Dr. Keith Report – July 17 2007 – Dr. Keith Lipinski of www.drkeithshow.com
A complete listing of upcoming big shows…and whacky hijinx…
Chris Benoit Had Steroids, Other Drugs In His System At Time Of Murder-Suicide
Toxicology reports also determine that pro wrestler’s son was sedated when he was killed.
By James Montgomery
Toxicology reports in the Chris Benoit murder-suicide case indicate that the former WWE champion had steroids and other drugs in his body at the time of the incident, according to the chief medical investigator at the Georgia Bureau of Investigation. The reports also determine that Benoit’s 7-year-old son, Daniel, was sedated with Xanax when he was killed.
Those were among findings announced on Tuesday (July 17) by the GBI at a press conference in Decatur, Georgia. And while they provided another piece of the puzzle surrounding the case, they did not prove whether steroids were connected to the killings or offer up any conclusions as to why Benoit murdered his wife and child before taking his own life at their Fayetteville, Georgia, home last month (see “Deaths Of WWE Champ Chris Benoit, Family Being Treated As Murder-Suicide” and “Chris Benoit Fans React With Sadness, Disgust To Apparent Murder-Suicide”).
“I would not say these findings do not [provide any answers],” GBI chief medical investigator Chris Sperry told reporters. “These results give answers as far as being able to say that Daniel Benoit was sedated at the time he was murdered — that’s an unusual finding. Other than that, they don’t reveal anything at all.”
Many had speculated that Benoit killed his wife and son in a fit of ” ‘roid rage,” something that the discovery of “elevated levels” of testosterone in his body would seemingly lend credence to. But Sperry dismissed that deduction.
“This level of usage is fairly common with someone who has chronic pain. It’s therapeutic usage … there was no evidence of the laundry list of anabolic steroids out there,” he said. “All I can rely on is scientific data, and what that information says is that no one really knows [if steroid usage led to the murders]. It’s an unanswerable question.”
Benoit’s former employer, World Wrestling Entertainment, released a statement acknowledging that while levels of testosterone were found in the wrestler’s body, he had passed a WWE-mandated drug test in April — meaning that he had begun injecting testosterone without the organization’s knowledge.
“WWE understands that the toxicology reports for Chris Benoit indicate that he tested positive for testosterone and negative for anabolic steroids. On Mr. Benoit’s last drug test in April 2007 administered by Aegis Labs, he tested negative for anabolic steroids and for testosterone,” the statement read in part. “Given the toxicology report of GBI released today, it would appear that Mr. Benoit took testosterone sometime [between] his April 2007 test and the time he died.”
The toxicology report also revealed that Benoit had Xanax and the painkiller hydrocodone in his body. Benoit’s wife Nancy had three drugs in her system at the time of her death — hydrocodone, hydromorphone (a byproduct of her body’s breakdown of the hydrocodone) and Xanax — though all of those were found at a therapeutic level. Her blood alcohol level was .18, though it wasn’t clear whether that level was due to ingestion of alcohol or her body’s decomposition process.
Sperry also added that there was no evidence of human-growth hormone in any of the three bodies, which seems to debunk rumors that Benoit had been giving his son HGH to combat Fragile X syndrome. He added that an autopsy revealed that Daniel had needle marks on his arms, though it’s unclear what those marks were the result of.
Griffin County District Attorney Scott Ballard, also on hand for the press conference, added that while the toxicology results are just another “aspect” of the investigation surrounding the Benoit case, and that — despite what most within the Fayette County Sheriff’s Department believe to be true — the case is still open.
“Fayette County is still investigating, but everything leads us to believe that this was a murder-suicide,” Ballard said. “Each investigation has many aspects to it, and this is just one of those aspects.”
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Benoit had high steroid level
Cox News Service
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
ATLANTA — Former professional wrestler Chris Benoit had highly elevated levels of testosterone and his son was heavily sedated when they died last month, a GBI toxicology report released Tuesday shows.
The report showed that 7-year-old Daniel Benoit had four times the normal dose of Xanax, a common tranquilizer, and more than the combined amount in the bodies of his parents, said Dr. Kris Sperry, Georgia’s top medical examiner.
Despite Chris Benoit’s high testosterone levels, medical experts warned against automatically assuming that steroids alone were responsible for Benoit’s alleged murder of his wife and son late last month before taking his own life in their Fayetteville, Ga. home.
“You can’t tell if that’s it, but it’s probably the No. 1 suspect,” said Dr. John Xerogeanes, the chief of sports medicine at Emory University and the team orthopedic doctor at Georgia Tech. “I can see no valid reason why anybody would be taking that much testosterone. He abused controlled substances. And then you put that with the probable mental issues he had.”
Benoit and his wife, Nancy, also showed traces of hydrocodone, a pain medication, although they were at a therapeutic and nontoxic level, Sperry said.
Nancy Benoit also had a blood alcohol level of 0.184, but decomposition of her body may have contributed to that figure, Sperry said. Fayette County deputies reported finding empty alcohol containers at the Benoit home.
Using a common test to determine whether someone has used synthetic testosterone, GBI investigators found that Benoit had a 59:1 ratio when comparing two forms of the hormone. Most people have a 1:1 ratio and a 4:1 ratio is considered the allowable threshold in some sports.
“This level of testosterone indicates that he had been using testosterone at least within some reasonably short period of time prior to the time that he died, depending on how it was injected, the form that it was used,” said Sperry, who released the report. “The level was elevated.”
Dr. Chuck Yesalis, a Penn State University professor regarded as one of the nation’s foremost authorities on steroids, was inclined to rule out “‘roid rage” as the reason for the Benoit deaths.
He cited Benoit’s careful planning, specifically his decision to drug his son.
