WWE Monday Night RAW 02 13 2017

WWE Monday Nigth RAW
February 13, 2017
Las Vegas, Nevada
Commentary: Michael Cole, Byron Saxton and Corey Graves
Results by: Mike Tedesco of Wrestleview.com

“Then. Now. Forever.” The WWE video leads us into the show.

The RAW video plays, and we go into the arena to see a big pyrotechnics display. Tonight, we’ll see a “Festival of Friendship” with Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho. We’ll also see Bayley take on Charlotte for the RAW Women’s Championship.

Stephanie McMahon kicks off the show

Stephanie McMahon is introduced, and she comes out to light boos. She bounces her way down to the ring. McMahon does her obnoxious welcome to Monday Night RAW. Mick Foley was feeling tired and overworked, which is why he embarrassed himself so badly at Samoa Joe’s contract signing. She gave him the week off. When he returns, he’ll have his priorities in order. As for tonight, she’s running RAW in Las Vegas, Nevada.

Roman Reigns’ music hits, and he comes out to thunderous boos. Reigns will face Braun Strowman at WWE Fastlane. Reigns says he doesn’t want to wait until Fastlane. He wants Strowman now. McMahon says since she’s running RAW, it’s not about her. It’s about the WWE Universe and what they want. Do they want to wait until Fastlane or do they want to see Reigns vs. Strowman tonight? They start up a “YES” chant. McMahon says that’s the sound of ambivalence. They don’t care that he’s not 100% tonight. She does care. The crowd boos. Reigns says he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him, especially her. She says he’s failing to see the bigger picture. He will have Strowman… at Fastlane. Strowman is already in action tonight because he’s facing Mark Henry. Reigns says that sounds like a good fight he’d like to watch live. McMahon says if Reigns lays a hand on Strowman, maybe she’ll take away his Fastlane match and any opportunity he had at WrestleMania. Reigns says he isn’t making himself clear enough.

Gallows and Anderson interrupt the proceedings. Karl Anderson says they couldn’t stand listening to Reigns disrespect her any longer. McMahon thanks them. Luke Gallows says it’s like The Rolling Stones said: you can’t always get what you want. Anderson reiterates that he can’t have Strowman. Gallows suggests they go two-on-one against Reigns. McMahon says in honor of the man going into the Hall of Fame, Teddy Long, we have a match… playa. She books the handicap match.

Gallows and Anderson make their way to the ring. Reigns greets them at ringside and quickly beats them both down. Reigns sends Anderson into the barricade and punches away at him before Gallows sends him into the ring post.

Mike’s Thoughts: It feels like we’ve seen an endless loop of Roman Reigns and Stephanie McMahon going back and forth with no real established issue for two years now. It’s been said over and over just how obnoxious it is that McMahon always seems to get the better of the faces. It’s no wonder Reigns can never get truly over. He’s always outmaneuvered by McMahon. Even though he’ll easily get by Gallows and Anderson in a few moments, he still had to eat punishment from McMahon with no gain. On top of that, the Tag Champions are back to being jobbers for the stars. All around not great.

-Commercial Break-

2-on-1 Handicap Match
Roman Reigns vs. Gallows and Anderson

We join the match in progress. Gallows punches away at Reigns before taking him down. Anderson is tagged in, and they hit 3D II for a near fall. Anderson applies a chin lock, and a “Roman” chant soon fires up. Reigns fights up, but Anderson kicks him in the ribs. Reigns punches back at him and gives one to Gallows for good measure. Reigns sidesteps Anderson, and he hits the ring post shoulder first. Reigns clotheslines him twice before hitting a leaping clothesline. Reigns clubs away at him in the corner before punching Gallows off the apron. Reigns then big boots Anderson down. Reigns sets up for the Superman Punch, but stops when Gallows gets on the apron. Anderson rolls him up for a two count. Reigns quickly takes him down with a Superman Punch. Gallows attacks him from behind, and they double-team him. The referee tries to regain control, but is unable to do so. The referee disqualifies them.

Winner by Disqualification: Roman Reigns

They continue to attack him before going for the Magic Killer. Reigns fights out by kicking Anderson away and giving Gallows a suplex. Reigns then sends him out of the ring and gives him a Superman Punch. Anderson runs in with a chair, but Reigns big boots him down. Reigns picks up the chair, but Gallows and Anderson run away.

