
Sunday September 13, 2009

Wrestling Globe Newsletter by Mike Aldren – All the latest professional wrestling news, gossip and occasional opinion direct to your mailbox.
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9/10 Superstars TV results: Kane over Jimmy Wang Yang; Sheamus over Yoshi Tatsu; Nikki Bella over Katie Lea; Dolph Ziggler over Slam Master J; and Jack Swagger & The Miz over Primo Colon & Kofi Kingston.

9/11 Smackdown TV results from Finlay over Mike Knox in a Belfast Brawl; Chris Jericho & Big Show over Cryme Tyme; John Morrison over Charlie Haas; Great Khali vs. DH Smith  was a no contest; Layla over Melina; and CM Punk over Matt Hardy in a non-title submissions match.

9/12 WWE Supershow results from Ottawa, Ontario: Great Khali over Dolph Ziggler; Sheamus over Goldust; The Bella Twins & Gail Kim over Natayla, Jillian Hall & Alicia Fox; Evan Bourne over Carlito; Cryme Tyme over The Hart Dynasty; Kofi Kingston over The Miz; Christian over Tommy Dreamer & William Regal in a three-way; and John Cena & Triple H over Randy Orton & Big Show.

Breaking Point tonight from the Bell Centre in Montreal has Randy Orton vs. John Cena in an I Quit match for the WWE title; C.M. Punk vs. The Undertaker in a submissions match for the World title; Christian vs.
William Regal for the ECW title; Chris Jericho & Big Show vs. MVP & Mark Henry for the tag titles; Kofi Kingston vs. The Miz for the U.S. title; DX vs. The Legacy in a submissions count anywhere match; and Kane vs.
Great Khali in a Singapore Cane match.

Raw TV is Monday from the Air Canada Centre in Toronto with guest host Trish Stratus. Smackdown and ECW tape on Tuesday from the Copps Coliseum in Hamilton.


No real update on the Jeff Hardy story. Deputy Neil Godfry of the Moore County Sheriff’s Office said in two different local newspaper articles that they raided Hardy’s home following a tip-off to the Fayetteville Police Department. Godfry said that additional charges may be added but declined to elaborate. There should be more to add when his arrest report is made public on Monday.

Several past and present have leapt to Jeff Hardy’s defence on their Twitter pages. Chris Jericho wrote: “Don’t think of judging Jeff Hardy until you’ve walked a mile in his shoes. I will always have Jeff’s back.” Ken Anderson: “EVERYBODY makes mistakes. Some people make them more than once, but they’re still human. Please keep your thoughts and prayers w him! Jeff Hardy is one of the best guys I’ve EVER known. Cares more about his family and his fans than any other celebrity I know.”
Ashley Massaro: “Jeff Hardy is a great person n no one knows what it’s like for anyone else in this world unless you’ve walked in their shoes.
Don’t judge. I will always have Jeff’s back, he’s a wonderful person and put his body on the line for all of us every week say a prayer for him if u can.” Chavo Guerrero: “Hey guys, just heard about Jeff Hardy. Don’t know details yet but i want to give my support. Jeff is a classy person and I also have his back!”

Jim Ross on his website wrote that he found the news of Hardy’s arrest “disturbing” and hoped he hired a good attorney: “I know that Jeff Hardy is a good young man with endless talents who finished his stint in WWE in grand fashion. Jeff, as are none of us, isn’t perfect and I only hope this matter can be resolved quickly and efficiently so Jeff can move on with his life in a healthy and positive way. Jeff Hardy is innocent until proven guilty as there is likely much more to this matter than we know at this time.”

Lance Storm also comments at www.stormwrestling.com.

Sylvan Grenier of La Resistance fame is backstage tonight in Monteal for Breaking Point.

WWE sources confirmed the damaged breast implant story on Mickie James.
One was also under the impression that she underwent a procedure to correct the problem and would be back to work within a couple of week’s.

