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Monday July 20, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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7/19 Raw house show results from Florence, SC: Evan Bourne over The Brian Kendrick; Maryse & Alicia Fox defeated Mickie James & Gail Kim; Jack Swagger over Primo; Kofi Kingston over Chavo Guerrero; Santino over Carlito; Big Show over MVP; and Triple H, John Cena & Mark Henry over Randy Orton & The Legacy.

7/19 Smackdown house show results from Greenville, SC: Finlay over Drew McIntyre; Eve Torres & Melina over Katie Lea & Natalya; Dolph Ziggler over John Morrison; Great Khali beat Kane via DQ; Tommy Dreamer over Christian & William Regal in a three-way; Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Ricky Steamboat over Chris Jericho; and CM Punk over Jeff Hardy in an Extreme Rules match.

Steamboat-Jericho went over 15 minutes and we had one report saying it was nearer 30 minutes. This was said to be match of the night with lot’s of counter wrestling and near falls and Steamboat hitting all his signature moves. From a reader at the show: “Jericho got the most heat when he came out. That’s when the mad fan jumped in but was not so gently escorted away by security. Jericho then challenged anyone in the arena to fight him. He then said he was going to leave WWE and Carolina legend Ricky Steamboat in a ‘mangled, crumpled heap.’ Then steamboat came out to the loudest pop of the show. They had a tremendous match and although Ricky is not The Dragon he used to be, he is better than 75% of the superstars in the WWE.  Overall a very good show, three solid hours of great wrestling.”

Raw is live tonight from the RBC Center in Raleigh, NC with ZZ Top as guest hosts. There was also talk that Dusty Rhodes will work the show with them. No matches announced at press time. The Smackdown/ECW crew tape TV on Tuesday in Richmond, VA with CM Punk vs. Jeff Hardy in a non-title match. These are the go-home shows to Night of Champions.
We’re looking for reader reports to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com with match results and any off camera notes.


WWE, who never back down from a lawsuit, today filed a motion to dismiss the suit brought against them by Jody “The Assassin” Hamilton and Deep South Wrestling for breach of contract and emotional distress when WWE pulled DSW as a developmental program in 2007. The main argument of Hamilton’s suit was that WWE did not give him 90 days notice to end their agreement and as a result he incurred financial costs from third parties. In the 25-page filing WWE said that Hamilton’s suit was “a misguided attempt to use litigation to lash out against WWE over disappointment with WWE’s decision to terminate the parties’ business relationship.” In regards to the claim of emotional distress WWE said that they should not be liable as Hamilton waited two years to make his claim and the statute of limitations had expired.

Canada-based Muscle Flex issued another press release today teasing legal action against the WWE over its use of the “Raw” brand trademark in Canada. “We are now measuring the specific potential damages the WWE has created over the years, including lost merchandising and licensing revenues,” said Danny Alex, CEO of Muscle Flex Inc. “Muscle Flex believes that it can provide definable evidence that the WWE procured the sale and distribution of ‘Raw’ labeled products which infringe on the ‘In the Raw’ wares and services that Muscle Flex Inc. legally has full and exclusive rights to use.”

www.mondaynightmayhem.com has an interview with former WWE referee Mickie Henson who was fired in the January budget cuts while battling cancer after he was promised by company officials that he would not be fired. When asked if he had any ill feelings towards WWE, he was very diplomatic, saying: “I don’t really have any ill feelings at all, and I’ll tell you why. They kept me on for about five months after my diagnosis. And after they released me, they paid me for three months, which they really didn’t have to because in the contract I signed, they would payout for injury pay, and of course, I wasn’t hurt in the ring.
So they really didn’t have to do anything for me, and I have to say John Laurinaitis was very cordial they way he handled things with me, and I have no ill feelings. In fact, I don’t how I would have survived if they would’ve have paid me out for those three months.” Henson, who is now cancer free, had no medical insurance during his illness and is actively looking to get back into wrestling to clear the debt stemming from his cancer treatment.

The moment a fan tried to jump the ring and attack Chris Jericho in Greenville was captured on video at http://tinyurl.com/nlwuql.

WWE at http://tinyurl.com/n5exfx reveals a concept that Paul Heyman’s ECW came up with over a decade ago. They are basically looking for fans overseas to act as “street team” members to give them feedback on their product and confirm WWE programming time slots in their countries.

Jimmy Snuka’s daughter Serona had a recent tryout with WWE… So did Florida-based indy wrestler Jerrelle Clark who had a brief run with TNA a few years ago.

Seth Green was on The Tonight Show with Conan O’Brien the other night.
Conan made fun of Randy Orton when they played a clip of Green’s appearance on Raw last Monday.