“None of that rings true with steroids,” he said. “I think he was just a very troubled soul.”
Fayette District Attorney Scott Ballard said he is satisfied Benoit is responsible for the deaths.
“Everything still leads us to believe it was a murder-suicide,” Ballard said.
Citing the ongoing federal investigation, Ballard declined to say if the drugs in Benoit’s body and those of his wife and their son matched drugs found in his home. Nor would he comment on whether the drugs found in their bodies were prescribed by Benoit’s personal physician, Phil Astin III.
Astin told the Associated Press he prescribed testosterone for Benoit, a longtime friend, in the past. He would not say what, if any, medications he prescribed when Benoit visited his office June 22, the day authorities believe Benoit killed his wife.
Astin has been indicted on seven counts of overprescribing medications to at least two unidentified patients. Officials have said Benoit is not one of those patients but the investigation into Astin continues. Astin is under house arrest in Carrollton, Ga. after being released on $150,000 bond.
Astin declined comment Tuesday afternoon. His attorney, Manny Arora, said he couldn’t speak about specifics.
“I can’t get into what he did and did not prescribe,” Arora said late Tuesday.
Investigators have seized all of Astin’s medical records, Arora said.
Nancy and Daniel Benoit were cremated during weekend services in her hometown of Daytona, Fla. Funeral services for Chris Benoit have not been announced but are to be held in Canada, his parents said.
John Hollis writes for the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. Journal-Constitution writers Kathy Jefcoats and Beth Warren contributed to this article.
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Benoit strangled unconscious son – doc
Wednesday, July 18th 2007, 4:00 AM
Pro wrestler Chris Benoit drugged his 7-year-old son, Daniel, before he choked the little boy to death, Georgia’s top medical examiner revealed yesterday.
An autopsy indicated Daniel was given the anti-anxiety drug Xanax and was unconscious when his father murdered him last month, according to Kris Sperry, the chief medical examiner for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation.
Benoit had elevated levels of testosterone in his urine when he killed his wife and young son and hanged himself in the family’s home, Sperry said. But it’s not clear whether steroids played a direct role in the weekend-long rampage, authorities said.
Toxicology tests showed Benoit had 207 micrograms of testosterone per liter in his urine. Less than 150 is considered normal.
The testosterone found in Benoit’s body came from a synthetic version of the male sex hormone and is considered an anabolic steroid.
“There is conflicting scientific data as to whether or not testosterone creates mental disorders or leads to outbursts of rage,” Sperry said during a news conference in Decatur, Ga. “There’s data that suggest it and other data that refute it.”
But steroid expert Gary Wadler, a Long Island internist who advises the World Anti-Doping Agency, scoffed at Sperry’s conclusion.
“With that amount of testosterone, you are more likely to see violent behavior,” Wadler said. “This doesn’t make sense.”
Xanax and the painkiller hydrocodone were found in Benoit’s body, and his wife, Nancy, tested positive for Xanax and painkillers, Sperry said. But the drugs were not found in toxic levels.
The test results could shed more light on the gruesome murder-suicide. Authorities said Benoit killed his wife and son, placed Bibles next to their bodies and then hanged himself on the cable of a weight machine.
Speculation has centered on several theories, including domestic unrest and “roid rage.”
A stockpile of steroids was found in Benoit’s suburban Atlanta home after the three bodies were discovered.
The Daily News has reported that Benoit also was a past abuser of the “date-rape” drug GHB. GHB users can experience depression and psychotic reactions.
Federal authorities have charged Benoit’s personal physician, Phil Astin, with improperly prescribing painkillers and other drugs to two patients other than Benoit. Astin has pleaded not guilty.
World Wrestling Entertainment said Benoit tested negative for steroids in April and his testosterone level was within the normal range.
Georgia Bureau of Investigation
News Release
GBI Crime Laboratory Postmortem Toxicology Test Results on the Benoits
Nancy Benoit
  1. Positive for hydrocodone – 120 micrograms per liter
  2. Positive for hydromorphone – 28 micrograms per liter
  3. Positive for alprazolam (Xanax) – 23 micrograms per liter
Blood Alcohol – 0.184 grams per 100ml
Note: Blood Alcohol and drug levels may be affected by decomposition.
Daniel Benoit
  1. Positive for alprazolam (Xanax) – 110 micrograms per liter
Blood Alcohol – negative
Note: Due to early decomposition and lack of an adequate amount of urine, testing for steroid hormones and Human Growth Hormone could not be performed.
Chris Benoit
1)  Positive for alprazolam (Xanax) – 50 micrograms per liter
  1. Positive for hydrocodone – 45 micrograms per liter
Blood Alcohol – negative
Results on steroid tests from an outside laboratory:
Testosterone (urine) – 207 micrograms per liter (Level less than 150 micrograms is considered normal)
Epitestosterone (urine) – 3.5 micrograms per liter
Testosterone/Epitestosterone Ratio (T/E) – 59 (Level less than 6 is considered normal)
No other anabolic steroid drugs or chemical analogues of testosterone were detected.
There was no evidence of Gamma Hydroxybutyrate (GHB) in any of the three individuals.
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Drug tests suggest wrestler drugged seven-year-old son, then strangled him
Keith Bonnell
CanWest News Service
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Chris Benoit likely drugged his seven-year-old son before strangling him to death, authorities said Tuesday as they released the toxicology report on the Canadian wrestler and his slain family.
The results also showed the former World Wrestling Entertainment champion had elevated levels of testosterone at the time of his death.
However, Georgia’s chief medical examiner said there was nothing to confirm speculation the Montreal-born wrestler was suffering from so-called ” ‘roid rage” when he killed his 43-year-old wife, Nancy, and their seven-year-old son, Daniel.