Braun Strowman will take on Mark Henry later tonight. We’ll also see a “Festival of Friendship.”

We see a clip of the debut of “The List of Jericho” back in September 2016. We then see highlights of the people that made the list.

Mike’s Thoughts: Well color me surprised that he didn’t pin the Tag Team Champions, but he still easily handled them and fought them off. I know they’re going to give him Undertaker at WrestleMania (and probably a win over him) before trying for yet another coronation as “face of the company” at SummerSlam, but it’s really not going to work without a heel turn. From what I hear, that’ll never happen because… I don’t know why. Vince McMahon is the only answer.

-Commercial Break-

They advertise that Bill Simmons will be producing a documentary of André The Giant for HBO.


The New Day makes their way to the ring. Kofi Kingston makes fun of Bo Dallas, who is already in the ring. Kingston says he looks lonely like a social outcast. Big E asks if he knows who is here to put a smile on his face. Who? Who? The New Day! Xavier Woods says they’ve been working day and night to bring them something special. They have the blueprints to the very first New Day ice cream machine. After Kingston makes quick work of Bo Dallas, they’ll show the world how they’ll bring them ice cream because New Day rocks!

Bo Dallas vs. Kofi Kingston w/ The New Day

The bell rings, and a loud “We want ice cream” chant fires up. Kingston dances around before dropkicking Dallas out of the ring. The New Day laughs at him, which angers Dallas. Kingston continues to dance as the crowd chants for ice cream. Dallas even starts dancing before grabbing the ice cream blueprints and tearing it up. Woods and Big E collapse in agony. Kingston takes Dallas out with a summersault senton. Dallas attacks him as he gets back in the ring. Dallas hits a hanging rolling neckbreaker for a two count. Dallas taunts the crowd and punches Kingston down in the corner. Dallas elbows him in the corner and goes for a clothesline, but Kingston counters into the SOS for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Kofi Kingston

The New Day gets in the ring and showers an unconscious Dallas with Booty O’s. They celebrate in the ring.

Charly Caruso is backstage with Neville, who is referred to as “The King of the Cruiserweights.” She asks him about Jack Gallagher, but Neville stops her. Neville says TJ Perkins is more of a threat to him than Gallagher, and he’s obliterated Perkins many times. Gallagher comes up and wants to quote Shakespeare, but Neville stops him. Neville says he’s just a boy out of his depth. Gallagher tells him to calm down and says we’ll find out about that at Fastlane. Gallagher says Neville thinks people don’t like him because of his looks, but he’s really just a “bloody pillock.”

We see footage of Chris Jericho interfering in the Hell in a Cell match to help Kevin Owens defeat Seth Rollins back in October 2016.

Mike’s Thoughts: Mindless fun with The New Day, which isn’t a bad thing. I was kind of curious to see the ice cream blueprints. The New Day act definitely gets old the longer they’re out there, so this was perfect keeping them out there briefly. Less is more in their case. This was fun stuff.

-Commercial Break-

Austin Aries replaces Byron Saxton on commentary for the next match.

Cruiserweight Match
Noam Dar w/ Alicia Fox vs. Jack Gallagher

Footage is shown of Jack Gallagher winning a five-way match to become the number one contender for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship at WWE Fastlane.

The bell rings, and they circle the ring before locking up. Gallagher powers him to the corner and gives a clean break. Gallagher wrenches the arm and applies an overhead wristlock before going to a side headlock. Dar takes him down and ties up the legs, but Gallagher twists out. Gallagher grabs the leg and does a cartwheel. Dar quickly takes him down by clipping the knee. Dar punches away at him and powers him to the corner. Dar continues to work on the leg and taunts the crowd. Dar sends him to the corner, but Gallagher does a headstand and slingshots over him. Gallagher hits a pair of dropkicks and sends him to the corner. Gallagher absolutely kills him with a nasty head-butt. Gallagher hits a running dropkick in the corner for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Jack Gallagher

Neville’s pyro goes off, and he makes his way to the stage. Gallagher looks ready to fight. Neville looks absolutely psychotic standing there. Neville simply raises up the Cruiserweight Championship.