Kelly Kelly picked up a knee injury and had an MRI scan done earlier
this week. No word on the results but she is wearing a knee brace at the

Michelle McCool is rehabbing a partially torn posterior cruciate

Melina fractured her fingers and did PR appearances over the weekend
with her fingers in a splint.

Batista has been attached to Tekken, the upcoming movie based on the
popular video game.

Cody Rhodes did an interview with the Busted Open radio show. When
talking about the new WCW DVD he noted growing up that he preferred the
NWA to the WWF. He said: “So many other talents my age grew up watching
the WWF and grew up watching The Ultimate Warrior, Hulk Hogan, and Randy
Savage – excellent performers.” He was also unhappy that he didn’t
receive a free copy of the DVD. “I was real hot about this,” he said.
“Normally our company will give them out. I did not receive one from
talent relations, and I asked why. I asked why did I get a DVD and I was
told, ‘Well, you lived this.’ … Yeah, I was around for some of the
stuff, but I didn’t live it.”

The Slam Wrestling website at http://tinyurl.com/prwgh2 has a story on
Carlito. Nothing too revealing. He noted he keeps to himself in the
locker room and is somewhat frustrated regarding his lack of PPV

Curt Hawkins has popped up again. He is now working FCW tags as part of
a campy trio called The Dudebusters.

The Hamilton Spectator at http://tinyurl.com/q6vqr3 has an interview
with CM Punk talking about his straight-edge lifestyle.


9/11 house show results from Augusta, GA: Suicide over Shiek Abdul
Bashir; Taylor Wilde over Daffney; Hernadez over Homicide;Samoa Joe over
Daniels; Booker T & Scott Stiener over Beer Money; and Kurt Angle over
AJ Styles.

Same shows in Dalton on 9/12 and likely tonight in Gainesville. Dean
Roll (Sharkboy) is working the tour out of gimmick as a referee.


Jenna Morasca at http://tinyurl.com/norkeb rips TNA for firing her after
she asked for two days off while her boyfriend was fighting cancer. She
also notes talking to WWE about coming in and a possible reality TV

Playboy.com has a preview of the Traci Brooks pictorial with behind the
scenes footage at http://tinyurl.com/lwypsc.

Impact did a 0.9 rating for Thursday’s show, hurt slightly by football.

Taz noted on his Facebook page that he is having a blast working
commentary with Mike Tenay. He wrote: “I’m having a great time working
with Mike and we are learning from each other to become the best
wrestling announce team we can be. Please realize that as announcers,
our jobs is to at times get sucked into the story that the writers and
talent is trying to display. I’m aware that for some of you more
“educated” wrestling fans that is insulting but there is a large group
of casual fans that don’t “get” things as fast as some of the more
hardcore fan. So, it doesn’t matter if you work as an announcer for TNA
or WWE…that’s your job!”

Booker T noted in an interview with The Daily Citizen in Georgia that
the one person he would love to work a program with is Shawn Michaels.
He also talked about having the best matches of his career with Chris

TNA has a new gimmick at TNACallsYou.com which allows fans to create
customized audio greetings of their favorite wrestler. Currently
available is ODB, Jay Lethal, Brutus Magnus, Kurt Angle, Mick Foley, AJ
Styles, Brother Ray, Robert Roode, James Storm, Taylor Wilde and Matt
Morgan. Don West has the hard sell at http://tinyurl.com/pem7lu.

Alisha Flash is the latest guest on Hermie’s Hotseat at

The house show in Corinth, Mississippi on November 14 has been


Mike Mooneyham reports that former wrestling star Don Arnold, 85, is
battling Alzheimer’s disease, recently suffered a heart attack and is
suffering from congestive heart failure. A family member noted: “Don’s
spirits are high, his smile is still lighting up the world… His eyes
are brighter now that the pain is being controlled.”

Ric Flair still owes Ring of Honor money for the dates he pulled out of
when WWE indicated to him that they would rather him not work for the
group, or at least not appear on their HDNet TV show. Flair was talking
about returning to WWE a couple of months ago but he now appears out of
their plans due to the Carolinas lottery deal because the company
doesn’t want any ties to gambling.