The three were found dead in their Atlanta-area home last month.
Police have ruled the deaths a double-murder/suicide, saying Benoit suffocated his wife and then his mentally challenged son before hanging himself in a weight room over the course of a weekend in late June.
On Tuesday, Dr. Kris Sperry said the sedative alprazolam, or Xanax, was found in the system of young Daniel Benoit. “Daniel Benoit was sedated at the time he died,” Sperry said. “There’s no reason why a seven-year-old child would be taking Xanax.”
It’s believed the pro wrestler killed his wife the day before he took his son’s life — meaning he was likely alone with his son for about a day before the child was killed.
Sperry said the level of the drug in the boy’s body would have been high even for an adult.
“Could this be enough to render him unconscious? Absolutely,” Sperry said.
“This level in a child would definitely sedate him and make him unaware at the least, or (just) marginally aware, of what was going on around him.”
Xanax and the painkiller hydrocodone were also found in the bodies of Benoit, 40, and his wife.
However, Sperry said the levels were in line with what each might legitimately have been prescribed by a doctor.
Benoit also tested positive for elevated levels of testosterone.
Sperry said there are a number of valid medical reasons — such as testicular failure — for taking prescribed testosterone.
Benoit’s former employer, the WWE, had strongly denied any link between the murders and anabolic or muscle-building steroids.
On Tuesday, the company issued a news release again pointing out that Benoit had passed a drug test in April.
“It would appear that Mr. Benoit took testosterone sometime after his April 2007 test and the time he died,” the release said.
“For over 20 years, the WWE has been demonstrating our concern for the well-being of our contracted athletes, instituting drug testing in 1987 leading up to our current Wellness Program.”
Pro wrestling observer Dave Meltzer blasted the company for its position.
“WWE’s lack of action is pretty damn telling. After all these deaths, and they’re still trying to pretend that there’s no problem?” said Meltzer, editor of the newsletter Wrestling Observer.
“Boy, that’s pretty cold. That’s a pretty cold company.”
Speculation that drugs may have pushed Benoit to kill his wife and child has been rampant since the bodies were found.
Drugs found in the Benoit home with the bodies led authorities to raid the offices of Dr. Phil Astin, Benoit’s personal physician.
Astin was charged last month with illegally prescribing painkillers and anti-depressants to two patients other than the wrestler.
Family friends have also revealed that Benoit’s son was mentally challenged, something they say was a source of stress between Benoit and his wife.
A WWE lawyer recently said it’s believed the boy suffered from Fragile X Syndrome, a condition that has symptoms ranging from learning disabilities to more severe cognitive or intellectual disabilities.
Meltzer said the latest reports offered little new insight into the reasons for the family’s gruesome fate. “It’s a horrible, horrible, horrible crime, and there’ll never be any answers as to why he did it, other than his brain was damaged.”
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Superstars talk big about The Great Khali
By Mike McAvennie
Written: July 17, 2007
LAREDO, Texas – To say it was a huge night for The Great Khali is the biggest of understatements. After stripping an injured Edge of his World Heavyweight Championship, SmackDown General Manager Theodore Long ordered a 20-Man Battle Royal to determine the successor to the gold. The 7-foot-3 colossus not only proved to our fans in the Laredo Entertainment Center that he was more than up for the supersized task, he also made a monstrous impact on the entire SmackDown roster.
“Being in the ring with The Great Khali was like being in the ring with 10 men,†described Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero of his Battle Royal encounter with the giant. “I kept hitting him and hitting him, and when I hit people, they usually go down. But he just looked at me, then headbutted me. I’ve never felt anything like it.â€
Though reluctant to give proper due to the new World Heavyweight Champion, WWE Tag Team Champions Deuce & Domino were equally impressed by Khali’s Battle Royal dominance. “Deuce & Domino are tough. Real tough,†Domino said. “But The Great Khali impressed me tonight. We almost took him. Actually, it was me who was almost champion. You saw it.â€
Cutting his partner short, Deuce adamantly insisted, “No, wait a second. Deuce was almost champion.†The two Superstars stared each other down for a moment, then agreed to end the conversation altogether, with Deuce stating, “Anyway, Khali’s tough, but we almost took him.â€
“It’s always good to see a strong, physically impressive man be champion,†said Mark Henry, “and [The Great Khali] is all of those. I can’t help but wonder what would have happened if I had been able to get my hands on him. But as everyone saw, the whole WWE SmackDown roster stopped me from doing that. I won’t forget that.â€
If there’s one thing that recent SmackDown returnee Chuck Palumbo won’t forget any time soon, it’s the new champion’s massive ring presence. “Khali is one big, mean, scary guy, man. Anyone who challenges him for the World Heavyweight Title is in for a hardcore battle, that’s for sure.â€
“I’m 6-foot-4, and [The Great Khali] makes me look like a small child,†admitted Dave Taylor. “I got in some good shots [in the Battle Royal], but he gave me some real good ones. He’s a huge man…just way too powerful.â€
Before leaving the arena, United States Champion Montel Vontavious Porter summed his opinion of The Great Khali wearing the World Heavyweight Title with three simple words: “Oh, hell no!â€
Thankfully, MVP’s challenger for the U.S. Title at this Sunday’s Great American Bash offered more insight about The Great Khali, as well as how he now sees the “big picture.â€
“It was definitely a shocker seeing Khali win the Battle Royal tonight, and now he’s the new World Heavyweight Champion,†said Matt Hardy. “I don’t want to take my focus off MVP right now; I want to defeat him at The Great American Bash and become the new United States Champion. But my goal since Day One – ever since I stepped into WWE, and especially over the last couple of years – is to become the World Heavyweight Champion. Now it’s just an even bigger uphill battle with Khali as opposed to Edge.â€
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Wedding Belle, No. 1
By Kristal
Written: July 17, 2007
I’d like to give a warm, happy welcome to all of our fans to my new, exclusive WWE.com blog, Wedding Belle. It’s me, your favorite SmackDown Diva, Kristal, aka the one-and-only, future Mrs. Theodore Long! My dear fans, I’m going to give you a special peek into my wonderful world throughout the next few weeks as I prepare for my wedding to the love of my life, Teddy.
