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Stephanie McMahon


[Stephanie McMahon GALLERY]

[McMahon Family]

Check out Stephanie McMahon’s WWE profile here!

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Title History:

  • WWE women’s title defeating Jacqueline (March 28, 2000);

Career Highlights

In the Beginning:

  • September 24, 1976: Stephanie Marie McMahon was born into the powerful McMahon Family in Hartford, Connecticut.
  • Stephanie McMahon made her first official appearance with the WWF at Rowdy Roddy Piper’s Halloween party.
  • ~~~She was around age 13, and started appearing in WWF Magazine ads to model various wrestling merchandise.
  • 1998: Stephanie McMahon graduated from Boston University and became an Account Executive at Titan Sports in New York.

Getting Started in the World Wrestling Federation:

  • 1998: Stephanie McMahon’s first WWF TV encounter was when she passed Stone Cold Steve Austin in a hallway.
  • Stephanie McMahon would occasionally appear with Linda McMahon, usually standing beside her or behind her.
  • April 1999: The Undertaker began stalking Stephanie and invading her privacy, using her to make demands to Vince McMahon.
  • April 25, 1999 – Backlash: Stephanie McMahon was abducted by Undertaker and his “Ministry” as the show came to an end.
  • The Undertaker arranged for an “Unholy Wedding” between himself and Stephanie, which was broken up by Steve Austin.
  • A month later, Stephanie and Linda “sold” their WWF ownership to Steve Austin, who became CEO of the WWF!
  • Test asked Stephanie McMahon out on a date on an episode of RAW, infuriating brother Shane McMahon.
  • Stephanie was caught on G-TV coming out of a hotel with Test, who kissing her, and they drove off together!
  • September 1999: Test and Stephanie McMahon became engaged to be married and set a date for October 11, 1999 on RAW.
  • September 20, 1999 – RAW: Test and Stephanie McMahon (debut match) defeated Jeff Jarrett and Debra.
  • October 2, 1999 – Rebellion: The Bulldog took a fit and biffed a trash can and accidentally hit Stephanie in the head!
  • October 4, 1999 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon was still recovering in the hospital suffering from post-concussion syndrome.
  • October 11, 1999 – RAW: Stephanie said her wedding was postponed because she can’t remember anything about her fiancee.
  • November 29, 1999 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon and Test were to have their wedding, but Triple H ruined everything.
  • ~~~Triple-H showed up, revealing that he had drugged Stephanie and had married her at a Las Vegas drive-thru chapel.
  • ~~~Vince McMahon defended his daughter’s honor by challenging Triple H to a match at Armageddon.
  • December 12, 1999 – Armageddon: Triple H defeated Vince McMahon after Stephanie McMahon turned heel on her father!!!

The McMahon-Helmsley Era:

  • Daddy’s Little Girl became known as Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, married to the the biggest threat to her father’s power.
  • Stephanie McMahon (behind the scenes) eventually became head of the WWF writing team.
  • March 30, 2000 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon defeated Jacqueline to capture the WWF Women’s title.
  • June 8, 2000 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley defeated Lita to retain the Women’s title.
  • June 12, 2000 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley defeated Lita AGAIN to retain the Women’s title.
  • July 24, 2000 – RAW: The Big Show and Lita defeated Shane McMahon and Stephanie McMahon.
  • August 3, 2000 – SmackDown: Triple H, Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon defeated The Dudley Boyz and Lita.
  • August 21, 2000 – RAW: Lita defeated Stephanie McMahon to capture the Women’s championship.
  • August 24, 2000 – SmackDown: The Rock and Lita defeated Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley.
  • September 18, 2000 – RAW: Triple H, Kurt Angle and Stephanie McMahon defeated Test, Albert and Trish Stratus.
  • Triple H began a feud with Kurt Angle, who Stephanie McMahon seemed to take a particular liking towards.