A limousine pulls up, and Samoa Joe exits alongside Triple H. They walk into the arena together.

The Makeover of Emma to Emmalina is next.

Mike’s Thoughts: Fun little match with Jack Gallagher. I really get a kick out of this guy. It’s something completely different, which is why it works. So many of the cruiserweights kind of just blend in my mind and are almost completely indiscernible from one another. Gallagher definitely is a breath of fresh air. Neville has also been a revelation since turning heel. I’m not sold on the cruiserweights at all, but this feud definitely has something. They need to continue to establish the other competitors.

-Commercial Break-

Footage is shown of Chris Jericho interfering to help Kevin Owens beat Seth Rollins on the RAW after Survivor Series.

The Makeover of Emma to Emmalina

Emmalina makes her way to the stage in a gold dress. The crowd gives her a nice hand. She says they’ve waited for seventeen weeks for the makeover of Emma to Emmalina. Well, here she is. Now, we will see the makeover of Emmalina to Emma. She thanks them and walks off. The crowd boos.

Charly Caruso says those were some interesting comments from Emmalina… or Emma. She then welcomes her guest, Bayley. She says this is her first main event title match. Bayley says she’s nervous and her heart is pounding. She’s in the same position as Lita and Trish Stratus. Lita beat Stephanie McMahon for the Women’s Title in the main event. Speaking of Stephanie, she doesn’t want her here. At the Royal Rumble, she came close. This is her second opportunity, and she’s going to hit the jackpot in Vegas. She’ll achieve her dream and win the title.

Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho are backstage. Jericho asks if he’s ready and says this will be the biggest night in WWE history. There will be a lot of surprises. Triple H walks up and asks if Owens has a second to talk. He only wants to talk to Owens. They walk off.

Coming up next, Braun Strowman will face Mark Henry.

Mike’s Thoughts: Interesting debut for Emmalina (or is it simply Emma?) after seventeen weeks of teasing. Maybe she’ll get the gimmick they gave to Eva Marie before she got suspended in August and hasn’t been seen since. If you remember, Eva kept making her entrance only to keep making excuses for why she couldn’t fight.

-Commercial Break-

Triple H is seen talking to WWE Universal Champion Kevin Owens backstage. We cannot hear what they’re saying.

Braun Strowman vs. Mark Henry

We see footage from last week when Braun Strowman attacked Roman Reigns during his match against Samoa Joe. Samoa Joe defeated Reigns. Strowman then powerslammed Reigns through the barricade after the match.

The bell rings, and Strowman talks a little trash to him. Henry steps up and talks some trash as well. They lock up and make no gains. They lock up again, and it’s a stalemate again. Henry talks some trash and pounds his chest. Strowman knees him in the midsection and punches away at him. Henry blocks a punch and answers with some right hands. Henry shoulders him in the corner and punches him again. Strowman cheat shots him after the referee steps between them and clotheslines him down. Strowman drops a leg and punches him. Strowman continues to pick him apart before applying a chin lock. Henry fights up, but Strowman quickly clubs him in the chest to take him back down. Strowman gets him to his feet to club him again, but Henry blocks it and hits an arm breaker. Henry punches away at him and avalanches him in the corner. Henry avalanches him a second time before lifting him up for the World’s Strongest Slam, but Strowman shifts his weight and crashes down on top of him. Strowman elbows him back and dropkicks him down. Strowman then scoops him up and hits a powerslam for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Braun Strowman

Roman Reigns’ music hits, and he makes his way to the ring. Strowman looks ready for a fight. Reigns gets on the apron, and Strowman immediately punches him off. Strowman challenges him to get back in the ring. Reigns gets back on the apron and snaps him off the top rope. Reigns hits him with a Superman Punch, but Strowman doesn’t go down. Reigns hits a second Superman Punch, and Strowman drops to a knee. Reigns goes for a spear, but Strowman counters into a running powerslam! Strowman stands over Reigns. Reigns holds his ribs in pain. Strowman screams that Reigns cannot win.

Tonight’s main event will see Charlotte defend the RAW Women’s Championship against Bayley.