Everything has been so crazy since we were engaged on SmackDown on June 22. There are a million different things we have to coordinate, and I am my own wedding planner. I still have to pick out a dress for my bridesmaids and I, plus invitations, flowers, a cake, a location, a honeymoon spot. … Oh, the list goes on and on! My family is really big, and so is Teddy’s, so we’re trying to coordinate everything, and make sure everyone is happy right now. That’s a big thing for us. With so much to plan, thank goodness I have my best friend, Vickie Guerrero, who is my maid of honor – she’ll help out a lot.
Did you happen to see the coverage of the recentwedding of Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria and three-time NBA Champion San Antonio Spurs player Tony Parker? Well, I have to admit, as huge of a spectacle as it was, I’m not gathering any inspiration from their wedding. I thought it was a little tacky. I am thinking more along the scale of Princess Diana and Prince Charles. Now that was classy.
Honestly, ours is going to be the wedding of the millennium. Everyone says their wedding is the wedding of the year. Well, forget this year. This is the wedding of the millennium. It is going to be the biggest red carpet event ever. Everybody who is anybody is going to be there. We’ll have the paparazzi, the media and the biggest and best Superstars will be present. We might even have a little Eminem appearance. (Shhh, don’t tell Teddy!) Of course, we’re going to have me, the most joyful Diva alive. And we’re going to have Teddy Long, the happiest groom-to-be on the planet. So you guys, please stay tuned to Wedding Belle, and watch Teddy and I every Friday night at 9/8 CT on SmackDown, only on The CW network.
Next time in Wedding Belle, I’ll reveal the color theme I’m thinking of for the wedding. Here’s a hint… Let’s just say tonight I’ll be cuddling on the couch with Teddy while watching Breakfast at Tiffany’s!
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WWE Great American Bash 2007 – Sunday July 22, 2007 – H.P. Pavilion, San Jose, CA
1.      WWE Championship Match: John Cena vs. Bobby Lashley
2.      World Heavyweight Championship Match: The Great Khali vs. Batista vs. Kane
3.      ECW World Championship Match: John Morrison (Johnny Nitro) vs. CM Punk
4.      WWE Intercontinental Championship Match: Umaga vs. Jeff Hardy
5.      Texas Bullrope Match: Randy Orton vs. Dustin Rhodes
6.      WWE Women’s Championship Match: Candice Michelle vs. Melina
7.      WWE United States Championship Match: Montel Vontavious Porter (MVP) vs. Matt Hardy
Cancelled:Â World Heavyweight Championship Match:Â Edge vs. Kane
TNA Hard Justice – Sunday August 12, 2007 – iMPACT Zone, Orlando, FL
1.      TNA World/IWGP Heavyweight/TNA X Division/TNA World Tag Championship “Winner Takes All†match: TNA World & IWGP Heavyweight champion Kurt Angle vs. TNA X Division & TNA World Tag Team champion Samoa Joe
WWE SummerSlam – Sunday August 26, 2007 – Continental Airlines Arena, East Rutherford, NJ
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ROH (Ring Of Honor – www.rohwrestling.com)
Friday July 27, 2007
Deer Park Community Center (41 Homer Avenue Deer Park, NY 11729 moved from Sports Plus Entertainment Center)
Race To The Top Tournament – Night One
1.      ROH World Tag Team Titles Match: Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Bryan Danielson & Nigel McGuinness
2.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket A: BJ Whitmer vs. Pelle Primeau
3.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket A: Davey Richards vs. Jigsaw
4.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket B: Erick Stevens vs. Chris Hero
5.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket B: Delirious vs. El Generico
6.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket C: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Hallowicked
7.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket C: Matt Sydal vs. Mike Quackenbush
8.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket D: Matt Cross vs. Brent Albright
9.      Race To The Top Tournament – First Round Match – Bracket D: Jack Evans vs. Kevin Steen
Already signed:Â Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Jimmy Rave, Gran Akuma, Daizee Haze and more!!!
