The Iron SheikThe following is a recap of the Iron Sheik Show last night on Sirius channel 101. Courtesy of

The show opens with clips of Howard Finkel announcing Sheik as the new champion, with Arab music in the background. Your host is Howard 100 News reporter Shuli, a longtime Howard Stern fan, caller, and now, Sirius employee. Shuli also tours with Sheik on the Killers of Comedy tour with Rev. Bob Levy.

-Shuli says they want to take a different approach and stop the yelling and just get to know the real Iron Sheik.

-Caller named Howard asks that if Sheik wrestled today, would he be more like a Batista type of guy or Jeff Hardy type of guy. Oh yes, Sheik is just like Jeff Hardy. Sheik said he is from the Bruno Sammartino era, but respects the new generation stars like John Cena.

-Matt in New Jersey said it’s great to see the Muslims (Sheik) and Jews (Shuli) getting along. Matt asks if Sheik holds Vince McMahon responsible for steroid problem in wrestling. Sheik skirts the question, just saying he misses his friends like Curt Hennig and Chris Benoit.

-Shuli asks Sheik about Benoit. Sheik called him a machine, and said when he was at Raw, Benoit went up to him and said he misses him and loves him. Benoit said he has no friends and gave his number to Sheik since they only lived 5 minutes from each other in Georgia. Sheik said Dr. Astin gave testosterone to Benoit like is was candy, and can’t believe Benoit gave testosterone to Daniel Benoit so he could grow up big and strong like his father. Said he never thought a champ like Benoit could kill a 7-year-old boy and his wife, and that he broke his heart and he’s still confused over it. He’ll never forgive or forget what Benoit did, and asks Shuli to change the subject because he can’t stand talking about it.

-Derek from Ohio is on the line. Sheik blesses all fans from Ohio, and Derek said it’s not too far from Pontiac, MI. That’s a buzzword with Sheik, who goes off on how no other sport or entertainer sold out the Silverdome like WWE did.

-Brian in Florida praises Sheik for coming back to the limelight. Sheik blesses Howard Stern, Sirius, Bob Levy, Shuli, and Beetlejuice. Says he loves Jewish people and how they’re the smartest people in the world except for his agent, Eric Sims. Brian asks Sheik’s favorite career matches? Sheik says his series with Sgt. Slaughter is first, his win over Backlund is second, and his loss to Hogan is third. Will he be in WWE again? Sheik said he’s happy with career right now but if WWE wants him, he’s open to working there. Said he hugged and kissed Stephanie McMahon and HHH at his last Raw appearance, loves Linda, loves Shane, and loves Vince Sr. Says he helped build WWWF.

-Phil in Oakland asks who Sheik’s fave tag partner was. Says Nikolai Volkoff. What is he like outside the ring? Said he’s a great cook, a millionaire, but very cheap when tipping people. “Nikolai, I love you, but don’t be cheap Jew Russian sonofab*tch.”

-Darian calls and wants tips on working out because he’s a wrestler trying to make it. Shuli did the smart thing and asked his height (6′-1″) and weight (210 lbs). Sheik said it’s a young man’s sport (Darian is 22), said to train 3 times a week, all year, go to wrestling school, watch the diet, and pray to God. Sheik said the learning conditions are so much better now than when he was starting out, as he had no electricity or TV. I hope he hasn’t been watching Ultimate Fighter this season. Said the experience humbled him and he made it to MSG.

-Sheik calls Greco Roman wrestling the hardest sport in the world. Said he respects Michael Jordan but that he had 11 football players (yes, football) on the team helping him. Later he corrects himself, it’s basketball. Respects Terry (not Justin) Bradshaw and Joe Namath, but wrestling is hardest.

-Jay in California asks why Sheik is always limping. Said he’s 65, been wrestling for 50 years, it’s a hard sport and he’s had a lot of injuries, but is a survivor.

-Shuli asks if Sheik ever thought he’d make it to 65. Said he partied hard, and all his friends died from uppers, downers, deca, and testosterone, but that he must’ve done something right because he’s here, healthy, happy, and loves his new job hanging with the comedy tour and Sirius. It’s pretty clear Howard Stern saved this guy from oblivion.

-Tom Brandi (former WCW wrestler Johnny Gunn) is on the phone. Sheik loves Tom, respects him, and gave his Olympic trunks to Tom’s son Daniel. Tom calls Sheik his best friend and that they work together on indies every week. Calls him the real #1 shooter of all-time.

-Sheik’s boss, Bob Levy, is on the phone. Shuli tells Sheik that Levy used to wrestle (as Heartbreaker Bobby Slayer), which shocks Sheik. Levy asks how come WWE pushed guys like Warrior who only knew 3 moves. Sheik agrees, saying Hogan did 3 moves and that a grandma can do a leg drop. Sheik said only he, Dan Gable, Kurt Angle, and Danny Hodge were real wrestlers. Shuli said Warrior looked like he had seizures when he shook the ropes, and Sheik references the autograph incident with Warrior that became a Youtube hit.

-Shuli plugs, and to use promo code SIRIUS to get 30% off.

-Chris in Arizona asks if Sheik invented the camel clutch. Says yes, he and his cousin Ed Farhat (original Sheik) invented it, and then his nephew Sabu used it.

-Brian in Toledo said he met Sheik a month after 9/11, and if he blames Luger for Elizabeth’s death. Sheik said Liz came to Georgia after leaving that “cheap Jew” Randy Savage. He misses Lanny Poffo and Angelo Poffo, who he said would do situps for an hour. Called Luger a good friend and good performer, but was a pretty boy like Warrior and Hogan who used testosterone and used every drug from A to Z. He hopes Luger didn’t hurt Liz or else he’ll beat the “f*ck out of him.”

-Shuli asks for a good Andre the Giant story. Sheik said they came back to NYC from London, and a mother and her baby asked Andre for an autograph. Sheik said Andre said No and told them to get the f*ck out, and he lost respect for Andre after that. Said he’d play cards and drink in the locker room, always go into the ring loaded, and thus couldn’t trust him because he’d hurt you. Called him a piece of garbage who made a million a year and treated his fans like trash, and that’s why he’s underground.

-Shuli said the phone lines were lit up before they went on the air and haven’t stopped ringing all night.

-Mutt from the Sirius Superfan Roundtable calls in, asking how he should deal with Joey Boots, who is on the internet talking smack about him. Sheik to tell him to not sell it and ignore it.

-John in Milwaukee says Sheik was the best wrestler in WWF before it became a cartoon, and that his work in Georgia was classic. Says Levy shouldn’t drop Sheik from the comedy tour, and Shuli agrees. Sheik says it’s great working with Beetlejuice (now that’s a conversation I’d love to hear).

-Pat in Massachussetts asks about Bret Hart. Sheik called him a friend and that he helped train him in 1973.

-Pete in PA asks about TNA. Sheik said Angle is there, he’s friends with the Jarretts, and that he’s available if they want him but he’s happy with his career now.

-Kevin in PA asks who would Sheik love to wrestle today. Says Angle, Cena, and HHH.

-Jeff in Ohio asks about Fred Blassie. Sheik said he met him in 1960 in Tokyo with Rikidozan, and he was his favorite manager.

-David in San Diego asks if he invented camel clutch while trying to f*ch Hogan in the butt while giving him a reacharound. Sheik agrees.

-Tony in Buffalo said Sheik scared him as a kid.

My satellite goes out, so show’s over a minute before the show ends. A good show that thankfully didn’t involve a bunch of yelling at Hogan and Warrior, which has gotten old by now.

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