The Katz Files – Arnie Katz
My Bound for Glory Preview & Predictions!
The Kingfish Arnie Katz breaks out the crystal ball to get you ready for TNA’s number-one pay per view event of the year, Bound for Glory.

TNA keeps telling fans that Bound for Glory is the biggest pay per view of the year. Fans keep hoping that TNA is right. Great action in the ring can’t totally redeem meaningless matches and climaxes that get contradicted or wiped out entirely on the following episode of iMPACT</I.

On the final iMPACT before this show, the emphasis subtly shifted the concept of Bound for Glory. It’s now positioned as the make or break show for the Main Event Mafia. AJ Styles has vowed to destroy the group at this show, while Kurt Angle says hell celebrate the group’s first anniversary at the October PPV.

Of TNA follows through with a show that provides an exciting climax to the long storyline. It certainly seems like the right time to fold the MEM and if TNA can do it in spectacular fashion, Bound for Glory may end up as truly the best event of the year.

Let’s look at Bound for Glory, match by match, to see what’s in store – and what may happen.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. Lethal Consequences
Pre=Show Match
The Story: TNA wants fans to log onto its website to see the pre-show, so it has booked the two best tag teams not in the four-way on the actual PPV.

My Prediction: The Machine Guns are likely to win, but the real interest may be on a split between the members of Lethal Consequences. Jay Lethal appears to be headed back into singles competition in the X Division – and he may turn heel in the process.
Predicted Grade: B+

Taylor Wilde & Sarita vs. The Beautiful People
Knockout Tag Team Championship
The Story: The Beautiful People were odds-on to win the tag tournament. They didn’t and now, despite the absence of Angelina Love, hope to take the title.

My Prediction: The Beautiful People will capture the title, undoubtedly with some extra-legal activity. Hat may not be the right decision, but I believe it’s what TNA will do to try to insure that fans still accord status to The Beautiful People.
Predicted Grade: B

Kevin Mash vs. Hernandez vs. Eric Young
TNA Legends Championship Match
The Story: This is an offshoot of the mounting hostilities between the Main Event Mafia and the World Elite. Young has soured on Hernandez due to his refusal to join the faction, but he is also antagonistic toward Nash. This is one of those matches where it really is every man for himself.

My Prediction: Eric Young and Hernandez will tear into each other, but Kevin Nash will pounce on whomever gets the worst of that exchange for the win. Look for Young and Hernandez to work at least a short feud program coming out of this one.

Predicted Grade: B-

Awesome Kong vs. Tara vs. ODB
TNA Knockout Championship
The Story: Holding onto the belt may prove a lot harder for ODB than winning it from her former boyfriend. Here she’ll face two former champions, each of whom is fully capable of snatching the coveted Knockout World Championship.

My Prediction: In predicting this match, the key factor is what TNA wants going forward. Two of these three women are likely to continue as a program with the title at stake. The best match-up might be Tara-Kong, so I’m looking for Tara to regain the title.
Predicted Grade: B

Suicide vs. D’Angelo Dinero vs. Daniels vs. Homicide vs. Amazing Red
X-Division Champion
Ultimate X
The Story: This was originally to pick a number-one contender, but Don West added Amazing Red to turn it into a championship contest.

My Prediction:There’s a lot of heat among the competitors in this match. Suicide figures to be out for revenge against Homicide, but he is also embroiled in a feud against Dinero. Daniels wants the title, but he now has a grudge against Homicide after the sneak attack on the 10/15 iMPACT. Since there’s no particular reason for Amazing Red to lose, my crystal ball says he’s going to win it. Expect to see Homicide square off with Daniels and Suicide take the battle to The Pope.
Predicted Grade: B+

Kurt Angle vs. Matt Morgan
The Story: Matt Morgan spent months jumping through hoops in an attempt to gain a place with the Main Event Mafia. Somewhere along the way, he smartened up and figured out how Kurt Angle manipulated him for Kurt’s own benefit. Now they meet in the ring with an enormous score to settle. Can power eat ring savvy? This match will tell that story.

My Prediction: Kurt Angle is very likely to meet AJ Styles for the TNA World Championship at the November pay per view, so this match could well end the Morgan-Angle feud, at least for now. It makes me think that Matt Morgan could shock the fans by beating Angle, perhaps with some help from AJ Styles. That would sharpen Angle-Styles, while paving the way for Angle-Morgan down the road. Failing that, it will end inconclusively, perhaps a “No Contest” or Double DQ.
Predicted Grade: B

Team 3D vs. Beer Money vs. British Invasion vs. Scott Steiner & Booker T
TNA and IWGP Tag Championships
Full Metal Mayhem
The Story: Four teams have battled for tag team supremacy for months. Both titles are up for grabs, quite literally, in a four-way cage match that will let the duos go to the limit to capture championships and do bodily harm to hated foes.

My Prediction: The only teams that are on cordial terms are Team 3D and Beer Money, so this match will put them on a collision course. It will also take the title off Booker T and Scott Steiner while intensifying the feud between the Main Event Mafia and the World Elite. Just as one of the MEM boys is about to grab the title, Doug Williams will knock him down. Brother Ray will be the only one in position to stop Williams, but in doing so, he will end up taking the TNA belt.
Then Team 3D will help Beer Money capture the IWGP strap. The two victorious teams could meet in a unification match at the following PPV. The British Invasion would go into a program against the former champs, perhaps with a necessary substitution if Booker departs the promotion.
Predicted Grade: A

Abyss vs. Mick Foley
Monster’s Ball Match
The Story: They were friends until a series of mishaps enraged Foley and caused him to turn on his protégé and accuse him of gimmick infringement. Abyss admits to some emulation of Foley, but insists that he, too, has bled for the business. Now they will collide in the ring in what could be the bloodiest match of the year!

My Prediction: I planned to order a pizza during this match, but second thought counsels a different choice. This match should probably carry a special warning for the faint of heart. To me, this looks like one of those torch-passing matches. That translates into a hard-fought match that Abyss wins. They might even pour it on and have Foley say that he concocted the whole thing just to help Abyss overcome his inferiority complex.
Predicted Grade:

Bobby Lashley vs. Samoa Joe
Submission Match
The Story: Two of TNA’s strongest fighters have been heading for this confrontation from the moment Lashley first appeared in TNA. The Boss wants to make a major statement, while Samoa Joe plans to put the newcomer in his place.

My Prediction: TNA has great hopes for Bobby Ashley, which is why they will have Samoa Joe put him over in this match. Lashley will finish Joe with something like a Full Nelson. Samoa Joe will take a post-match tongue-lashing from Angle, which will start Samoa Joe’s babyface turn.

Predicted Grade: A-

Sting vs. AJ Styles
TNA World Heavyweight Championship
The Story: Sting could have won the title at No Surrender, but chose to let Styles make the pin and claim the win. The Phenomenal One subsequently offered Sting the chance to fight for the title. Sting declared that he still has the passion, which is what brings these two topflight professional wrestlers to the championship ring.

My Prediction: TNA had Sting vow to quit, but I thought there might be a little wiggle room; a noble defeat might justify continuing since he was competitive. I‘m especially suspicious about the rumors of Sting’s retirement that surfaced just before TNA announced this match. Kurt Angle will end the match by attacking Styles and then, after the champs wins by DQ, assault Sting, too.
Predicted Grade: A

Predicted Grade for Bound for Glory: A-

That’s all for today! I’ll be back on Monday with my recap and analysis of Bound for Glory on Monday. Hope you’ll join me then – and, please, bring your friends.

— Arnie Katz
Executive Editor