Samoa Joe is seen sitting down backstage. Michael Cole will interview him, next.

We see footage from WWE Road Block: End of the Line. Chris Jericho again helped Kevin Owens retain the WWE Universal Championship, this time over Roman Reigns.

Mike’s Thoughts: I actually really enjoyed Strowman vs. Henry. It was a short match, but they booked it just right, and it was entertaining. Strowman has been absolutely on fire lately. They’re handling him the right way now. They tried this a year ago, but it didn’t work. Now they’ve really gained some traction with him since the draft. It’s almost a shame that he’s going to be fed to Reigns, a guy they’ve been trying for three years to get over to no avail yet. This will be a big year for Reigns. One would have to imagine if what they have planned for him doesn’t work this time around, this would be it.

-Commercial Break-

Bryce Harper from the Washington Nationals is at ringside.

Cesaro and Sheamus are helping Bayley warm up. Enzo and Big Cass walk up to them. Enzo says it looks like we have a couple of haters here. Sheamus says they had no business being out there last week and costing them a shot at the RAW Tag Team Titles. Big Cass says Luke Gallows took a cheap shot at Enzo, and he had his back. That’s something Cesaro and Sheamus never do. Enzo tells them to do something about it. It looks like this will be a match at some point.

Michael Cole interviews Samoa Joe

Michael Cole is sitting with Samoa Joe. Cole mentions it’s been an eventful couple of weeks. Cole calls his tactics dishonorable. Joe says he’s not here to get people’s respect. He’s here to hurt people. The only person whose respect matters is Triple H because he’s the only one that gave him a chance. If dishonorable tactics get him to achieve the greater vision, then so be it. Cole asks why Triple H chose this moment to put him on RAW. Joe says the actions speak for itself. Cole says people say Joe is here because Triple H is scared of Seth Rollins. Joe says for eighteen years, he’s laid a path of destruction. They were scared to hire him. He’s a dangerous man. Rollins is a perfect example. Rollins was the crowd jewel for years, and he couldn’t last for two minutes with him. Rollins will miss WrestleMania for the second year in a row. Cole mentions that Rollins said he would be back. Joe asks if this interview is about him or about Triple H. Joe says if Rollins does come back, he has no qualms about putting him right back on the shelf.

Cole mentions his debut match against Roman Reigns. Joe says he beat Reigns. In two weeks, he beat the man and the guy. For eighteen years, he beat everyone they put in front of him. He’s here to take things from people. This isn’t a flash in the pan scenario. He’s not Sami Zayn just happy to be on the show. No one on the roster can stand in the ring with him. Cole says others have gotten this opportunity from Triple H. All of Triple H’s relationships go sour. Joe says he’s different from them because they needed to be propped up by Triple H. They needed his help to get the job done. He’s not those men. He doesn’t need Triple H’s help. He’s here to get the job done on his own. For once, Triple H has someone he can rely on. He knows what’s best for business. They will learn why the creator unleashed the destroyer. Joe then walks off.

Sami Zayn makes his way to the ring for a match. He’ll be in action, next.

Mike’s Thoughts: I really liked the interview with Samoa Joe. Joe sounded really confident and cocky. They’ve got to follow through with him as the killer and keep this momentum going. Joe took out Rollins and Reigns last week. What’s next for him?

-Commercial Break-

Sami Zayn vs. Rusev w/ Lana

The bell rings, and Rusev quickly powers him to the corner. Zayn moves Rusev’s mask to get out. Rusev again powers him to the corner and pushes him. Zayn avoids a kick, but Rusev soon takes him down with a waistlock. Rusev keeps him grounded with a headlock. Zayn fights up, but Rusev quickly takes him back down. Zayn rolls him away and dropkicks him out of the ring. Zayn hits the ropes and hits a summersault senton. Zayn hit the floor hard. Zayn gets him in the ring and punches him back. Zayn goes for a slingshot move, but Rusev kicks him to the floor.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Rusev beating Zayn down to the mat. During the commercial, Rusev dropkicked him. Back to live action, Rusev applies a bearhug. Zayn fights out and goes for a running cross-body block, but Rusev catches him and knees away at him. Rusev then hits a fall-away slam. Rusev’s mask falls off while executing the move. Rusev quickly puts it back on. Rusev’s nose does look a bit crooked. Rusev gets him on the top rope, but Zayn punches him off. Zayn leaps, but Rusev avoids it. Rusev then kicks him in the back of the head for a near fall. Rusev covers again for another two count. Rusev avalanches him in the corner. Rusev splashes him in the corner and charges, but Zayn drops him out of the ring. Rusev quickly pulls Zayn outside and clotheslines him down. Rusev gets him in the ring, and Zayn immediately hits him with the Helluva Kick for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Sami Zayn

