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Friday September 25, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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9/24 Raw house show results from Honduras: Evan Bourne over Chavo Guerrero; Eric Escobar over Santino Marella; Mark Henry over Crhis Masters; Jack Swagger over Primo Colon; Mickie James over Beth Phoenix; MVP over The Miz; and John Cena over Randy Orton.

9/24 Smackdown/ECW house show results from Madrid, Spain: Christian & Goldust over William Regal & Ezequiel Jackson; Drew Mcintyre over Jimmy Wang Yang; Melina & Eve Torres over Michelle Mccool & Layla; John Morrison over Dolph Ziggler; Kane over Matt Hardy; Big Show over Finlay; Batista over Chris Jericho; and Undertaker over CM Punk by DQ.

The Raw tour of South America continues Saturday in Guatemala and raps up Sunday in Mexico. The Smackdown crew run tonight in Nice, France and then Saturday and Sunday in Paris. We’re looking for reader reports from all of these shows to you2us@wrestlingglobe.com.

Smackdown TV tonight has CM Punk vs. The Undertaker in a non-title match; John Morrison & Fit Finlay vs. Mike Knox & Dolph Ziggler; Batista vs. Big Show; Slam Master J vs. Kane; and JTG vs. DH Smith. The show is pre-emptied in New York City due to the Yankees-Red Sox game.


The Monday Night Mayhem radio show interviewed Bret Hart. On the war of words between himself and Ric Flair, Bret said: “To be honest, I don’t have a big issue with Ric Flair. I hope Ric Flair is well, and I have a lot of respect for Ric Flair at different levels. He was a great wrestler, one of the best-conditioned wrestlers, and these are things I said in my book. I just didn’t tear him down with no credit at all. I think he is a great wrestler, and he contributed a lot to the business over the years. Other than, there is no war of words. I respect what he has done, but I don’t know if I could agree with him. He’s the one who tries to belittle what I have accomplished in wrestling saying I never drew money and stuff like that. I stand for everything I’ve done in the business. I wrestled in front of audiences every night all around the United States, while in WCW Ric Flair wrestled in front of chairs every night… All in all I can say a lot of things about Ric Flair as a wrestler. It’s just unfortunate that he’s got a drinking problem, and it tends to shoot his mouth off sometimes, and that’s just more of a sad, pathetic state of affairs than anything else.” You can listen to the entire interview at www.mondaynightmayhem.com.

News Day writer Alfonso Castillo is apparently upset that about Rev. Al Sharpton appearing on Raw. He wrote in his latest blog: “I’ve found it quite interesting that Rev. Al Sharpton has agreed to host this coming Monday’s Raw. After all, by agreeing to appear on Raw, Sharpton, who has long positioned himself as one of the foremost leaders of the black community, would tacitly be endorsing a company with quite the spotty track record when it comes to dealing with issues of race.” Rev.
Sharpton’s rep sent a statement in response http://tinyurl.com/mywpmfn stating that “Rev. Sharpton has talked to Vince McMahon who assured him that they have corrected and will discontinue any racial denigration.”

A promo reel for new Smackdown ring announcer Lauren Mayhew was posted at http://tinyurl.com/ycjf5cw highlighting her previous acting gigs.

Big Show will be appearing at Last Licks in Scarsdale, NY on October 3 from 5pm. More info at www.lastlicksicecream.com

Some notes from the FCW TV tapings last night in Tampa: Howard Finkel was guest ring announcer for the entire tapings… R-Truth worked a match with Sheamus… Arn Anderson was at the show scouting… Serena Deeb has yet another name change to Mia Mancini.

Jack Swagger will be sappearing at the FCW show in Kissimmee on October 9. More info at www.fcwwrestling.com.

Chris Jericho is slated to tape VH-1’s That Heavy Metal show on September 30 in New York City at the Hard Rock Cafe.


