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  2. Author: Brad Dykens

Kenny King on Between The Ropes recap

Between The Ropes Tuesday, August 19, 2008 ESPN Florida AM 1080 and AM 1060 Simulcast online at BetweenTheRopes.com On Tuesday night, August 19, Kenny King joined hosts Brian Fritz and Dickerman live on Between The Ropes on ESPN Florida AM 1080 and AM 1060 to discuss...

Happy Birthday to Wrestling-Radio.com

HAPPY 2ND BIRTHDAY WRESTLING-RADIO.COM Wrestling-Radio.com is 2 years old today! It is hard to believe that we have come so far in such a small amount of time, but we have and I hope you enjoy this little message which looks back at our 2nd year online and gives...

Honky Tonk Man squashes false rumors!

THE HONKY TONK MAN SQUASHES A FALSE RUMOR ABOUT HIM THAT WAS STARTED IN MICK FOLEY’S BOOK AND BASED ON THE LIE OF ANOTHER WWF WRESTLER By WorldWrestlingInsanity.com   We know you want to hear this week’s ClubWWI.com guest sing.  We know you want to see...