestling comes live in Ocala, Florida at the Funking
Conservatory’s !BANG! TV Sound Stage this Sunday July 12th.
Ticket information and the full card are on our website at
Dory Funk Jr. – Coach of the Funking Conservatory Wrestling School
For training schedules, call 352-895-4658.
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