Stephanie McMahon:

  • Stephanie McMahon feuded with Trish Stratus, who was having an affair with Vince McMahon.
  • January 22, 2001 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and Triple H defeated Kurt Angle and Trish Stratus.
  • February 25, 2001 – No Way Out: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley defeated Trish Stratus.
  • February 26, 2001 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and William Regal vs. Trish Stratus and Vince McMahon ended in a no contest.
  • April 2, 2001 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley vs. Trish Stratus in a whipping match ended in a no contest.
  • April 9, 2001 – RAW: Team Extreme (Jeff Hardy, Lita and Matt Hardy) defeated Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Steve Austin and Triple H.

The Alliance:

  • July 9, 2001 – RAW: Paul Heyman reunited a group of ECW Alumni to mix things up in the WCW Invasion situation.
  • ~~~Tommy Dreamer, Rob Van Dam, Lance Storm, Mike Awesome, Tazz, Raven, Rhyno, Justin Credible, and the Dudley Boyz.
  • ~~~Heyman says that the InVasion just got Extreme, and that ECW will take on WCW and WWF.
  • ~~~By the end of the night it was all a set up and Paul Heyman was actually in cahoots with Shane McMahon and WCW.
  • ~~~ECW and WCW merges into “The Alliance”! And Stephanie McMahon is announced as new ECW Owner!
  • September 10, 2001 – RAW: The Rock defeated Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and Test in a handicap match.
  • September 17, 2001 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and Test defeated The Rock in a handicap match.
  • November 18, 2001 – Survivor Series: Stephanie McMahon and the Alliance were put out of business when they lost to the WWF.
  • ~~~It was a WWF vs WCW “Winner-take-all” Elimination match | Alliance member Kurt Angle turned on the Alliance.

Billion Dollar Princess:

  • November 19, 2001 – RAW: Stephanie and Shane McMahon were invited to the ring by Vince McMahon.
  • ~~~Shane admitted defeat and left quietly. Stephanie whined and cried to her father, blaming EVERYTHING on her brother.
  • ~~~Vince McMahon called for security and the Billion Dollar Princess was dragged from the building kicking and screaming.
  • January 2002: Stephanie McMahon weaselled her way back onto Television by way of her association to “husband” Triple H.
  • February 2002: Just when it seemed HHH had had enough of his annoying wife, Stephanie announced that she is pregnant!!!!!
  • ~~~Over the following weeks, Triple H slowly realized that the pregnancy was fake and finally dumped Stephanie for deceiving him!
  • February 21, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon made friends with Chris Jericho to help him against HHH at Wrestlemania 18.
  • 2002: An immoral and pathetic contest circulated around the internet challenging a group of fans to jump the rail at a WWF show.
  • ~~~The challenge was to strip Stephanie naked and document the moment with a still camera or video camera.
  • ~~~The idea was passed around at Penn State College just before the WWF ran an episode of RAW.
  • March 25, 2002 – RAW: Triple H defeated Stephanie McMahon and Chris Jericho in a Triple Threat match.
  • ~~~As stipulated, Stephanie McMahon was forced to leave the WWF after she is pinned by her ex-husband, Triple H.

General Manager of SmackDown:

  • July 18, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon is named the new “General Manager” of SD! by her father, Vince McMahon.
  • July 22, 2002 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon officially stole Brock Lesnar from the RAW brand.
  • July 25, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie got a message from Eric Bischoff that says “SmackDown’s loss is RAW’s gain”.
  • ~~~This caused Stephanie to go on a paranoid rampage wondering who she had lost to RAW?!
  • August 1, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon officially stole Chris Benoit and Eddie Guerrero from RAW.
  • August 26, 2002 – RAW: Stephanie told Eric Bischoff that Brock Lesnar (and the Undisputed Championship) will be exclusive to SD!.
  • August 29, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon convinced the Undertaker to jump ship to the SmackDown brand.
  • September 12, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie was convinced by Rico to attend the Commitment Ceremony.
  • ~~~It was all a trick though, as Rico, Eric Bischoff, Rosey and Jamal attacked Billy, Chuck and Stephanie McMahon.
  • September 16, 2002 – RAW: A group of women calling themselves “the International Organization for Women” protest RAW.
  • ~~~Eric Bischoff decided to meet with them inside the ring, only to call out the 3-Minute Warning.
  • ~~~Before Rosey and Jamal could attack, one of the women stepped forward and kicked Bischoff in the crotch!
  • ~~~She took off her wig and it was Stephanie McMahon!
  • ~~~Billy and Chuck hit the ring and give Bischoff a clothesline off the top rope!
  • ~~~Rosey and Jamal make the save but Stephanie, Billy and Chuck escaped through the crowd.
  • September 22, 2002 – Unforgiven: Rosey and Jamal defeated Billy and Chuck forcing Steph to perform HLA.
  • ~~~Bischoff brought out a big ugly lesbian for Steph, but it turned out to be Rikishi, who gave Bischoff the stinkface!
  • October 17, 2002: Stephanie McMahon was on Howard Stern, showing up at the last second and they were about to cancel her.
  • ~~~She refused to say anything bad about Chyna even though they played clips of Chyna saying Stephanie was unprofessional.
  • ~~~She said it was taboo for her to date wrestlers according to her father, but he gave her the okay to date HHH.
  • ~~~She blamed the decline in business on the economy. She said if HHH asked her to marry him, she’d say Yes.
  • ~~~A caller said Triple H was ruining RAW by hogging all the air time.
  • ~~~She sarcastically said that she wants to write her boyfriend all over the scripts to run the business into the ground.
  • ~~~They never once mentioned SmackDown, but did mention Tough Enough 3, AND the PPV.
  • ~~~They talked about her implants, and she said they’ve gotten smaller and saggier because she lost weight.
  • ~~~Stephanie also said she wanted to get a new and bigger set.
  • October 31, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon shared a mysterious kiss with her mortal enemy – – Eric Bischoff!!!
  • December 12, 2002 – SmackDown: Stephanie tried to get Scott Steiner to sign with SD!, but he says he’ll be signing with RAW!
  • January 14, 2003 – RAW X: Triple and Stephanie win the SHUTTUP AND KISS ME award which made for an interesting moment.
  • June 19, 2003 – SmackDown: Stephanie finally stood up to Vince McMahon challenging him to fire her if that’s what he had to do!
  • July 3, 2003 – SmackDown: Zach Gowen and Stephanie McMahon beat The Big Show with help from Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle!
  • July 10, 2003 – SmackDown: Sable and Stephanie get into a series of lame catfights to set up a match at Vengeance 2003.
  • July 24, 2003 – SmackDown: Sable had her top ripped off by Stephanie, which, I guess, is supposed to make us buy the PPV.
  • July 27, 2003 – Vengeance: Sable defeated Stephanie McMahon with help from A-Train, who gave Stephanie a brutal clothesline.
  • Aug 14, 2003 – SmackDown: A-Train defeated Stephanie despite attempts by Undertaker to save her, which Big Show stopped.
  • August 24, 2003 – SummerSlam: Stephanie McMahon gets a measure of revenge on Sable, slapping her accross the face!!
  • September 11, 2003 – SmackDown: Brock Lesnar vs Steph McMahon didn’t happen, as Kurt Angle saved Steph from a ringpost F5.
  • October 2, 2003 – SmackDown: Vince McMahon gives Stephanie McMahon the opportunity to resign as General Manager of SD!.
  • ~~~Stephanie refuses and they set up an “I Quit” match for No Mercy between Vince and Stephanie.
  • October 9, 2003 – SmackDown: The McMahons (Linda, then Steph, then Vince) open the show and Vince clotheslines his daughter!!
  • October 16, 2003 – SmackDown: Steph McMahon cut a promo regarding her match with her father which was “painful” to watch.
  • October 19, 2003 – No Mercy: Vince McMahon beat Stephanie McMahon in an “I Quit” match when Linda threw in the towel.