During his show today Regis Philbin said he had dinner with Vince and Linda McMahon on Saturday in New York City. He put over Vince for being a genius promoter and talked about what a great body he has for his age.
He also showed some photos of himself with The Destroyer in the 1960s and claimed he was now 90-years-old (actually he just turned 78) and noted he was one of his first ever guests on his talk show.

There is a video preview for The Rise & Fall of WCW DVD at http://tinyurl.com/ljlly6.

Gillette sent out a press release today announcing an online ad campaign featuring John Cena, Chris Jericho and Cody Rhodes. More at www.wwe.com/beasuperstar.


7/19 Victory Road PPV results from Orlando, FL: Angelina Love over Tara to win the Knockouts title; Matt Morgan over Daniels; Abyss over Dr.
Stevie; Team 3D over The British Invasion to retain the IWGP tag titles; Jenna Morasca over Sharmell; Kevin Nash over AJ Styles to win the Legends title; Booker T & Scott Steiner over Beer Money to win the TNA tag titles; Samoa Joe over Sting; and Kurt Angle over Mick Foley to retain the TNA title.

No comment.

The TV tapings are Monday through Wednesday leading up to the next PPV which is Hard Justice on 8/16 with every match under hardcore rules and a match in the Terror Dome. Impact on Thursday will have Samoa Joe and Taz doing an interview together, Scott Steiner & Booker T defending the tag titles, Kevin Nash defending the Legends title, and Bobby Lashley makes his official debut.


The Jeff Jarrett/Kurt/Karen Angle situation blew up a few days ago after
someone claiming to work for TNA went on the Bubba radio show in Tampa
and said that Karen Angle (who recently divorced Kurt) had moved in with
Jarrett and that they were romantically involved. Dixie Carter, who was
furious over the situation, made the call that Jarrett should stay at
home so he didn’t work house shows or the PPV this past weekend, and he
will also miss the TV tapings this coming week. TNA staffers have a copy
of the Bubba show, and are trying to work out who leaked the story, but
the voice of the rat is masked, and actually, many people outside of the
company had also heard the rumors. Kurt Angle is now telling people that
he won’t sign a new contract as long as Jarrett has any power within the
company. The official company line is that Jarrett is on a “leave of
absence” but they won’t comment any further than that. He was booked in
several segments at the PPV but they had to be changed or removed, and
as things stand there will be no mention of him on television for the
foreseeable future. We’ve had emails and texts from TNA workers today
who are split over the situation with some sympathetic towards Kurt
Angle while others remain loyal to Jarrett who founded the company with
his father Jerry and gave them an opportunity. There is a lot more to
this story that will likely never come out, but nothing substantial
enough that we can report on. Jarrett remains a minority owner in TNA
while Panda Energy and Dixie Carter has a controlling interest which is
why she has the power to suspend Jarrett from his own company.

Impact lost more ground on Thursday doing a 1.1 rating.


I have a story on Lita at http://tinyurl.com/nuacth who talks about life
after the WWE with her Atlanta-based band The Luchagores.

Konnan announced that AAA in Mexico will have it’s own reality show to
determine their next female star. He described it as a cross between Big
Brother, Tough Enough and American Idol as he, Latin Lover and Gloria
Trevi will be the panel of judges to decide who gets eliminated each
week. He said that auditions will be soon and he wants to see females
with athletic backgrounds try out. (Thanks to Kris Zellner)

Former WWE wrestler Nick Mitchell appeared during a sports segment on
the ABC news affiliate in Houston on Friday. Mitchell, who is dating
Torrie Wilson, was shown training for an upcoming MMA fight at a local
gym. He talked about the politics in the WWE locker room and said he
feels he was held back after it came out he was dating Torrie. “I was a
young, fresh meat WWE guy who ‘didn’t deserve’ the most beautiful diva,”
Mitchell said. He added that during his time in pro wrestling he blew a
disc in his neck, blew out his knee, and broke his nose three times in
the same month. Torrie was also briefly interviewed and talked about her
Jaded clothing store and said her wrestling days are over after
undergoing back surgery last year.

Bill Goldberg‘s appearance on Are You Smarter Than A Fifth Grader airs
this coming Friday night on FOX. He appears along with Boxing legend
Sugar Ray Leonard. 

The Jim Rose Circus national tour featuring Jake Roberts was canceled
today after Rose was injured by a chairshot to the neck by the former
Kizarny in California.

Fog City Wrestling have teamed up www.boxee.tv to distribute Fog City
Wrestling content.

Diva-Dirt.com presents WGN’s Diva of the Day, Traci Brooks at



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