Charly Caruso asks if that’s a boost in confidence for Zayn after he lost to Chris Jericho last week. Zayn says losing sucked. The fact that Kevin Owens cost him the match doesn’t sit well with him. Tonight was a huge win over a huge opponent. It’s about coming back after a tough loss. He heard Samoa Joe’s comment about how he is no Sami Zayn. Joe is damn right. Zayn doesn’t clean up other people’s messes. He doesn’t take shortcuts or sell out. This time of year, there’s only one thing on everyone’s mind: WrestleMania.

Samoa Joe’s music hits, and Zayn turns to face him. Joe ambushes him from the side and punches away at him. Joe jabs away at him and viciously sends him into the LED panelling. Joe then applies the Coquina Clutch. Joe stands over the fallen Sami Zayn.

Charlotte is seen warming up. She’ll face Bayley in the main event.

Bray Wyatt will face John Cena with his newly won WWE Championship on the line tomorrow night on Smackdown Live.

Mike’s Thoughts: Sami Zayn’s match against Samoa Joe was pretty so-so, but he caught a good win out of nowhere. I like that he’ll be Samoa Joe’s first PPV match. This is a good substitute for Seth Rollins, who presumably would have faced Joe at Fastlane. Joe can get a good match and won’t lose. My question of what’s next for Joe has been answered.

-Commercial Break-

Theodore R. “Teddy” Long will be the next inductee into the WWE Hall of Fame: Class of 2017.

Austin Aries returns to commentary for the next match. Brian Kendrick will also be on commentary.

Cruiserweight Match
Akira Tozawa vs. Ariya Daivari

The bell rings, and Tozawa lets out some yelps. Daivari applies a side headlock and shoulder blocks him down. They trade chops before Tozawa gets pumped up. Tozawa then jabs him down. Tozawa takes him down and hits a senton for a two count. Daivari sends him into the turnbuckle and clotheslines him for another two count. Daivari drops a knee and picks up yet another two count. Tozawa lets out a scream. Tozawa makes a comeback and hits a hurricanrana. Tozawa then forearms him off the apron. Tozawa gets the crowd going and hits a suicide dive head-butt. Tozawa gets him in the ring, but he misses a kick. Tozawa immediately comes back with a German Suplex bridge for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Akira Tozawa

Brian Kendrick stands up at commentary and claps for him.

The “Festival of Friendship” is coming up next. Footage is shown of Kevin Owens helping Chris Jericho beat Sami Zayn last week to retain the WWE United States Championship.

Mike’s Thoughts: Another decent cruiserweight match. Akira Tozawa is another unique personality in a division that features so many bland ones. I’m interested to see what they do with him and Brian Kendrick. Successful night for the cruiserweight division after a string of bad showings on RAW.

-Commercial Break-

The Festival of Friendship hits Las Vegas

Chris Jericho hypes up “The Festival of Friendship” from backstage big. Pyro goes off and a campy theme song plays. Las Vegas showgirls make their way to the stage, and Chris Jericho comes out in a silver jacket and ridiculous hat. Jericho gets the crowd going and presents “The Festival of Friendship.” The festival wouldn’t be complete without his best friend and WWE Universal Champion, Kevin Owens! Kevin Owens walks out in his regular gear looking extremely uncomfortable with this whole proceeding. Jericho then makes his way to the ring arm-in-arm with the showgirls. Jericho does some wild dancing and has on an extremely cheesy smile.