Saturday July 28, 2007
Inman Sports Club (990 Inman Avenue Edison; NJ)
Race To The Top Tournament – Night Two
1.      Race To The Top Tournament – Second Round Match – Bracket A: Whitmer/Primeau winner vs. Richards/Jigsaw winner
2.      Race To The Top Tournament – Second Round Match – Bracket B: Stevens/Hero winner vs. Delirious/Generico winner
3.      Race To The Top Tournament – Second Round Match – Bracket C: Castagnoli/Hallowicked winner vs. Sydal/Quackenbush winner
4.      Race To The Top Tournament – Second Round Match – Bracket D: Cross/Albright winner vs. Evans/Steen winner
5.      Race To The Top Tournament – Semi-Final Match: Bracket A winner vs. Bracket B winner
6.      Race To The Top Tournament – Semi-Final Match: Bracket C winner vs. Bracket D winner
7.      Race To The Top Tournament – FINALS: TBA vs. TBA
Already signed:Â Jay & Mark Briscoe; Bryan Danielson; Nigel McGuinness; Roderick Strong; Matt Cross; Erick Stevens; Jimmy Rave; Larry Sweeney; Matt Sydal; Delirious; Claudio Castagnoli; Jigsaw; Gran Akuma; Hallowicked
Friday August 10, 2007
Roxbury Community College – Reggie Lewis Track and Athletic Ctr (1350 Tremont St Roxbury Crossing, MA 02120)
Death Before Dishonor V – Night One
1.      Non-title, non-sanctioned – Boston Street Fight: Jay & Mark Briscoe vs. Kevin Steen & El Generico
2.      ROH World Title Match: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Takeshi Morishima
3.      Austin Aries & Erick Stevens vs. Roderick Strong & Rocky Romero
4.      Jack Evans vs. Davey Richards
5.      Winner faces SHIMMER Champion the next day: Lacey vs. Daizee Haze
Already signed: Bryan Danielson; Nigel McGuinness; Chris Hero; Larry Sweeney; Matt Sydal; Tank Toland; Bobby Dempsey; Brent Albright; Jimmy Rave; BJ Whitmer; Matt Cross; Jigsaw
Saturday August 11, 2007
Pennsylvania National Guard Armory (2700 Southampton Rd, Philadelphia, PA)
Death Before Dishonor V – Night Two
1.      Non-Sanctioned – Philadelphia Street Fight: No Remorse Corps (Roderick Strong, Davey Richards & Rocky Romero) & Matt Sydal vs. The Resilience (Austin Aries, Erick Stevens & Matt Cross) & Delirious
2.      ROH World Title Match (if Morishima is still champion): Brent Albright vs. Takeshi Morishima
3.      Bryan Danielson vs. Mike Quackenbush
4.      SHIMMER Championship Match: Sara Del Rey vs. the winner of the 8/10 match between Lacey/Haze
Already signed: Jay & Mark Briscoe; Nigel McGuinness; Chris Hero; Larry Sweeney; Tank Toland; Bobby Dempsey; El Generico; Kevin Steen; Jimmy Rave; BJ Whitmer; Daizee Haze; Claudio Castagnoli; Jigsaw
Friday August 24, 2007
Connecticut Expo Center (265 Reverend Moody Overpass, Hartford, CT)
Caged Rage
Saturday August 25, 2007
Manhattan Center Grand Ballroom (311 West 34th St. New York, NY)
1.      ROH World Title Match: Bryan Danielson vs. ROH World Champion
Friday September 14, 2007
Michigan State Fairgrounds & Expo Center (1120 W. State Fair Ave, Detroit, MI)
Saturday September 15, 2007
Frontier Park Field House (9807 S. Sayre Avenue Chicago Ridge, IL)
PPV Taping #3
Friday November 30, 2007
Montgomery County Fairgrounds (1043 S. Main St, Dayton, OH)
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PWG (Pro Wrestling Guerrilla – http://www.prowrestlingguerrilla.com)
Sunday July 29, 2007
Burbank Armory (3800 W. Valhalla Dr., Burbank, CA, 91505)
Giant Sized Annual #4 – Fourth Anniversary Show
1.      PWG World Championship Match: El Generico vs. Bryan Danielson
2.      PWG World Tag Team Championship Match – Best 2 out of 3 Falls: PAC & Roderick Strong vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark Briscoe)
3.      Unsanctioned Street Fight For Scorpio Sky’s Reinstatement: Joey Ryan vs. Scorpio Sky
4.      Non-Unsanctioned Street Fight: Kevin Steen vs. Necro Butcher
5.      Fergal Devitt vs. Davey Richards
6.      Austin Aries vs. Rocky “Azucar” Romero
7.      Human Tornado vs. Tony Kozina
8.      The Dynasty (Karl Anderson, Chris Bosh, & Scott Lost) vs. The Young Bucks (Matt “Mr. Instant Replay” Jackson & “Slick” Nick Jackson) & TJ Perkins
Plus Ronin, Top Gun Talwar, PWG Commissioner of Food & Beverage Excalibur, Commissioner of Wrestling Dino Winwood, and more!
Friday August 31, 2007
Burbank Armory (3800 W. Valhalla Dr., Burbank, CA, 91505)
2007 Battle of Los Angeles – Night One
1.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – A Block: Chris Hero vs. Joey Ryan
2.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – A Block: Chris Bosh vs. Roderick Strong
3.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – A Block: Jimmy Rave vs. Matt Sydal
4.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – A Block: Doug Williams vs. Bryan Danielson
5.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – B Block: Tyler Black vs. Claudio Castagnoli
6.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – B Block: TBA vs. TBA
Saturday September 1, 2007
Burbank Armory (3800 W. Valhalla Dr., Burbank, CA, 91505)
2007 Battle of Los Angeles – Night Two