The REAL Stephanie McMahon:

  • October 25, 2003: Paul Levesque (Triple H) and Stephanie McMahon officially get married (IRL) in front of 320 friends and co-workers.
  • ~~~HHH’s wedding party consisted of William Regal, Kevin Nash, Shawn Michaels and Undertaker. HHH’s father was his best man.
  • Early 2005: Stephanie McMahon stepped up and took control of the WWE after her father was side-lined with a major injury.
  • October 3, 2005 – WWE Homecoming: The evil Mr. McMahon returned to gloated about his feud with Stone Cold Steve Austin.
  • ~~~Suddenly Stone Cold’s music hit and out came Steve Austin, who showed old footage of the times he humiliated McMahon.
  • ~~~Steve Austin remember the time he held Vince hostage at gunpoint, and also the legendary corporate beer bath!
  • ~~~Vince McMahon, who was clearly uncomfortable, offered a truce with Steve Austin, and asked if they could start over.
  • ~~~Vince tried to leave, but Austin pulled him back and gave him the middle finger before giving him a Stone Cold Stunner!
  • ~~~Shane McMahon came out to confront Steve Austin, but before he could speak he got a Stone Cold Stunner of his own!
  • ~~~Stephanie McMahon came out next and after several minutes of banter, she got a Stone Cold Stunner of her own!
  • ~~~Linda McMahon came out to try to be the voice of reason, asking for an apology, but she got a Stunner too!
  • October 10, 2005 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon went on a power trip and bullied crew members Mark Yeaton and Lilian Garcia.
  • ~~~Later that night: Vince, Linda and Stephanie McMahon collectively fired Jim Ross and Linda kicked him between the legs!
  • October 17, 2005 – RAW: Steve Austin called out Vince McMahon to confront him about Jim Ross getting fired the week before.
  • ~~~Stephanie McMahon came out instead and set up a match between Austin and The Coach on PPV for JR’s reemployment.
  • October 24, 2005 – RAW: The Coach acted tough and called out Steve Austin, but Stephanie drove Austin’s truck into the arena!
  • ~~~Stephanie and The Coach laughed at the fans until Mick Foley made an appearance! Carlito then attacked Mick Foley!
  • December 5, 2005 – RAW: Triple H ran into Stephanie McMahon backstage and they smiled at each other in a shy manner.
  • January 8, 2006: WWE.com reported that Stephanie McMahon (Levesque) and Triple H (Paul Levesque) are expecting their first child!
  • March 6, 2006 – RAW: Vince McMahon gave an Oscar-style acceptance speech to brag about when he accomplished last week.
  • ~~~Later that night, a pregnant Stephanie McMahon tried to apologize for her family but ended up drugging Shawn Michaels’ water!
  • ~~~Shane McMahon w/Vince McMahon defeated Shawn Michaels after Michaels suffered vision problems and took a vicious beating.
  • ~~~Right after that, Shawn Michaels was forced into another match where Vince simply covered him and got the arrogant 1-2-3.
  • July 24, 2006: Stephanie McMahon gave birth to a baby girl, Aurora Rose McMahon, 8 pounds 7 ounces.

Stephanie McMahon:

  • November 5, 2006: Stephanie McMahon-Levesque returned to the road after her recent pregnancy and giving birth.
  • January 7, 2007 – New Year’s Revolution: Triple H suffered a torn quadricept during a match against Edge and Randy Orton.
  • WWE.com immediately reported that Triple H tore his right quadriceps while executing a spinebuster on Randy Orton.
  • ~~~UNCONFIRMED INTERNET REPORT: Stephanie McMahon totally freaked out backstage when Triple H tore his quad.
  • ~~~Stephanie’s reaction was described as being as if Triple H had been killed in the ring rather than just torn a muscle.
  • January 8, 2007: Dr. James Andrews diagnosed HHH’s injury as a torn quadriceps tendon and he will require surgery.
  • April 1, 2007 – WrestleMania 23: Stephanie McMahon made a brief appearance before the “Battle of the Billionaires” match.
  • April 2007: Stephanie McMahon-Levesque was promoted to Executive Vice President of both Talent and Creative Writing.
  • June 11, 2007 – RAW: The Mr. McMahon “character” was tragically killed when his private limousine exploded into a ball of flames.
  • June 18, 2007 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon appeared and cried about her father’s “presumed” demise in the middle of the ring.
  • ~~~Stephanie (very bad acting) promised that there will be “Vengeance” when her family finds out who did this to her father.
  • The “murder” storyline was dropped after the Chris Benoit tragedy. Later Vince McMahon claimed he staged his own death.
  • August 2007: Vince McMahon tried to get his product back on track but was informed that he had an “illegitimate child”.
  • August 13, 2007 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon (upset with dad) revealed that the illegitimate child was a WWE Super Star!
  • September 3, 2007 – RAW: Vince McMahon was confronted by Linda, Stephanie, and Shane McMahon – who asked Vince to “change”.
  • ~~~Mr. Kennedy showed up claiming to be Mr. McMahon’s “bastard child” and convinced Vince to stay the same and not change.
  • ~~~A lawyer representing the mother of Vince’s “bastard son” showed up and said Mr. Kennedy was NOT the illegitimate child.
  • ~~~The lawyer announced that Vince’s illegitimate son will reveal himself next week and left a clue: “Thing’s Are Looking Up.”
  • September 10, 2007 – RAW: Hornswoggle was revealed to be the “illegitimate son” of WWE Chairman Vince McMahon!!!!!!
  • December 3, 2007 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon tried to convince her father not to appear on the 15th Anniversary of RAW.
  • ~~~Vince McMahon anybody who tries to keep him from appearing on his own show can go STRAIGHT TO HELL!
  • December 10, 2007 – RAW 15th Anniversary: Shane and Stephanie appeared for a family portrait which was interrupted by HHH!
  • ~~~Triple H brought out former Divas who Vince McMahon slept with, thus embarrassing both Stephanie and Shane McMahon.
  • ~~~Stephanie McMahon told her father that he’s embarrassed the family enough and it was time she embarrassed HIM!
  • ~~~Stephanie McMahon then grabbed Triple H and gave him a long hard kiss and left. HHH said “see you at home!”

World Wrestling Entertainment – Publicity Stunts:

  • June 23, 2008 – WWE Draft: Vince McMahon gave away his final $1,000,000 on RAW but was the victim of a terrible “accident”.
  • ~~~Moments after giving away $500,000, a lighting fixture fell just feet from where Mr. McMahon was standing on the stage.
  • ~~~Sparks flew, then the stage collapsed, and a large structure fell over on top of McMahon (this stunt was 100% planned).
  • June 30, 2008 – RAW: Shane McMahon appeared and said they would not release and updates on Vince’s physical condition.
  • July 7, 2008 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon asked the WWE employees to work together to keep the show going in Vince’s absence.
  • July 14, 2008 – RAW: Shane and Stephanie McMahon sent a taped message voicing their negative opinion of the chaos on RAW.
  • ~~~The McMahon kids once again begged WWE employees to band together for the sake of the company and the McMahons.
  • July 28, 2008: Stephanie gave birth to her second daughter, an eight pound 12 ounce baby named Murphy Claire Levesque
  • November 14, 2008 – SmackDown: Stephanie McMahon was there live to host an open forum to answer questions from employees.
  • November 24, 2008 – RAW: Stephanie got mad at brother Shane and said he could run the corporation and she would run the show.
  • December 8, 2008 – RAW (Slammy Awards): Stephanie McMahon presented the “Superstar of the year” award to Chris Jericho.
  • January 5, 2009 – RAW: Chris Jericho told Stephanie that he called Vince McMahon and he was coming to RAW next week!
  • January 12, 2009 – RAW: Chris Jericho challenged Stephanie McMahon’s authority, so Stephanie proclaimed “YOU’RE FIRED!”
  • January 19, 2009 – RAW: Randy Orton challenged Stephanie’s authority and said she would be nothing if she wasn’t a McMahon!
  • ~~LATER: Vince McMahon allowed Chris Jericho to grovel and apologize to Stephanie and the fans in the ring to get his job back.
  • ~~~NEXT UP: Vince McMahon was going to fire Randy Orton, but Orton punched him and viciously kicked him in the head!