Inside the ring is a table with a red velvet covering, a screen on a “Festival of Friendship” pedestal, and a picture on an easel covered up. Jericho says he wants to give him some gifts to prove how much he means to him. Jericho wanted something to be made that epitomizes their friendship. Jericho commissioned Ralph Guggenheim to make them a piece of art. The Art of Jericho is revealed: sculpt it in, man! A bizarre statue is shown of two figures hugging. Jericho says this shows that they are intertwined. Jericho says this cost him $7,000. Owens cannot believe that. Owens then reluctantly says that it was a steal. Jericho says Guggenheim might not be for everyone. Jericho then reveals a painting called “The Creation of Kevin.” It’s a mockup of “The Creation of Adam” from the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican. Owens says he cannot hang this in his home. He has two kids and Jericho isn’t wearing pants. Jericho says you don’t need pants in art. Jericho says the next present will appeal to everyone. They are magic together. Jericho hired the king of Las Vegas magic to be here. Jericho welcomes “Friendship” The Magician. Some guy comes into the ring pulling green scarves out of his mouth. The magician then makes a flower appear out of fire. Owens says his nine year old can do the same trick. Jericho then tells off the magician. Jericho asks what kind of magician he is. Jericho asks if he knows what happens when he doesn’t impress Owens and make an elephant disappear. “Friendship” The Magician… has made the list! Jericho kicks him out of the ring.

Owens asks where Jericho found that magician. Jericho says he found him on Craigslist. Jericho says the main event present should have been given last week. Jericho should have made sure Goldberg couldn’t make it to Fastlane. A “Goldberg” chant fires up. Jericho says since he didn’t do it last week, he’ll do it tonight. Jericho then calls Goldberg out to the ring. When Goldberg comes down here, he’ll get… IT!

Mike’s Thoughts: Well that was a very awkward commercial break. The Festival of Friendship definitely lived up to the hype in the beginning. Jericho was absolutely masterful with the whole getup along with the over the top mannerisms. Some of the gifts were a little odd, but this was overall a very successful segment that isn’t over yet. So far, so good. Very entertaining. I definitely like that they’re teasing Kevin Owens isn’t into all of this. They’re definitely teasing something is up with them.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Jericho still in the same position. Jericho demands Goldberg come down to the ring right now.

Goldberg’s music hits… and Gillberg makes his way to the ring. Gillberg walks through some sparklers and fire extinguishers. Kevin Owens knocks Gillberg down on the ramp and sends him into the led apron. Jericho says Owens just beat him. Owens says he thought the whole point was to get Goldberg out here so they can beat the hell out of him. Instead, he gets Gillberg. A “Gillberg” chant fires up. Owens says he doesn’t understand. Jericho thought the Gillberg thing was funny. Jericho says he did this all for him and apologizes it wasn’t what he wanted. Jericho says for the last year, he’s had a great time working with him and being his partner. This last year is one of his favorites ever in WWE. He’s had a lot of partners, but he hasn’t had the chemistry he has with Owens. The biggest present he’ll give him is he’ll guarantee he’ll beat Goldberg because he’ll make sure of it. At Fastlane, he’ll beat Goldberg because he has his back. They’re best friends and brothers. Jericho says he loves him and will always have his back. Owens apologizes. This wasn’t what he expected, but he went through a lot of trouble and did this for him. Owens says he loves Jericho and hugs him.

Owens says he knows Jericho has his back and he’ll walk out of Fastlane as the WWE Universal Champion. Owens got Jericho something, but it’s nothing compared to this. Owens hands him a box. Jericho opens it and says it’s perfect. It’s a new list. Jericho asks why his name is on the list. Jericho holds it up, and on the back it says, “The List of KO.” Jericho asks what’s going on. Owens then attacks Jericho! Owens punches away at him and rips off his jacket. Owens knocks over some of the gifts and throws the painting out of the ring. Owens continues to assault Jericho at ringside before giving him an Apron Powerbomb! Owens puts him into the ring and sends him headfirst into the television monitor! Owens looks completely unhinged while he picks up his WWE Universal Championship. Owens then walks off while referees and trainers run down to help Jericho.

Mike’s Thoughts: Wow, that was definitely unexpected. I wasn’t expecting them to pull the trigger on the breakup now. I figured it would happen the RAW after Fastlane when Goldberg beats Owens. That was really well done. The beating should keep Jericho off TV for a bit. At least it should. I wouldn’t have Jericho come back until the RAW after Fastlane or even a little later. This was a great segment all around. If you didn’t see it live, go out of your way to see it.