9/24 Impact TV results from Orlando, FL: Suicide over D’Angelo Dinero in
a street fight; Rhino vs. Devon was a double count out; Taylor Wilde &
Sarita vs. Tara & ODB to retain the Knockout tag titles; Samoa Joe over
Homicide to retain the X-title; Hernandez & Matt Morgan over Kurt Angle
& Eric Young; Bobby Lashley over Jethro Holliday; and Scott Steiner &
Booker T over Mick Foley & Abyss.

TNA run in Germany this weekend with shows in Nuremberg, Chemnitz,
Dortmund, and Hannover. Those listed for the tour are Kurt Angle, Booker
T, Scott Steiner, Team 3D, Hernandez, Samoa Joe, Suicide, Beer Money,
Brutus Magnus, Doug Williams, Abyss, Rhino, Taylor Wilde, Awesome Kong,
Velvet Sky, Sheik Abdul Bashir, Jay Lethal and Mick Foley.


Lisa Marie Varon has stepped up her bid to fight Kim Couture. She
revealed today that she emailed Strikeforce chief Scott Coker about
putting the fight together. There is also an interview at
http://tinyurl.com/ybtxgw7 where she talks about becoming the female
version of Brock Lesnar and said she plans to fight at 135 pounds.

Spike have dropped all replay airings of Impact. There has been talk
recently about adding a new TNA show to the line up so this move could
be part of that.

Jim Ross updated the Q&A on his website and had this to say: “TNA is not
a threat in the sense that WCW was when they were owned by Time Warner
and even Ted Turner who owned multiple TV networks and had deep pockets.
I am not knocking TNA when I say that. Can TNA become more successful in
the future? Of course. I have said many times over the years that I wish
them well. WWE’s biggest threats are the overall economy, other PPV
attractions, and the overall lack of main event caliber depth on their
and all rosters.”


Jimmy Garvin turns 57 today. I understand Jimmy is living in Charlotte
and is still happily married to Precious (Patti Williams).

Ring of Honor runs tonight at Boston University. The main event features
Bryan Danielson vs. Davey Richards in their first ever singles meeting
in ROH, plus Nigel McGuinness vs. Roderick Strong; Austin Aries & Rhett
Titus vs. Kenny Omega & Colt Cabana; Kevin Steen vs. Eddie Edwards; El
Generico vs. Chris Hero vs. Claudio Castagnoli vs. Petey Williams in a
four-way; and Delirious vs. Sonjay Dutt.

ROH also runs Saturday night in New York City with Bryan Danielson vs.
Nigel McGuinness in the final appearance for both men in ROH; The
American Wolves vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico in a tag team ladder
match; Austin Aries defending his title; Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. The
Young Bucks; Eddie Kingston vs. Chris Hero; and Claudio Castagnoli vs.
Kenny Omega. Bret Hart is signing autographs at both shows. More info at

Ric Flair will be appearing at the Philadelphia Sportscard & Memorabilia
show September 25-27.

The South Town Star at http://tinyurl.com/yd38aja has a story on Jimmy
Snuka, 66, who is shopping around his reality TV show where he works
various 9-5 jobs. He says he is still working indy shows most weekends
because he loves the business too much to walk away. 

The Slam Wrestling website at http://tinyurl.com/y8r8abv has a story of
former WWE/TNA wrestler Johnny Swinger.

Bruno Sammartino on Brian Blair at http://tinyurl.com/yac3x24.

Jeff Wilen at blogs.three8six.com/jawbreaker/ has an interview with Amy

The NWS group are running free shows this weekend out of Edison, NJ with
George Steele and former WWE star Eugene. More info at


I have to disagree with the man who stated TNA would thrive… Having
watched the product from it’s inception to now they’ve lost all concept
of effort from the Low Ki, AJ Styles, Jerry Lynn days and have gone to
just wasting money to be the UFC’s unknown stepchild. Sure, they have ex
-WWE names but it’s basically the paycheck wrestling federation.

Chris Bell – Hyannis, MA


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