World Wrestling Entertainment – The Legacy/Randy Orton vs. The McMahons:

  • January 26, 2009 – RAW: Randy Orton brought his lawyers and therapist to RAW expecting to be fired by Stephanie McMahon.
  • ~~~Orton said he had IED – intermittent explosive disorder – and the WWE knew about it and threatened to sue the McMahons.
  • ~~~Stephanie said he wasn’t going to fire Randy Orton, but Shane McMahon showed up and single-handedly beat up Legacy.
  • February 2, 2009 – RAW: Randy Orton and Legacy tried to sneak attack Shane McMahon but Shane used a kendo stick to fight back!
  • ~~~Legacy attacked Shane and Stephanie – Orton was about to kick Stephanie in the head but Shane dove in front and took the bullet.
  • February 15, 2009 – No Way Out: Randy Orton defeated Shane McMahon in a No-Holds-Barred Grudge Match!
  • February 16, 2009 – RAW: Shane McMahon challenged Randy Orton to an unsanctioned fight until one of them was not moving.
  • ~~~Shane McMahon vs. Randy Orton ended when Shane went for coast-to-coast on Orton and DiBiase and Rhodes interfered!
  • ~~~Randy Orton recovered and kicked Shane in the head – Stephanie ran down and yelled at Orton, so he RKO’d her!
  • ~~~Finally, Triple H showed up and chased all three Legacy members away from the ring and went to check on his wife.
  • February 20, 2009 – SmackDown: Triple H did a sit-down interview with Jim Ross talking about Randy Orton RKO’ing Stephanie.
  • March 23, 2009 – RAW: WWE champion Triple H vs. Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase Jr. in a Handicap match ended in a No Contest.
  • ~~~Cody Rhodes interfered and joined Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase in a beat-down and hand-cuffed Triple H to the ring ropes.
  • ~~~Stephanie McMahon ran down and begged Orton to stop, but he Legacy trapped her and Orton gave her a vicious RKO!
  • ~~~Orton taunted the cuffed HHH by planting a kiss on Stephanie’s lips – then he bashed HHH’s head with a sledge-hammer.
  • March 30, 2009 – RAW: Randy Orton delivered his “WrestleMania Address” talking about his bitter feud with Triple H.
  • ~~~A limo showed up and Vince McMahon, Shane McMahon, and Triple H got out and brawled with Orton, Rhodes, and DiBiase.
  • April 5, 2009 – WrestleMania 25: Triple H defeated Randy Orton using the sledge-hammer to retain the WWE Championship.
  • August 27, 2010: Stephanie gave birth to her third child this week. Congratulations to her and husband Paul “Triple H” Levesque.
  • November 1, 2010 – RAW: Vince McMahon appeared in a “Dream Sequence” segment with daughter Stephanie and the voice of Triple H.
  • ~~~The whole thing was a joke making light of Linda McMahon’s election campaign and the punchline was Vince was still in a coma.

World Wrestling Entertainment – 2013 and 2014:

  • Starting in 2013, Stephanie McMahon and her husband Triple H represent the WWE Corporate interests in the storylines and try to do what is “best for business”.
  • June 23, 2014 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon defeated Vickie Guerrero by throwing her in a swimming pool.
  • ~~~As a result of the match, Guerrero was fired from WWE.
  • August 17, 2014 – SummerSlam: Stephanie McMahon defeated Brie Bella due to Nikki Bella’s interference.
  • ~~~Nikki turned on her sister and broke up the Bella Twins.
  • November 23, 2014 – Survivor Series: Team Cena [John Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Ryback, Erick Rowan, and the Big Show] defeated Team Authority [Kane, Mark Henry, WWE United States champion Rusev, Seth Rollins, and WWE Intercontinental champion Luke Harper] in a traditional Survivor Series elimination match. Dolph Ziggler was the sole survivor.
  • ~~~Sting made his WWE debut and helped Team Cena get the victory
  • ~~~As a result, The Authority (Triple H and Stephanie McMahon) is no longer in power in WWE, and only John Cena can reinstate them.
  • July 13, 2015 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon interrupted Team Bella (The Bella Twins and Alicia Fox) to introduce Becky Lynch, Charlotte, and then-NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks, calling for a “revolution” in the WWE Divas division. While Lynch and Charlotte allied with Paige, Banks would ally with Tamina and Naomi, leading to a brawl between the three teams.