1.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – B Block: CIMA vs. Human Tornado
2.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – B Block: Scott Lost vs. SHINGO
3.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – C Block: Nigel McGuinness vs. Rocky Romero
4.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – C Block: Davey Richards vs. Kevin Steen
5.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – C Block: Susumu Yokosuka vs. Dragon Kid
6.      2007 BOLA – First Round Match – C Block: TBA vs. TBA
Sunday September 2, 2007
Burbank Armory (3800 W. Valhalla Dr., Burbank, CA, 91505)
2007 Battle of Los Angeles – Night Three
1.      2007 BOLA – Second Round Match – A Block: Hero/Ryan winner vs. Bosh/Strong winner
2.      2007 BOLA – Second Round Match – A Block: Rave/Sydal winner vs. Williams/Danielson winner
3.      2007 BOLA – Second Round Match – B Block: Black/Castagnoli winner vs. TBA
4.      2007 BOLA – Second Round Match – B Block: CIMA/Tornado winner vs. Lost/Shingo winner
5.      2007 BOLA – Second Round Match – C Block: McGuinness/Romero winner vs. Richards/Steen winner
6.      2007 BOLA – Second Round Match – C Block: Yokosuka/Dragon Kid winner vs. TBA
7.      2007 BOLA – Semi-Final Match – A Block: TBA vs. TBA
8.      2007 BOLA – Semi-Final Match – B Block: TBA vs. TBA
9.      2007 BOLA – Semi-Final Match – C Block: TBA vs. TBA
10.   2007 BOLA – Semi-Final Match – Finals: TBA vs. TBA vs. TBAÂ
Participants Remaining
1.      Jack Evans
2.      El Generico
3.      Pac
4.      Super Dragon
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FIP (Full Impact Pro – http://www.fullimpactpro.com)
Friday, August 18, 2007
National Guard Armory (8551 W. Venable St., Crystal River, FL)
Heatstroke 2007 – Night One
1.      Bunkhouse Brawl: Black Market (Shawn Murphy & Joey Machete) & The Heartbreak Express (Sean & Phil Davis) vs. The YRR (Kenny King, Jason Blade, Sal Rinauro & Chasyn Rance)
Already signed:Â Roderick Strong; Erick Stevens; Jay & Mark Briscoe; Jimmy Rave; Davey Richards; Necro Butcher; Delirious; Sal Rinauro; Chasyn Rance; Kenny King;Â Jason Blade; Tyler Black; Marek Brave; Danny Daniels; Trik Davis; Dave & Jake Crist (Irish Airborne); Steve Madison; Seth Delay
Saturday, August 19, 2007
Turner Agri-Civic Center (2250 NE Roan St., Arcadia, FL 34266)
Heatstroke 2007 – Night Two
Already signed:Â Roderick Strong; Erick Stevens; Jay & Mark Briscoe; Jimmy Rave; Davey Richards; Necro Butcher; Delirious; Sal Rinauro; Chasyn Rance; Kenny King;Â Jason Blade; Shawn Murphy & Joey Machete (Black Market); Sean & Phil Davis (Heartbreak Express); Tyler Black; Marek Brave; Danny Daniels; Trik Davis; Dave & Jake Crist (Irish Airborne); Steve Madison; Seth Delay
Upcoming FIP shows
September 28 – Inverness, FL
September 29 – Crystal River, FL
November 16 – Crystal River, FL
November 17 – Arcadia, FL
December 7 – Melbourne, FL
December 8 – Crystal River, FL
*** *** ***
CZW (Combat Zone Wrestling – www.czwrestling.com)
Saturday August 11, 2007
New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)
Upcoming CZW Shows
September 8, 2007
October 13, 2007
November 10, 2007
December 8, 2007
*** *** ***
JAPW (Jersey All Pro Wrestling – www.japw.net)
Saturday July 21, 2007
St. Joseph’s School Gymnasium (865 Roosevelt Ave Carteret, NJ)
7:30 pm
1.      2007 JAPW Ultimate Rumble Match: Monsta Mac, The Grim Reefer, Danny Demanto, Archadia, Deranged, Bandido Jr.
2.      JAPW Championship: Low Ki vs. winner of the Ultimate Rumble
3.      Gail Kim vs. Alicia
4.      NJ State Championship Match: The Grim Reefer vs. TBA
Also signed; Style and Finesse (Donovan & Vegas), Mo Sexton
*** *** ***
IWA-MS (IWA Mid South – www.iwamidsouthwrestling.com)
Saturday July 21, 2007
Hartman Rec Center (511 Collins Street Joliet, IL)
Bad Blood Rising
1.      Joliet Street Fight – Taped Fist Match: Ian Rotten vs. Freak Show
2.      IWA Death Match Championship – Fans Bring The Weapons Match: Corporal Robinson vs. Tank
3.      Barbed Wire Warfare – Boards, Bats & Tables Match: Drake Younger vs. Insane Lane
4.      IWA Mid-South World Heavyweight Title Match: Chuck Taylor vs. B.J. Whitmer
5.      Billy Roc vs. Chris Hamrick
Sunday July 22, 2007
Alley Cats Bowling Alley Outdoor Show (929 South Indiana Avenue Sellersburg, IN)
Gory Days 3 – A Family Reunion
1.      Chris Hero vs. BJ Whitmer
2.      Stipulations to be determined: Mad Man Pondo & Too Tuff Tony vs. Tank & Insane Lane
3.      “Spyder” Nate Webb vs. Ricochet
4.      Tracy Smothers vs. Demoliton Ax
Already signed:Â Suicide Kid, Blaze, Rico, Brent Blades, Tim “The Toolman,” Uncle Honkey, Chris Hamrick, Cash Flo & Rollin Hard and a retirement ceremony for “Mean” Mitch Page
Cancelled: Dog Collar Match:Â Â “Marvelous” Mitch Ryder vs. Mark Wolf
Saturday July 28, 2007
Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)
1.      Winner Takes All – IWA-MS Heavyweight & IWA-MS Light Heavyweight Title – No Countout…No DQ…One Fall to a Finish: Chuck Taylor vs. Brandon Thomaselli vs. Low Ki