Hulk Hogan has put up his Belleair mansion on the market for $13.9
million. His asking price is almost double the Pinellas Property
Appraiser’s estimate of $7.2 million. He is also selling off his
Clearwater beach house for $2.3 million reportedly as part of the
divorce settlement between himself and Linda Claridge.

Alex Marvez at http://tinyurl.com/qt786b interviewed Pam and Robert
Allyn, the daughter and son-in-law of Gordon Solie, who have just
released a new book on his career, The Solie Chronicles.

Wrestle Talk Radio tonight at 11pm ET at www.Wildtalkradio.com.


I feel like a bad boyfriend. I’m cheating on WWE tonight.
Every WWE PPV I get together with several of my buddies that are in the
wrestling business and watch the show. We never miss one. To be honest,
most times I can care less about watching the matches; I just like
hanging out with everyone. It’s an excuse to get together.
For the first time in recent memory, I’m passing on a WWE PPV tonight. I
guess you can call it my BREAKING POINT.
First off, it’s just too soon to have another PPV already. I feel like
they just had SummerSlam a few weeks ago. Oh wait, they did. Secondly,
they didn’t do a good job in selling this PPV to me. As good as they
are, I’m just tired of seeing Randy Orton and John Cena work each other.
Mark Henry & MVP vs. Chris Jericho & Big Show? No Thanks. Great Khali
vs. Kane in a Singapore Cane Match? You want me to pay to see that? The
ever so important Kofi Kingston vs. Miz U.S. Title Match that was just
announced yesterday? Please.
The only match I’d actually look forward to seeing is CM Punk against
The Undertaker.  I’m sure everyone else feels the same way. WWE must be
banking on Undertaker’s return to the ring to sell this PPV, because
nothing else on this show is going to make people take $40.00 out of
their pocket to watch tonight’s PPV after they just spent it on
SummerSlam three weeks ago.
Football season starts today folks. There will be hours of entertainment
available for free all day long! I know I will be enjoying my New York
Giants in their debut game of the season. I will follow that with the
MTV Music Awards that are live tonight. I will cap off my evening with
the season finale of True Blood on HBO, which I’m very excited to see
tonight. Top that off with an all-new episode of Entourage and that’s
one entertaining evening of television.
Maybe, just maybe, I’ll head on over to Justin.tv to catch some of
Breaking Point after everything else is over.
WWE has to switch shit up and fast. I’m sure I’m not the only viewer
they are losing tonight. I’m beginning to lose interest in WWE.
Sit back and relax and drink some ice cold beers while enjoying football
today. Make a tub of popcorn and watch the MTV Music Awards tonight..
Serve up some ‘True Blood’ on HBO. Wonder how in the world Turtle could
be banging Daughter Soprano. Don’t spend $40.00 on a half-assed WWE PPV.
They need to be sent a message. It may very well be sent tonight.
Sorry WWE for cheating on you today, but you are just not “putting it
out” for me anymore.
Tommy Fierro
Note: Please be sure to check out my promotion, Independent Superstars
of Professional Wrestling (ISPW) at: ISPWLive.com. Our next event,
SLAMOWEEN, takes place 10/24 in Freehold, NJ at the ISPW Arena featuring
Judas Young defending the ISPW World Heavyweight Championship against
Rick Fuller, Crowbar vs. Ace Darling, Manu vs. Danny Inferno, Nunzio &
The Logan Brothers vs. “Mr. Personality” Nicholas Nice & Baby Hughie &
Nicky Benz, Dan Maff vs. “Big in Japan” Bobby Fish, Julio Dinero vs.
Flash, a Fatal Four Way to crown the first ever ISPW Tri-State Champion
with Danny Doring vs. Chase Del Monte vs. Rob Eckos vs. Erik Andretti,
and an WSU Womens Title Match.


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