World Wrestling Entertainment – 2016 and 2017:

  • May 2, 2016 – RAW: Stephanie embraced her brothers and business partner.
  • May 9, 2016 – RAW: Stephanie forced Chris Jericho to compete in the main event vs. Big Cass.
  • May 16, 2016 – RAW: Stephanie slapped Ric Flair during the contract signing for the Women’s Championship match at Extreme Rules between Natalya and his daughter, Charlotte, after Flair threatened to attack Shane.
  • June 6, 2016 – RAW: Stephanie belittled Theodore Long, and stole Long’s idea for a fatal-four way tag team match at the Money in the Bank pay-per-view, and later had Long escorted out of the arena and refused his pleas to run SmackDown.
  • July 11, 2016 – RAW: Vince McMahon showed up on raw to tell Stephanie she was going to run WWE Monday Night Raw and Shane would run WWE Smackdown for the new WWE Draft.
  • July 18, 2016 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon announced that Mick Foley will be the new GM of Monday Night Raw. She also said that the cruiserweight division is returning to WWE, exclusive to Monday Night Raw.
  • July 25, 2016 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley announced that there will be a WWE cruiserweight division and it will be exclusive to Monday Night Raw.
  • March 20, 2017 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon fired RAW GM Mick Foley.
  • September 12, 2017 – SmackDown Live: Stephanie McMahon returned to Television and tried to help her dad in the attacks of Kevin Owens.
  • October 30, 2017 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon returned on RAW for the 1st time since WrestleMania and told Kurt Angle that she was considering to fire him as the results of the attack of the SmackDown Live roster. She also named him the team captain for Survivor Series and if they loose she will fire Kurt Angle.
  • December 18, 2017 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon made a shocking and history making announcement that for the 1st time ever there will be a women’s Royal Rumble match at the pay-per-view.
  • February 26, 2018 – RAW: Ronda Rousey wants Stephanie McMahon to apologize for her actions.
  • March 5, 2018 – RAW: Ronda Rousey interrupts Stephanie McMahon.
  • April 8, 2018 – WrestleMania 34: Kurt Angle and Ronda Rousey defeated Stephanie McMahon and Triple H.
  • May 21, 2018 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon addresses the Roman Reigns situation.
  • July 23, 2018 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon returned to announce a special announcement which was the debut of the WWE Evolution ppv. Stephanie also announced the match between Braun Strowman vs Kevin Owens for SummerSlam.
  • October 16, 2018 – SmackDown Live: Stephanie McMahon made a special appearance on their 1000th episode.
  • December 17, 2018 – RAW: The McMahons took control of WWE Monday Night Raw and WWE SmackDown Live.
  • February 4, 2019 – RAW: Stephanie McMahon showed and suspended Becky Lynch until she gets cleared by the doctor.
  • May 2022: Stephanie McMahon announced that she is taking a leave of absence from WWE.
  • July 22, 2022: Stephanie McMahon and Nick Khan have been officially named co-CEOs of WWE, due to Vince McMahon announcing his retirement.
  • January 2023: Vince McMahon is returning to WWE as announced by Stephanie.
  • January 10, 2022: Vince McMahon is the new chairmen of the board as he returned to his position, meanwhile Stephanie McMahon announced that she decided to part ways with WWE.
Updated: March 20, 2024 @ 4:58 am


Active Promotion Inactive

Trained By



June 27, 1998


September 24, 1976


Stamford, Connecticut
Moved to New York City






135 lbs

Finishing Move(s)


Favorite Move(s)

Hair-Pull Snapmare,
Lou Thesz Press,
Monkey Flip,
Neck Snap,

Notable Feuds

Linda McMahon,
Mick Foley,
Shane McMahon,
Trish Stratus,
Steve Austin,
Vince McMahon,
Team WWF,
Chris Jericho,
Triple H,
Randy Orton