-Commercial Break-

Replays are shown of Kevin Owens’ vicious beating on Chris Jericho, his former best friend.

We go backstage to see Chris Jericho on a stretcher being loaded into an ambulance. They close the doors and drive off with the sirens wailing.

Replays are shown of Gallows and Anderson being attacked by Enzo and Big Cass during a Tag Team Championship match against Cesaro and Sheamus.

Enzo and Big Cass make their way to the ring to a big pop. Enzo goes through the usual shtick. Enzo says Cesaro claims to be the Swiss Superman and then he comes out like James Bond. Then he rips off the suit and looks like a Baywatch lifeguard. Enzo says he’ll save him the hassel(hoff) and let him take his best shot, but he’ll Swiss Miss. Big Cass says that Swiss Miss isn’t working with a lot on top, so they’ll use some marshmallows. Enzo then drops some marshmallows. Like the marshmallows, there’s only one word to describe Cesaro: S-A-W-F-T.

-Commercial Break-

Enzo Amore w/ Big Cass vs. Cesaro w/ Sheamus

Enzo avoids Cesaro and jabs him a few times. Cesaro quickly cuts him off with a European Uppercut. Cesaro easily gives him a deadlift gutwrench suplex. Cesaro tries to throw him out of the ring, but Enzo botches it. Enzo then sends himself over the top rope. Enzo goes for a sunset flip, but Cesaro doesn’t go down. Cesaro lifts him up and gives him a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Cesaro then gives him a double stomp to the midsection. Cesaro uppercuts him in the corner and chops him. Cesaro tries to start the Uppercut Train, but Enzo boots him and hits a diving DDT. Cesaro gets out of the ring to recover. Enzo hits the ropes, but Cesaro levels him with A Very European Uppercut for the win.

Winner by Pinfall: Cesaro

Big Cass gets in the ring and gets in a shoving match with Sheamus. Cesaro holds Sheamus back. Big Cass talks a little trash.

WWE honors Rosa Parks for Black History Month.

Charlotte Flair is walking backstage. She bumps into Sasha Banks and says she should be banned. Charlotte says Sasha kills morale because she’s a reminder to all of how greatly one can fall. Sasha says she can take her anytime. Charlotte says she can talk the talk, but not walk the walk. Charlotte tells her to sit down and watch her win.

Mike’s Thoughts: Enzo Amore is one of the best promo guys we’ve seen in quite some time (though he definitely missed the mark a little tonight), but my goodness he is just a liability in the ring. Even in this short match, he managed to botch something as Wrestling 101 as going over the top rope. Yikes.

-Commercial Break-

Next week on RAW, Big Show will face Braun Strowman.

RAW Women’s Championship Match
Bayley vs. Charlotte Flair (c)

The bell rings, and Charlotte hits the ropes before letting off a “WOO.” They lock up, and Charlotte powers her into the ropes before giving a clean break. Charlotte smirks at her and backs up. They lock up, and Charlotte wrenches the arm. Charlotte takes her down and applies an overhead wristlock. Charlotte is smiling the whole while. Bayley fights up and rolls out, but Charlotte takes her down by the hair. Charlotte taunts the crowd. Bayley quickly rolls her up for a two count. Bayley connects with an arm drag and wrenches the arm. Charlotte tries to roll out, but Bayley rolls with her. Bayley rolls her up for a one count. Charlotte quickly gets in the ropes to take a breath. Charlotte gets her in the corner and pushes her. Bayley then pushes her back. Charlotte gets out of the ring to rethink her strategy.