Already signed:Â Joey Ryan, Human Tornado
Saturday August 4, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
1.      Anything goes, fans bring the weapons: Ian Rotten, Corporal Robinson & Drake Younger vs. Insane Lane, Freak Show & Tank
2.      Toby Klein vs. Roderick Strong
Sunday August 19, 2007
The Venue (800 Lexington Ave. San Antonio, TX)
1.      Low Ki & Hotstuff Hernandez vs. Necro Butcher & Masada
2.      Mickie Knuckles vs. Jazz
3.      IWA Mid-South World Heavyweight Title Match: Chuck Taylor vs. Chris Hero
Saturday September 8, 2007
Capital Sports Center (1915 Gladden Road Plainfield, IN)
Kings of Extreme
Friday September 28, 2007
Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)
Ted Petty Invitational 2007 – Night One
1.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: Samoa Joe vs. Low Ki
2.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
3.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
4.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
5.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
6.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
7.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
8.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
9.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
10.   2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
11.   2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
12.   2007 Ted Petty Innovational – First Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
24 Participants:Â
1.      Chris Hero
2.      Mike Quackenbush
3.      Claudio Castagnoli
4.      Matt Sydal
5.      Davey Richards
6.      Alex Shelley
7.      Low Ki (facing Samoa Joe in the first round)
8.      Samoa Joe (facing Low Ki in the first round)
9.      Eddie Kingston
10.   BJ Whitmer
11.   Nigel McGuinness
12.   Joey Ryan
13.   Drake Younger
14.   Billy Roc
15.   Human Tornado
16.   TBA
17.   TBA
18.   TBA
19.   TBA
20.   TBA
21.   TBA
22.   TBA
23.   TBA
24.   TBA
Saturday September 29, 2007
Don Preston Rec Center (14500 Kostner Avenue Midlothian, IL)
Ted Petty Invitational 2007 – Night Two
1.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
2.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
3.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
4.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
5.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
6.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Second Round Match: TBA vs. TBA
7.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Semi-Final Match: TBA vs. TBA
8.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Semi-Final Match: TBA vs. TBA
9.      2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Semi-Final Match: TBA vs. TBA
10.   2007 Ted Petty Innovational – Finals: TBA vs. TBA Vs. TBA
*** *** ***
IWC (International Wrestling Cartel – www.IWCwrestling.com)
Saturday July 21, 2007
Ellsworth Ballfield (Ellsworth, PA 15331)
Basebrawl 2007
1.      IWC World Heavyweight Title Match: Dennis Gregory vs. Abyss
2.      IWC Super Indy Champion – Baseball bat match: “Fabulous” John McChesney vs. “Sweet N Sour” Larry Sweeney
3.      IWC Tag Team Championship match: The Gambino Brothers vs. The Hollywood Balds
4.      Jon Bolen & Sterling James Keenan vs. Brent Albright & Sebastian Dark
5.      Troy Lords vs. Ricky Reyes
6.      “Sugarfoot” Alex Payne & Ernie Osirus vs. HENTAI & Daizee Haze
7.      The Patriot vs. Bubba The Bulldog
8.      Babyface Fire (Shiima Xion & Jason Gory) vs. Sexual Harassment (Eric Xtasy & Justin Idol)
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Court Time Sports Center (95 Enterprise St., Elizabeth, PA 15037)
No Excuses 3
1.      Southern Comfort vs. The Burning River Brigade
2.      Sterling James Keenan vs. “The Shooter” Brent Albright
3.      Troy Lords vs. Azrieal
Saturday, August 18, 2007
Big Spring Community Center (2 Chestnut St., Newville, PA 17241)
Newville Knockout 3
1.      Samoa Joe vs. AJ Styles
2.      Dennis Gregory vs. “Sweet N Sour” Larry Sweeney
Heavyweight Title!
*** *** ***
CHIKARA (Chikara Pro Wrestling – www.chikarapro.com)
Saturday July 21, 2007
Knights of Columbus Hall (279 Quinnipiac St. Wallingford, CT)
Showdown in CrisisLand!
1.      NWA World Heavyweight Title Tournament – Quarter Final: Claudio Castagnoli vs. Sicodelico, Jr.
2.      Lince Dorado vs. Chris Hero
3.      Mike Quackenbush, Shane Storm & Jigsaw vs. Ophidian, TBA & TBA
4.      The Colony (Soldier Ant, Fire Ant & Worker Ant) vs. The Kings Of Wrestling (Icarus, Gran Akuma, Maxime Boyer)
5.      Los Ice Creams (El Hijo del Ice Cream & Ice Cream, Jr.) vs. The Olsen Twins
6.      Eddie Kingston vs. Tim Donst
7.      Cheech & Cloudy & Hallowicked vs. The Order Of The Neo-Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black & the man monster Hydra & Crossbones)
Sunday August 5, 2007
New Alhambra Sports & Entertainment Center (7 Ritner Street Philadelphia, PA)