-Commercial Break-

We come back from the break to see Charlotte knee her in the midsection and send her into the corner. Bayley starts hulking up and bounces her off the turnbuckle a bunch of times. Bayley comes off the middle rope with a springboard cross-body block for a two count. Charlotte quickly applies a wasitlock, but Bayley switches. Charlotte quickly rolls her up and whiplashes her head into the bottom turnbuckle. Charlotte picks up a two count and punches away at her. Charlotte taunts the crowed before stretching Bayley against the ropes and pulling on the hair. Charlotte chokes her with her boot and chops the chest. Charlotte applies a chin lock, but Bayley counters out with a jawbreaker. Bayley elbows her and goes for a clothesline, but Charlotte counters into a clothesline. Charlotte then applies a hangman’s chinlock. Bayley tries to fight out, but Charlotte levels her with a hangman’s neckbreaker for a two count. Charlotte knees away at her before pulling down the kneepad and dropping a Ric Flair-like knee. Charlotte sends her into the corner and chops her down. Charlotte applies a dragon sleeper, but Bayley scales the turnbuckles to counter it. Bayley sends her into the corner, but she soon has a whip reversed. Bayley avoids Charlotte’s avalanche, but she can’t avoid the big boot to the floor. Charlotte goes outside and boots her into the barricade. Charlotte taunts Bryce Harper and gets on the barricade in front of him. Charlotte then connects with a moonsault block on Bayley! Charlotte sends her into the ring for a near fall. Charlotte covers again for a near fall.

Charlotte gets her to her feet and chops the chest. Bayley soon comes back with some wild forearms. Charlotte cuts her off and hits the ropes. Bayley also hits the ropes, and they take each other out with stereo cross-body blocks. Bayley connects with two hammer throws and a diving clothesline. Bayley shoulders her in the corner and hits a suplex. Bayley goes to the top rope and hits a diving back elbow for a two count. Charlotte quickly goes to the apron. Bayley snaps her off the middle rope, and Charlotte falls back into the ring. Charlotte knees her in the face, but Bayley quickly comes back with a snap back suplex. Bayley goes to the top rope and connects with a diving elbow drop for a near fall. Bayley sends her into the corner, and Charlotte rolls up the turnbuckles and lands on the apron. Charlotte big boots her and goes to the top rope, but Bayley cuts her off. Bayley then hits her with a super hurricanrana for a near fall! The crowd is really getting into this. Dana Brooke runs down and gets on the apron, but Bayley punches her off. Charlotte rolls her up, but Bayley kicks out and applies the Figure Four Leglock. Dana quickly rakes the eyes while the referee isn’t looking. Charlotte applies the Figure Eight. Sasha Banks runs down and hits Dana with her crutch. Sasha then nails Charlotte with the crutch. The referee didn’t see it. Bayley follows up with Bayley-To-Belly for the win! Bayley is the new RAW Women’s Champion!

Winner and new RAW Women’s Champion: Bayley

Bayley celebrates in the crowd before getting back in the ring and standing tall as the new RAW Women’s Champion.

Mike’s Overall Thoughts: Charlotte’s string of RAW main event losses continues. While this was definitely a nice moment, I just don’t feel like this was the right time for Bayley to win it. If Charlotte ever faced a truly beatable opponent that would pay off in the long run, it’s Bayley. Bayley is best in the chase. What better way to culminate the chase than at WrestleMania? That would have been the place to do it. Now who will beat Charlotte’s PPV streak? It’s not as powerful if she’s just a title challenger that loses in the match if that’s what happens now. It’s also kind of lame if Charlotte just gets it back at Fastlane as well. They have to avoid falling into patterns with the women. Still, irregardless of that, this was a good match. It wasn’t as good as the Sasha Banks/Charlotte RAW main events, but it was definitely representative of a strong main event. One thing that was kind of distracting was Michael Cole constantly putting his microphone in his mouth to put over “the big moment.” It was getting obnoxious. I know Vince McMahon hated Jim Ross screaming all the time, so this must have disturbed him a bit, but then again he probably isn’t there because of the hip injury. Overall, this was a nice way to close out the show. Was it too soon? Yes, but the moment was definitely memorable.

Quick Match Results

* Roman Reigns def. Gallows and Anderson via DQ
* Kofi Kingston def. Bo Dallas
* Jack Gallagher def. Noam Dar
* Braun Strowman def. Mark Henry
* Sami Zayn def. Rusev
* Akira Tozawa def. Ariya Daivari
* Cesaro def. Enzo Amore
* Bayley def. Charlotte Flair to win the RAW Women’s Championship

E-Mail – MikeyT817@gmail.com
Twitter – @MikeTedescoWV

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