Maximum Overdraft
1.      F.I.S.T (Gran Akuma & Icarus) vs. The Briscoe Brothers (Jay & Mark)
2.      NWA World Junior Heavyweight Title Match: Mike Quackenbush vs. Black Tiger
3.      Best 2 out of 3 falls: Sara Del Ray vs. Daizee Haze
4.      La Parkita Original vs. Payaso del Futuro
5.      Young Lions Cup Match: Chuck Taylor vs. TBA (open challenge!)
6.      The Order of the Neo-Solar Temple (UltraMantis Black & Hydra) & The Southern Saints (Shawn Reed, Justin Reed & Chris Styles) vs. Jigsaw, Shane Storm, Player Uno, Tim Donst & Moscow, The Communist Bovine
7.      Cheech & Cloudy & Delirious vs. The Colony (Soldier Ant, Fire Ant & Worker Ant)
Friday August 17, 2007
Riverside Beneficial Assoc. (1742 Pear Street Reading, PA)
Here Come the International Invaders: 1st Stage – Attack of the Phantom Sith
Saturday August 18th, 2007
American Legion Hall (935 Main St. Hellertown, PA)
Here Come the International Invaders: 2nd Stage – Revenge of the Clone Menace
*** *** ***
UWA Hardcore (UWA Hardcore Pro Wrestling – www.uwahardcorewrestling.com)
*** *** ***
SHIMMER (SHIMMER Women Athletes – www.shimmerwrestling.com)
Saturday, October 13th, 2007
Eagles Club (6309 26th Street Berwyn, IL)
*** *** ***
UWF (United Wrestling Federation – www.uwfusa.com)
Thursday, July 19 2007
Rick Hendrick Jeep Chrysler (8333 Rivers Ave. North Charleston, SC)
First Annual Rock and Roll Express Tag Team Championship
1.      Round One Match: The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott Steiner) vs. The Rock N Roll Express (Ricky Morton & Robert Gibson)
2.      Round One Match: The Extreme Horsemen (Steve Corino & CW Anderson) vs. Old School Empire (Damien Wayne & Preston Quinn)
3.      Round One Match: The Naturals (Andy Douglas & Chase Stevens) vs. Christian York & Joey Matthews
4.      Round One Match: LAX (Homicide y Hernandez) vs. Diamonds in the Rough (David Young & Elix Skipper)
5.      Round Two Match: Extreme Horsemen/Old School Empire winner vs. 2 Cool (Brian Christopher & Scott Taylor)
6.      Round Two Match: Naturals/York & Matthews winner vs. Team Macktion (Kirby & TJ Mack)
Already signed:Â Amy Dumas (Formerly Lita), AJ Styles, Petey Williams, “Black Machismo” Jay Lethal, and many more stars.
Friday, July 20 2007
NASCAR Sports Grille (1808 21st North Ave. Myrtle Beach, SC)
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Township Auditorium (1703 Taylor Street Columbia, SC)
Friday August 3, 2007
Fayetteville, NC
Already signed: Chris Sabin; Alex Shelly; Scott Steiner; Ron Killings; Senshi; AJ Styles; The Naturals; Dustin Rhodes; Team Macktion; The Human Tornado; Sabu; Andrew Test Martin; Joey Mercury
Saturday August 4, 2007
Jacksonville, NC
Friday September 21, 2007
Capital Punishment II
Courtland High School (Spotsylvania, Va)
Already signed:Â JBL, Faarooq, Sgt. Slaughter, LAX, Senshi, AJ Styles, Abyss
Saturday September 22, 2007
Spotsylvania, VA
*** *** ***
OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling – http://www.ovwrestling.com)
Friday July 20 2007
Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom
1.      John Morrison (Johnny Nitro) vs. Jacob Duncan
2.      $2,500 Bodyslam Challenge: Antoni Polaski vs. Hammer
3.      OVW Southern Tag Team Title Match: Cryme Tyme vs. The James Boys (K.C. & Kassidy James)
Friday July 27 2007
Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom
Special Guest:Â John Cena & Jerry Lawler
Friday August 3 2007
Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom
Special Guest:Â Finlay
Friday August 10 2007
Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom
Special Guest:Â Matt & Jeff Hardy
*** *** ***
Dragon Gate WrestleJam lineups (courdsey of Jae at http://dgusa.puroresufan.com/)
Thursday July 19, 2007
Korakuen Hall (Tokyo, Japan)
1. The Turboman, Turboyan, K-ness vs. Black Thunder, Turbo Muscle, Gamma
2. Taku Iwasa, Keni’chiro Arai, Jorge Rivera vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Yasushi Kanda, Super Shisa
3. Ryo Saito, PAC vs. Delirious, Super Shenron
4. Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu: SHINGO vs. Austin Aries
5. JAM CUP~$10,000 Naniwa Elimination 3 Way 8 Man Tag:Â CIMA, Susumu Yokosuka, Dragon Kid, Matt Sydal vs. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Jimmy Rave, Muscle Gang vs. Cyber Kong, Jack Evans, El Generico, X
Saturday July 21, 2007
Gifu Chamber of Commerce (Gifu, Japan)
1. Susumu Yokosuka, Anthony W. Mori, Austin Aries vs. Jack Evans, Lupin Matsutani, m.c.KZ
2. Challenge Match: Akira Tozawa vs. Jorge Rivera
3. Taku Iwasa, Keni’chiro Arai, APE Kimata vs. Masato Yoshino, Muscle Gang, Diablo (Kageki)
4. ~Gifu Special~Fukumen Ichikawa vs. Muscle Outlaw’z~ Dragon Kid, K-ness, The Turboman, Turboyan, Hollywood Stalker Ichikawa vs. Naruki Doi, Genki Horiguchi, Gamma, Black Thunder, Turbo Muscle
5. Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu: Masaaki Mochizuki vs. Jimmy Rave
6. CIMA, Ryo Saito, Matt Sydal, PAC vs. SHINGO, Cyber Kong, Delirious, El Generico
Sunday July 22, 2007
Kobe Sambo Hall (Hyogo, Japan)
1. Ryo Saito, Susumu Yokosuka, PAC vs. Gamma, Muscle Gang, Jimmy Rave
2. K-ness, The Turboman, Turboyan vs. Genki Horiguchi, Dr. Muscle, Black Thunder
3. Taku Iwasa, Keni’chiro Arai vs. Anthony W. Mori, Lupin Matsutani
4. Dragon Gate vs. Sekai Senbatsu: Yasushi Kanda vs. Jorge Rivera
5. CIMA, Dragon Kid, Matt Sydal vs. Masaaki Mochizuki, Austin Aries, El Generico
6. Open the Triangle Gate: Shingo Takagi, Cyber Kong, Jack Evans vs. Naruki Doi, Masato Yoshino, Magnitude Kishiwada
*** *** ***
Dr. Keith Lipinski
Host Of The Dr. Keith Lipinski Show http://www.f4wonline.com
Head Of Talent Scouting – Wrestling Society X http://WSX.MTV.COM
MySpace http://www.myspace.com/vivalipinski